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 [Relaxed] Phantoms

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 7:08 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms G9eWe1o

Storyline Name: Phantoms
Creators: concept by Starry Skies, taken up by Sailor Mercury
Forum: Free Form
Advanced or Relaxed: Relaxed

Plot Summary: There was no Moon Kingdom. There was no Moon Princess, and there was no Silver Crystal. No, in this universe, they did not exist. Instead there was another kingdom, located on another planet—one that was, in this world, far more valuable than the Moon. This planet was known by the name of Nemesis, ruled by its one and only heir, Princess Esmeraude.  She in turn is guarded by her four legendary soldiers to prevent all threats from obtaining Nemesis's most cherished possession: the Malefic Black Crystal. Eventually, the neighboring planet's kingdom—one of Nemesis's most valuable partners in trade—becomes host to an unusual array of attacks coming from an uprising of their own people who want to take over Nemesis. Under Death Phantom's control, the older prince of the kingdom, Prince Demande, agrees to an arranged marriage between himself and Esmeraude. What was once a fake relationship between these people soon becomes something entirely more.

Details on any necessary information:
Click here for more information!:

• No Black Lady
• No Otaku Characters
• No canon "good guy" characters (Sailor Moon, etc.)
• Death Phantom and/or Esmeraude's family are NPCs

OOC Thread

Member to Character List:
Princess Esmeraude (@Sailor Neptune)
Petz/Sailor Thunder (@Chibi Usako)
Calaveras/Sailor Beauty (@Starry Skies) (Adopted by @Sailor Mercury)
Berthier/Sailor Icicle (@Dark Sportsnutd)
Koan/Sailor Inferno (@Sailor Mercury)
Prince Demande (@Eternal Knight)
Prince Saphir (@PoetofMercury)
Rubeus (@Sailor Saturn)

Storyline Submission

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 1st November 2016, 10:33 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated to reflect username changes.)
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 9:45 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms CTD7QkI

Koan picked at her violet nail polish, looking out the window for the 50th time in the past half-hour. Still, nothing. She sighed, flopping dramatically over the arm of the chaise lounge. She knew that no one else was in the room to see her and ask what was wrong, but she still felt a teensy-tiny bit better just by doing the action. If her sisters or the Princess were here, they'd definitely ask.

If they asked, she'd tell them that she was super excited but also very nervous about the fact that today was the day the mysterious suitor for Esmeraude, Prince Demande, was arriving. Like everyone else on Nemesis, Koan knew at least a little bit about their nearby planetary neighbor. The violet-haired young woman wasn't as in the know as others may have been, though—the news articles lately all about uprisings and riots just bored her. After all, she and her sisters protected the Princess, and the Princess protected Nemesis with the Malefic Black Crystal. So it didn't matter what those other people were doing.

Still, she was extremely curious about the Prince (and the people he was bringing along with him). Princess Esmeraude, as beautiful and precious as an emerald, deserved only the best. What would he be like? Would they get along enough to actually get married? It was hard for Koan to even imagine "marriage." Sure, she wanted a romance of her own someday, but "married" seemed so distant a concept—something for people much more mature than she was, perhaps.

The teenager sat up again, fussing with her hair in the closest mirror, and checked out the window yet again. Nope, nothing. Ughhhh, waiting was just so hard!

Dragging herself to her feet, she spent a few seconds adjusting her somewhat-rumpled long dress, one of the many outfits she now owned as a "princess". It still felt kind of strange to have an alias, but theoretically it was supposed to help keep Princess Esmeraude safe. Plus, it did mean that Koan got to live in this magnificent palace and go into the city and do all kinds of really fancy it wasn't exactly bad. And her sisters were here.

