So I would like to have a few questions answered to some stuff about the signature. I would have asked my mentor but I still haven't got one and my curiousity is big so...
1) I noticed a lot of different graphics (aside the signature) which people have. After searching more I've found out how some of them are called but I still have some questions about them.
First are the "bumpers". I would like to know what are exactly those, when and why are they made, can I create my own bumpers, how many can I have in the signature section? I already got 2 from the GC 4th anniversary but they are waaaaay more I saw around the forum.
Same questions for sprites, stamps and those things you click and they level up.
I searched for a topic but I couldn't find it. I am not sure where to look T_T
2) The "random" signature function? I noticed some members have multiple signatures and they seem to "auto-change" it whenever I reload a new page. How do you do that? :O
3) Oh and where should I post my graphics and stuff like that?