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 [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime22nd November 2017, 5:59 am

Storyline Name: Our Pets Save the Day!
Creator(s): Sailor Mercury (Originally created by Luna/Chmia)
Forum: Tokyo City
Advanced or Relaxed: Relaxed
Plot Summary: Oh, no! The humans, including the senshi, have been brain-washed by a pet-like youma sent by Queen Metallia to harvest human energy. While the humans are entranced, Luna and Artemis have remained unaffected. The two cats must save the day by wrecking the brain-washing scheme, but they need help of our pets to do it.
Details on any necessary information: This storyline will take place in the present (Tokyo City). The role-players will decide on their own how their pets came to Tokyo, such as if they now live there or are only on vacation. 
Restrictions: No humans allowed, sorry!
Storyline Acceptance:
OOC Thread:
Member to Character List:
Artemis @Sailor Mercury
Luna @Sailor Saturn
Angus @Cosmos-Hime
Bitty @Brit-chan 
Matilda @Sailor Mercury
Rhett Butler @Sailor Mercury
Sammie @Sportsnutd
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime23rd November 2017, 8:14 am

This morning had, to put it plainly, sucked. Minako had received a small pet as a gift yesterday from her parents. The bond had been almost instantaneous and Artemis felt like he had been tossed aside. The bubbly blonde had spent the entire evening 'bonding' with the pet, and her parents had seemed oddly entranced by it, too. At first, he assumed it was the novelty and their routine would resume the next morning. 

But, no, tragedy had struck! Not only was he unceremoniously kicked out of the bed by Minako, but his food bowl was empty. Empty. Artemis had resorted to drastic measures and found his own meal this morning. The leftovers from Minako's dinner last night had been fabulous, thank you very much. Although, there was probably more cat fur in the fridge now than he had originally anticipated. On the bright side, he hadn't gotten stuck in there like last time.

And now, Minako was hand-feeding the pet the breakfast her parents had cooked. Where was the justice in this world? 

Anyway, now he was waiting for Luna to arrive. Maybe Usagi wouldn't mind cat-sitting for a few days until this all blew over.
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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime27th November 2017, 11:10 am


Bitty was grateful to finally have gotten fed after the long and absolutely terrifying experience he just had. It was like the world was ending! He wasn't quite sure what he did wrong to make his mother do such a thing but he promised he would never do it again...whatever it even was.

He had been sleeping just fine at home in his favorite spot on the sofa when suddenly mama had put him in the cage. Which only meant one thing...the vet! But they hadn't gone to the fact he had no idea just where they had gone but it was cold, noisy and scary. He was thankful to have slept through most of it.  

As Bitty gobbled up his larger than normal helping of delicious wet food, he wondered just where they were. This was most definitely not home. It smelled nothing like home and his favorite couch was missing and the watering hole was gone too! Sometimes mama spoke differently, not the usually funny words that came out of her mouth. He had heard something repeated multiple times: Japan and Tokyo.  Was that a food?

Bitty sat up from his food bowl, licking the sides of his mouth clean before moving on to his paws to wash his face. He noticed a window with the perfect sized ledge for him. Light was trickling in through the curtains and by the looks of it, Bitty figured it was just after mid-day.  A good place to get a view and a sun bath, which he most desperately needed. The warming sun would hopefully calm his nerves as he tried to forget about the days earlier events.

Bitty gracefully, for a cat his size, jumped on the ledge and settled down into his roosting position, not caring that some of his fat hung over the side of the ledge. However he did not see the usual sights of the green grass and occasional birds or cards passing. What he saw baffled and amazed him at the same time. It was all buildings! Tall buildings and people and cars and bicycles as far as the eye could see. He did his best to relax and enjoy the warmth of the sun but the sight just furthered his confusion.

Just where was he!?
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Sailor Saturn
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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime27th November 2017, 11:30 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! NGPL4Cg

When Usagi came home with a new pet, Luna didn't feel much surprise. Usagi often found new and shiny things to entertain herself with. It wouldn't last long.

