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 [HC Event] Consecration

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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 12:56 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 G3U2Qqy

With the additional power from the rocky one's magic, her beam managed to eliminate the shadow. There was just one left, and no time to waste. Given what just happened... She doubted the others could continue fighting as before. Her either, honestly. She may have had an unfavorable opinion of him at times, but it's not like she hated him...

Did he think she hated him?

Either way, she had to end this quickly. She tried to clear her head from thoughts, and ran towards the remaining enemy, slashing with her staff, hoping it would take it down.

They needed some breather to recover. Physically and mentally.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 1:32 pm

Battle Round 3 wrote:
7 Shadow 2 uses its blade and attempts to attack [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Bastet Bastet!
Did it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 8
--Arm -4
----Total of 5 points of damage

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Nyx Nyx uses Moonlight Lullaby (3mp) and attempts to freeze Shadow 2!
Did it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 2
----Total of 3 points of damage

Round 3:
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 1:42 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Sailor16

She felt herself hit the monster directly, and they both fell to the ground hard. the impact was hard enough to leave bruises, but the creature she had knocked over was melting away. It was dead. She grit her teeth and pushed herself back onto her feet, sore but still ready to fight. Crysdal could focus on keeping Amarachius alive- 


SAM turned around to see Crysdal crouched near Gabriel's body, one that was melting away before their eyes. They were too late to save him... His Sailor Crystal emerged and escaped as soon as he was completely gone, leaving nothing but his bloodstains behind. SAM could barely look at Crysdal as she shut down on the spot, unable to help her beyond making sure she wasn't the next to go.

Sailor Nyx took down another monster and began attacking the last one with her staff, prompting SAM to assist. The sooner they finished this, the sooner they'd be safe. 

SAM used Chalybs Beam (3 Mp-Control with chance to burn) on Shadow 2 
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 2:03 pm

Battle Round 3 wrote:
[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Chalybs Chalybs uses Chalybs Beam (3MP) and attempts to hit Shadow 2
Does it hit?
It misses! The Shadow dodges out of the way!
Did it hit any nearby allies?
It misses allies!

Round 3:
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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 2:32 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 KeESSpr

As her second attack missed its target, Ari scowled. The creature was fast; that was for certain. Her body tensed, ready to attack again, she stepped around her enemy, muscle's tense, looking for an opening. However, a yell then another cry distracted her yet again. What was happening with her friends? She looked only just in time to see thousands of tiny glittering lights floating away, followed by a golden streak of light that shot off to the sky. Gabriel was no where in sight.

Gabriel had died.

Tears flooded her eyes as Ari stood there, dumbfounded and brimming with anger. Anger at their enemy. Anger at Sailor Jin for ever bringing them all into this damned mess. Anger at Queen Zhi, a queen she had never met nor heard of, who had failed at what she was supposed to do. Protect her people. The distraction was enough for her enemy to attack once more. It came at her with its blade and she dodged just enough for the blade to slash her arm, leaving a gash. It was painful and blood trickled down her arm, but she didn't notice. The adrenaline and anger overwhelmed any notion of pain she had.

Nyx was suddenly there with her brilliant staff attacking the shadow and then a flash of light flew by as the shadow dodged it. Sam was assisting as well. She blinked away her tears, leaping up and towards the enemy, much like the ancestral cats of her world. Her daggers were like claws. With a cry, she came down at the shadow, aiming to stab it where its heart should have been.

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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 3:33 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Q4typJ6

Her attack missed, and the pang of frustration shouldn't have hit her as hard as it did - but it was there all the same. How was she so abysmally bad at battle?

The next moment she saw Ari charging in to help, striking a hard-hitting blow to the enemy and Hadley couldn't help the smile of relief that came over her. Both from the help, and from the fact that the help came from Ari herself.

Any words of thanks were cut off as a scream rang out around them. Hadley looked over, eyes widening as she watched the fight happening with Crysdal and Amarachius. Seeing strong Amarachius slump over onto his shield like that made her wince, and she had to force herself to look away.