Speaking of sisters, perhaps she could find some of them. That would be better than trying to survive this long wait alone!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 10:34 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms Sailor%20Berthier%20rp%20header

Berthier was sitting in her room waiting to go out with her sisters and meet this Prince Demande and the others that would arrive with him. She then thought about their princess-Princess Esmeraude and the fact that she might marry him if things went well. She stood up and walked towards her window and looked out for a moment and didn't see anyone yet. She then decided to go visit her sisters and see what was going on with them. She walked out of her room and down a hall and knocked on her sister Koan's door. "Koan..It's me Berthier may I come in?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 11:42 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms CTD7QkI

She ran into one of her sisters before she had even made it out of her room! Now that was handy! Koan would have eagerly interacted with any of her sisters, but Berthier was on the top of her list. The blue-haired girl, only slightly older than Koan herself, was the sister she was closest to, after all!

"Yes, come in!" she replied, nearly dragging her youngest older sister into the room.

"Are you thinking about what happens today? About the Prince?"

Technically it was "princes", but there was only one that the violet-haired youngest sister was thinking about with a capital letter: the prince designated for their princess. Koan was so intensely glad to have someone to talk to this about. Berthier, who she acknowledged as much smarter and more reasonable than herself, must have some thoughts about everything that was happening today. Koan wanted to know what she was thinking!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 12:18 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms Sailor%20Berthier%20rp%20header

Berthier didn't complain but giggled when she was pulled into the room. "Of course I'm thinking about it Koan. I know about what might happen with our princess but inside I'm a little worried as well. I guess that comes with the territory were in but if the princess wants him then I'm going to be ok with it." She then sat on the bed, "Have you seen Petz or Calaveras yet? Or has it just be me.."
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 1:45 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms CTD7QkI

"No, I haven't seen them yet," she replied, checking out the window one more time just for good measure. (Still nothing.)

The two elder sisters probably had responsibilities related to the events for today. Koan hadn't really been paying attention to all of the discussions about the arrival of royalty from the other planet, even though she was physically present at basically every meeting about it. She hadn't willfully tried to ignore it, but some of the finer details about where the princes would live while they were here and who would serve them and what cultural accommodations would be made... That stuff was pretty boring, as far as Koan was concerned. She couldn't be blamed for zoning out.

She flopped for a moment on the chaise, then rolled over and stood back up. Her dark eyes darted towards the window again; it was too hard to resist the urge to just check over and over and over again. Maybe it would be better if they tried to find Petz and Calaveras, too.

"I just wonder what he's like! Or what they're all like!"

Koan had never traveled beyond her hometown and now the capital, and her time in the capital was mostly related to being one of the Princess's guardians. Not exactly the "tourist" type. She couldn't even imagine what these visitors might be like.

"Do you want to go find Petz and Calaveras?" she asked Berthier, eager for an adventure. "Maybe they know some gossip about the Prince!"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 2:48 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms Sailor%20Berthier%20rp%20header

Berthier watched her younger sister going to the window and coming back. She seemed to be really interested in the prince and the others. When Koan looked back to the window again, Berthier became more interested then she was already as well. "Sure I think we should go find them, it would be good to see if they know anything and we all need to get together and speak about what will happen when the prince does arrive." Berthier stood up and walked to the door opening it, "Come on Koan, lets go find our sisters."
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 7:12 pm

Saphir paced a bit, hands behind his back as the ship drew nearer. Their imminent arrival on Nemesis had him feeling a bit edgy. Being here, seeing the landscape again, it made him think of her. He had gone to enough trouble to get her out of his mind a long time ago, but their proximity to Nemesis made old memories tug at his mind. It was a constant fight to keep them back. Now was not the time to get emotional.

There was yet another reason for feeling off center. His older brother would be married soon, a life change that could drive a wedge between him and Diamond as it does with all brothers who marry and grow apart, prince or no, arranged or otherwise. This was such an important day for his older brother though. It was a big step forward. In fact, he was not even sure why his brother brought him here. The thought that deep down his brother wanted his support and company warmed him and settled some of the jitters.

