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 [HC Event] Consecration

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime17th May 2017, 12:42 pm

[HC Event] Consecration KDhfTGz
Bubbles making such beautiful things♥
Event Rules and Information:
Specifics for This Event:
[HC Event] Consecration Page-break-12


  • Pay attention to the story - read every post so you don't miss anything. Major Plot Points will be delivered through me - I will announce, for example, when we find objects/people, and what things look like. I will arrange for the baddies to be fought, and I'll handle the combat system (everyone chooses their own attacks and everything, I just roll to see if those attacks hit, and see how effective those attacks are against the bad guys, and rolling a die to see how much damage they do. Needless to say: If your don't pay attention to the story, your character's reactions / ideas / etc. may be out of place, and will be treated as such by other characters. Read Carefully.

  • Post at least once every 48 hours - Failure to post at least once within those 48 hours will result in your character disappearing mysteriously, to be recovered by the remaining heroes at the end of the roleplay. (They won't die, but I won't let their unresponsiveness slow down the game). If you have an unexpected (but announced) LOA during this event that lasts less than 3 days, your character will be carried with the team. If the LOA lasts more than 3 days, the normal disappearance protocol will go into effect.
  • Watch out for Random Events - if the majority of players are active in the Discord Channel I may spring Random Events on players; these will always be announced in the Discord conversation, where it will be open for questions/comments/concerns, and will always come with caveats for those who cannot actively post on the board within the time period allotted. Instructions need be followed, else consequences wordlessly accepted for not following the specific directions.

  • This is an Advanced Event! All posts outside battle are required to be 100 words or more!

And, finally, while bringing in side-storylines is okay, this roleplay's main story will end on June 3rd, win, lose, or draw. I suggest keeping noses to the grindstone and keep moving forward to make it to the ending battle before it's too late!

[HC Event] Consecration Page-break-12
Event Begins May 17!
[HC Event] Consecration T4q6gWs

If you have any questions about this event (any part, anything) ask it here or in our Discord OOC Chat (tag me if it's a question specifically for me (or discord direct message me) so it won't be lost in the mess!) and I'll respond as quickly as possible. 

Players and Characters:

  1. [HC Event] Consecration QOcJEvU[HC Event] Consecration PbucketSailor Aegle - Kyralih - Sailor Uranus
  2. [HC Event] Consecration Pbucket[HC Event] Consecration FF30VLPSailor Nyx - Light
  3. [HC Event] Consecration P7fXUCT[HC Event] Consecration PbucketSailor Xtal-Diamante - Aurae - Sailor Mercury
  4. [HC Event] Consecration REmbAcV[HC Event] Consecration PbucketSailor Bastet - Brit-chan
  5. [HC Event] Consecration D8q9R08[HC Event] Consecration PbucketSailor Valdis - Verdandi - Sailor Saturn
  6.  [HC Event] Consecration 8G5RqhDSailor Nix - Bubbles - Sailor Neptune
  7. [HC Event] Consecration EEShqcO Sailor Panzer - Aurae - Sailor Mercury


  • [HC Event] Consecration LeEbkCh[HC Event] Consecration PbucketSailor Celestal - Addelyn Redirected after Cipriere
  • [HC Event] Consecration F3jh5Sj[HC Event] Consecration PbucketSailor Alshain - Anait Zelleire Died on Destore.
  • [HC Event] Consecration EfJywJS[HC Event] Consecration PbucketSailor Cosima - Sailor Mars Died on Destore
  • [HC Event] Consecration UFhWJ7V[HC Event] Consecration PbucketSailor Aldrin - Sailor CJ Died on Destore
  • [HC Event] Consecration L8bC8b4[HC Event] Consecration PbucketSailor Hemera - Bubbles - Sailor Neptune Died on Destore
  • [HC Event] Consecration OXdTdQW Sailor Venus - Bubbles - Sailor Neptune Died in the Zhi System
  • [HC Event] Consecration Qpegdky[HC Event] Consecration PbucketAmarachius Sworn - Eternal Knight Died on Zhi
  • [HC Event] Consecration 3ctdK4H[HC Event] Consecration PbucketSailor Chalybs - JupiterThunderCrash - Sailor Pluto Died on Zhi

[HC Event] Consecration Page-break-12
Status Sheet
Weapon/Magic/Item Sheet
Activity/Post Tracker

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 8th October 2017, 7:27 am; edited 10 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime17th May 2017, 1:14 pm

DM wrote:
At first, they didn't know how to figure out where to go - it was a planet, they had no map - the compass continued to point back the way they had come, towards Venus and their attacker, and while that was comforting in that it meant there was nothing stronger than he waiting for them on the planet, it meant they were flying blind. Until... they felt for it. It was as though their Sailor Crystals knew where the Tapestry Crystal was, and that it was under duress - being this close, it called to them for help, and with this invisible bond pulling them towards the planet's surface, they were guided towards the shores of a large continent, honing in on what ended up being a huge city.

