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 [RP Challenge] April Origins!

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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
Roleplay Director

Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[RP Challenge] April Origins! Empty
PostSubject: [RP Challenge] April Origins!   [RP Challenge] April Origins! I_icon_minitime6th April 2016, 10:17 am

[RP Challenge] April Origins! April_origins_challenge_header_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d9xwrrz
How did all that happen? 
Let's find out!
This month's challenge is Origins! To participate in this theme, start, join, or finish a roleplay during the month of April that is about the start of something! Whether it is along the lines of a super-hero origin story, a villain origin story, or just the start of something new or how something old came to be - this month is all about getting something going!

To accept our Origins Challenge:
Like a Star @ heaven  Create or Join a Roleplay that fits our Origins theme! Or think of a storyline you're already in that describes the start of something!
Like a Star @ heaven Have the storyline creator officially enter any targeted storylines by replying to this thread with a link to the storyline and listing the players! If you are looking for more members, post saying so here! If you're intending to throw in an Activity Rule to move your RP along, mention it here AND in your OOC thread!
Like a Star @ heaven Keep active in your roleplays! Go Go Go!

To COMPLETE our Origins Challenge, complete one or more of the following goals:
[RP Challenge] April Origins! 2393257330 Complete an Origins-themed roleplay! Have your creator update their original post here saying it's complete!
[RP Challenge] April Origins! 2393257330 Post at least 4 times in an entered storylines that has 4 or more total players
[RP Challenge] April Origins! 2393257330 Post at least 6 times in an entered storylines that has 3 or less total players

Complete one goal in this challenge and claim this ~mysterious~ Origins bumper!
[RP Challenge] April Origins! April_origins_challenge_bumper_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d9xwrrs

How can the RP Staff help you out?
[RP Challenge] April Origins! 2393257330 Join the RP Activity Days Skype group and connect with all the RPers there to get psyched about writing!
[RP Challenge] April Origins! 4039879955 Join in on one of this month's themed Live-Chats to reduce your challenge-win post-counts by 1!
[RP Challenge] April Origins! 1666276025 Join the [HC Event] Fields of Enyalius - it counts as an official Origins challenge for its theme (if you can't think why, just wait for it XD) (and that it will most definitely end this month!)

Ready... Set... Roleplay!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[RP Challenge] April Origins! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP Challenge] April Origins!   [RP Challenge] April Origins! I_icon_minitime7th April 2016, 5:40 pm

Entering Silver Discordia for the challenge!

[RP Challenge] April Origins! 4011577294 JupiterThunderCrash
[RP Challenge] April Origins! 4011577294 Sailor Mercury
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[RP Challenge] April Origins! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP Challenge] April Origins!   [RP Challenge] April Origins! I_icon_minitime10th April 2016, 10:36 am

I'll be entering Four Corners

Princess Luna
Sailor Mercury
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
Roleplay Director

Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[RP Challenge] April Origins! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP Challenge] April Origins!   [RP Challenge] April Origins! I_icon_minitime5th May 2016, 8:33 am

Today's the last day to meet the goals for this challenge!
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[RP Challenge] April Origins! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RP Challenge] April Origins!   [RP Challenge] April Origins! I_icon_minitime

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[RP Challenge] April Origins!

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