A few thoughts sprang to mind and he made a few quick comments to a passing servant, making sure all was in readiness. If he could do anything for his brother, it was to make sure this wedding went off perfectly. That done, he went in search of Diamond.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 7:47 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms 29iX8

Petz took another look in her hand mirror for what might have been the hundredth time that day. Frustrated with her appearance, she tossed the mirror aside and collapsed onto her luxurious bed. This behavior was nothing out of the ordinary for the eldest of the four sailor guardians, as long as no one else was around. While amongst others, Petz always acted fiercely confident. After all, she was supposed to be the leader. If her sisters knew that their tough big sister was actually drowning in heartbreak and insecurity, would they still respect her? Petz pondered this thought while going through her checklist for the day. She had already finished preparing for the princes' arrival so all there was left to do was to wait . . .

Glancing out the window she caught a glimpse of dark blue hair and did a double take.

"Is that? . . ."
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Prince Diamond
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime20th March 2016, 8:35 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms EFRjBH0
He had been talked into accepting this marriage - or rather these chains - for all the good it would bring to their Kingdom. When sent to Nemesis, however, he refused to go without Saphir, the older brother petulant until his demand was respected. He would go with both Rubeus - his bodyguard, one he would never admit he appreciated the skills but knew the other man was aware of the affection, or anyway, the only sort of affection Diamond was able to give - and Saphir - his younger brother. One he wouldn't abandon behind simply because he was to be wed. Saphir's presence was worth more than the Princess he'd be given.

As long as she was what was promised to him she was, there would be no problems. He couldn't stand incompetence.

Once in the ship going towards what would soon become as much his as his own kingdom would become hers, Diamond felt himself... indifferent. There were no emotions, not butterflies, no stress. He was going there to see to his duty whether he liked it or not.

Maybe it was sheer coincidence or the bond he shared with him, but Diamond happened to leave his quarters as Saphir set to find him, both of them meeting in a corridor. Cold features softened just so slightly.

"You look elsewhere, brother."

Saphir was the emotional one between the both of them, that he knew, but he was also the one in whose mind could spring thousands of thoughts while his own was more focused. He wasn't an idiot, but Saphir's wits pleased him. At least he wasn't given a brother who was as ignorant as he found most people.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime21st March 2016, 6:30 am

Saphir brightened slightly at the sight of Diamond, though it only showed in his eyes. His face held the same serious and pensive expression it always did.

“Nii-san”, he said in greeting. “We have arrived.”

Quote :
"You look elsewhere, brother."

He should have known Diamond would be so perceptive, to see through the calm façade to an uneasy mind. They knew each other far too well. He could not tell his older brother about the unbidden memories, the ones he had nearly forgotten about until their arrival. He had never told Diamond about his secret excursions to Nemesis, had never told him about her. He had not wanted to be caught, or to disappoint his older brother. And then after the breakup, it just seemed inconsequential, not worth distracting Diamond from his important duties. He had dealt with his feelings on his own and then completely put it behind him so that he could focus on his responsibilities.

His brother on the other hand seemed remarkably stoic on the brink of such asignificant life change. Saphir was not the one getting married, but he seemed to have enough jittery nerves for both of them.

“How are you feeling about this? Do you have any misgivings?”

Saphir had already gone over the guest list and read the latest security brief. Even though Rubeus was remarkably good at what he did, it did not mean he could not be a protective younger brother. And if Diamond at any point said he did not want to go forward, Saphir would be happy to turn the ship right around no matter what anyone had to say about it. Diamond’s safety and happiness were more important than just about anything, period.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime22nd March 2016, 7:13 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms CTD7QkI

She eagerly followed Berthier out of her room and into the halls. Hmm, where would their sisters be? Maybe in the reception room?

"Let's try this way!" she told the blue-haired girl. "Shouldn't someone at least be setting up in the great hall?"

