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 [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime25th June 2018, 4:20 pm

Storyline Name: Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth (Credit to Diagnosed)
Creator(s): Sportsnutd

Forum: free form 

Advanced or Relaxed*: Relaxed

Details on an necessary information: We will be focusing on both sides in the Rp. I would love to have this be an Rp for newer Rp players to get their feet wet so to speak. There is NO Set timeline..we could have any OC show up.

Plot Summary:
A villain who is pretty much brand new, the Steamstress wants to start huge and take over Crystal Tokyo. So she goes out looking to get other evil people to her side. Meanwhile...all the main senshi are out on other planets/missions and it's up to new Senshi and other heroes to stop Steamstress and her crew from world domination.

OOC Thread:

We have also expanded the OOC onto Discord at this link: Discord OOC

Restrictions: I would like to have the OC senshi/villain ratio be as even as possible, please. (OTAKU ONLY PLEASE! Also Would LOVE to get newer heroes/Villians in here if possible. not saying that the ones who have done everything cant join.)

Member to Character List: 

Stephanie Sanders/Plushie/Sailor Splash-Sportsnutd
Sailor Sun-Sailor Mercury
Sailor MidnightUranianJewel
Sailor KoronisClegginator
Sailor Alpha- Clegginator
Sailor NightmareUranianJewel
Chenille Quill/The Needleworker-Sailor Saturn

R0z3g01d- Sailor Uranus

Last edited by Sportsnutd on 19th January 2019, 2:11 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : UranianJewel has withdrawn)
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime25th June 2018, 4:41 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth TxN8CHL

Stephanie was relaxing at home after a fun day at work working with all the kids who loved her and wanted to be in her classes. She had showered and got dressed and went to watch TV. She flipped through some channels and watched a show she liked...then came the news. "Oh great the news is on..maybe they won't say anything too bad this time...but at least I have been able to have a break from being Sailor Splash for a while." She continued to watch the news till this came up.

(News reporter) "Yes, Tom that's right... This has been the 4th heist in the last 2 months, all of them have been jewelry stores and an odd one.. a fabric store. The cops say that they have no clues on who or what has been causing this... we will have more updates when we get them...back to you Tom"

(Stephanie) "WAIT WHAT??!! I don't remember these things happening but that doesn't matter... I need to get off my tush and go check them out." She grabbed her stuff and went out of her house.

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth IaewRek

Melissa Smith... otherwise known as the SteamStress, A newer villain using fabrics and other things to craft weapons and tools. She had just left the famous Palace Of Fabric and practically cleaned them out of some of their rarest materials and items and took them back to her home...what she considered her abandoned mansion. Most of the rooms held her stolen good but they were mostly her sewing and crafting rooms. She set out all her new things and smiled, "This is my best haul yet...but this is hard alone...I wish I could find a partner in crime someday..oh well...what to do next??"
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Sailor Bedfordshire, Soldier of pre-2014 Memes and Gaming!
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[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime25th June 2018, 11:28 pm

William Clemont/Sailor Koronis

It was quite quiet at that point for William. He had just returned from work, he had gotten into more casual clothing to relax, but just as he was about to get into his PC to play some games, he overheard something.
News reporter wrote:
"Yes, Tom that's right... This has been the 4th heist in the last 2 months, all of them have been jewelry stores and an odd one.. a fabric store. The cops say that they have no clues on who or what has been causing this... we will have more updates when we get them...back to you Tom"
He let out a heavy sigh. "man, I should probably check that out, but how can I if I'm all the way here in Britain? Where did they say it happened...? Nah, a plane trip would be too expensive for one mission. Maybe I'll just keep posted over here in this country and see if it spreads."
For the time being, he finished what he started and sat down to relax while he waited. He wasn't going to do nothing, but he does want some time to relax before he rushes in.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime26th June 2018, 7:04 am

Sailor Midnight

Sailor Midnight sighed  entering her house, she had her butt handed to her by Sailor Nightmare, her sister and wanted to watch TV to get her mind off the loss. Turning on the TV, it went straight to the news about heists from a jewelry store and even a fabric store? "Whelp, time to head out again, maybe in the morning" She said to herself un-transforming into Mei.