Of course, she was a little miffed when Usagi forgot to fill the food bowl this morning. But that, too, wasn't a big deal. After all, Usagi was rather flighty, and it wasn't too strange for her to forget things that didn't involve boys or jewelry.

But no matter. Luna found a way to get her breakfast. She was a grown cat after all. She didn't need the help of a silly teenage girl in order to feed herself.

As she exited the house, intent on finding Artemis, Luna couldn't help but to glance back. Just once. Usagi was cuddling with the little creature, eyes practically sparkling in delight and adoration.

Luna turned her head sharply with a little "hmph", and trotted her way down the street. This phase would surely pass soon enough. Such an inferior creature couldn't possibly hold the attention of a girl like Usagi for more than a day or two at most.

Spotting Artemis, Luna made her way over to the white cat. "Artemis," she greeted. She tried to keep the annoyance of her morning out of her voice. It wasn't his fault, after all. She took a closer look at him, his emotions often easy to read. She forced herself to push her own problems aside, at least for the moment. "Is everything okay?"

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 17th April 2018, 6:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime27th November 2017, 1:13 pm


Sammie had been laying on her dads bed for a while and he had called her to get some yum-yum and she jumped down walking to the kitchen and started to eat. Her dad was looking at something, reading aloud at points about something called a Japan and a Vending machine thing?? 'What in the world are those things?' Sammie wondered as she finished her meal. She then decided to have a little fun and bolted around the house like a mad dog running from room to room...'hmm I can still do this on my bad leg..this is kinda fun..' She then stopped in the living room and jumped on the couch, looking outside...
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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime28th November 2017, 12:51 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! 580b5710ANGUS
Angus did not enjoy this one bit. 

At first he was excited, hearing the humans keep repeating "trip" and "ride" to him. He'd learned ages ago that when suitcases were brought out as well as heaps of clothing, someone wasn't going to be back for a long time. But this time was different. He'd be going with them! Angus wouldn't get left behind! Angus was so proud; that he even gloated to the house cat in an attempt to get him to react with jealousy. The cat only let him boast, chuckled, and walked away. What a boring friend he had; not getting jealous! Oh well, that must be why Angus was chosen to go along with them!

But then came the time for boarding this strange, huge metal thing. It looked like a bird...sort of. If birds didn't have heads and somehow had wheels instead of those little legs. The flight was strange-it felt like the ground was moving underneath him as he curled up as small as possible in the isle. Every noise or bump seemed to shake the metal thing, and it was horrible. And then came when they left the metal thing. Angus wouldn't be fooled-they seemed fine but were clearly putting on a brave face. The second all four paws were on solid ground (still shaking, however) he stood fast and barked a few choice woofs at the metal thing. That'll teach it for being so unpleasant! He received coos and scratches for a job well done-though in reality, they were reassurance pets since he was clearly terrified of the airplane.

Now, Angus is always one to make friend whenever any opportunity strikes him, but this was not one of those moments. Tired from his battle with the metal-thing, he found himself intimidated by the large crowds of potential friends-and even larger buildings. He kept his head slunk low, leaning against his mama for support as he walked with them into one of these larger buildings. Everything was shiny, there were many couches and lots of people with luggage. Angus groaned as his family began to talk with the human behind a big desk. The cat was wiser then Angus had given him credit for. He knew this was going to happen, but let Angus have his fun anyway. Guess that's why the humans named him Aristotle. 

After hearing words like "first, floor, room," and "key"-he found himself being led by his mama with scratches from her oldest human pup, they opened a door that led to a room with two beds and a tv. Angus wasted no time attempting to hop up onto one of them, then letting himself drop onto the mattress with a resounding thud.

He was never one to question his mama's actions or decisions, but why did she bring him to this strange place on the scary metal thing? The metal thing was scary, and this place didn't smell right. Though he felt a bit more at peace as they opened their luggage, and the sweet sent of home wafted through the air. 

It was enough to put the big dog to sleep; and he could hear Aristotle lovingly mocking him in his dreams.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime28th November 2017, 4:11 am

When Luna arrived, Artemis was unable to see the other feline's hidden feelings about her morning. But, he would soon discover their mornings echoed each other in feelings of neglect and bewilderment. The white cat sighed, failed to stifle his bad feelings, and looked at Luna like he had been kicked to the curb. "Minako has traded me in for a younger, less attractive model," he bemoaned quietly, looking wistfully in the general direction of his home. 