Despite it being large, it did not appear to be too "futuristic" - some of them had planets that seemed more advanced, at least on the surface. The style seemed to be all arches and curves, wood and metal, elegant and beautiful...

Or it had been. 

They had to fly low and land quickly in a street between single-story buildings and great and terrible dark creatures flew overhead, screaming incoherently, their shape some cross between dragon and snake, but smooth, without front legs, their mouths nothing but teeth. The city was all but destroyed, buildings leveled and burning, smoke choking out the nighttime sky. 

This was it. The beginning of their most important mission. If they listened to their heart, they could still feel the Tapestry Crystal calling to them, but if they listened with their ears... they could hear chaos raging against their presence. 

The end was near. What do they do?
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime17th May 2017, 7:03 pm

[HC Event] Consecration B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
Crysdal flinched as the terrifying creatures zooming above them screamed, but tried her best to hide her fear. The decision to land had been hasty, but obviously necessary; that meant, however, that now they had to navigate the ruined city by ground rather than air, and who knew what was lying in wait for them in the desecrated buildings. "Is anybody hurt?" she asked; she hadn't thought the landing hard, but with the splintered wooden beams strewn about... they'd have to be careful walking anywhere.
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Senior Member
Small Lady Emeritus


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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime17th May 2017, 8:51 pm

[HC Event] Consecration KeESSpr

The city was amazing and beautiful yet horrifying at the same time. Ari tried to imagine what it would have been like had it not been a chaotic mess of destruction, but found it too hard with the terrifying flying creatures above.  She lowered her ears attempting to drown out the sounds raging about her. It was nearly unbearable.

"I'm fine." She spoke quietly in reply to Crysdal. The descent had been rough but she had managed. Ari, however, avoided eye contact with anyone in the group even Hadley. She had done so ever since they abandoned Venus. Hemera had died because of her. Now Venus. All because she was too weak.

She leaned against the cracked wood of one of the destroyed buildings. Staying near the group, but keeping to herself, she concentrated on drowning out the noise from above while still listening to what the others had to say. Looking down the street of destruction, all she could think was how this would be Bastet's fate, no, everyone's planets fates if they failed here. The weight of their mission pushed heavier than ever on her and she resisted the urge to just crumple up in a ball to wait for death.  She glanced at the group, eyes lingering on Hadley. They were still standing. She would too.

But where to next? They had been forced to land, the skies too dangerous. The city was vast like a labyrinth to them and they had no directions aside the pull of the Tapestry crystal in their hearts. Ari closed her eyes concentrating on the magic aura of the crystal, trying to discern which direction it was coming from.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime17th May 2017, 8:56 pm

[HC Event] Consecration Sailor15

SAM's landing was much gentler than she had been before, acutely aware that there were no hydraulics to soften the impact on her legs this time. This city was like nothing she'd seen before, unused to so much wood, even in its splintered, burning state. The air was stifling with smoke as they hurried to land, but it was the urgency that made her tune out how it stung her throat and eyes without her mask to filter it. She just had to rely on herself now.

"...I'm in one piece." It was a close thing though. If she didn't have a protective layer during that last assault... SAM shook off that thought as her fingers absentmindedly scratched as her pale skin, not sure if the itch was real or all in her head. It was probably both. The less she thought about how exposed she was, the better, even with all the sensory overload from the Tapestry Crystal, Chaos, and the torn up battleground they had to navigate.

"Did we have a plan for our approach, or were we just going strait for the crystal?"

Chalybs activated her MP Amulet one more time, preparing for whatever laid ahead of them.
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
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Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 8:11 am

DM wrote:
Ari feels the pull straight ahead; the path ahead is filled with debris, but manageable; far ahead a building blocks their path.