Ari was reeling for another strike against the dark creature, and Hadley wanted to help - but fear tore at her. With Ari at so close a range, and with her own record of poor aim... if she attempted to attack again, would she accidentally hit Ari with her magic?

The very thought caused her to freeze - even as she yelled at herself that this was not the time to hesitate again. But in that hesitation came distraction at hearing Crysdal's voice tear through the air once more.

Hadley looked over, expression shifting to horror at seeing the fallen Amarachius, Crysdal next to him, and the vast amount of spilled blood pooling around them both. Tears stung at Hadley's eyes as she watched, terrified for a moment for Crysdal - no, not her. But then she saw Amarachius begin to disappear into a ghostly beautiful shower of light, and she felt almost hypnotized at the sight, even as her heart broke.

Her heart broke for Amarachius - she didn't know him well, had not talked to him much, but his was a comforting and calming presence. She'd admired his demeanor, even as she felt slightly intimidated by him. To think that someone like him, so sure and strong, was just... gone.

She shivered.

Her heart broke again for Crysdal, slumped and defeated and so distraught. Crysdal and Amarachius had a certain kind of bond, close in a way that didn't need to be put to words, and Hadley couldn't even begin to think of how Crysdal was feeling right now. She thought of losing Ari in such a way - a possibility that felt more real with every passing moment - and her chest twisted and her tears fell harder.

Movement went on around her, but Hadley only had eyes for her friend in that moment. She believed in the others to finish this battle - it wasn't like she was much help to them, after all.

Instead, she made her way to the crumpled Crysdal. She kneeled down and reached out a hand to touch her, then hesitated.

But no more hesitation, she reminded herself. She cared for Crsydal, and even if it wasn't welcome, at least she could offer some sort of miniscule kind of comfort in the form of a hug or a shoulder to cry on.

To share in that raw pain so that Crysdal didn't have to bear it all alone.

"Crysdal..." The name slipped shakily from her lips before she realized it, and she placed a hand on Crysdal's shoulder in what she hoped was a comforting way. She wanted to go in for a hug, to wrap the other girl in a protective embrace - but would that be going too far? Maybe Crysdal wanted to be alone.

Instead, she waited, her own tears still stinging her eyes. She'd remain close, if Crysdal wanted to close the distance, but still far enough to keep the distance between them if the girl preferred that instead.

It wasn't much to offer, but it was all she could do for her broken friend.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 3:46 pm

Battle Round 3 wrote:
[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Bastet Bastet uses daggers and attempts to hit Shadow 2!
Did it hit?
She misses!
Shadow 2 evades, jumping high overhead, and takes aim!

Round 3 has ended.
Round 4 begins.

7 Shadow 2 attempts to attack [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Bastet Bastet!
Does it hit?
Ari dodges!

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Bastet Bastet uses daggers and attempts to hit Shadow 2!
Did it hit?
She misses!

Round 4:
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 7:00 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
He had always been there. 

From the beginning of all of this, from the moment they had split into pairs, he was with her. Even when she had done stupid things, even when she failed, he hadn't left her. He had protected her.

And she had let him die. 

Had he known she'd let him down in the end? ... would he have held her hand so long if he did? Was he angry now? Or just... disappointed? He had done his best and succeeded, and in return she had failed him. She should've thrown the kiss. What had she been thinking? Since when could she fight? If she had, he'd still be here, probably with something cynical to say about close calls. Maybe joke about how he didn't want to go 'beyond the veil' just yet. Would he be surprised to end up in the Galaxy Cauldron? ... would he like it there? 

Would he find Elysande? She'd be scared, but if he were there she'd put on a tough face for him. She never liked looking weak. 

'Crysdal...' Hadley's shaking voice was nearly lost amidst the muted battle sounds Crysdal's mind barely picked up on, but the hand on her shoulder was enough of a kick to bring her out of her thoughts. Blinking back tears, she stared at the ground between them and took a deep breath to center herself. Gabriel was gone. Hadley and the others were not. She'd failed him, like she had failed Elysande, and Aldrin, and Cosima, but everyone else was still here. She'd probably fail them, too. Another deep breath. But she hadn't yet.

