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 [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime1st July 2015, 6:10 am

Storyline Name: The Hunted Hunter
Creator(s): Sailor Neptune and JupiterThunderCrash
Forum: Free-Form
Advanced or Relaxed Relaxed
Plot Summary: Nephrite is an expert on the supernatural, and often tracks down and kills dangerous creatures that live among the unsuspecting population of modern day Japan. When  Jadeite, a close friend of his, is murdered in Tokyo by what he suspects was a werewolf attack, he journeys to the city to hunt for both the beast and his revenge. But as he investigates the bloody trail left behind, he meets a young woman named Makoto and finds himself falling in love with her. Makoto is not all that she seems though, whether she is aware of it or not.
Details on any necessary information: In this AU storyline, Nephrite is a human trained in hunting mythological creatures, and Makoto is a werewolf who was infected by the one that killed her parent years ago.  Rei is a witch who also wants to avenge Jadeite, her lover. Ami is the ghost of a girl who was slain by a werewolf as well. Minako is a vampire that is antagonistic towards Makoto for being a werewolf, and wants her dead.
Restrictions: The two playable characters will be Nephrite and Makoto, and any others will be NPCs
OOC Thread:n/a
Member to Character List:
JupiterThunderCrash→ Nephrite
Sailor Neptune→ Makoto Kino

Last edited by JupiterThunderCrash on 9th July 2015, 3:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime1st July 2015, 6:42 am

Nephrite entered the Juuban District of Tokyo as night fell, having stayed on the road with no breaks until he hit the city limits. He slowed down as he turned into the local entertainment street, lined with stores, restaurants, and bars. 

The people here looked completely normal, going about their daily business buying groceries, or clothing or entering karaoke places with friends. But hidden somewhere around here was a werewolf. The moon would not be full tonight, so he shouldn't be in any danger of actually seeing the beast, but the thought of any of those people being the thing he was searching for was unsettling.

Nephrite sped up a little, and quickly pulled into the parking lot of a local pub. One of the alleys was blocked off with police tape, marking it as the right establishment. He got out of his van and made sure to lock it before walking towards the pub. He didn't want to draw more attention to himself than necessary, so he left his crossbow in his vehicle, trusting in his hidden knives to keep him safe.

Completely ignoring the police tape, the hunter lifted it over his head as he ducked under it, entering the empty crime scene. He spotted the chalk outline of Jadeite on the pavement already, and he moved closer and knelt down to see it better.

"There are claw marks where his arms and legs were..." Nephrite said to himself, taking out his phone. He took a few pictures for reference and looked around the rest of the alley. "Not to mention blood stains. At least Jadeite tried to fight back." Following the smaller claw marks that he guessed were the monster's footprints, Nephrite found that they stopped right by one of the brick walls of the building next door. "Did it jump to the roof from here?" He looked up. The roof was at least 2 stories high, but werewolves were powerful. It must have either lost interest after it had killed its victim and left, or someone heard the conflict and called the police, causing it to flee when it realized it was outnumbered. 

He needed to narrow down where the werewolf could have run to, the city was too large to search the entirety of it by himself. Nephrite left the alleyway and entered the pub through the front doors this time, sitting himself down at a bar seat as he looked at the pictures on his phone. Maybe he could contact Rei and see if their combined fortune telling could narrow the search zone.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime1st July 2015, 9:00 am

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

Mako entered the pub she sometimes visited when she wanted to be around people and less lonely, a fact that was always magnified by her quiet apartment. Usually just being there helped her feel better even if she didn’t end up talking to anyone. She had some friends, of course, from the flower and bakery shop, both customers and employees alike, and sometimes she even dated people. But there were no real close friends and no guy who could hold her attention for more than a couple dates. She was beginning to wonder if she was a difficult person to be around. She liked to think she wasn’t.

She headed straight for the bar and sat down, quickly scanning the other patrons from her peripheral vision. There was a guy about one seat over with unusually long hair that actually reminded her of her own. He seemed pretty engrossed in something, though, so she turned her attention to the bartender. He was young and good-looking too, but not really her type. She’d talked to him a couple times before and he always struck her as the afraid-of-commitments type.