Hopefully it would be Petz or Calaveras. If not, well, they'd just keep looking!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime22nd March 2016, 8:59 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms Sailor%20Berthier%20rp%20header

Berthier was about to start off looking when her younger sister mentioned the great hall. "Yes thats true, someone should be doing something in that area, Shall we?" She started off towards the great hall with her sister. 'We should find them hopefully quick..the prince could be here at any moment' "Petz? Calaveras? where are you two?" She called out while looking around.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime22nd March 2016, 11:32 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms EFRjBH0
So they were finally there.

His lips stretched in a thin line. Any thoughts of asking why was actually bothering Saphir flew from his mind.

"Shall we disembark, then?"

He invited, pushing fondness into his tone, his feet walking towards the main exit. Saphir was dear to him, no matter if he showed it enough or not. Having him around would make of his duty something less dreadful than he knew it would be. He was marrying for the sake of politics, of their families, of power.

He glanced at him, not needing to think about his brother's question before he answered.

"The Princess."

He admitted, knowing this ship would be the last place he would be able to speak with as much crude honesty as he was known for.

"Matters of states, Saphir, they are of import for a planet such as Nemesis, for our own. I dread to be surrounded by incompence. Or were you asking if I was about to have cold feet?"
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : GC's Official Loof Merrow
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime22nd March 2016, 12:32 pm

Saphir followed, walking beside his brother.

Quote :
"Matters of states, Saphir, they are of import for a planet such as Nemesis, for our own. I dread to be surrounded by incompence. Or were you asking if I was about to have cold feet?"

“N-no! I would never insinuate something like that. I know just how important this is for us.” Realizing how his statement must have sounded he backpedaled. His nii-san would never sway from doing anything that benefited their people despite any personal feelings. I just want to know your real feelings nii-san he thought to himself. But he practically beamed, letting the slightest hint of a smile through at his brother’s speech. He was reminded just how brave and determined his brother really was.  

“Then let us just hope the princess is as beneficial to us as my research suggests.” And if the union brought at least a little happiness to him, that would be better still, to see Diamond as happy as they were when they were kids, before the worries of running a planet descended upon their shoulders. He waved Diamond on, letting him disembark first. “After you, after all the reception is for your sake.”

As they disembarked, his eager blue eyes scanned everything and everyone. It was his first official sanctioned visit to Nemesis and his first inside the palace as a guest. Curiosity took over, pushing away any worrisome thoughts. As his eyes found the princess and her assembling entourage his breath froze, his stomach dropped, and his pulse raced. For his eyes had seen someone he had thought to never see again. Could it be…her?

Last edited by PoetofMercury on 22nd March 2016, 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime22nd March 2016, 12:42 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms CTD7QkI

Koan and Berthier didn't have time to find their sisters and chit-chat before they learned that the Prince and his consorts had arrived. The group was quickly urged to assemble for their reception and transform, as the sisters would appear before the group as the Princess's sailor guardians. Koan didn't need much coaching—she summoned her powers as Sailor Inferno in bright flare, anxious to see these mysterious visitors.

The great hall was scrubbed and polished, set up to show the very best of Nemesis to their guests. Rather than placing the Princess at the far end of the hall or with her throne, the group was instead kept fairly close to the doors that their visitors would be ushered through. Princess Esmeraude looked as radiant as always. Sailor Inferno felt a surge of pride to be standing alongside her, pledged to serve such a wonderful young ruler. Her violet eyes eagerly awaited the first glimpses of these two, wondering if they would be good enough for the Princess.