And she wouldn't

Fake it til you make it. Hadley didn't need to see her like this; things were stressful enough. Gabriel was gone - Hadley didn't need to worry about her, too. She'd be okay. She wiped her palm on her skirt, leaving red smear behind, and wiped her eyes, simultaneously using her cleaner hand to cover Hadley's in a sign of thanks. She'd be okay. 

She couldn't look the others in the eye just yet, but she'd be okay.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 7:12 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Sailor16

Her first shot went wide, but thankfully didn't clip Nyx in the process. Bastet lunged for the creature next, swiping at it and dodging its own counter attack before trying again. Maybe this one was more desperate to live now that the rest of its backup had died, but all it was doing was wasting their time.

Frustrated, SAM concentrated her energy into two fingers this time, focusing her attack to hopefully have more accuracy, and fired another Chalybs Beam (3 MP-chance to burn) at Shadow 2.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 7:22 pm

Battle Round 4 wrote:
[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Chalybs Chalybs uses Chalybs Beam (3MP) and attempts to hit Shadow 2!
Did it hit?
She misses!
Does she hit any close parties?
--6 Critical hit!
Whom did she hit? Bastet (1) Nyx (2)
[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Chalybs Chalybs hits [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Bastet Bastet!
How much damage?
--CTRL 4
--MP 1
--ARM -4
----Total of 5 points of damage!
Shadow 2 wrote:
Seeing the senshi carefully aim, Shadow 2 positions itself between Chalybs and Bastet, and jumps out of the way just as Chalybs fires! It evades and, calculating correctly, the shot hits Bastet instead!

Round 4:
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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 7:40 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 KeESSpr

Ari felt like she was dancing playfully with her opponent as she lunged and spun out the way of its attacks. The creature did the same. Why couldn't she land a blow!? It had to be weakened but it still drove on. Unfortunately, the clever shadow had distracted Ari, yet again, putting itself in between her and SAM who was charging an attack. When the creature dodged, all she saw was a flash of light, hitting her square in the chest, burning her uniform and face.

Ari screamed in pain as she was knocked back from the impact. The wind was knocked out of her lungs as she hit the ground, and she gasped as everything around her blurred and spun. Her injuries had compounded on each other and she knew she was close to unconsciousness.

Why...why was she so weak? Why couldn't save anyone? Ari closed her eyes. Perhaps it was time for her to give up.
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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime21st May 2017, 12:08 am

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 G3U2Qqy

Her hit managed to find its target, but it wasn't enough unfortunately. Physical attacks were never her strong point, after all, but she did not think she could afford to use more of her magic right now.

And the worst part, she was right. They could no longer fight. Aegle was a mess. Sam and Bastet kept trying and they kept missing - even hurting each other instead. Valdis wasn't even trying anymore, attempting to console Aegle mid-battle. She always seemed to be least confident of the group.

She had to end this now. Taking a deep breath, she attempted slicing again the remaining enemy with her staff.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime21st May 2017, 8:22 am

Battle Round 4 wrote:
[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Nyx Nyx uses her Staff and attempts to slice Shadow 2!
Did it hit?
How much damage?
--2 at least
----Total of 2 points of damage

Shadow 2 is defeated!
The battle has ended!
EXP has been directly added into the Stat Sheet!
Bastet has leveled up!
Chalybs has leveled up!
Round 4:
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime21st May 2017, 11:40 am

As the battle finally ended and the last shadow disappeared, before they could even gather themselves, a familiar voice called out to them:

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 ZET72j4
"Young ones!" The creaky, weathered voice sounded honestly surprised, taken aback by their presence. "I had not dared hope you would make it this far; Destore, then, is safe?"
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime21st May 2017, 12:14 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Q4typJ6

The touch of Crysdal's hand left Hadley feeling more confused than anything - was this a good thing? But Crysdal had wiped her tears and did not seem quite as catatonic as before. That was a good thing. Wasn't it?

Hadley frowned, watching the blonde with a careful eye, but not knowing what to do next.

A new scream tore through the air and Hadley recognized the voice instantly. Her whole body went cold.

Ari was on the ground, and she wasn't moving.

She wasn't moving!

Hadley ran.

