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 Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??

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Star Seed


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Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? Empty
PostSubject: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime21st April 2018, 9:02 pm

Okay you guys, I saw this video and it creeped me out so bad!! What do you think about this theory? I think it is plausible, which makes it even more disturbing. O.o  

It was about how in the anime Chibiusa is dead because she was intercepted by the Galaxia attack as she teleported home to the future. I always wondered about this scene in the anime and if chibiusa ever made it back home safely. I don't think we ever heard from her again either. This really creeps me out because its totally true that there was never any mention about her and that attack happened as she was traveling home.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime21st April 2018, 9:38 pm

dang never thought of it that way...could be true maybe
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PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime21st April 2018, 10:09 pm

It sounds entirely possible-considering she did fade out of existence during part 1 of stars. I have to re-watch those few episodes to see if her transport was indeed intercepted.
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Lotus Crystal


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Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime21st April 2018, 10:20 pm

Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? 3978041997
BAD IDEA TO WATCH AT 1AM!!! That bkg music omg ><!!

The only part I disagree with is the user seems to think the pictures of Usagi with Mamoru and/not with Chibiusa are the same picture. It's clearly a different picture. Mamoru and Usagi are wearing different outfits and the frame is different, too.

It's still hella creepy though. I mean is Chibiusa SERIOUSLY not in Episode 200 at all?!?! That ain't right.... And they didn't mention a second send-off after defeating Nehellenia part 2???

UGH!! This is going to require some careful episode re-watching!!
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime22nd April 2018, 3:03 pm

I always assumed she just went back to the future and wasn't mentioned because of Usagi's fragile state. Plus not wanting to mess up the past and affect the future. But then again, we know she's alright in the manga.
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Star Seed

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Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime22nd April 2018, 3:55 pm

Whoa girl that was messed hahah! I guess Sailor Moon is a lot more hardcore than I assumed lol. This makes me want to start with Stars, but I think it's the last season, so that's probably not a great idea right? XD
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Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime22nd April 2018, 6:56 pm

Nah. You should start (or re-start?) from the beginning. XD

This is an interesting theory?? Sort of?? It's a bit out there though. I always chalked it up to they needed to go back to their formulaic episodes and they just forgot her character/couldn't think of a way to fit her in well.

Also honestly imo, the quality of the direction and writing for Stars takes a dive from SuperS so I'm not surprised she's practically forgotten about, even in the last episode credits.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime5th August 2018, 5:09 pm

That music was unnecessarily ominous. Reminds me of the Lavender Town music.

Is Naoko on any social media? Someone should ask her.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime22nd August 2018, 11:41 pm

Chibi-Usa wouldn't reappear in the scene with Mamoru and the others being revived unless Galaxia had taken her star seed. They implied she had gone back to the future before Galaxia or Iron Mouse were shown attacking anybody, so unless Galaxia attacked Chibi-Usa offscreen, it's possible she simply went back to the future.

If Galaxia did ambush Chibi-Usa in the space time corridor on the way back to the future and took her star seed, it's also hypothetically possible she put it back, but that Chibi-Usa would reappear in the corridor (or in the future), not back in 1997 during the ending of Sailor Stars.

However, you may remember Chibi-Usa disappearing for a moment during the battle with Nehellenia, when Mamoru was endangered. If Mamoru doesn't live to conceive Chibi-Usa, she won't exist, so much like in Back to the Future she disappeared, then reappeared once Mamoru's survival was ensured.

Considering Galaxia stealing Mamoru's star seed probably also would've prevented him from living to conceive Chibi-Usa, and that there's probably some kind of time shenanigans going on with Galaxia because Sailor Pluto is completely baffled by Chibi-Chibi's appearance (and by the Starlights, and by what happens with Uranus and Neptune near the end), that suggests that if Chibi-Usa hadn't left, she would've disappeared again around the time Mamoru's plane was attacked. Likewise, his restoration makes her birth in the future possible... but still not assured until it happens.

Also, regarding the photo, I agree it's definitely not the same picture. Usagi probably had multiple pictures of her and Mamoru together. Buuuuut concievably butterfly effects make it so that without Chibi-Usa around the picture with Mamoru could've been taken under different circumstances... but that photo was only seen before Usagi healed Galaxia and Mamoru was revived, so it was firmly in the "while Chibi-Usa is unlikely to be born" phase of things.

Back to the Future-style time travel, or anything as similar to it as this, is a bit of a headache because of the timeline rewrite "catching up" with a... "delay" when the whole context of the concept of a delay is sort of confusing.

They also don't confirm Crystal Tokyo is still happening, and nobody ever said what it was that caused the "cold sleep" of Earth King Endymion talked about back in episode 83. Nor when that would happen (if it's anything like the manga, then I'm guessing December 31st 1999). "The future hasn't been written yet," as Doc would say; we can't be sure what will happen until it does.

But if Chibi-Usa doesn't get born that would probably screw up the whole timeline pretty badly, since she was so involved in things that already happened!

Also, that's not the only time history seemed to get heavily rewritten in the show. To my understanding, season 1's events were undone and replaced by the events of Sailor Moon R ([source]; which fits nicely with how episode 46 showed Usagi having a near-identical day to episode 1, except minus Youma Morga). Also everything that happened involving Chibi-Usa and the Black Moon clan presumably altered the past. And then with Nehellenia, they rewrote her entire personal history and probably also that of her whole kingdom (makes me wonder what happened to the Trio, who were transformed from ordinary animals expressly to serve the Dead Moon Circus but were ultimately whisked off to Elysion by Pegasus and never heard from again, and to the Quartet, who were originally recruited by Nehellenia after her corruption which has been negated), as her people probably never became Lemures and the kingdom probably never became the Dead Moon Circus.

Also also, given the lack of damage to Crystal Tokyo when Chibi-Usa returned back at the end of Sailor Moon R, compared to how it was blasted to bits by UFOs, either they managed to rebuild the city real quick with Usagi's powers, or, perhaps, the entire war with the Black Moon Clan was undone during the defeat of Death Phantom with the two silver crystals, an the future was rewritten into a peaceful one (at the time). Maybe Diamande and Saphir and the rest settled down and got nice civil service jobs in Crystal Tokyo or something?? And yes, that would mess up history, too. No wonder Sailor Pluto seems so confused half the time.
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Lotus Crystal


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Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime23rd August 2018, 9:50 pm

Oh right! That reminds me of a good reason why we wouldn't see Chibiusa in that reunion scene at the end of Stars (since I recently watched that ep again hohoho) - the Senshi & Mamoru join Usagi in the sky after just getting their star seeds back. If Chibiusa is safely in the future instead of having her star seed stolen en route, there's no reason for her to be there with them.

So there's that, at least ^^;. But yeah Mamoru's death might have screwed things up for a while... X.x
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Lotus Crystal

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Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 6:18 pm

Just to show that the producers didn't completey forget about her, here's a pair of screenshots from episode 198 which I can no longer use for my contest.  I'm too lazy to look up the context or implications on this theory, I'm afraid.

Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? 060_w580_h387
Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? 068_w580_h387
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PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime23rd February 2019, 5:14 pm

interesting, although I would imagine Chibiusa/Rini haters would rejoice either way.
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PostSubject: Re: Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars??   Scary fan theory! Chibiusa is dead in the end of Stars?? I_icon_minitime

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