There would only be brief introductions before the trio would be shown to their apartments, situated in the far wing of the castle opposite that of the Princess and her soldiers. Tonight there was a grand dinner planned in honor of the Prince's arrival, and it was only polite to allow these young men some time and solitude to rest and adjust before the evening's festivities.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime22nd March 2016, 2:06 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms Sailor%20Berthier%20rp%20header

Berthier gladly did as her sister and transformed, ice surrounding her and revealing her guardian form, Sailor Icicle. She walked with Inferno to the doors to await the prince and the others that came with him. She was happy as always to be around their Princess, who looked as beautiful as ever. She watched and waited, and wondered still about their guests.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime22nd March 2016, 2:24 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms 29iX8
Petz didn’t have time to observe the men who were approaching the palace since she was already rushing to join her sisters and Princess Esmeraude. She was definitely eager to see her companions, especially after spending the entire morning alone. But what really drew her downstairs was the the sight of the familiar blue hair.

She smiled to herself.
“Thunder Power, Make Up!” Petz called out with pride.
Feeling electricity surging through her veins, she already felt more confident than before. After transforming, she made her way towards the great hall. Slightly embarrassed to be the last one to arrive (she usually was the one scolding others for being late) Petz gave the girls an apologetic smile and joined them near the entrance.

Finally, the door opened. Petz’s eyes first went to the white-haired prince, the one who would be Esmeraude’s suitor. However, her gaze quickly shifted to the younger man beside him who to her surprise, was already staring at her with wide eyes. 

I knew it was you.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime23rd March 2016, 9:59 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms Sailor%20Berthier%20rp%20header

As she watched the prince and company come in, she kept her eyes on the prince to see what he looked like and what motions he made. She then looked at her Princess and made sure she looked happy and she did. She then spoke up, "Welcome Prince Demande to Nemesis and welcome to all of you. I am Sailor Icicle and these are my sisters and rest of our princesses guardians."
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime31st March 2016, 11:10 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms EFRjBH0
"Yes, let's."

It was not quite contempt that colored his tone, but it wasn't far from it. He knew the importance of a fair trade, of an alliance, of what this marriage meant, but he didn't need anyone. He was his one and only master. The idea of a wife, though useful, wasn't quite of his liking.

But he didn't want to worry his little brother. Gently putting a hand on Saphir's shoulder, he offered him a softer gaze before he steeled himself and walked out of their ship where awaited the Princess and her guardians. His eyes went right to Esmeraude, obviously, noting without reaction that she was indeed as beautiful as described. But was she more than that? Time would say.

He bowed before Esmeraude, though not far enough for it to be wholly polite, then nodded respectfully to the others.

"Thank you. Your hospitality is warm as promised, I hope only the best for the future of both our worlds." His voice was strong and didn't need much to be carried towards all. His smile was small but charming. "This man is my brother, Saphir and this is Rubeus."

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 15th May 2016, 10:31 am; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Phantoms Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 6:03 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms CTD7QkI

Since the group of foreigners had entered the room, dark violet eyes remained locked on one tall red-haired figure. Sailor Inferno felt a strange, tingling flush rise to her cheeks as she looked at him. She didn't want to stare—she knew it was rude—but she could only manage to poorly camouflage her interest, eyes rapidly moving from perusal of his face to examining the tiled floor and back again. It wasn't just the way he looked that attracted her attention: he carried himself with confidence and certainty, almost aggressive with each stride. The violet-haired teenager was in the full throes of her first serious crush.

And then the Prince said his name: Rubeus. Yes, he was like a ruby: powerful, rare, and crimson.

Sailor Inferno couldn't bring herself to say anything to him, the outspoken young girl suddenly rendered shy by her roiling emotions. Instead she looked-but-didn't-look at the tall white-haired Prince and curtsied politely. This Prince seemed even more imposing and cold than she had heard in the rumors, but he gave a glance that appeared at least somewhat approving towards the Princess, who responded with all the graciousness characteristic of her. So maybe that was going well, as far as the two betrothed were concerned.

It was hard to think about that type of affair when her mind was so occupied with this handsome new stranger.

Sailor Inferno was almost itching for the initial introductions to be over so she could ask her sisters or other palace staff if they knew anything else about the flame-haired man.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime14th April 2016, 1:05 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms 29iX8
Petz quickly recovered from her initial shock of seeing Saphir. 