She threw herself to the ground by the other girl's side - gone were all thoughts of anything else - and reached out gingerly, fearfully, to touch her.

"A..Ari?" She could see the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest, and that gave her comfort. But why wasn't she moving?

Was she...?

No. No.

Before she could think to do anything else, a voice as creaky as old tree bark spoke up through the quiet of the now finished battlefield, and Hadley glanced over to him, confused, concerned, but she couldn't truly care about him right now.

Not whilst Ari lay prone on the ground. "Ari, are...are you okay?" she asked, voice quiet, afraid of the response.

Afraid of getting no response.

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 22nd May 2017, 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime21st May 2017, 7:25 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 KeESSpr


In her haze, Ari could hear a familiar voice. A gentle, kind and warm voice. She tried her hardest to open her eyes and focus on the red haired figure above her. She smiled as best she could for her but the sound of another uncomfortably familiar, elderly voice spoke. The thought of the old man being here brought everything into focus and she tried to sit up quickly. The action caused her to wince in pain.

"I've been better," she attempted another smile at Hadley but found it difficult as all she could do was focus on the hermit.

"Is that..him? The Hermit?" she whispered to Hadley. She grit her teeth, weakly clenching her fist. What did the old man want?
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime21st May 2017, 8:56 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
Ari's scream and Hadley's sudden disappearance startled Crysdal - she recoiled, Hadley inadvertently having pushed back against her in her rush to get to Ari, but she quickly regained her balance and stood as Nyx finished off the final enemy. Determination kept her legs from shaking as she followed Hadley's path, but determination did little for the power that hesitated at her call, fear and doubt keeping it at bay --

Until the Hermit showed up.

Fear made her uneasy, but at the same time it made her sharper. She knew what she had to do - she had done it on Destore. She had to lie, and lie convincingly. As though going through a paradigm shift, Crysdal's movements became more graceful as she fell into the role. Calmly, she kissed her palm and reached down, placing her hand on Ari's head to transfer her energy. Only then did she look towards the Hermit, her sorrow showing through a mask of confidence. 

"Destore is safe," she repeated as a response, stepping around to be between the Hermit and the two girls. "We are happy to see you," she lied as she moved closer, her mind playing with the notion of catching him and having him out himself - dangerous, maybe. Probably dangerous. She shouldn't do it. She hugged him. She had before, so not doing so now might have been amiss. He seemed uncomfortable within her embrace; she stepped back, purposefully tilting her head to one side as she tried to ignore the sickening imagined feeling of worms crawling through her skin at the thought of what he was and what he was doing - but that's exactly what they needed to know. What he was doing here. "But if you didn't know we were here, then is another senshi about?" she asked, trying to sound innocent rather than leading. "We... we've lost friends, and this place is so dangerous - we could use all the help we can get."

Let him reveal there were no senshi here. 

Let him make another lie. 
End of Battle Update wrote:
Crysdal uses Aegle Kiss (1MP) and heals Bastet!!
How much healed?
--CTRL 11
--Affection -2
----Total of 15 points restored
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 6:56 am

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 ZET72j4
He accepted her hug, holding his staff with one hand but releasing his swamp gas light to lightly pat her on the back, despite the uncomfortable warmth and cosmic magic that came with the embrace. She stepped back and he let her go, a sad smile deepening the wrinkles on his friendly face, from his forehead to the creases of his eyes to the lines of his cheeks. "There are no others. Chaos has taken them all, from her guardians to Queen Zhi herself. I am here to witness the end - or I believed I was." He looked beyond her, to the team behind, his sad eyes somehow hopeful as he tried to meet their gaze. "With you comes hope."

"If we can find the Tapestry Crystal, one of you could use it to push back against the chaotic pressures overwhelming this zone, and, stepping forward as the new Queen, you could turn the tides of this war." He turned his gaze back to Crysdal, "Let us go; there is not much time. Every moment Chaos grows stronger, and I am unable to fight these creatures as you are."
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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 8:16 am

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 G3U2Qqy

The final enemy was defeated - now they had some time to re-organize - or even dare take a few seconds to grieve, honor their fallen ally, despite the pressure they were under...

