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 ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ Empty
PostSubject: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 9:49 am


♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ Tumblr_inline_nzjcs16c1E1tocqhz_500

I, Sailor Uranus, do so humbly open this year's SNOWBALL FIGHT!

Like a Star @ heaven Now, Uranus, how does this flippity flyin' snow ball fight work?
♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 4039879955 Glad you asked, random Snow Prospector!

  1. I am snow patient zero, and I am slowly infecting the forums, mwahahahahahahahahaaaaaa. At the time this is posted, I have various colored snowball sprites in my signature. Your job is to steal those snowballs from me, or anyone else who has one in their signature.
  2. To steal a snowball, PM the current holder with a description of how you stole their snowball, as well as the color of the snowball you're after!
    Example:) While you were sniffing up what's cooking in the Holiday Treats thread, I dash past, hit you with a well-aimed snowball TO THE FACE, and as you are choking down righteous snow, I stole the yellow snowball from you!
    Like a Star @ heaven What if they have multiple snowballs?
    ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 4039879955 Be specific with your colors~ If you went for the yellow snowball and it's gone, boo it's gone xD You'll have to make a separate and unique attempt for the blue snowball~ and you can't make multiple attempts in the same PM!

  3. They will PM you back with the sprite of your well-earned snowball, which you will then place in your signature, opening you up to random PM warfare.
    ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 4039879955 The original holder will also remove that snowball from their own signature (they are free to keep it in their collection to be displayed in their signature AFTER the fight ends!)
    Like a Star @ heaven What if multiple people PM the snowball holder? Can they pass it out more than once? Can a thief go after two snowballs at once, if they send separate PMs for each?
    ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 4039879955 Noooooo, psh, what kind of crazy collection game would that be? First come, first serve - earliest time-stamp in the inbox gets the goods! The holder will PM the others with notes of 'You just missed it! So-and-so has it now!' to lead the snoozers to the next person! And if you attempted to get two from the same person, and those two are available to be taken, you can only recieve your first request! You can try back for the second one an hour after receiving the first, but no two-for-one's in any way, shape, or form, no matter how many PMs you send at one time to that person!

  4. To keep good records, once a snowball has been stolen, the original holder should copy the thief's message and paste it in this thread without the thief's name! I mean I know you want to get even with their thieving butt, but let's not give the new holder away to the public that easily. 
    Like a Star @ heaven What happens if the thief is offline a lot, and the snowball is sitting in their inbox, undisplayed, for ever?
    ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 4039879955 If a snowball goes inactive for more than 48 hours, (and is either stuck in an inbox of someone who hasn't been online to receive it, or in someone's signature despite thieving efforts for over 48 hours because they have not logged in to officially hand it over) and you notice its inactivity, PM me, Sailor Uranus, and I will put a new snowball in play and take their snowball out of play.

  5. The Snowball Fight ends on the last day of Festibration!

Like a Star @ heaven What do I get for playing?
♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 4039879955 A variety of prizes are available to be claimed! First, any snowball you catch you can add to your gallery to be used in your signature at any time once the snowball fight ends, for memories or whatever. Second! If you threw even just one snowball, you can claim the following bumper!
♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 7yd2ezr
And, if you happened to have thrown ALL THE SNOWBALLS at one point or another and have backed it up with posts made to this thread quoting how each snowball was taken from you, you can claim the SNOWBALL WARRIOR SIGNATURE!
♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ YvoMlED


Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 24th December 2015, 10:06 am; edited 2 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 10:15 am

Oh no!! My green snowball!!

??? wrote:
I stole your green snowball because you were too busy putting the ornaments on your tree and they kept falling off.
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 10:25 am

Question, whats the difference between stealing and throwing a snowball? Like once I steal one, do I get to throw it at whomever?
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 10:40 am

once you have a colored snowball, you can then throw them at /anyone, anywhere,/ for as long as you have it! Via PM or a Festibration board, totally jump in with a sneak attack.  They don't even get to keep the snowball. They just get hit with them. :>

??? wrote:
While you were typing non-stop a 1000 word story that contains solely of one very long sentence, concentrating really hard on not putting a dot and not going over the word limit at the same time, I casually walk by and take your blue snowball.

??? wrote:
While you were busy being the illustrious you and making fun GC games, I snuck up from behind and hit you with a PINK SUGAR HEART ATTACK that knocked you out cold. I went in for the glorious pink snowball. Because its pink.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 11:41 am

Noooooo! My red snowball!

??? wrote:
While you were off flying around giving gifts on your Sports car sleigh to the boys and girls and snuck in your place to take that red snowball. and I ate all the cookies you left out too...
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 11:53 am

Snowball Thief wrote:
While you were up to your nose in study materials I walked in behind them and grabbed a pretty blue snowball..then left a love letter in my place so you wouldn't follow...

Now that is just evil, now I have a rash ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 473108418
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 12:23 pm

A Nasty Thieveses wrote:
while you were out on a playdate with Mamoru i came in and took your precious pink snowball as I just calmly walked by and bumped you..