Sailor Nightmare

It was after she had slightly defeated her younger sister, Sailor Nightmare was relaxing by sitting on the edge of a building, she had already witnessed the heists but she was a villain so why try to stop another one? The Senshi of Nightmares laughed to herself but stopped seeing a woman in the shadows running and decided to follow, which lead her to an abandoned mansion. She hid next to a window to watch and hear this stranger but sadly it wouldn't last long since she accidentally tripped and yelled out "Ow!"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime26th June 2018, 2:43 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth IaewRek

Steamstress was doing a few things when she heard someone or something yell "Ow!" She jumped a little then slowly went to the closest window and then saw a woman flat on her face. She opened the window and yelled, "HEY!! what are you doing snooping around my home? Don't make me...wait I cant call the cops.. I would be screwed... Let me come out there and deal with you..." She didn't notice she said the cops part out loud...
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime26th June 2018, 7:24 pm

Sailor Nightmare

Sailor Nightmare felt like a fool, a princess shouldn't have been treated like that, she sat up mad at herself. "Call the cops you say?" She asked the woman raising an eyebrow, "they'd vanish if they say the Senshi of Nightmares little lady." Nightmare added as she got up rubbing the dirt off her nice fuku. "Ow." Nightmare said again as she rubbed a cut from the earlier fight with her sister. "Dang it, my fuku is cut right through." She said out loud to herself.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime26th June 2018, 9:58 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth IaewRek

Steamstress was about to come outside and deal with the woman when said woman spoke again and Steamstress decided to listen. 

 "they'd vanish if they saw the Senshi of Nightmares little lady." 

 "Dang it, my fuku is cut right through."

Wait..this women did seem like she was in a fight and said she could get rid of the cops?? that sounded too good to be true but this "Senshi of Nightmares" had something about her that made Steamstress happy and tingly inside... she might have found a new friend. "Here... come inside and let us get that Fuku of yours fixed up nice and new...I am a seamstress after all...and then we can talk more about making things...disappear!" Steamstress smiled then reached out to help the woman through the window.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Sailor Bedfordshire, Soldier of pre-2014 Memes and Gaming!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime27th June 2018, 7:41 am

William Clemont/Sailor Koronis

As William continued to relax, he, for whatever reason, still couldn't take his mind off those robberies. It was almost like he was being compelled to still check the situation out.

" *Sigh* Alright, I'll check the location." He got out his phone and looked up the story.

"...Williport? Ain't that- Oh my goodness, that's here! Now, which one was most recently robbed....? That one, alright."  He then proceeded to quickly turn off his game, packed his Koronis Pen into his trouser pocket and headed out the door and towards the place that was robbed.

"Maybe this'll be something interesting..."

Last edited by Clegginator on 27th June 2018, 12:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime27th June 2018, 9:40 am

Sailor Nightmare

This woman known as Seamstress seamed strange to her, but she didn't care, she still had an eyebrow raised when she heard the words: 

"making things...disappear!" 

That made the Senshi of Nightmares basically grin evilly, her red eyes sparkling with the evil in her. Giggling evilly, she grabbed Seamstress' hand accepting the invitation "This may be the beginning of a wonderful friendship." She stated getting up and into the mansion through the window with the help of her new "friend".
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime27th June 2018, 7:37 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth IaewRek

"Oh don't you worry Nightmare dear this will be one of the best teams ever!" She finished pulling her new friend inside and closed the window..."Must close this...we don't need a draft to come in while I'm stitching now do we..." She led her friend to a closet first...a walk-in one and told her, "Change into something in there and give me your Fuku...dont worry I have lots of things in different sizes... and when I'm fixing your pretty colored Fuku we can talk about plans and enemies if we even have them..."
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime27th June 2018, 8:25 pm

Nightmare listened and shrugged, stepping in, she hasn't untransformed in a long time or had many changes of clothes, so maybe she could get this new friend to fix her dress. "Alright, but I need alterations to my dress too." She stated and she un-transformed into a black semi-ball gown dress with two sleeves, it was glittery, on the bottom it was a deep glittery navy blue design. Sadly, as gorgeous as the dress was, it was clear it was in a lot of ruin, cuts and dirt littered different parts of the dress.

"As you can tell," Kurami began going to the closet to pick out an outfit, "I haven't had any time to find someone to fix my outfits, with being a wanted traitor." She finished her sentence getting changed. Her new outfit consisted of a sleeveless black shirt, dark, almost black skinny jeans, a blood-red amulet with a black jewel, and blood red flats that matched her eyes.