Or so she thought. A familiar voice caught her attention. The Hermit... He found them? Did he want them to lead him to the Tapestry Crystal? Could it be that he was working with that person Venus was fighting? 

He was here to witness the end... That was ambiguous enough that it could actually be honest. It probably would be the end alright if Chaos got ahold of the crystal. But now... He wants to follow them?

"That's what we're here for," she admitted, as if he didn't know already. "I can feel a pull coming from that way," she pointed to the left of the cross-street they were ambushed on, a full 90 degrees of their actual destination, "as if it's calling for us, but the chaotic energy of the planet could be throwing me off-course..." she added in case she got called out on her lie at some point.

"We really could use your help, but I think you're needed most elsewhere," she continued. "Despite the losses, we still have each other. But out there, there are many senshi still fighting on their own, trying to hold their ground with no one to aid them but themselves. They need your help more than we do. The planets that can still be saved."

Inwardly, she shuddered. She hoped he would go back to that other guy and guide him to the wrong path or something - hopefully he wouldn't actually take her words to heart and go "help" those other girls.

"Keep doing what you do, and we'll keep doing what we do. Don't give up hope!" she finished with her most convincing fake smile. She was the diplomatic sister, after all.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 8:48 am

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She hid her disappointment; he was talking with double meanings, and no matter how she tried to turn what he said around on him... it worked. He didn't know they knew he was bad so there was no reason for him to suspect she was listening so carefully, and yet his words were so carefully chosen. ... and what now? ... what had she even hoped to accomplish with that, anyway? He still sounded as trusting and innocent as he always had, saying just the right words... if he hadn't tried to poison them with his potions, she would only too willingly believe what he had to say. 

Nyx took it up after her; she was grateful, even if just for a moment to figure out what to do next - and after the brief flash of panic when Nyx pointed, she fell into uneasy peace when she realized what Nyx was doing. She nodded along with Nyx's assertions that he was more needed elsewhere, hoping that this would drive him off while still having him believe they believed in him, playing that double game the Crone had told them to play. ... She didn't want to know how dangerous he could be.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 8:55 am

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 ZET72j4
He turned to follow the path Nyx has pointed out, nodding his tree-trunk-covered head, but then slowly turned back to hear her out, his brows furrowing. "Many are still fighting alone, but there is not much else I can do for them. Hundreds of senshi I have seen, and hundreds I have tried to help..." he trailed off, the regret and sadness in his face seeming to collapse him just a bit. "There is nothing more I can do out there. I am unable to fight, only to aide with my potions and my knowledge of that ever-despicable force. Here is where I can do the most good - here is where I am most needed. Please, allow me to help you."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 11:03 am

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 KeESSpr

Another blonde haired figure approached and with a touch to her head, Ari's pain vanished in an instant. She smiled in thanks to Crysdal stood up, discretely tucking her daggers away back under her skirt. Ari's attention nervously flitted back and forth between Crysdal, Nyx and the Hermit. She had wanted to gag when she saw Crysdal hug the man. How gross she must have felt! When and if they survived this, she would have to treat everyone to a proper druid spa day. That'd be the only way to get the stench of the old man off Crysdal.

...How could she be thinking of the spa at a time like this...

Ari's eyes nervously flitted back and forth between Crysdal, Nyx and the Hermit. They were trying to throw him off, but he wasn't taking the bait. The Hermit must want them to lead him to the crystal so he could back stab them in Chao's favor. Ari kept her gaze on Crysdal, wondering what they could do.

Bastet Unknowingly Attempting Aegle Eye Contact wrote:
{nervously thinking} What if we split up? Maybe I could lead him off the trail...