He further elaborated, "her parents got her a small pet yesterday and all three of them are enraptured with it." Artemis sighed in disappointment, but then brightened considerably with hope. "Do you think I could stay with you and Usagi for a few days? Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that," he said with a dismissive wave of a white paw.
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Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime21st March 2018, 11:26 am

Rhett Butler

Something was wrong.

The normally-indolent tomcat stared across the room with a significantly higher degree of attentiveness than usual. His golden eyes fixated on the curly-haired little girl in the prim dress. If this was an average day, he would be sitting in An's lap while she gently stroked his soft mint fur. He'd gradually fall asleep, and later when he awoke she'd have refilled his food dish. Soon he'd take yet another nap, after another session of cuddles (or two).

None of that was happening today. An had barely looked at him twice.

He shuffled his small feet beneath his massive form and hefted himself up, plodding down the hallway towards the back door that never fastened quite right. Perhaps a different napping spot, one where he did not need to observe that he was being neglected, would help.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime22nd March 2018, 9:57 pm

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! NGPL4Cg

Artemis's troubles were short and to the point. Luna felt a little disturbed by just how similar his experience had been to her own. But she dismissed it as easily as she had before.

After all, Minako was sometimes even more flighty than Usagi, frequently going from one trend to the next and back again in the course of an hour. This solidified the fact that these creatures were the new "hip" thing that the kids were getting into.

Soon enough, it would end.

She tilted her head, taking in Artemis's disappointed expression. "You can certainly try," she said finally. "Though Usagi has turned her attentions elsewhere too. You won't find the situation much different over there."

A bit of her earlier annoyance began to trickle into her voice at the end of her statement, so she let out a small cough and shifted her paws so as to give the exact air of "I don't care about this at all", before speaking again. "At least they haven't adopted dogs..."

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 17th April 2018, 6:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime6th April 2018, 1:26 pm

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! S5sqXz6

At this comment from Luna, the white feline's ears pricked up. He felt a shiver run along his back—it was tempting to ignore it, but unfortunately it seemed too familiar.

"Not much different over there?" he repeated, rubbing his chin. "Doesn't that seem... too much like a coincidence?"
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime9th April 2018, 9:53 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! NGPL4Cg

Luna scoffed, turning up her nose. "They're teenage girls, Artemis. We're lucky they even remember us at all."

Still, Artemis's tone left her a little less certain. Was there more to this situation? Was she letting her indignation cloud her judgment? She remembered the way Usagi had given that creature so much love and attention, with not a single thought available for anything else. It would be nice to think that the reason behind it was more nefarious in nature, rather than neglectful.

Still not convinced, Luna let out a sigh. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to do a little investigating. Just in case."

They'd dealt with similar situations before, after all.

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 17th April 2018, 6:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime9th April 2018, 10:08 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! S5sqXz6

Artemis frowned, reviewing the data yet again. He leaned back from the keyboard, rubbing his eyes with his paws, and giving a yawn. His shoulders ached from spending a few hours looking over everything that he and Luna could gather. He had been hoping to feel relieved at this point—or earlier. They should have found something that made it clear there was nothing to worry about, and then they could just commiserate a bit more and go home. Unfortunately, the information that the felines found pointed them towards an issue, rather than away from it.

He just didn't know what they were facing.

"I think we need to call the girls, Luna," he admitted, scrolling through the readouts on the screen that gave their headquarters a faint blue glow.

He wished he was saying something else.
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime16th April 2018, 3:21 pm

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! NGPL4Cg

Luna had yet to move from her straight and proper posture, little paws tucked neatly under her tail that curled around her in an almost protective gesture. She frowned at the screen, expression similar to the paler cat beside her.

The information was incomplete, but clear. There was some sort of threat amongst the city that couldn't be ignored. She wanted to be happy, to feel relieved, to think that maybe this was why Usagi had ignored her earlier.