Chalybs uses the MP Amulet! The MP Amulet, exhausted, stops glowing.
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 8:25 am

[HC Event] Consecration G3U2Qqy

Finally they reached their destination planet. The city they landed at seemed entirely ruined - was the entire planet like this by this point? Would this happen to their homes too?

But what's done is done. No sense in dwelling in the destruction they see - their job now was to prevent the destruction to come.

Sam's question alarmed her. A plan for their approach, huh... They were about to begin talking things to death again, weren't they?

Just what she hated the most, she thought.

"Venus won't hold him off forever," she stated and began walking towards the way she felt right deep inside. Remembering their earlier encounter, she easily managed to see the enemies approach in time, but most of the others did not. Perhaps she should move first. Perhaps she could warn them in time if she saw something.

"When did plans do us any good anyway?" She turned back to Sam for a second and smiled softly.

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 9:40 am

[HC Event] Consecration ReEnAQI

Unlike the others around her, all working their way through various stages of anxiety and guilt at leaving Sailor Venus behind, Sailor Xtal-Diamante exhibited none of those traits. Her stony facade remained blank and her voice stayed silent as they traveled farther from the ominous presence that had threatened their group. The talk of the "Tapestry Crystal" still meant very little to Xtal-Diamante as far as understanding a tangible object, but the mere thought of it seemed to hum a deep reverberation throughout her crystal core. It filled her with a hint of warmth, as though remembering the heat of the sun that illuminated her distant home. If flooded her mind with transient images of colour and pressure. Like all of the others, it called to her.

She could feel the beat of it, faintly, within the center of her being.

The world that they arrived at seemed as foreign as all the others. She could barely distinguish it from the previous planets, everything seeming to blend together for the pale-haired teenager with the empty eyes. The beasts that screeched above them were foes they avoided with a careful low path, and she could make no sense of their forms: long, toothed, loud, and undulating. Perhaps there were no places like her own home. This place was destroyed now, and she was unable to piece together the wreckage in a meaningful way and imagine what it might have looked out prior to this devastation.

When Aegle asked if anyone was hurt, Xtal-Diamante also turned to look over those who were so susceptible to damage. The metal one had, for some strange reason, opted for a soft form. It seemed ill-advised in the face of danger, but she would not be the one to question it.

"We should follow the crystal, quickly," she silently advised, in response to comments from Chalybus and Nyx. There was no way to tell how much time they'd have.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 12:58 pm

[HC Event] Consecration B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
Everyone seemed okay; she had been a little worried about Sam - she was without her... metal case thing, and she seemed a little overwhelmed and cautious without it. Ari, too, seemed... different. Lost, ashamed, something. She understood why - leaving Venus was the logical thing to do, but it didn't seem right. They had no other choice, but that didn't mean it sat right with everyone. Crysdal wanted to try to help them - all of them - but Gabriel... Uneasily, she glanced up at him, worried all over at his vacant expression. He hadn't been the same since that Chaotic entity showed itself. He was unresponsive - she had had to guide him every step of the way, through the atmospheric descent to the landing they had just made. She had managed to cover for him so far - she didn't think anyone suspected he was zoning out, but Venus and finding the Crystal had made for a cover she could use, and she didn't know how much longer that would last. If the others found out... she didn't want them to worry even more. She'd take care of him, as he had been taking care of her. ... she was too afraid to do anything else. It was too familiar to ignore - Elysande had been the same way, before she... 

As Nyx reminded them that they had to hurry, she shook Gabriel's hand gently, hoping to stir him out of it, and gently guided him forward. She was thankful for Nyx's teasing comment and smile; raising their spirits was important, especially in a place as depressing and dangerous as this. 

Aegle Hug:
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 3:29 pm

[HC Event] Consecration Sailor15

SAM was momentarily stunned by Nyx's response, having gotten used to her mood since leaving Destore.

"I-I guess you're right, planning does seem pointless right now..." SAM said, giving her a tentative smile back. They just needed to take the shortest path to the Tapestry Crystal while Venus covered them. And those creatures flying above would hopefully ignore them as long as they stayed on the ground. It just always felt better when there was a plan to follow... SAM would just have to adjust to literally following her gut feelings to their target. She moved to catch up with Nyx.