"What do you think?" Kurami asked stepping out to show her outfit as she placed the Senshi fuku and dress neatly on the bed.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime27th June 2018, 9:56 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth IaewRek

Steamstress sat and waited on Sailor Nightmare to change. She didn't look at her until she was spoken to an noticed this new outfit needed work as well. She continued to wait as her new friend stepped out in her hand-picked outfit that made Steamstress smile. "Why you look very beautiful my Dear Nightmare." She then walked over to the bed and carefully handled each outfit and worked on them separately making sure to take them each back to the true color and beauty. "If I may said you were a wanted traitor?? Well, then my dear Nightmare...I shall make sure that those who may follow you...fall at your feet."
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime28th June 2018, 9:49 am

"Well, then my dear Nightmare...I shall make sure that those who may follow you...fall at your feet."

That sentence, the second she heard that one single sentence, it made, it made her heart jump for joy, finally! Being able to rid of her sister! " Why thank you, I think you have just found yourself a partner." Nightmare said grinning also responding to the nice compliment before getting to work.

"Now, what do we do first?" She asked the Steamstress, to formulate a plan on 1, getting rid of her younger sister, and 2, whatever Steamstress's plan is to actually do.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime28th June 2018, 5:53 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth IaewRek

Steamstress worked well and worked quickly and finished both items for Sailor NIghtmare. "There you go partner..both outfits nice and new. Now tell me about this thing that thinks it's ok to hurt my friend." Steamstress turned towards Sailor Nightmare..."Oh, and you may keep that look great."

Last edited by Sportsnutd on 28th June 2018, 9:42 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Nightmare not Midnight)
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime28th June 2018, 7:53 pm

The Nightmare Senshi laughed at the words:

"Now tell me about this thing that thinks it's ok to hurt my friend." 

After Kurami had her laugh, she answered with a slight smile "That thing is my little sister, Sailor Midnight, Mei Misami." She answered. Hearing the fact she could keep the outfit she decided to but didn't say it out loud.

"My real name is Kurami, it's a pleasure to meet you." She decided to introduce herself since they were now friends.

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime28th June 2018, 10:10 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth IaewRek

Steamstress smiled at Kurami, and told her, "A pleasure to meet someone of the darkness like yourself. So this tiny sister of yours...Mei was it?? child's play she think of messing with the Great Sailor Nightmare and now the Steamstress...young feeble child won't know what hit her...other then pain that is." Steamstress got up to go to another closet much like the other one and grabbed her belt with her weapons on it: Tranq darts and bottles of a gooey green substance...and then the sharp pair of life-size scissors she created and laid them too on the bed. "This currently is at the moment...but I want more...If we run into some stupid sap who happens to be carrying a weapon of sorts...I WANT IT!!"
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 12:00 am

Kurami smiled looking at the "toys" Steamstress had and laughed getting an idea from the statement of her little sister. "Well, how about we pay my dear sister a "friendly" visit?" The woman of nightmares suggested grabbing a tranq dart to show her point on what exactly she had meant. "And show her what true pain is." Kurami added to get the interest of the other woman.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 7:31 am

☼ Sailor Sun ☼

Across the town, several electronic devices flickered and fluttered. People frowned, shaking their heads and tapping the misbehaving goods against the palms of their hands as if that would help with repair. After a few seconds, it seemed to mostly be resolved, although a few lingering moments continued.

Most people did not notice this corresponded with the sudden presence of a limp female figure draped across the tallest broadcasting antennae. It could not be determined if the body was still alive, at least not from a distance, but the average citizen did not notice her. They were slightly preoccupied by the news of the jewelry and fabric store thefts, as well as the mild annoyance when whatever was interfering with electronics flared up. The people milling about their daily lives didn't spend much time trying to find a cause; they didn't realize it was wide-spread.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Sailor Bedfordshire, Soldier of pre-2014 Memes and Gaming!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 8:00 am

Sailor Koronis

As William continued to run towards the robbed store, he came across a female figure draped up upon a broadcasting antenna. He stared in confusion and concern, but then he eventually decided to try and see if she was still alive. It would only be kind to wake her up if she was.

He climbed onto the antenna and shimmied up it just enough so he could reach out and give her foot a firm shake to see if she was alive or not, and waited for results.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 11:57 am

Sailor Midnight

Mei got changed into her outfit that had consisted of a deep blue tank-top, and caprees, she looked girly yet tomboyish at the same time. Sighing she went to her bathroom to freshen up before heading out for a nice walk, who knows, maybe she'd meet this Sailor Splash, she heard of, she could use help in investigating the robbed stores and she figured Splash could be of service,

Walking along the sidewalk she saw two people, -it was hard to tell who they were from how far she was- at the broadcasting antenna, she had to decide either to ignore it or help out.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 12:06 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth TxN8CHL

