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 [Relaxed] Civilian - Freyja Ásynja

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] Civilian - Freyja Ásynja Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] Civilian - Freyja Ásynja   [Relaxed] Civilian - Freyja Ásynja I_icon_minitime5th September 2015, 1:39 pm

Relaxed Character Profile
Character Name: Freyja Ásynja (‘Frey’)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character Image:

[Relaxed] Civilian - Freyja Ásynja LfMguCd

Frey stands at 5'3" with pale white skin and light blue eyes. Her hair is also light blue fading to white, and about chest-length, but she generally keeps it in a single braid in order to not get in her way. Like most Mercurians she typically wears thick fur-coated clothing and boots, and her style in particular is practical. She prefers to wear things that she can easily moves in.

Personality Traits:  Independent, Analytical, Clever, Witty, Resourceful, Idealistic, Impulsive, Stubborn

Storyline Specific Information:
Silver Discordia: Before the great Silver Millennium Era came into being, Queen Serenity was just Serenity, a refugee from far away who carried a shining silver power within her. She settled on the Moon and established a home for herself, but the Solar System around her was less than welcoming to her idea of a unified group. At first, she was completely ignored. The inner planets were in political and social disarray with each other, barely managing to keep from an all out war.

Mercury is strict and organized to the last letter, focused on it's own booming technology behind solid metal doors underneath their planet's icy exterior. Venus is a fallen paradise, a crime ridden, war torn desert with the occasional oasis for the rich and powerful to shelter in. Mars is a closed off, disciplined planet ruled by military lords and advised by their spiritual monks and priestesses. And Jupiter is a raging empire bent on constant expansion through intimidation and force. Earth is still too primitive to even realize that life existed beyond its own atmosphere. The Outer planets are considered almost mythical, so far out and silent that they don't seem to exist.

But beyond the interplanetary tensions, there is communication and trade. The average citizens go about their business as well as they can, oblivious to the changes that are about to occur. The Solar System has been and will always be in a chaotic state. Until now...

Additional Information: Frey is smart like most Mercurians, but she has a rebellious streak. The rigid system in her planet has unimpressed her for a long time, and she has grown tired of all the rules. Still, she was always among the top students of her class, and this made her stand out. When she got selected to participate in a high-profile classified government experiment with a team of the planet's leading scientists, Frey discovered that the government had managed to perfect human cloning, and they were very close to finalizing the process. They were ready to go ahead with it, creating drones of workers who all looked the same way and would be easily controlled, essentially a more human version of robots. Not only would this take away job opportunities for actual people, but the moral and ethical implications were also huge. Yet the Mercurian government did not seem concerned by it, as always only interested in the increase of work efficiency and cold hard facts.

After a couple months, Frey decided she could not just sit around and let it happen. She knew what she was going to do was incredibly dangerous and would mean she might never get to go home again, but she had had enough of Mercury anyway. Her only family had been her father, who was also smart and idealistic, the one who told her that brains without humanity was dangerous and that she should never shut out her emotions in favor for her logic. He told her to follow her heart when need be, and this was one of those times. Her father - an engineer and inventor himself - always wanted a better society for Mercury and create things that could benefit its people, and although he died before he could make a real difference, Frey wanted to carry his legacy. Now that she had no family left, it seemed like the only option.

She planned it carefully and carried out the plan very precisely. Using her access into the top-secret labs, she stole the blueprints and key plans for the cloning technology and deleted every other copy of it from the government server. She then smuggled out the disk containing the only copy of the data left with her and left the lab for the last time. Having already packed in advance, she left her planet that very night, stowing away on one of the interplanetary ships docking on Mercury's port. By the next morning, if not sooner, she would become the planet's most wanted fugitive.

Source: N/A
RP Sample:

Frey walked along the port, spying all the ships currently docked there and assessing her options. A touring ship seemed like a nice choice; a lot of people there, easier to blend in. But there would be next to no natives on board—she’d stick out like a sore thumb among those eerily beautiful Martians or the gorgeous glowing Venusians. She wanted to answer as few questions as possible, and the more people around, the more questions would be asked.

She moved further down the line and saw a lone ship docked at the very end. This one was the only one without people milling about it—in fact she could see no one near it at all. It was an older Jovian model and not very big, most likely one for cargo. That might be a good option if she could make sure how many people were on board. Hopefully there’d only be one bored driver waiting to make a delivery.

She turned and looked toward her home—her planet—one last time. Despite everything, she really would miss this place.

But she was also looking forward to the new adventures that awaited.

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 8th September 2015, 1:54 am; edited 3 times in total
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Civilian - Freyja Ásynja   [Relaxed] Civilian - Freyja Ásynja I_icon_minitime5th September 2015, 9:01 pm

This is now ready for review.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Civilian - Freyja Ásynja   [Relaxed] Civilian - Freyja Ásynja I_icon_minitime6th September 2015, 7:49 am




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