"I can keep my scanner up if you want me to cover our backs," she said, more to the group.
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 6:11 pm

[HC Event] Consecration KeESSpr

Ari wondered if the direction she was sensing from the crystal was the same as the others. Seeing Nyx more involved in the conversation brought her some comfort, albeit little, so she decided to speak up.

"I think I've figure out a general direction," she pointed down the street towards where she had felt before, "It looks passable, but I think it's a dead end. We'll just have to go around."

Ari took a few steps in the direction she pointed to. Was there some sort of palace or temple the crystal was in? She hadn't noticed one but they had landed before really getting a chance to observe the city from above. Besides, the smoke and dark creatures flying above had created a haze that made parts of the city difficult to see.
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime18th May 2017, 6:38 pm

[HC Event] Consecration ReEnAQI

Sailor Xtal-Diamante was glad that the others were moving. This felt unlike the times before, when everyone would stand and emit sound waves at each other, without motion that conveyed their forms to a future location. She could almost feel the action of the creatures that swirled in the air above them, as though it added a soft undercurrent to their loud bellows, which rattled within her core. It was only mildly unsettling, but that sense of unease stayed with her as she followed towards the area that the cat-eared Sailor Bastet indicated. Dangers lurked here, and it would be different than the odds they had encountered before, in other places.

That humming within her self, that strange warmth that led her forward... It was something they would all have to trust, down here.
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 5:03 am

[HC Event] Consecration Q4typJ6

As thankful as she was to be on solid ground again, it felt strange to stand on her own feet again. A good kind of strange.

Hadley glanced around, taking in the surroundings and winced at the sheer destruction that was evident in the ruined buildings, the smoke clogging up the air, and rubble littering the ground.

She stayed closed in on herself, arms tight to her side. Instinctively, Hadley glanced to Ari, but still Ari would not look to her and Hadley had to advert her gaze once more. She wanted to give her friend proper space, but at the same time, she worried. Always worried.

Hadley felt small amongst all of this ruin, amongst all of her wonderful comrades and friends. Fear tightened her chest, and her hand couldn't quite stop their shaking.

But... she felt ready. This was what everything had been for. All of those battles, all of the pain and the death. All of the sacrifices.

She knew that there were others lost who would have done this vital task more justice than she ever could, but she was here now, and it was up to her to make sure that it had all been for something.

She spent a moment, remembering them all.

And then lifted her eyes to look forward.

Her hand found its way to the amulet hanging from her neck, and she gripped it with a tight grip, praying to Valdis and to the kind old lady who had given it to her. She asked for their courage, and for their help. As her fingers brushed the Cawthian Pouch, she sent a small prayer to the seeds in there as well.

Ari's voice brought Hadley out of her own introspective moment, and she looked again to her friend, from the soft purple curls to the bright green eyes.

She focused her gaze on each of the others in turn. Their group was impossibly smaller now, but at least none of them had to deal with all of this alone. There was a certain comfort in that.

Remaining silent, Hadley moved with the others, and tried to ignore the irregular beating of her heart.


Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 19th May 2017, 2:07 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot action spoiler!)
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 6:48 am

DM wrote:
They continued down the debris-filled street, climbing over obstructions, pulled in the direction of the stranded crystal. Every cross-street only revealed more of the destruction in an attack that must have happened while they were on Destore, everything too fresh to have happened at any time before. 

It was during one of these cross-street passings that Nyx felt an instantaneous moment of panic.
[HC Event] Consecration B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
"Do you think she was here?" Crysdal asked, glancing down yet another street littered with splintered wood, some dark, powdery substance and... she looked away, forcing the image of collapsed human bodies from her mind, even as she choked on her heart. This... this was happening everywhere. This is what would have come of Cipiere and Destore - the burning city was the norm, rather than the exception. She held back the tide of horror and fear that threatened to beak through by focusing on Gabriel, on leading him through his next steps, around the wooden beam in their path. 

She shouldn't have said anything. They shouldn't be thinking about anything else - looking back, looking around - they couldn't afford distractions, it would only slow them down, make them stop and mourn. "Nevermind," she hastily amended, "This place must have been beautiful before all this." There she went again. "Once we get the crystal, I'm sure things will go back to how they were."

Small talk; she felt like it was necessary, but what exactly do you say in a situation like this?
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Roleplaying Moderator


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Title : GC's Official Saphir
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 8:33 am

[HC Event] Consecration G3U2Qqy

Slowly and steadily, they made their way through the ruins. She listened as Aegle seemed to be thinking out loud... What made her so hopeful? Even if they got the crystal, how could things ever go back to what they were? She thought of their mission as more preventive of further pain and destruction - not quite restorative.