Diamond. He is the one I should be focusing on! He is Esmeraude's betrothed after all. I must assess this man's worth.

She looked the white-haired nobel directly in the eyes and stepped forward. Smiling slyly, she curtsied without averting her gaze from Prince Diamond. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I am Sailor Thunder," she announced rather pretentiously. "The servants will escort you to the guest wing. I'm sure you'll find it quite comfortable. Later tonight, I will summon you for the party where you may become further acquainted with our Princess."
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Starry Skies
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime18th April 2016, 10:40 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms Syb0nUh

Of all days, today was the day that Calaveras seemed to be both extra tense and seemingly behind schedule. She woke up, an hour later than she had planned, extra exasperated and on edge, did the best to fix her appearance, then headed out to take care of her portion of morning duties as her alter ego, Sailor Beauty. At one point or another, after she had completed said tasks, Calaveras considered to go on and look for her sisters, but quickly scratched out the idea in favor of moving on to go and train in the castle's specialized training area. If she could've had it her way, she would have liked to have trained outside of her Senshi form. It's not that she had a problem with being Sailor Beauty—she loved being one of Princess Esmeraude's guardians—but it was sometimes rather difficult to lead a double life and the second-oldest wanted to feel powerful by being herself. Just Calaveras and no extra senshi powers to boost her strength.

Despite this, upon Princess Esmeraude's tolerable, although nonstop, babbling about the arrival of Nemesis' future king all week, Calaveras took particular interest in how, at the moment, it seemed to be the only way in which her nerves could be calmed after waking up so late. She had promised to make it a short trip, but really, once she got there, the only thing that Calaveras remembered was the adrenaline running through her veins. Out there, in the sparring area, it was just her. Occasionally, some spirits of which she'd accidentally channel, but the sound of her whips snapping against the wooden-esque dummies made her forget all about the visit until, eventually, the time quickly ticked by, hours turning into mere minutes as the arrival of their guests was upon them and Calaveras found herself, once again, late.

Her heels clacked against the floor in a rushed rhythm as she headed towards the front hall, leaving the silence to be filled with the remnants of echoes as they bounced back towards her, telling her that, yes, she was indeed alone in the large, pristine hallway.

"How could you be late?" she scolded herself. "Really?! Today was so important and you're still not there to greet the guests! What will the future king think—why, he'll probably look down on us!"

She heard Petz speak up ahead—"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Sailor Thunder. The servants will escort you to the guest wing. I'm sure you'll find it quite comfortable. Later tonight, I will summon you for the party where you may further become acquainted with our Princess."—to which Calaveras inwardly sighed and stopped in place, not bothering to disrupt the conversation. They seem to be leaving to go and rest in a few minutes, she thought, leaning around the corner to sneak a peek at the guests. Perhaps I can introduce myself later on at the party.
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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime6th May 2016, 5:26 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms EFRjBH0
The corner of his lips curved downward for a brief moment, his brow furrowing before his gaze slightly hardened. For people who were preparing themselves to have their princess marry for the sake of both planets, they weren't quite giving it their best.

Discussing and assessing Esmeraude without her party would probably be for the best.

"I am certain I will."

The agreeable but superior smile was still there, and yet Diamond had stiffened.

"The travel was not quite gentle. I would retire to my room so I might prepare for this party. I suppose you arranged for my companions' quarters to be close to mine?"

He asked quite curtly, but still charming enough that it couldn't be turned against him and could easily pass as a fatigue due to the travel between their worlds. Sailor Thunder was not only below him, but she was also not the one he had traveled for.

