February is usually pigeon-holed into being all about romantic love, but love of any kind is important! Relationships are important!
Therefore, this month the Galaxy Cauldron Roleplaying Section is hosting a challenge based on all types of Relationships! Romantic, Platonic, Love-Hate, New, Old, Everlasting - any type of relationship between two or more people! To accept our challenge, join or start a roleplay that revolves around relationships! Starting one, ending one, developing one; getting closer, pushing people away; going out, staying in; character development or just having a fun time! If it is focused on the relationship between two or more people, you're in on the challenge!
1-on-1 RPs are encouraged!
To accept our [Relation]Ships Challenge:
Create or Join a [Relation]Ships themed Roleplay
Have the storyline creator officially enter that storyline as a Ships theme story by replying to this thread with a link to the storyline and listing the players!
If you are looking for more members, post saying so here! Keep active in that roleplay!
Take part in the CRACK-SHIPS Casual Event throughout the month! To COMPLETE our Ships Challenge, complete one or more of the following goals:
Complete a Ships themed roleplay!
Have your creator update their original post here saying it's complete! Post at least 5 times in at least one of your Ships storylines that have 4 or more total players
Post at least 10 times in at least one of your Ships storylines that have 3 or less total players
Complete one goal in this challenge and receive this stunning Ships bumper~
How can the RP Staff help you out?
Join the RP Activity Days Skype group, and connect with all the RPers there to get psyched about writing!
Join in on one of the "Find that Monkey!" Live-Chat RP's to reduce your post goal by 1 post (for 4+ players) or 2 posts (for 3- players)!
Visitors to these events can also reduce their necessary posts by 1 and claim the Live Chat square on their cards! Sign up to be randomly assigned a roleplay partner and topic in CRACK SHIPS
Join the [Casual RP Event] Minako's Love Potion Fiasco - it counts as an official 'Ships Challenge!
Ready... Set... Roleplay!