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 (Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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(Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow Empty
PostSubject: (Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow   (Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow I_icon_minitime12th August 2015, 9:11 am

Advanced Character Profile
Character Name: "Akane Karasuma": Earth Alias
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: Appears early 20's; birthdate unknown

Used Canons: manga and anime
Character Image: 
(Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow Tumblr_lpvqw3O0wa1qjkedbo2_1280
Sailor Lead Crow is a touch taller than average and has dark, dusky skin and long dark red hair, which hangs straight and ends around mid-thigh. Most of her outfits involve a touch of red to accent both her hair and her startling ruby-colored eyes - at the very least, she always wears red lipstick, red earrings, and paints her manicured nails deep red. While undercover on various planets, she and the rest of Galaxia's Animamates would disguise themselves to fit in with the planet; on Earth, as a television executive, she typically wore a white ruffle-accented blouse with black-and-red vest and loose tan pants, as pictured above. Occasionally she pairs the look with sunglasses and a black hat with a red band.

Personality: In the manga, according to the Materials' Collection, Sailor Lead Crow has a husky and menacing voice, and is described as being a sadist, enjoying the image of weak people. She is cruel and takes advantage of the weaknesses she sees, manipulating people to their breaking point before destroying them. Her only good points would be her loyalty to Sailor Galaxia and that she does enjoy her work.

In the anime, where this character is fleshed out in greater detail, Sailor Lead Crow is shown to be dominant, driven, and easily frustrated by failure. She is cunning and fierce, relentless in her pursuits; however, she has a weak spot in Sailor Aluminum Seiren. Their deep, respectful friendship was something she always attributed to rivalry, their competition keeping both of them sharp and on their toes, helping them survive Sailor Galaxia's assignments and wrath; Seiren saw the parts of her personality that others did not see. For Seiren, Crow was practically putty - she would push and fight back, but, inevitably, in all things beyond work, Crow would give in to Seiren's wishes and do what she wants, whether it's to go on a food tour or to an amusement park. 

Any Unique Abilities/Skills: N/A

History: When Sailor Lead Crow first appeared in the manga, she attacked and severely injured Rei's grandfather. She then called out Phobos and Deimos, who had trained alongside her on the planet Coronis when they were younger, and reveals that the three of them are all that was left of their planet as Lead Crow had helped Sailor Galaxia murder Sailor Coronis and destroy the planet. While the pair were shocked, Lead Crow kills Phobos and Deimos, taking their star seeds, and then turns to Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus, who had appeared to challenge her. During their battle, she grabbed Sailor Mars to threaten Sailor Venus, but before she could kill either and collect their Sailor Crystal, Sailor Moon appeared and destroyed her with Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss. 

In Sailor Moon Stars, Lead Crow, working under the pretense of being a talent agent for Ginga TV station as Akane Karauma ("Red Crow"), Lead Crow's job was to scout for potential Star Seeds and extract them. After the death of Sailor Iron Mouse, when Sailor Aluminum Seiren became the Galaxia's chosen agent to find the True Star Seed, Crow took more of a front-row seat in the proceedings; while her front was that she was watching her Rival closely, she would often give Seiren a lead on a potential star seed and push her forward, helping her attack the target, attempting to get Seiren more motivated and trying harder to find the star seed they were looking for, secretly afraid of what would happen to her low-key rival if she should fail to produce what Sailor Galaxia wanted. While she tried to have Seiren work her way, Seiren found the true starseed doing things in her own fashion, and when she confronted Sailor Moon without Lead Crow, she failed and was destroyed by Galaxia right in front of Crow. Seiren's last act was one of insubordination, and Lead Crow stepped forward to apologize to Galaxia, plead with her to given Seiren one more chance, but her attempts failed. 

Lead Crow's days ended when Seiren was exectued by Sailor Galaxia. A new partner was thrust upon her: Sailor Tin Nyanko, who puffed herself up as Crow's Rival, but Crow had no respect for the ambitious upstart, often ignoring the girl until she callously brought up and insulted Aluminum Seiren, attempting to belittle Crow's old partner to boost herself in Crow's eyes. The attempts backfired gloriously. The "partners" did not function well together; Crow was determined to work alone now that Seiren, her Rival, was gone, but Nyanko repeatedly inserted herself into Crow's schemes, often sabotaging them in the process. The two threatened and argued with one another, even in front of the Sailor Senshi. 