Mostly, she just felt tired.

Artemis was right, the girls needed to be contacted, but she was loathe to bother them. As much as she urged them to be more attentive in their duties, she wanted to enjoy being teenagers as well. Still, there wasn't much two little cats could do in this case.

With a heavy and guilty heart, Luna called up the old tried-and-true method she had used in the past in order to get into contact with Usagi and the others. "Everyone!" she called out. "There's a problem."

She waited, attempting patience. Usagi probably left her communicator on the other side of the room and didn't want to get out of bed to find it, but someone as dependable as Ami wouldn't have let a call go unanswered for so long. Even Minako wouldn't let a summons go ignored.

So Luna tried again. "Ami? Anyone?" A pause. Perhaps gentle words weren't enough in this case. "Usagi! Wake up this instance!"

Still silence was her only answer.

Luna looked to Artemis, a frown on her face. "What's going on?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime17th April 2018, 8:46 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! S5sqXz6

Artemis stared down at his communicator, having received absolutely no response from Minako. In fact, he felt rather certain that she had hung up on him. He wasn't sure how that sort of thing was managed with the communicators, but the loud "click" and resulting static definitely made the implication. He wasn't sure if he felt glad that Luna was similarly unsuccessful, or disappointed. Disappointed may have been the "right" response, but he liked not feeling alone in this.

"Minako isn't responding, either," he replied. "Perhaps we should go home and try to talk to them in-person?"

He remembered how successful that had been this morning. Minako hardly paid him any attention at all. She was completely enthralled with that other little fuzzy creature. Maybe telling her that there was danger would snap her out of it... or would it? A strange sinking feeling in his gut made him less certain about that. Usually she could be relied on, despite the air-headed nature she often displayed, but... he just couldn't shake the feeling that there was something wrong here, and that it would be difficult.

"I think... I think we may need to seek out help elsewhere."

Maybe they should go home first, just for a moment, and see what could be done. They could rendezvous at the arcade this evening, either with good news or bad.
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 7:30 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! NGPL4Cg

Luna frowned, and she held her posture ever straighter. "Elsewhere?" she repeated. "But where?"

If the senshi couldn't be relied upon in this instance, what other help could there possibly be?

"We may just have to do this ourselves, Artemis." Her voice was soft. There had only been a few times she could think of where the two of them had tried to help in place of the senshi. Most of those had ended with the two of them injured.

Frustration pulled at her. Being just a cat, what could they do in face of an enemy?

But what other choice was there?
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 8:24 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! S5sqXz6

At this, he frowned with concentration. His thoughts already occupied the same place as Luna's—memories of injury and near-defeat during the few times they attempted to stand in for the sailor soldiers. This time they couldn't necessarily count on the girls running in at the nick of time. He tried not to focus too much on that; after all that he and Minako had been through together, it hurt to think she would toss him aside. That thought had to be shoved aside; there were other things at stake.

"What if we had reinforcements?" he proposed, the idea foggy and unsettled, but he knew Luna had helped him flesh out plenty of thoughts before.
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 8:43 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! NGPL4Cg

Artemis had a point. Reinforcements would definitely help their cause, but what reinforcements could they call upon? It wasn't as if they could simply go up to other worthy-looking humans and ask for their help. That would cause more of a headache than anything.

She pondered them, turning the idea around in her head. If they couldn't go to humans for help, that left only one other option.

"Other animals?" The words were more of a question than a suggestion. It could work. Communicating with them would be far more successful at the very least. Though she hated to consider herself and Artemis in the same category as simply 'animals', there was a general kinship shared between them.

She glanced at her partner, wondering what his thoughts on the situation were. "It could work," she said aloud this time. She wasn't entirely certain she believed it would work but at the very least they could try.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 9:11 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! S5sqXz6

He shouldn't have been surprised that they were following the same route, but he was grateful that Luna didn't outright dismiss what he had suggested. He, too, hated to consider himself "an animal"—he was an adviser, granted intelligence and communication skills far beyond anything on the Earth... although perhaps that was some remnant of the superiority the citizens of the Moon Kingdom always felt over those less-cultured beings from the blue planet below. Animals on this planet, domestic or wild, did not seem to be so shockingly similar to himself and Luna... but in some ways, they would be, wouldn't they? And he could generally communicate with them... if he tried... right?