Would that work? She wondered. They'd have to twist an excuse on why they should split up. The city was very large and unfamiliar after all. Maybe Ari could get a chance to get rid of him. He had nearly killed Hadley. Her eyes narrowed in thought. The favor needed to be returned.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 11:56 am

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He wasn't taking the suggestion. It only made sense with the set up he offered them. Could they really have him following them? ... If he hadn't found the Tapestry Crystal already, he probably needed their help to find it. They'd be leading him exactly where he wanted to go, or leading him directly away from where they needed to be. There was no way they could win - no way --

Her eyes met Ari's and as the other's voice shot a quick, nervous message straight into her mind, she had to fight the urge to freak out. Ari was telepathic? Since when was Ari telepathic?!  This'd be useful, definitely, but wow. After a brief moment of wondering what exactly Ari could read, she refocused her attention.
Aegle Eye Contact wrote:
{thinking critically} It's dangerous, and I don't know if he'd buy it. Nyx revealed we can feel it, so there'd be no reason to split up - it could make him suspicious. 

But what else could they do, or say, to encourage him to leave?
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 1:07 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Sailor16

SAM knew what was going to happen as soon as the creature dodged, but she was powerless to stop the beam once it was fired. She hit her. She hit Bastet and she could have died if Nyx didn't finish the fight. For a terrifying moment, she thought Bastet did die until Valdis checked on her.

This was what happened when she tried to play hero. First Gabriel, and now this. Maybe she'd have been more useful hiding on her own planet until Chaos killed her with the rest of her people. She wanted to go over and apologize, but it felt hollow and pointless. Crysdal probably didn't need her, Valdis was doing just fine making sure she was alright. And Nyx felt about five times as competent as her at the moment. 

SAM knew that she was just making herself feel worse, and the entire train of thought was irrational and probably lowering her chances of survival, but she found herself taking a few steps back from the rest of the group anyway. She didn't get a helmet to hide behind or a suit to shut the thoughts off this time. It was just her, and it hurt more than she thought it would. She stared down at the ground, trying not to break down in front of everyone. They didn't need that added problem.

The Hermit reappearing barely phased her, too wrapped up in the act of holding herself together to respond to him. She doubted she was capable of lying to him anyway. She didn't want to screw it up again.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 1:11 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 G3U2Qqy

She listened to him talk, and her expression gradually turned into a sad smile. "You don't have faith in us, do you..." she asked rhetorically, looking at the distance for a moment. 

Two can play that game.

"Of course, how could you... When we have already lost so many. But still, deep down... I know we can do it. And in fact..." she trailed off.

"I didn't wish to take your generosity for granted, but those potions of yours, if you can still spare some... I'm sure they will help us turn the tide here. We were lucky enough to make it without them so far," she continued - they were okay, so he must have known they didn't use them, "but with so many less of us, they can make the difference between life and death."

Now that was honest too. A weird twisted truth.

"We could really use them, but not just us... So can those others out there. Those fighting alone. It must be overwhelming, endlessly going from planet to planet, observing all the destruction, but... Please don't abandon them. Even one more planet saved equals to countless lives saved."

"I know it's a lot to ask for, but... Won't you continue helping them? Won't you believe in us?" she asked, clasping her hands together and resisting the urge to roll her eyes at herself.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 1:28 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 KeESSpr

Ari blinked in surprise but with held any other facial reaction..She could let the Hermit pick up on their conversation. Wait. Did...did Crysdal just reply to her? But she hadn't been speaking out loud. Was Crysdal psychic!? That would have been useful to know prior till now.

Bastet to Aegle Eye Contact wrote:
{thinking, a bit mischeviously}Just because we can feel them doesn't mean we know exactly where it is, well...he doesn't know that we have a more exact destination than Nyx let on.

Ari stopped as she concentrated on what Nyx said. The dark haired girl was good at this. Had this been what she did before on her home? Holding her breath, she wished that the awful old man would just move on.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 1:39 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 ZET72j4
"Child, I..." he paused, then reached into the satchel he had strapped across his chest and pulled out several bottles. "These are yours, as I had intended," he reached his hands out with them towards Crysdal, nodding his head once, indicating that she should take them from him and store them safely once again. "But this mission is too important. Were it any other time, any other place, I would gladly show my trust and belief in you. But if you fail here, any I help now would perish nonetheless. We must trust them and the gifts I have already given them to survive long enough to for us to solidify a power base here."

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
She heard Ari's response, still curious as to how this was happening and why it was never revealed before, but then Nyx spoke again and she turned her attention to the purple-haired girl.