True, if they managed to put an end to this... They would probably be able to start over. But still...

Who knows. They should just do their best in any case.

As they continued, something felt off for a moment. Was something there? Were they about to strike? Instinctively, she summoned her staff, looking carefully at every direction.

...Was it just her imagination?
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
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Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 10:46 am

Battle Round 1 wrote:

Sneak Attack!
Creatures that appeared as humanoid pieces of darkness flung themselves at the senshi from the rooftops! Perception Check: 8; Nyx was able to perceive them before their attack! She will be able to avoid their sneak attacks!
Shadow 1 attempts to attack [HC Event] Consecration Amarachius Amarachius
Did it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 10
--ARM -5
----Total of 8 points of damage!

Shadow 2 attempts to attack [HC Event] Consecration Valdis Valdis
Did it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 8
--ARM -3
----Total of 10 points of damage!

Shadow 3 attempts to attack [HC Event] Consecration Xtal Xtal-Diamante 
Did it hit?
--6 Critical Hit!
How much damage?
--STR 12
--ARM -5
----Total of 12 points of damage!

Battle Round 1 Begins!

Shadow 1 attempts to attack [HC Event] Consecration Aegle Aegle 
Did it hit?
[HC Event] Consecration Amarachius Amarachius springs to life and deflects the attack away from Aegle, his eyes shining dangerously!

Shadow 2 attempts to attack [HC Event] Consecration Valdis Valdis
Did it hit?
It misses!

Shadow 3 attempts to attack [HC Event] Consecration Chalybs Chalybs
Did it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 12
--ARM -3
----Total of 13 points of damage!

Round 1:

DM wrote:
Note! Very Happy Making a spoiler at the end of your posts with your attack name, MP cost / WPN bonus, and any effects that may come with a critical hit, is awesome and saves me so much time ♥️ If you don't mind, please include that little bit at the end of your post so save me a little time so I can advance rounds a little faster during high-traffic post times! XD

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 19th May 2017, 11:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 11:04 am

[HC Event] Consecration B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
Crysdal shrieked in surprise as the creatures suddenly flung themselves down towards them and braced herself so she wouldn't fall over as Gabriel fell onto her and then pushed off of her, his shield swooping up instinctively to stave off the attack. That, at least, was comforting - he was back, he was himself, and that gave her strength and woke her up, too. 

Gabriel, Hadley, Hex - She kissed her hand watching, tracking where she saw hits land - Gabriel lunged across her to block an attempt at her, blocking her view for a moment - Hadley had evaded, Sam - something shimmered around her. A shield? They were all still standing, she just had to choose -- 


She carefully aimed and blew her kiss at Hadley.


Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 19th May 2017, 11:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 11:19 am

[HC Event] Consecration ReEnAQI

She couldn't dodge these attackers; they moved too swiftly, seemingly formed from darkness itself, although their overall shape resembled that of herself and her team members. Her awkward maneuvering only seemed to put her more squarely in their line of action. When the creature struck, Sailor Xtal-Diamante didn't necessary feel paint but she could sense the gravity of how she had been hit. It was more critical, perhaps, than any blow she had taken before. If she breathed, she might have had a sense of the wind being knocked out of her—but that was not possible without lungs.

Instead she tried to assume a more defensive stance, the crystal eyes desperately trying to follow the forms of the enemies that set upon them. Perhaps she could strike out, if one approached her range. At the same time, she concentrated on her companions. The glow of her crystal core felt dim, but she'd have to use it. Hopefully she could assist them. Her eyes flashed twice as she made her selection.

And as she did so, she thought almost immediately after of her world, of her home, and of walking on its surface again someday.

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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 2:21 pm

[HC Event] Consecration Sailor15

Seeing Nyx stop in front of them and summon her weapon, SAM stopped as well. Was something here? The figures that jumped from the rooftops knocked her completely off guard, and before anyone could move, the creatures attacked. The one that had struck Xtal-Diamante turned to her next, and bit back a yell as it broke through her defense in one strike, leaving her injured and terrified. 