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 15th May 2016, 2:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime8th May 2016, 9:17 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms Sailor%20Berthier%20rp%20header

Sailor Icicle watched as Sailor Thunder conversed with the Prince then she turned to her sister, Sailor Thunder. "Sailor Thunder, would you mind helping me take our guests and their things up to their rooms? I could use some help please Also I think it would be kind if we helped. I think our princess would like it as well." She smiled at her sister as she waited for a response.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime23rd May 2016, 9:23 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms UUSv7nC

Prince Demande actually didn’t look terrible. A bit haughty and cold, perhaps, but that was on par with his position, and all in all, a perfectly acceptable match for her from first glance. Of course, she wanted to get to know him better first.

Deciding to maintain her distance for now, she let her guardians arrange his journey to the guest wing while she stood back, observing.

His eyes were so icy. She hoped she could find love in there someday, love for her if she might be so lucky. He seemed strong and sure of himself, always good qualities to have in a leader. She needed someone who could be her equal, not someone who’d just agree with whatever she said. Hopefully he wouldn’t try to do the opposite to her, because then he’d be in for a rude awakening.

She glanced at Koan, who seemed to be quite taken by one of the Prince’s entourage members. Esmeraude would have to ask her about it later.

“I am sorry to hear about your troublesome journey, Your Highness. We have indeed arranged for your quarters to all be close together. Please rest comfortably, and I will see you tonight for the festivities.”

She dipped her head ever so slightly and turned to leave the group to sort itself.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime23rd May 2016, 10:53 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms BJnxlrI

The trip to meet the Princess had been dull and not much of note had happened. He stayed near Prince Demande and Prince Saphir the whole time, playing his role as bodyguard perfectly. Boring work, but at least it paid well.

If only there had been an attack - that would have livened things up nicely. Rubeus would have enjoyed a chance to get his weapons bloodied. It was what he trained for, and what he enjoyed most.

As it was, he was here, doing diplomatic work. Standing around while the Prince met the Princess. Terribly boring. It was of the highest honor to be personal bodyguard to the Prince, and Rubeus liked the man and his brother well enough. They were surprisingly pleasant for being royalty. But Rubeus couldn't help but to hope that more people would decide that they wanted to try and kill the Prince. At least then, Rubeus might find this whole endeavor more exciting. 

Meeting the Princess and her entourage was at least somewhat more entertaining. As beautiful as the rumors told, Princess Esmeraude said the right things in the right manner - as courteous and accomodating as expected. Still, boring.

Rubeus had to keep himself from yawning as the Prince exchanged words with the others. He, instead, turned his attention onto looking around, and inspecting the rest of the Nemesis royal entourage. The three girls standing with the Princess were pretty as well, he noted. In a boring sort of way. Was there nothing with fire or excitement to be found in this place? Still, perhaps they would suffice to pass the time, if needs be.

At that point, Rubeus noticed one girl in particular who didn't seem able to keep her eyes from him. Had she said her name? He couldn't remember. He took in her appearance, soft violet hair and bright, almost shy, eyes that seemed to go from his face and back to the floor in quick succession. How was she not making herself dizzy? She was pretty enough, he supposed, but kind of bland. Somehow, her interest in him only made her seem even more so. Girls like that tended to be full of ideas of fuzzy little romances with happy endings. Rubeus was far beyond believing in happily-ever-after. 

But it was his duty to appear presentable, amicable, or something like that - Rubeus couldn't be bothered to remember the exact wording. So he smiled at the silly girl, for a second, before turning his attention elsewhere.

Talk had turned to that of quarters and rest, as well as festivities later tonight. Rubeus didn't particularly care about the quarter arrangements - he'd sleep anywhere if he needed to - but the festivities could prove to be a fun distraction at least.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime23rd May 2016, 11:30 am

The Welcoming Party

With the initial introductions complete, Prince Demande and his entourage were ushered to their apartments. It was a spacious suite of rooms for the trio, the amenities painstakingly selected for these revered guests. The location provided significant privacy—too far from the quarters of the Princess and her guardians to make either group concerned about maintaining diplomacy at all hours, but close enough to the general areas of the castle to avoid long treks and possible wrong turns.