Stephanie had left the house in her normal outfit consisting of a My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, top, and pants and went out looking for clues then came across a weird site. She saw a girl looking up at the Broadcasting antenna and then saw two people up there... "OH NO!! What are you two doing up there...hold on..." She then pulled some nearby water to her to get some height and went over to the two on the Antenna... "Here...grab onto me...I will get you down"
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Sailor Bedfordshire, Soldier of pre-2014 Memes and Gaming!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 12:20 pm

Sailor Koronis

William wasn't getting a response yet, but before he could give her another shake, he heard 2 others coming near the antenna, one in particular calling out in worry. He turned his head towards where he heard these noises, and in doing so, saw 2 girls, one with dark hair and a blue top and the other in a very distinct rainbow hair style.

"...Ah, alright, then."

Last edited by Clegginator on 29th June 2018, 1:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 12:32 pm

☼ Sailor Sun ☼

The shake roused the girl in the sailor suit, but slowly. It took a moment for her to stir, small movements at first, and then the dark eyes—not quite brown, not quite red—fluttered open behind the mask. What she saw... confused her. Truthfully, almost anything would have confused her, but she understood that a variety of people milled about around her.

As the eyes opened, all electronic interference stopped.

The long flame-coloured hair surrounded her as she slowly sat up, thankfully not falling from her precarious spot. The girl tilted her head, looking at the faces surrounding her.

"Who are you?" she asked, not to anyone in particular.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 12:37 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth TxN8CHL

One of them spoke up that was good then the other started to move...

"Who are you?" she asked, not to anyone in particular.

"Me?? my name is Stephanie Sanders and I am up here to help you both get down to safety but we do need to hurry a bit, I don't want us to be electrified... Please grab onto me you two" Stephanie reached out for them.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Sailor Bedfordshire, Soldier of pre-2014 Memes and Gaming!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 12:48 pm

Sailor Koronis

"Who are you?" This line made William jump a bit, almost making him fall off the antenna in the process. He stayed on, though, and turned around to see the girl he shook, now awake and giving a confused look that he likened in his mind to a dog that doesn't know the command "sit" yet. Either way, he put on a light smile and responded:

"Well, looks like that shake did wake you up, after all! My name's William Clemont, if you want to know. What's yours?"

In saying that, he had not heard the introduction of the rainbow-haired girl on the ground clearly, and so had not registered it in his mind.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 1:38 pm

☼ Sailor Sun ☼

The names of the boy and the other girl didn't mean anything to her, but she tried to remember them. When the rainbow-haired Stephanie requested that they "get down to safety," the formerly-unconscious young woman complied without further comment. She didn't question the water that the girl used or seem to think it was strange at all for any of them to be in their current location. The still-unnamed person allowed herself to be led back down to a more stable level of the sidewalk below.

Once on the ground, she looked around, taking in the many sights and sounds surrounding the group, recognizing none of it.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 1:45 pm

Sailor Koronis

After receiving no response form the girl and her just quietly coming down the antenna, William was a bit confused. "...I'm guessing you don't talk much, then."

He soon followed after her, sliding down the antenna like a pole to the ground below and meeting up with the three on the ground.

"So, might as well say hi, since we're all here for whatever reason." He turned to the rainbow-haired girl. "Sorry, I didn't catch your name. What was it, again?"
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 3:27 pm

Sailor Midnight

Mei pretended she didn't see anything and kept walking, mentally making a note to meet with these other senshi some how but maybe 1-1 if possible. Smirking as she vanished into the shadows of an alley, she realized she had found her goal, Sailor Splash. 

Mei was happy, getting out of the conversation that would've happened between her and possibly that man. She didn't enjoy being social at all, especially with those she didn't know.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 3:31 pm

[Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth TxN8CHL

Stephanie carried the girl down and her water tower went away. "Miss are you ok? I need to make sure you are ok but you need to say something...we wanna be your friends but you need to talk to us." She then looked at the boy really quickly, "My name is Stephaine Sanders and you are?"
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth   [Relaxed] Substitutes of Justice: Target Earth I_icon_minitime29th June 2018, 11:34 pm

Sailor Koronis

"The name's William Clemont, and-" He paused as he turned to where he last saw the dark-haired girl to greet her as well, but saw nothing but empty space. "..Huh." He turned back to Stephanie. "Anyway, Stephanie, what's up with what you did with the water? Like, I've heard of magical Sailor Senshi, but that was something else." He tried to play that last part like he wasn't a senshi himself, cause, well, it's a secret that he is one himself.
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