If it hurt that much while partially absorbed by her shielding, how much would it hurt next time? SAM took a few steps back, clutching her arm to at least try and cover where she was hit. She was already looking for a place to hide, but then her eyes fell on the rest of the group, her allies. She'd agreed to do whatever she could to help Crysdal, and Eternal Sailor Venus had done so much for them already... She didn't have the right to be a coward. Just hiding in a corner creating more barriers for herself would be selfish, and would probably get someone else killed. 

SAM steadied her breath and focused on the monster in front of her, making her decision. She let go of her arm to raise her hand, building up energy.

Sailor Chalybs used Chalybs Beam (Control) 3 MP on Shadow 3. Burn Chance.

Last edited by Sailor Pluto on 19th May 2017, 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 2:35 pm

[HC Event] Consecration Q4typJ6

The pain struck her so suddenly, stealing away her breath as she stumbled to keep her footing. She tried to fill her lungs with precious air once more, muscles trembling from the effort. It hurt.

After the initial wave agony finally passed, it dawned on her that they must be under attack.

Somehow, the realization never failed to surprise her.

She stood up straight, and took a moment to figure out the situation. She saw the enemies first, their shapes familiar but so very very dark.

No more hesitating, she reminded herself. And she braced her heart against the fear.

Aiming to the one closest to herself, Hadley called out her own attack: "Verdant Spikes!"

Only then did she glance towards her allies, fearful of what she might see, but wanting - needing - to know. Relief washed over her to see that each of them still stood on their own. Alive.

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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 6:37 pm

[HC Event] Consecration KeESSpr

Ari had barely registered Nyx pausing with her staff in her hands when the attack came. She spun and watched in horror as the dark humanoid creatures landed blows on everyone. Frantically she watched, trying to decide who to help first, for she had somehow been spared. She looked at everyone individually. The creature that had attacked Hex first moved to hit Sam, but Hadley...she looked over towards her. She was having to fight the dark shadow on her own. Ari furrowed her brows, decision made.

Swiftly grabbing her two daggers from beneath her skirt, she charged the the creature near Hadley, aiming to stab it in the back as it was focused on her friend.

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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 7:07 pm

Battle Round 1 wrote:
[HC Event] Consecration Aegle Aegle uses Aegle Kiss (1MP) on [HC Event] Consecration Valdis Valdis!
How much healed?
--CTRL 11
--Affection -1
----Total of 11 points healed!

[HC Event] Consecration Xtal Xtal-Diamante uses Boost (3MP) on [HC Event] Consecration Nyx Nyx!
Nyx Control boosted by 5 for the next 6 rounds!

[HC Event] Consecration Chalybs Chalybs uses Chalybs Beam (3MP) and attempts to hit Shadow 3!
Does it hit?
How much damage?
--CTRL 4
--MP 2
----Total of 9 points of damage!

[HC Event] Consecration Valdis Valdis uses Verdant Spikes (4MP) and attempts to hit Shadow 2!
Does it hit?
Shadow 2 dodges the attack!

[HC Event] Consecration Bastet Bastet uses her Daggers (2WPN) and attempts to attack Shadow 2!
Does it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 4
--WPN 2
----Total of 11 points of damage!

Round 2 Begins
Shadow 1 attempts to attack [HC Event] Consecration Aegle Aegle 
Does it hit?
[HC Event] Consecration Amarachius Amarachius lunges and takes the blow!
Shield arm takes the blow!
How much damage?
--STR 10
--ARM -5
----Total of 6 points of damage

Shadow 2 attempts to attack[HC Event] Consecration Bastet Bastet
Does it hit?
How much damage?
--STR 8
--ARM -4
----Total of 6 points of damage

Shadow 3 attempts to attack [HC Event] Consecration Amarachius Amarachius 
Does it hit?
His shield was used to deflect the blow from Aegle!
No Shield armor bonus!
How much damage?
--STR 12
--ARM -3
----Total of 33 points of damage
[HC Event] Consecration Amarachius Amarachius is KO! [HC Event] Consecration Amarachius

Round 2:
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 7:35 pm

[HC Event] Consecration B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
She got Hadley.

