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 [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi

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Lotus Crystal


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[Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  Empty
PostSubject: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime10th April 2016, 5:33 pm

So I was on tumblr today and I found a very interesting post. I'll copy and paste the pictures and what it said below, but if you wish to read it on tumblr, the original post is here.

luna-whiskers on tumblr wrote:
[Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  Tumblr_o5fqohYuVN1r6n5lno3_500
[Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  Tumblr_o5fqohYuVN1r6n5lno1_500
[Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  Tumblr_o5fqohYuVN1r6n5lno2_500

As I was saying before, it seems pretty clear that the people of Tokyo are fully aware that weird stuff just happens to them. The sailor senshi aren’t exactly a secret anymore, so there’s no sense in anyone pretending that people aren’t going to see them sometimes.
The manga senshi have always been way less uptight about their secret identities than in other adaptations. Asanuma full-on guessed who everybody was in the previous arc. So of course that’s going to be reflected in Crystal. There’s going to be a lot more blurring of everybody’s identities this arc.
But it’s great to see it addressed so directly with Naru and Umino. Did Naru know before? Judging by her expression, I think she did. She looks concerned here, not shocked or frightened. She knows that bad stuff like this happens sometimes. She knows that it’s her friend’s job to take care of it. 
Umino? Well, Umino will probably have to update his fan blog now.

I'm wondering if Usagi at some point had to tell Naru who they were, maybe not that she was a Princess, but that she was a Senshi. When Mamo said he would take care of Naru and Umino, the girls had either just transformed or were about to transform out in the open. Instead of being scared of a monster, Naru looks worried and not for herself. Granted, this could be an animation error, but its the same in the manga. 

It makes it seem like Naru knows exactly who the Senshi are and is worried for their safety, knowing that they have to fight monsters. 

Now my question to you, do you think Naru found out on her own, by putting clues together, or did she see the girls transform out in the open like that previously and that's how she found out about them.
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[Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime10th April 2016, 7:09 pm

I think Naru found out by herself and asked about it to Usagi, it was the feeling I got from episode 27 (I don't remember very well if the same thing happened in the manga).
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime10th April 2016, 7:11 pm

Yah, that seems to be what Episode 27 from Crystal is implying. As its following the Manga pretty closely, I think this scene happens in the manga as well. I honestly think that Naru is a very smart girl and even if Usagi never did confirm her suspicions, she was able to put 2 and 2 together.
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PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime10th April 2016, 7:29 pm

As far as I can remember (as I haven't gone through the ENTIRE MANGA for this), Naru is never explicitly TOLD by Usagi in the manga. As far as this particular scene goes, this is the manga's counterpart, which is a bit different.


As you can see, Naru seems to either notice the brooch or notice Usagi looking surprised at her brooch. Then she isn't looking towards the girls whatsoever as Mamoru shields both Naru and Umino. Also it seems they aren't on as busy of a street as was shown in SMC.

So I don't think she sees them transform here. I find it odd that they made it seem like Naru and Umino knew...but i think thats just bad directing on SMC's part.

Other notable things of people finding out/knowing/suspecting.

It seems mostly during the Black Moon Clan arc, that civilians and friends discover the identities of the Senshi.

First is Motoki. He found out actually at the end of Dark Kingdom and now seems to be finally confronting them about it here. xD

Kotono, the President from the Paranormal club at Rei's school, seems to just be worried about Rei and wondering whats going on, but seems she never was told/found out. Though it seems Asanuma voices his suspicions in front of her.


And that brings up to Asanuma, who is suspicious then is out right told by Makoto who they were.


And then there's this scene:

Out of the 3 civilians shown, we know Motoki and Asanuma know but does Kotono get to know? And on that, Naru even? Cause all we get out of naru during this arc is her worrying over Usagi after she sees her freaking out whenever she hears people mention "Black Moon".

I feel that Naru is most definitely suspicious and aware and most likely eventually finds out, but whether or not it is because Usagi willingly tells her or Naru figures it out...its not shown in the manga.

As far as 90s anime goes, the only hint we get is during the R season towards the end, right before the final battle, where Naru is shown worrying about Usagi and realizing that she is involved with something that she will never understand but it is never brought up afterwards.

In the live action, Naru finds out as Usagi is forced to transform in front of her in order to protect her from a youma attack towards the end of the series.