"Yes, exactly!" Artemis replied, enthusiastic. "So far nothing indicates that other animals are impacted. I bet if we tried, we could lead them, and maybe greater numbers would be enough to help us figure out what is going on—and overcome it!"

It sounded too-good-to-be-true... but they didn't really have a lot of options.
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 3:04 pm

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! NGPL4Cg

Artemis's enthusiasm was infectious and Luna found herself beginning to see the merits of the plan. It didn't sound quite as far-fetched. At least, not completely.

"But..." she trailed off for a moment before continuing. "Where do we begin? Do we just randomly go up to cat and ask for help? Do we need to acquire treats? Animals like receiving rewards in return of good behavior, after all."

Luna let out a small sigh, but tried to cling on to the enthusiasm she'd felt only seconds ago. "There might be other animals in similar situations as ourselves. Animals that have been left to fend for themselves. Maybe we should start there. If we go for animals that have unaffected humans, it would cause a problem when those humans start looking for their missing pets."

It was a start, anyway. Luna allowed a small fond smile as she glanced at the cat beside her. She was glad that she was not alone in this.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 3:37 pm

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! S5sqXz6

Even if the world was going crazy, Luna remained reliable. He couldn't begin to tally up all the ways he counted on the other guardian cat, especially in times like these. Her input solidified his suggestion into something better than just a quick note. This was starting to sound more and more like something that they could actually do—like something that might just work! He pondered for a moment, considering her comments about trying to focus on animals that were impacted, and mulled through a variety of terrible knee-jerk-reaction ideas.

Then he thought of something still a bit on the wild side, but slightly more plausible.

"Could we broadcast a message that only animals can hear? We have plenty of equipment here; I think I could hook this part of the machine into one of the radio frequencies that the city uses for alerts."

It was handy to have so much mechanical and technological aptitude, sometimes, despite lacking an opposable thumb.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 4:32 pm

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! NGPL4Cg

Luna knew she wasn't the quickest to give people praise, especially to Artemis, but his idea was perfect and she couldn't help but to smile at his quick thinking. "That's an excellent idea," she said, her own enthusiasm growing at the prospect. "That would give us a chance to reach a whole variety of different animals at once."

It was a great solution to the problem of gathering recruits. "And," Luna continued, "this could be a good way to filter out the more intelligent from the rest. If they're smart enough to respond, they must be a worthy addition to our cause."

She smiled again. "Great thinking." She paused then, feeling as though that had been perhaps a little too mushy. "Ahem, I'll leave it to you."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 4:52 pm

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! S5sqXz6

Artemis coughed, looking away and hoping the blush would fade quickly from his cheeks. It wasn't that he felt anything in particular when Luna spoke kindly of him, of course. They were just associates—they worked together. Nothing to be made of anything from their relationship. They were friends, because they had to rely on each other. He nodded his agreement, and got to work with a vigor exclusively caused by a good idea, nothing more.

It took him slightly longer than he had anticipated, but it was ready. He had wired part of the Sailor V arcade game into a frequency that Tokyo used for non-emergency alert broadcasts. The keyboard was at the ready, and with Luna's help in composing it, the message could be sent. Hopefully it would be heard by at least one or two other animals. More would be even better. They needed all the help they could get.

Of course, she was much better suited to this whole message thing than he was.

"Okay, we're all set!" he announced, ready to type in and record whatever she deemed most proper.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime24th April 2018, 2:17 pm

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! NGPL4Cg

The whole broadcasting system was finished sooner than Luna thought possible. She was glad she'd left it to Artemis - she was no good at electronics and still found the ease in which Artemis handled them to be surprising.

Luna nodded at Artemis's announcement, pondering over what she should say that would give them cream of the crop when it came to volunteers. Not just any cat or dog would do. She wouldn't let this mission get overwhelmed by incompetence if she could help it.