Nyx was a genius! They'd let him "help" them as he had helped them before and then go away; hopefully they'd get the Crystal before some trusting senshi accepted his "help" genuinely and ended up like... Sailor Cipiere. The way he responded, she felt like Nyx had hit a chord, that she'd found a way around it - Crysdal moved forward to do her part, unclasping one of her satchels and accepting the eight new bottles - what should she even do with the old ones? - and placed them into the empty bag, sealing it back again and stepping back. 

... But then he continued, and now... Was there even a way out of this? He wanted to "help", and he was giving the perfect reason not to leave. They were inexperienced, this was too important - if Venus was here she might have even ...


An idea came to mind, but she couldn't pull it off. 

At this point, neither could Nyx - it would look too suspicious to have her so against it as to come up with another reason why he couldn't come.

Ari and Hadley, maybe? But, remembering Cawth and how Sam had helped, and what Sam usually did, what she usually represented...

Crysdal turned around, as though deferring to Sam for her decision, and locked eyes with her, hoping by some miracle Sam would get on the same wavelength as she and act on it.
Aegle Eye Contact wrote:
We can't defend him. He'd only be a distraction, just like we were for Venus. He has to go or it all might end here - you can't defend everyone. Gabriel isn't here anymore - you can't afford to have another person to defend. He'd only get in the way - he revealed he can't defend himself. C'mon, Sam!
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[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 3:13 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Q4typJ6

Hearing Ari's voice sent a wave of relief through her and Hadley felt weak from the anxiety of it all. Ari was talking and breathing and alive. Hadley wanted to hug her close, to protect her and to make sure - truly sure - that she was okay.

But Ari was a proper warrior, and her thoughts were already on the problem at hand. Hadley only nodded in response to Ari's question, uncertain what else to say. The Hermit's arrival happened so suddenly, that in her panic to get to Ari, Hadley had nearly forgotten about him.

The others began converse with the Hermit, sounding pleased and thankful for his presence. No one told him to go away. Hadley frowned a little, feeling slightly confused by it all, but trusting in Crysdal and Nyx. As the Hermit spoke in turn, his voice sounded so concerned, so kind. It made her feel sorry for him.

He seemed to truly care about wanting to help, whilst feeling that what he had to offer was inadequate - a feeling that Hadley understood completely.

When the Hermit handed Crysdal a new set of potions, a memory of queasiness bubbled in Hadley's stomach, and she swallowed hard. A harsh reminder that she shouldn't trust him, no matter how kindly he appeared.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 3:30 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 Sailor16

Aegle's eyes met SAM's, and she startled herself as the message got to her. Was this a form of magic radio communication? Why was Crysdal even relying on her?

Chalybs to Aegle Eye Contact wrote:
I...I can't do it anymore. Crysdal, please...

But even as she mentally refused, she took a deeper breath to steady herself and tried anyway. Even if she wanted to quit, the rest of the group still needed the Hermit to leave.

"Your offer to help is appreciated, but... We... we can't afford to protect you as well," SAM said, raising her voice enough for the Hermit to hear it. "We could barely defend ourselves, and we already lost someone. You'll be safer if you stayed away from us. We don't want to...risk letting someone else die." Her words caught in her throat a bit, her lie becoming too close to the actual truth for her to handle, and she looked away again to rub at her face with her gloved hand. Maybe her crying would make him believe her more.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd May 2017, 5:11 pm

[HC Event] Consecration - Page 2 ReEnAQI

The rest of the battle passed in a whirl. The shadows pressed on, ambushing her friends, who did their best to fight back, several of them managing to successfully attack and destroy the difficult-to-see creatures. She contemplated picking up debris and swatting at them, as she had seen Sailor Aegle attempt, but then they swarmed towards the blonde healer. Amarachius Sworn saved her. But he could not be saved, despite the valiant attempt from Sailor Chalybs. They almost lost Sailor Bastet in the fight, as well.

And then the Hermit appeared, the moment their last enemy was vanquished.

Sailor Xtal-Diamante distantly watched the conversation with the same blank expression. She had done the same for all other interactions with this betrayer. She wouldn't start acting differently now.
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