Also I forgot to mention Usagi's family, there are maybe 2 scenes tops one in the first arc and another in the last arc, where we see her parents noticing something different about Usagi or getting a feeling like they aren't going to see them again (before big battle). I think its safe to say they never find out until Crystal Tokyo comes around or Usagi tells them post Stars.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime10th April 2016, 7:36 pm

Usagi's family is funny. 

I wonder in the 90s anime if Usagi told Naru after Nephrite was killed in front of her. I don't think Usagi could keep it in that she knew why her friend was sad, she'd want to help especially because she knew why. 

Knowing Naru though, she'll keep her suspicions to herself until Usagi is ready to tell her.

Edit: somehow this posted before I was ready. 

I think if people like Motoki know, there's no way that someone as close to Usagi as Naru won't figure it out. She'd be more around than Usagi's parents during times she'd transform.
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[Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime13th April 2016, 9:25 pm

I've always head cannoned that Usagi told Naru after Nepherite. They are best friends, and strange things were happening around Naru, and as she saw it, Usagi. I like to think, at least anime-wise, Usagi went to comfort Naru, and through their talking, Usagi told her she was there, and that she was Sailor Moon. Usagi has such a big heart, and I imagine that keeping a secret like that from her best friend would be difficult. 

However, given the manga characterization, I have a feeling that Naru figured it out herself, like others have stated. She is a smart cookie, and I wish we got to see more of her and Usagi's relationship.
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PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime13th April 2016, 10:38 pm

Oh man, I would love that Naru found out, or at least was suspicious manga-wise. I'd like to imagine that it would be Umino that would find out about them first, then tell Naru from there, considering he was already investigating sailor V and did go to the crown arcade often. Then again, I think I'm meshing facts from the 90s anime into this lol.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime14th April 2016, 9:55 am

MandarinCupcake wrote:
I've always head cannoned that Usagi told Naru after Nepherite. They are best friends, and strange things were happening around Naru, and as she saw it, Usagi. I like to think, at least anime-wise, Usagi went to comfort Naru, and through their talking, Usagi told her she was there, and that she was Sailor Moon. Usagi has such a big heart, and I imagine that keeping a secret like that from her best friend would be difficult. 

I think in the Anime Usagi would kind of have to after that scene. I can imagine that while Naru is crying on the grass, Usagi, still as Sailor Moon goes over to her to comfort her and at some point drops her transformation and the secret is out Very Happy Rei is cursing Usagi in her mind for putting Naru in danger for knowing their secret.
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PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime15th April 2016, 11:43 am

Addelyn wrote:
MandarinCupcake wrote:
I've always head cannoned that Usagi told Naru after Nepherite. They are best friends, and strange things were happening around Naru, and as she saw it, Usagi. I like to think, at least anime-wise, Usagi went to comfort Naru, and through their talking, Usagi told her she was there, and that she was Sailor Moon. Usagi has such a big heart, and I imagine that keeping a secret like that from her best friend would be difficult. 

I think in the Anime Usagi would kind of have to after that scene. I can imagine that while Naru is crying on the grass, Usagi, still as Sailor Moon goes over to her to comfort her and at some point drops her transformation and the secret is out Very Happy Rei is cursing Usagi in her mind for putting Naru in danger for knowing their secret.
Oh yes! I like that a lot! And Usa, or someone else would mention to Rei, since Naru was already involved with Nephrite, she was already put into danger, but at least she knew now that someone has her back if it happens again.
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[Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime16th April 2016, 7:18 pm

If she does know, she must have put it together.  Even during the 90s anime, we never got the sense that Usagi told Naru anything.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime18th April 2016, 8:06 am

Okay but if she put it together then she would still know and honestly, we don't get any sense about Usagi telling her and her knowing in the 90s mostly because Naru kind of poofs not long after that and when we do see her, it's no where near Sailor Moon so it's hard to tell as well.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime25th May 2016, 6:23 pm

Sailor Venus wrote:
I think Naru found out by herself and asked about it to Usagi, it was the feeling I got from episode 27 (I don't remember very well if the same thing happened in the manga).
I agree with this. I just feel like Naru figured it out on her own.
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PostSubject: Re: [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi    [Debate] Did Usagi tell Naru about the Senshi  I_icon_minitime3rd June 2016, 9:15 pm

Seems to me she knows what's going on (at least in the dub):

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