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 [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?

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Lotus Crystal

Lotus Crystal

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[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? Empty
PostSubject: [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?   [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? I_icon_minitime25th July 2015, 4:15 pm

ok can any one tell me what i am doing wrong? i've seen how to put the gif in to a still image i just can not get it to save to where it will animate.

[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? 3497ygw < this is what i'm trying to animate. the gif it in the lower left corner.

this [credits to marianne] is what i'm trying to achieve.

i'm using ps elements 11

#ag #aghelp
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Lotus Crystal


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[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?   [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? I_icon_minitime25th July 2015, 4:39 pm

If I am not mistaken, I believe you save each frame of animation as a layer (maybe separate them with folders containing the background + frame # of the animated part -OR- group/merge the animated parts together to the base background each time?) and then go to File > Save for Web. In that menu, there should be something that says "animate." Check that box, and then proceed to save the file. I have PSE 4, but I remember trying out a later version and doing something similar to achieve an animated gif.

There is probably an easier way to do it now, but that is all I can think of. Maybe somebody else knows an easier solution. [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? 2869872805
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Lotus Crystal


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[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?   [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? I_icon_minitime25th July 2015, 5:02 pm

Archive >> Save to web...

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Lotus Crystal

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[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?   [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? I_icon_minitime25th July 2015, 5:34 pm

Rozen wrote:
Archive >> Save to web...

i don't have that. i have file > save for web. but it doesn't let me save it to where the gif in the lower left animates.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?   [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? I_icon_minitime25th July 2015, 9:24 pm

When you click Save for Web you need to change whatever its current form is (JPEG or PNG or whatever) to GIF. You do have all the layers of the animation, right? ^^
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Lotus Crystal

Lotus Crystal

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[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?   [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? I_icon_minitime25th July 2015, 9:33 pm

yes i do, and when i save for web it wants to animate the whole graphic not just the gif its self which is very anoying
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?   [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? I_icon_minitime26th July 2015, 4:45 am

Well the whole graphic has to be turned into a .gif. But if the rest of the layers don't move, only the animated part will be animated.
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Lotus Crystal

Lotus Crystal

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[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?   [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? I_icon_minitime26th July 2015, 7:30 am

that's what i want. for the gif its self to move! that's what's anoying me about this whole thing. i basically did all the steps [after some trial and error] i saw in one of the other threads, yet when i go to save it it doesn't work. that's what frustrates me the most
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[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?   [help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig? I_icon_minitime

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[help] how do i get it to save as a gif sig?

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