While the men rested, castle staff were hard at work in the large formal ballroom and dining area. The chefs prepared for weeks to serve a selection of the finest Nemesis cuisine. The entire area was adorned with festive flowers and other decorations. Musicians from all around the globe had rehearsed hundreds of hours to perform at this event. When the clock struck 7pm, it was time for the festivities to begin.

Rather than requiring the parties to sit at a formal dinner table together, the meal was served on a long buffet in the dining area, with plenty of small draped tables for hungry guests to find a spot at. Wait staff milled about the room offering drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Several bar stations provided beverages and fulfilled custom drink requests.

The music played on in all rooms, with dances conducted and arranged in the ballroom. There were also seats and areas for dancers to rest or engage in conversation.

Outside, the lush gardens of the palace provided additional areas for guests to roam and admire.

It was a fairly small guest list, an elite selection of high-ranking nobles. The overall goal was to reduce friction and awkwardness between the Princess and the Prince, as this was their first significant meeting. It wouldn't be possible to make it completely comfortable, but much time and energy had been spent to arrange all of this in honor of their esteemed visitors.

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime23rd May 2016, 11:37 am

[Relaxed] Phantoms CTD7QkI

The hours before their gala this evening seemed like a blur to Koan, her mind still spinning from the events earlier. He had smiled at her! What a fortuitous moment! She felt her cheeks warm as she blushed for the thousandth time. Normally she would have been fussing over every last detail of her outfit for tonight, but she barely remembered anything that she intended to do. Even requests from her sisters to help with their outfits—usually receiving laser focus and lightning-fast responses—were not getting the attention previously provided.

Would she see him at the party?

The violet-eyed girl ducked her head, even though no one was watching her, and shook it slightly as if to clear away the cobwebs from her mind. Of course he would be at the party. He had to be! He was with the Prince, after all.

Maybe... would he dance with her?

She covered her face with her hands, smiling into the distance, lost in a daydream. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Perhaps it could happen! She would see him, standing confidently in the distance, looking so handsome and commanding... His red eyes, so deep and mysterious, would glance her way. Koan would pretend she hadn't seen him, of course, turning away so he'd be forced to approach her. She could almost imagine his voice when he asked if she might like this next dance...

The girl was wrenched out of her fantasy as she took a misstep on the staircase, flailing in a most unladylike fashion as she tripped down several before regaining her footing. Tossing back her hair, the style now utterly ruined, Koan huffed to herself about people who build castles that put staircases in weird places. (It was not a weird place for a staircase, given that it connected to halls that needed to be connected.)

Were any of her sisters nearby? She didn't really want to be the very first person to join the party.
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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Phantoms   [Relaxed] Phantoms I_icon_minitime23rd May 2016, 6:10 pm

[Relaxed] Phantoms EFRjBH0
Esmeraude's voice did have something in it that commanded a certain amount of respect from her entourage. She didn't look like a child lost in the matter of states, which brought some ease to his restless mind, but barely. He wasn't sure it was such a good idea after all and yet, here he was, with no choice on the matter.

Being able to be in his own quarters, far away from them all before the party did help his mood, even though the prince stayed silent and seemed lost in his mind for most of the waiting time. 

The real tedious part hadn't even begun yet.

"Rubeus, Saphir is the one you protect tonight. Make sure none of these so called nobles get their hands on him."

He suddenly said right before they would leave to join the welcoming party. He didn't add anything, not forbidding Rubeus to also enjoy the social event if he wanted. As long as Saphir was safe, Rubeus could talk to whoever he wanted. He glanced at his little brother, searching his face, reminding himself to ask what were his thoughts about the princess and her guardians when they would have some time for themselves.

With an air of finality, he pushed himself from the seat.

"Now, now, it would be rather impolite for us to arrive late to our own party, wouldn't it?"

He breathed out looking like a man who actually couldn't care less. He left the room, knowing the others didn't need any signs from him to follow and walked to where they were said the party would be held.
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