This will be a basic introduction to role-playing at the Galaxy Cauldron forums. The RPG has a ton of neat features and even more to do, but I will not be covering it all in this workshop. Instead, the primary goal of this workshop will be for you, the workshop participant, to join your first role-play on the GC RPG.
This is Part 1 of a two-part series.
What is role-playing? There are several different types of role-playing, but let us focus on the type of role-playing done here on GC. Role-playing is the acting-out of a character through writing with at least one other role-player. You can pretend to be any canon character, create your own otaku character, and place the character in any imaginable scenario to find out what would happen.
Think of role-playing as a semi-structured method to co-author a story with another or multiple people.
Let’s get the tour started!
The Tour of The Silver Millennium
You can find the Galaxy Cauldron RPG near the bottom of the forums in the section labeled The Silver Millennium.
There are 3 sections to the RPG that cover basic information about the RPG, figuring out what role-play to join, and where you will write as your character.
Welcome Forum (Basic Information)
Planning Forum (Find a Role-Play to Join)
RPG Forums (Write and Role-Play)
Of course, you should read the rules, but let me provide you the abridged version.
If you have any questions, ask a RP Moderator or RP Administrator. And, be considerate of other role-players.
The RPG Staff exists to help you and make role-playing a better experience. Use them as a resource when you do not know what to do or you are not able to find something.
Finding Your First Role-Play
In order to role-play on GC, you need to join a role-play or create your own role-play. For the sake of simplicity, let us assume you are going to join an existing role-play.
But, oh no, there are so many role-plays already in progress! It’s too over-whelming to find just one. Don’t worry, there are two great places to start. Check these places out, first.
1. The Featured Role-Play: In the top right-hand corner of the forums underneath the pretty graphic header there is a box titled “Featured Roleplay”. Read the description and click on the link if you think it sounds interesting. The link will take you to a place where you can read more about the role-play and join the role-play.
2. Events: Look two boxes to the left and you’ll see a box titled “Events.” Here you will likely see a link to a “Roleplay Event”. This is an easy-going role-play with simple rules and requirements that will only last for a week or two. If you do not see a “Roleplay Event”, then contact Sailor Saturn or another member of the RPG Staff to find out about the next event.
The Planning Forum[/size]will have information about all of the role-plays in progress or those being planned, so this is another area of the RPG you can check out for role-plays. Each role-play or role-play idea has an information thread in this section where you can learn about the role-play and what characters are available.
Joining Your First Role-Play
At this point in your journey, I will assume you have found a role-play to join and you picked an available character. The next thing you need to do is submit a character profile. A character profile is a method for you to better understand your character in the context of the role-play you just joined.
Go to the Character Profiles section in the Planning Forum. Here, you need to determine what ‘bucket’ your character fits into: Canon Character, Otaku/Crossover Character, or Multiverse Character.
Canon Character(You want to role-play as a character that is in the Sailor Moon series)
Otaku/Crossover Character(You want to role-play a character you created)
Multiverse Character (You want to role-play as a character that is not from the Sailor Moon series)
End of Part 1
Next time we'll create a character profile together. For now, submit any questions you have within this thread, but keep the questions pertinent to the information we've covered thus far. If you have no questions, then, in the mean time, you can find a role-play to join and decide which type of character you want to write a profile for (canon, otaku/crossover, or multiverse).