Determined, she ignored the fate of the magical attacks her friends threw outward - all she need worry about was them and their well-being. Being distracted by how the enemies fared had thrown her off before, she couldn't let that happen again. Hadley, good. Nyx, good. Hex, good but injured - she gathered her energy again, pulling it to her lips as she raised her hand, waiting for it to charge enough to be useful. Sam was okay - and could apparently still use her lights without her suit. Ari - Ari flung herself at Hadley's prior attacker and she tensed as the attack hit, waiting for the counterstrike. If anything touched them, she'd --

One of the creatures reappeared suddenly before her, its sharp hand thrusting towards her -- only to be thrown off course by Gabriel and his shield. She inhaled sharply and stumbled backward, falling to the ground as she tripped over a broken beam in the street, Gabriel's attempt at redirecting her to stay behind him foiled by their terrain. From the ground she had a clear view of the creature's bladed arm sliding down the length of Gabriel's shield, slowing, but ultimately landing and sinking into the flesh of his right thigh. Her stomach clenched as the arm was pulled out at a different angle to inflict more pain. She pushed herself to recover faster, to untangle herself and get to him, forcing herself to remain calm. Gabriel was strong, he could handle that attack, and she'd have it healed in --

Then another one struck, practically landing on his unprotected shoulder with its sharp blade first. It sunk into him, knocking him sideways to the ground with the force of its weight. Gabriel fell onto his shield, his head narrowly missing the broken beam. 

"GABRIEL!" She was only feet away, but she had no way of defending him. He had to be alive. Kicking her feet backward, she rolled over to free herself from the awkward beam and used the momentum to stand, bracing with one foot behind her to counter balance the motion once she was up, and looked around frantically for a weapon. She wasn't going to let it hurt him anymore!

She grabbed a rough piece of splintered wood - something from the frame of a door or window - and kicked at its base to free off a chunk she could swing, and ran in, swinging full force, at the creature that had attacked Gabriel, aiming to knock it off!

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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 7:58 pm

Battle Round 2 wrote:
[HC Event] Consecration Aegle Aegle uses a stick and attempts to knock Shadow 3 off of Amarachius![HC Event] Consecration Amarachius
Did it hit? Target not moving
--Automatic hit!
Did it work?
--STR 1
--WPN 0
----Total of 3 points of damage!
Does it disengage?
The creature remains atop Amarachius Sworn, pinning his (unconscious) body to the ground!

Shadow 1 picks itself off the ground and reels, picking a new target to focus on - 
It propels itself towards Nyx!

Round 2:

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 19th May 2017, 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 8:01 pm

[HC Event] Consecration KeESSpr

The daggers met with what she thought was flesh, a small grin on her face as she pushed a little harder trying to damage the creature as much as she could. Now she could take out all of her anger and grief on her enemy. Even though she felt a solid mass, the creature felt more like a being of dark mists. Like a mist wraith. She had a vague flash of memory of Bastien lore from her studies. She had once read of dark creatures like these. Unfortunately, that distracted her just enough to get hit in the chest, knocking her back slightly, pulling out her daggers as she stepped back.

Ari went to lunge at the monster but paused when she heard a familiar scream. She turned slightly, seeing Gabriel lying on his shield. Oh no... She didn't watch to see if Crysdal would injure it. Ari faced her opponent, feeling desperate and lunged into him with her daggers once again, with full intent to kill.

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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 8:24 pm

[HC Event] Consecration Sailor15

SAM's beam was a direct hit on the shadowy creature, instilling her with the confidence to stand her ground. This fight didn't feel nearly as hopeless as their battles in space. Instead of attacking her again, the creature turned to a more distracted target,and dug into Amarachius Sworn. It had him on the ground, and he wasn't moving... 

It was Crysdal's actions that unfroze her, and SAM turned and charged at the monster before she could stop and think about it. No one else was going to die without her doing anything to help them.

"Your fight's with me!" she yelled, red eyes glaring at the creature Aegle had tried to knock off.

She body-checked (Strength) Shadow 3, trying to forcefully remove it from Amarachius with all of her weight.
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 9:06 pm

Battle Round 2 wrote:
[HC Event] Consecration Bastet Bastet uses her Daggers (2WPN) and attempts to attack Shadow 2!
Does it hit?
She misses! Shadow 2 dodges and redirects its attention towards
Just kidding It reels and prepares another strike at Bastet!

[HC Event] Consecration Chalybs Chalybs body checks Shadow 3!
Does it hit? Shadow 3 is not moving!
--Automatic hit!
How much damage?
--STR 5
----Total of 4 points of damage!