Hiiisssss a nasty thieveses took my prrrrreeeccioussss.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 12:42 pm

A thief and in broad daylight too:
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 1:04 pm

Another thief oh my gosh::
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 2:18 pm

How Dastardly!!!

A Dastardly Scoundrel wrote:
While you were gazing at the stars and trying to take pictures with your Mobile device I came in to take your green snowball

Also if we did snowball throwing over pm, should we record it here or will the posts about people stealing pur snowballs be enough?
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 7:52 pm

so how do you ask for a snowball? A pm, just like last year?
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime22nd December 2015, 9:07 pm

A Sneaky Sneaky Sneaky Sneakerson wrote:
I grabbed yours with my grappling hook.

No my blue snowball. T___T

[Only admins are allowed to see this link] Uranus explains the process really good in the first posst. Just read it thoroughly (its always fun to read Kyra's writing xD).
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime23rd December 2015, 6:56 am

Oh man...Not again!:
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime23rd December 2015, 7:39 am

How sneaky. Bye pink snowball ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 2869872805

Unknown wrote:
While you are busy figuring out the next calls for your BINGO game, I take the opportunity to grab your snowball right as you turn your back.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime23rd December 2015, 8:00 am

NO!! Sugar my worst enemy:
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime23rd December 2015, 8:03 am

Starchild wrote:

Also if we did snowball throwing over pm, should we record it here or will the posts about people stealing pur snowballs be enough?
You don't have to post random snowball pelting here, but you are welcome to share if you want~

Three people came after my purple snowball! ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 2869872805

??? wrote:
I sneak in taking your purple snowball while your listening to Micheru's latest Violin concert...
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime23rd December 2015, 10:10 am

Sailor Uranus wrote:

  1. They will PM you back with the sprite of your well-earned snowball, which you will then place in your signature, opening you up to random PM warfare.
    ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 4039879955 The original holder will also remove that snowball from their own signature (they are free to keep it in their collection to be displayed in their signature AFTER the fight ends!)

REMINDER. The above is a rule! You MUST follow the above when playing this game! 

Don't make me start a banned list for people who don't follow the rules and thus cannot play.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime23rd December 2015, 11:31 am

Who Trains Bunnies??:
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime23rd December 2015, 1:12 pm

An icy witch wrote:
While you're busy Pink Sugar Heart Attack-ing everyone, I hit you with some Bubble Spray Freezing, and while you're frozen, I pick up your precious pink snowball and waltz out of tharrrr.

The Dream Thief wrote:
While you were dreaming over in Elysion, I also fell asleep, followed you into Elysion, pickpocketed your red snowball while you weren't looking, and woke up with it!

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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime23rd December 2015, 5:40 pm

Really? :
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Empress Vesta
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime23rd December 2015, 5:58 pm

You Won't Believe What Happened to My Snowball:

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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime24th December 2015, 1:04 am

The pink has been stolen wrote:
While you were busy making fantastic graphics, I steal the pink snowball from right under your nose!
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime24th December 2015, 4:55 am

Snow theft one:

Snow theft two:

Last edited by mercury_viola_rhapsody on 24th December 2015, 6:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime24th December 2015, 5:36 am

^ I'm pretty sure that's not allowed.

From the rules:

Rules wrote:
and you can't make multiple attempts in the same PM!
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime24th December 2015, 5:40 am

^ they were in two separate PMs. Should I reformat the messages?
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime24th December 2015, 5:42 am

That's probably best, so the person isn't disqualified for cheating ^^
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime24th December 2015, 6:30 am

Clarification XD the same person should NOT be able to steal more than one snowball with two attempts in a row. Like no back-to-back theft attempts from the same thief should go through (I mean you should have your guard up against that person if they just stole something from you, lol)

If the attempts were hours apart the second could go through, but not back to back!
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime24th December 2015, 6:45 am

Sailor Uranus wrote:
Clarification XD the same person should NOT be able to steal more than one snowball with two attempts in a row. Like no back-to-back theft attempts from the same thief should go through (I mean you should have your guard up against that person if they just stole something from you, lol)

If the attempts were hours apart the second could go through, but not back to back!

They were six minutes apart, but I also wasn't awake when they sent the PMs... so, what do we do now?  ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ 3978041997
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime24th December 2015, 9:28 am

If they haven't recieved the messages yet, go into your 'sentbox' and delete the second PM and return that snowball to your signature. Otherwise we'll let it go for just this once. 

BTW I'll be sending out PMs to people for them to check to see if the thief has the stolen snowball in their signature; if it has been more than 48 hours since the snowball was given in a PM and it has not shown up in the thief's signature, I will be reclaiming that snowball! Watch out for PM's please!
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime24th December 2015, 9:33 am

They got the messages...
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PostSubject: Re: ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫   ♪On the First Day of Winter, my forum gave to me...♫ I_icon_minitime

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