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 ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ Empty
PostSubject: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime27th July 2016, 6:37 am

The lights come on in the great and mysterious halls of RP to reveal a not-unfamiliar (although relatively new to the job) face among these parts. The frilled dress and massive pink ribbon in her hair seems less fitting for doing battle for the good of the universe and more suited to a nice afternoon with a cup of tea.

Oh. Wait. There's tea right there. She grins at those assembled and picks up a floral china cup, balancing a jewel-and-ribbon decorated microphone in the other hand.

Hiiiiii, everyone~! ♥️ I am super-super-super excited to kick off some awards for the fantastic and fun-filled RP section of these marvelous forums~! ♥️ So, here we go!!!

★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 8fdb1dc809c0616f5becdbca4124c6df

Favourite HC Event EVER

Of course, of course—we love all of the Hardcore (HC) events and our evil dice overlord loving RP admin and dungeon master, Sailor Uranus. ♥️

But... we all have our favourites. There's always one event that stands out in our minds, as we consider all of the times that Callisto gets hit with damage (ouchies) or someone tries to kill a thing but the dice then accidentally make you hit a teammate (possibly Callisto...) or a river explodes or steals your memories and life... The one event that your family and roommates are just so done hearing you talk about. But for you, reading or participating in it was just. so. awesome...!


Remnants (pt 3)
Andromeda Spire
Lunar Chronicles Phase III
Lunar Chronicles Phase IV
And the winner is...:

Best Daytime Soap-Opera RP

There are some RP threads we read because they pull at our heartstrings. We feel so deeply for the characters when we read the eloquent poetry of our RPers.

Then there are the storylines that we read because they have so much drama they need their own shepherd for those drama-llamas! Misunderstandings, crazy turns of events, rivalries... there's enough to keep us glued to our screens!

★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ Giphy


And the winner is...:

All the Feels

We. Just. Can't. Take. All. These. FEELS...!

★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ Fe5

★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ Tumblr_nilk1yOUAE1rsirwro1_500


Eternal Senshi
Gates of Horn and Ivory
And the winner is...:

★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 1984953407 ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 1984953407 ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 1984953407 Thanks ♥so much♥ for nominating and voting!!! ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 1984953407 ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 1984953407 ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 1984953407
★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ Tumblr_mjz775VJyb1ro8ba4o1_400

★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 3120549547 Sailor Saturn ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 3120549547 Presents: Favourite Casual Event EVER and Favourite Storyline Concept

★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 4122659016 Addelyn ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 4122659016 Presents: Most Quotable Storyline EVER and Most Prolific Storyline

Last edited by Aurae on 29th July 2016, 10:27 am; edited 2 times in total
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Sailor Neptune
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★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime27th July 2016, 6:54 am

Congratulations to all these storyline creators and their players!

And it's an honor to get to share the HC event award with the Infamous Dungeon Master herself ♥
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Sailor Venus
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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime27th July 2016, 9:05 am

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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime27th July 2016, 5:04 pm

Congratulations to all storylines! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime27th July 2016, 5:15 pm

Man was phase III fun! Congrats everyone! ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 378648805
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime27th July 2016, 5:26 pm

Congrats to the winners! ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 3884866259  This makes me excited to participate in my first HC soon. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime27th July 2016, 7:12 pm

Congratulations yall!!!
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime28th July 2016, 7:31 am

A new presenter comes into view - her dark dress shimmers purple when the light catches the folds. Her mask is a simple one of a dark purple color, with a few black feathers wisping on one side. She smiles, though a little nervous, as she picks up the microphone. Her voice is soft, and yet commands attention with the whispers of hidden power.

"Hello everyone! It is my honor to announce the next two awards!"  

Favorite Casual Event Ever!

Casual events are always varied and can be great to simply jump into head first! But we all must have our favorites! An event so crazy, so engrossing and just so much FUN that it simply can't be ignored!

The Nominees are...

The Otakus Grimm
Vacation to the Dark Side
Twelve Stars

And the Winner is...:

"Next we have..."

Favorite Storyline Concept

We asked you to remember that one story concept that had you inspired and excited! The one that brought about giggles and full out maniacal laughter! The one that creeps into your brain when you are supposed to be sleeping! The one that made you want to RP the very moment you read it!  

The Nominees are...