She gave a small cough to prepare herself, before she began. "Animals of Tokyo, we need your help." That seemed to be an attention-grabbing enough statement. "The humans are in danger and it's up to us to fix it. Come to the arcade if you're up for the task. But hurry, time is of the essence."

Luna paused before nodding again to signify that she was done. She suddenly felt a little at odds, almost nervous? What if her message wasn't good enough to get the right response? What if they received no response at all?

What would they do then?

"I suppose we must wait," she said after a moment, glancing at Artemis, "and hope someone comes."
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime25th April 2018, 6:28 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! S5sqXz6

Of course the message was perfect—Luna was a true diplomat, after all. He didn't feel surprise, but he was proud. They made a good team, didn't they? At least someone (he tried not to think of Minako) could be relied on. They had a chance, together.

Now they just had to wait, and see. He nodded in reply to the dark cat's comment. Still, Artemis felt optimistic. Soon, he expected, they'd have additional allies.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime29th April 2018, 8:15 am


Sammie was looking at all the things in the outside world in his new home when he heard someone or something was speaking to him...

"Animals of Tokyo, we need your help." That seemed to be an attention-grabbing enough statement. "The humans are in danger and it's up to us to fix it. Come to the arcade if you're up for the task. But hurry, time is of the essence."

Sammie heard every word and got down running around finding no one in his home.. "My owner is in trouble...I need to protect him..he loves me...but what is an hmm..i'll find out when i get there...i think.." Sammie then got down and somehow found it easy to push the door open with his paw and set out for the that was...
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime9th May 2018, 2:50 pm

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! 580b5710Angus
Angus woke up, gave a rather loud yet squeaky yawn as he stretched- it was never quite the noise one would expect a big dog to emit-and immediately noticed this family's absence. This always disappointed him, but they'd return soon enough. He'd plopped himself on the bed, chin resting in the direction of the doorway.

Ages passed. He could tell it was a decent amount of time, because he was now hungry. Angus was always fed on a regular schedule. He began to wimpier as his stomach gurgled. He hopped off the bed, anxious-and began to scratch at the door when he caught a particular scent. He knew this scent-it was of the good lady who led them to the room! Where was she? Angus poked the door with his nose-she was on the other side of it! He perked up, tail wagging. She must be here with food! He sat and eagerly awaited the door to open; head cocking curiously when it did not.

But why? Angus' tail drooped slowly until it rested in between his legs as he nudged the door. It didn't take that much-he's a big dog, after all-but he yelped with surprise as he nearly stepped on a human paw! 

They lady was lying there in an uncomfortable position. And it wasn't just her. There were humans all over the ground! Angus legs trembled-humans never lay on the ground like this! Not even when his humans would lay next to him for a good petting session! Some even still had their pups in their arms!

He rushed from person to person, swatting them with his paws, nudging their hands with his snoot, barking and whimpering. Licking faces and hands, even gently mouthing on some-not all humans like the gentle bonding nibbles-this simple act of him resting his teeth- and would get scared and react immediatly. 

But it was no use. The humans remained scarily motionless-no matter if they were pups or elders. Angus' tail was tucked far inbetween his legs by now, and he began to low bark under his breath-only to have it turn into a very loud yelp when he heard something. 

Quote :
"Animals of Tokyo, we need your help...The humans are in danger and it's up to us to fix it. Come to the arcade if you're up for the task. But hurry, time is of the essence."

He continued shaking. Who was that? Where were they? The humans were in danger-but why couldn't he smell his family? What was an arcade? If it was anything like the strange flying metal-thing, it was bound to be scary. But these humans not moving was even worse! 

Angus looked around nervously-this would be the first time he'd be outside without his family by his side, and without the walking cord they used. But the walking cord they would use is important, and he at least knew where that was. Angus retreated into the room and grabbed the black-handled thing in his jaws. At least he wouldn't get in trouble being outside without it!  It took longer then a few moments to gather his bearings before nudging his way past the clear glass door, and noticed that there were even more humans lying around and not moving! He backed up, and began to wimpier fearfully. 