Her time was nearing a close when she found the solution to her problems in Sailor Aluminum Seiren's journal, where Seiren had written the identity of the carrier of the true star seed they were looking for. Lead Crow confronted Sailor Moon, and even managed to extract her star seed after threatening to use a miniature black hole to devour the school, but in the end, she was lost to the black hole after accidentally dropping it. Lead Crow fought until the end, and only when it was clear that there was no way out did she finally give up. 

Other Noteworthy Facts: According to the Materials Collection, she laughs often and has a love for shiny things.

Storyline Specific Information: 
Survival of the Fittest:


Senshi Information
Senshi Name: Sailor Lead Crow
Realm of Influencs(s): (presumably) the Wind
Henshin/Transformation Phrase: She doesn't have one; she was turned into a senshi by Sailor Galaxia, and so has no true Sailor Crystal or transformation phrase.
Senshi Fuku:
Lead Crow's main colors are dusky red, red, and black. Her fuku has a separated Sailor Collar, thigh-high symmetrical pointed boots, and a sleeveless one-piece top with red bikini bottom, held together with black bands in the front. She has black crow feathers bursting out at her shoulders from her sailor collar, and black pointed, wing-like accessories jutting down from her hips, reminiscent of the tail-feathers of a swallow when seen in silhouette. She wears a dark brown-red choker, and her tiara is nothing more than a thin band with a golden star in the middle, a single black feather through it. She has large black wings, which are always present in the manga, but are retractable in the anime. She wears no gloves, Galaxia's golden bracelets sitting alone against her skin.
(Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow Latest?cb=20120915130333(Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow Latest?cb=20130309001402

Galaxia Bracelets - Sailor Lead Crow can use Sailor Galaxia's Bracelets to perform magical attacks.
Galactica Tornado - A blast of energy and high speed wind.

Weapons pr Magical Items:
Whip - Sailor Lead Crow has a whip she will perform physical attacks with.
Galaxia Bracelets

Guardian: N/A

RP Sample:
You can't have friends in this business.

Friends were a liability. Friends could be used against you. Friends would slow you down, would distract you from your goals. Friends were an endangerment to your survival. 

Lead Crow knew that.

But Rivals were different. Rivals kept you on your toes. Rivals challenged you to do better. Rivals gave you a goal to work towards - another person to overcome, another victory to achieve. Rivals were necessary when working for Sailor Galaxia.

Lead Crow had chosen the best rival out there, a person who could challenge her to perform at her best at all times. She had been careful with her choice, and had been even more careful with how she treated her rival, but she didn't know until it was too late that she had made a mistake. 

Her arms crossed tightly before her, Crow surveyed the blue-and-green planet with a critical gaze; their next target was down there somewhere, but who would find it first? Iron Mouse had the initial round of active monitoring and retrieval, but she never felt like that little sneak could really pull it off. Perhaps this time, too, Crow could watch Seiren work and again catch that ruthless spirit she admired in --

"Hey, Crow-san, we should totally go for a food tour first thing tomorrow morning," Seiren's elbow nudged her arm, "You would accompany me, right?"

Her twitching brow and the tsk-ing growl of frustration preluded her outraged cry of "What is it with you and food?!" How could she, her rival, care so little about their mission as to be focusing on food at such a time?! They should be hunting down potential Star Seed holders, staking out suspects, making notes and preparing for Iron Mouse's inevitable failure, not eating alien snacks!

Even so, she knew she'd be going.

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 16th August 2015, 9:38 am; edited 2 times in total
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(Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow   (Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow I_icon_minitime12th August 2015, 6:14 pm

Could you expand Crow’s personality section a little bit by going into more detail about the traits you’ve mentioned already? Smile Oh, and for the SSI, could you include a tiny description that tells about the general plot? (copying and pasting the storyline summary works!)

Thank you! Smile
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow   (Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow I_icon_minitime15th August 2015, 1:44 pm

Done! XD I expanded her personality by mentioning a little more about how Seiren affects her and giving another little sentence about the manga personality; i"ll probably be sticking to her anime side in this, as that was more fleshed out, but if the need arises I totally want her to be as brutal as she was in the manga XD
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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow   (Approved) [Advanced]Antagonist: Sailor Lead Crow I_icon_minitime16th August 2015, 3:25 pm

Approved! Smile
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