Love and Justice League
Fractured Zenith
Red String of Fate

And the Winner is...:

Thanks to everyone for voting! Congratulations again to our winners and our nominees!!
But don't fret!! More awards are on the horizon! <3

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime28th July 2016, 7:52 am

Yay, congratulations!!! ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 2695440696
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime28th July 2016, 5:19 pm

Sailor Mercury wrote:
Congratulations to all these storyline creators and their players!

And it's an honor to get to share the HC event award with the Infamous Dungeon Master herself ♥️
★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 1984953407  All the sharing!! ♥️ ♥️ AND THE TEARS OF PHASE III OMG BEST PAIN  

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime29th July 2016, 10:09 am

Most Quotable Storyline Ever 

Addelyn walks on stage, a piece of paper clutched in her hand as she approaches the microphone. 

"Hello Everyone! I have the honour of announcing the most Quotable Storyline ever! All of our nominees were filled with many quotes that we can look back on and laugh, or cry. They give us all the feels." Looking down at her paper, she grinned at the nominees. 

"I would like to give some shout outs to a few Storylines that were nominated. As Events aren't really considered to be storylines, they weren't counted towards the nominations, but I would like to thank the players for All Hard Core Events ever and the Causal Event Vacation to the Darkside for being amazing people and making all those events so memorable!"

With a smile Addy looks at the crowd as she pauses for effect. 

"Now, the moment you have been waiting for, the most Quotable Storyline is...."

Drum roll!:

Most Prolific Storyline

The winner for the most prolific storyline is a story that was believed to have the longest, most in-depth responses consistently. It out of all the storylines most resembles a novel. As Events don't count, the winner for Most Prolific Storyline is....

Drum roll!:

Congrats to all the Rpers of these storylines!

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime29th July 2016, 10:24 am

*cough* bump I forgot prolific so xD I added it! tada!
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime31st July 2016, 4:33 am

"Thank you Addy, and congratulations to our winners! And now, it's time for our next batch of awards!" <3

Best Relaxed Storyline

They might be called relaxed, but the people who RP in them don't relax at all! Always full of exciting plots, interesting twists and turns, and tons of character interaction! The only ones who get to relax are those of us who sit back and enjoy reading these awesome RPs! <3 However, we've all come together to decide on our favorite Relaxed Storyline, the one that we just love to bits!

The Nominees are...

Thunder and Rain
Crossed Wires

And the Winner is...:

"For our next award, it's...."

Best Advanced Storyline

Ah, Advanced Storylines, always so large and full of intricate details and in-depth plots that can potentially go on for ages! Always so demanding of our time and our love, and we willing give them it, with a big smile upon our faces! But now we turn our attention to the storylines that call to us, that make us just a bit more excited than the rest, the ones that demand our love just a little more strongly!!

First we have we have two wonderful honorable mentions, though as events are not considered storylines, these could not count in the voting, but we all love them so much anyway! <3

HC Event, Light in Darkness
HC Event, Fields of Enyalius

The Nominees are...

Hecate's Uprising
Four Corners
Sailor V: Phantom Love

And the Winner is...:

Thank you again to everyone who took the time to nominate and to vote! And another big congratulations to all of our winners! We love you all!!!! ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 1434556979

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime31st July 2016, 4:34 am

Congrats to the winners!!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime3rd August 2016, 8:22 am

Kyra stumbles on stage, straightens, and strides over to the podium with a bright smile.

"I apologize for the late hour for this award, but our other host is tied up elsewhere, so please permit me to do the honors! Last, but not least, we have here to celebrate the

Best Hall of Fame Storyline

The best of the best! Storylines that have made it from creation through the trials of availability and plot, all the way to completion and accolade! Each of the nominated storylines had hours upon hours of time and energy and love poured into them, and each make for a great read! 

And our nominees for this award are...
Mercurial Romance
Dead Ringer
Drops of Jupiter
The Heroe's Quest
And the Winner Is...:

Congratulations to our winner, and, truly, all of our nominees on their accomplishments! 

That's it for our Storyline Awards!♥
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime3rd August 2016, 9:20 am

Congratulations to all the Storylines nominated and awarded! ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ 3884866259
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PostSubject: Re: ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★   ★★ Stars of the Silver Millennium ★★ Storyline-Specific Awards ★★ I_icon_minitime

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