He couldn't stay here with all the downed humans. It was too scary! He started to trot-then run, then sprint-in the direction of the strange message, anxiety welling the more humans he passed.

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 9th May 2018, 2:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : the message luna sent out didn't post correctly in the quote format)
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime10th May 2018, 11:39 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! LjOeITA

The bulky tomcat's eyes snapped open, his turquoise ears twitching.

He knew that voice.

Rhett could picture her perfectly, even now: that sleek form, the soft dark fur, those brilliant eyes, and the intelligence visible in her posture and expression. Despite the time that had passed, he still considered her the loveliest cat he had ever laid eyes on. He didn't necessarily lay awake pining for her, but he thought fondly about how she had tried to help him when he was... changed. He was glad that he had kept control of himself enough to show her the same courtesy.

If Luna was in trouble... he wasn't about to leave her to face it.

As he gingerly tiptoed to the back of the house, avoiding watchful eyes from anyone in the Ohara home, he thought also of An. This wasn't just because he admired another feline, after all. If the humans were in danger, he wasn't about to let his beloved An wind up caught in it.

Even if she had changed her behaviour towards him.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime19th May 2018, 11:48 pm

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! 580b5710Angus
Angus was sprinting down the sidewalk, panicking at the sight of every downed human. He'd stopped to sniff countless times, but it was no use. Panting and exhausted, the walking cord-what in reality was a retractable leash-dropped from his mouth with a rather loud clatter. 

It was at this moment he noticed a cat-a rather fat one at that. The cat back home was big, sure-but Aristotle was as fit as a fiddle. Angus had no idea how this cat was able to walk. His ears perked up slightly at the sight of a possible friend-let alone one that was actually awake. 

"Um...excuse me?" He squeaked out. "The humans are not doing well, and it's really, REALLY bad." His legs shook as he spoke. "Then I heard this thing saying that the humans are in danger-and they really ARE since they wont wake up. The thing said to go to an-" Angus cocked his head, in an attempt to properly recall what was said. "-Arr-ca-dee. Do you know what that is?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime20th May 2018, 8:28 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! FPF9TCU
*Yay new banner*

Sammie, now out of his home when she should be the whole time but this was a special occasion. She ran down the streets seeing all the humans on the ground trying to wake a few to no avail. he then came upon a dog who was huge compared to her who was speaking to a cat?? Sammie came up and heard the last of some sort of conversation. "Um...excuse name is Sammie and I am responding to a call for us pets to find you know of it?"
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day!   [Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! I_icon_minitime21st May 2018, 11:32 am

[Relaxed] Our Pets Save the Day! LjOeITA

The cyan feline halted at the voice, turning slowly towards it. His eyes remained at their usual half-lidded position, but he took in enough of what he saw. As he observed the first dog, another—much smaller—ran up. Rhett Butler did not fear dogs as some cats did. Although naturally inclined to indolence rather than action, he certainly did not allow others to push him around. He had scared off enough would-be bullies to understand that was not the intention of these two canines.

When they spoke of an arcade, he knew they had heard the same message as himself.

He nodded in response to their request for directions and gestured with one paw, almost seeming to float on the three that remained on the ground when he effortlessly lifted the first. Rhett Butler then continued on his way. If they truly planned to offer their assistance, they ought to be smart enough to follow.

The Crown Arcade felt familiar to Rhett Butler, although he had never been inside. He knew this was a place that a lovely and intelligent black cat frequented, after all. Rather than waltzing in through the front door, which seemed like a poor choice for a large tomcat and two dogs, the orb-like animal marched towards the alleyway, barely fitting the narrow opening as he squeezed between the two buildings. He emerged near the back entrance with an audible "pop!" as he freed himself from the passage.

Yellow eyes peered closely at the back of the building, and his sensitive nose sniffed the air. Yes, there were other cats here—one of whom he knew. The turquoise feline wandered closer, following the trail, which led to... the dumpster? Before he had actually touched the thing, not realizing how close he was, he miraculously disappeared.

The cat reappeared within Luna and Artemis' secret hideout inside the Sailor V video game, having inadvertently used one of their special entrances. Other animals would easily be able to do the same thing, if they tried.
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