Round 2:
Sam's body-check hits the creature dead-on! As the collision forces the creature from its perch, it twists its blade deep in Amarachius Sworn's chest, so that as it falls it cuts a rift. The force of the impact destroys Shadow 3, but Shadow 3's final action does fatal damage to Amarachius Sworn.

[HC Event] Consecration Amarachius Amarachius Sworn is dead. [HC Event] Consecration Amarachius

As the creature's body disappears, Amarachius Sworn's body starts to disintegrate, breaking into a thousand tiny lights. Amidst them, a shining Sailor Crystal appears and is released, shooting skyward the moment his body is fully broken down.
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 9:30 pm

[HC Event] Consecration B105B628F984293F926719C9838917F2F7E6477A582D6CA0C9pimgpsh_fullsize_distr
Her stick bounced uselessly off of the inky mass, knocking her off balance and back a few steps. She grit her teeth, ready to try again, when suddenly - "Your fight's with me!"


Relief washed over her in that moment, determination redoubled as Sam rushed forward, her shoulder pointed towards the creature to throw the evil thing off of Gabriel. She hit it perfectly, and as the both of them went forward, the creature disappeared. She dropped the stick and dashed, springing off the ground and over the beam between them to land on Gabriel's other side, gathering power in her lips and her hair in one hand - now it was up to her. She closed her eyes and leaned in close, warding herself against what she knew would be a bloody mess, a state she never wanted to see anyone in, let alone her friend. 

But her lips never made contact with his skin. 

She leaned in closer - maybe she had underestimated the distance? But when still her lips did not find his cheek, her eyes shot open in panic, panic that only intensified with sight. Gabriel was disappearing. "No!" the cry tore from her throat. She used her hands, letting her hair fall into her face and leaving her weight on her legs alone, and tried to touch him, feeling only the slightest resistance where his skin should have been. He was breaking down - fracturing, into thousands of tiny specks of light. What should she do?! Tears streaming down her face, she tried to redirect her power to her hands to hold the light in, but it was no use - the glittering substance was floating away. She watched it with an air of desperation - there was no way she could gather it all, no way to --

When she looked back down, in the middle of where Gabriel's chest should have been there was a shining pyramidal crystal with a grey sheen and a pure yellow light glowing within. Her breath caught. She had never seen one before, but she had heard of them from those two senshi who had taught her what it was to be a senshi. They had spoken of them on this trip, even - it was his Sailor Crystal. His very soul. She reached for it - if she caught it, could she keep him here? Could she save him?! But just as she reached for it, it shot skyward, too fast for her to catch. The glitter that made up what had been the rest of Gabriel's body followed after it, streaking into the sky like a tiny shooting star, and was gone. 

Gabriel was dead.

Wrapping her arms around herself, huddled on the ground in a pool of the blood of a person who no longer existed, Crysdal hugged herself and cried.
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime19th May 2017, 11:36 pm

[HC Event] Consecration G3U2Qqy

It was not her imagination. Why did she doubt herself? While she was prepared for the attack, she failed to warn the others in time too. So much for her plan. At least everyone seemed okay, mostly, and Aegle jumped into healer duty. Gabriel deflected attacks directed to her - looks like someone started being useful too.

What should she do? She knew she would not be able to use her magic much longer at this rate. She would be useless later if she did so, but...

Suddenly, she felt something inside her. Her focus was clearer, her magic felt strengthened. It was the rocky one that had such effects, wasn't it? Then she shouldn't waste this gift. Nodding at her, she prepared to direct her Moonlight Lullaby at one of the enemies.

But screams from her allies caught her attention. Gabriel... He was unconscious? Sam rushed in to help, but... She managed to destroy the enemy, but his body suddenly... Was he...

Why? How? To protect Aegle?

That was... brave. Selfless. Was it possible that she had... misjudged him?

Excellent time to figure it out.

Another of the enemies began heading her way. Yes. Do just that.

She raised her hand and directed her attack towards Shadow 1.

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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] Consecration Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Consecration   [HC Event] Consecration I_icon_minitime20th May 2017, 11:05 am

Battle Round 2 wrote:
[HC Event] Consecration Nyx Nyx uses Moonlight Lullaby (3mp) and attempts to freeze Shadow 1!
Did it hit?
How much damage?
--CTRL 9 + 5
--MP 2
----Total of 16 points of damage

Shadow 1 has been defeated!
It disappears!

Round 2:
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