When he did catch her eye and offer her his charming smile, she returned it. “One ginger ale, please,” she said without any other comment. He nodded and went to serve the requested drink. After lingering a moment and Mako didn’t attempt to engage him in a conversation, he moved on to the other waiting customers.

Mako sipped the comforting drink, relishing the noises of people around her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime1st July 2015, 3:35 pm

After a text based conversation with Rei, Nephrite learned that it would take at least the rest of the night before she could give him a lead. At least he knew that she'd get it done as soon as possible, but for now, he was stuck. He'd have to wait until to morrow to get anything productive done, so he might as well enjoy himself at the bar while he had time. 

"Would you like to order anything, Sir?" the bartender asked, cleaning the counter off. Nephrite looked up at him, turning his phone off. 

"Yeah," he said, sitting up straighter. "You've got bottled beer here right? I'll take one of those." As the bartender went to get it, he finally caught sight of the person sitting on the stool next to him, and mentally kicked himself for not noticing her walk in sooner. She looked around his age, maybe a little younger, with long red-brown wavy hair and green eyes. He was amazed someone hadn't struck up a conversation with her yet, considering that she was alone and definitely pretty. Nephrite decided to take a chance.

"You ordered ginger ale at a bar?" he asked, turning to fully look at her. He wasn't confrontational about it, simply curious.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime6th July 2015, 9:04 am

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

Mako was sipping her drink peacefully when she heard the offending remark. Her brows furrowing, she turned to see the man with the impressive mane of hair beside her facing her direction. She looked him momentarily before asking, “You’ve got a problem with that?”

Her tone was flat, but there was obvious irritation behind it. He hadn’t sounded judgmental or anything, but his question certainly rubbed her the wrong way. What business of his was it anyway what she drank in a bar? There wasn’t a rule about only having to order alcohol or whatever. “The bartender didn’t seem to mind,” she added, noting that if anyone ought to have a problem with it, it would be the people working at the establishment.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime6th July 2015, 3:59 pm

Five seconds into the conversation and Nephrite had already stuck his foot in his mouth. Way to go. When was the last time he had even talked with a girl outside of business, a few months? He honestly couldn't remember...

"No, I don't have a problem," he said, raising his hands defensively. "It's just...not something I see very often." Why was he so terrible at small talk? Nephrite was relieved when his beer finally showed up. "Sorry if I came off as rude, my name's Nephrite. I'm kind of new to this part of Tokyo..." he admitted, smiling slightly.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime7th July 2015, 3:03 am

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

“Well,” Mako said slowly, not quite sure what she should take his comment as. “Maybe I’m just not an ordinary girl.”

She listened to him as he explained that he was new to this part of town. She debated ignoring him for a moment, but then figured she might as well give him a chance. After all, she was looking for some interaction and he probably had just blurted the first thought that came across his mind. It was certainly something she, too, had done in the past. At least he’d apologized.

“I’m Makoto,” she replied, glancing at him again. “Where are you from then?” Despite herself, she felt a tiny bit of curiosity for this stranger.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime8th July 2015, 12:46 pm

Makoto was her name then. It wasn't traditionally feminine, but he found that he liked it. It fit her personality, based off of their brief conversation.

"I'm from Nara, but I haven't been back home since I turned 18," Nephrite said. Well, he was born there anyway. There were multiple bases and safe houses built by his organization, and Nephrite's parents often moved him around as he grew up. The southern city of Nara was one of his favorite places though.

"My job keeps me moving too much to settle down permanently anywhere, but I've seen a lot of Japan over the past couple of years. I assume you live around here?"
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime9th July 2015, 3:55 pm

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

“I’ve been in Juuban for a couple years now,” Mako replied, swishing her drink a little. “I used to move around too, but never beyond Tokyo. I’ve always wanted to see the other cities, though.” The period in which she kept changing schools because of the fighting problems had introduced her to pretty much almost all major schools around Tokyo, but that was about the extent of her ‘travels’. Mako did wish she could see other cities and even countries someday. She wanted to learn more about the world’s cuisine, especially in Europe.

“So what do you do?” she turned back to her companion. “It must be nice to have a job that requires you to travel.” Was he like a travel journalist or something? She’d always thought it was the perfect job; being paid to travel the world and see its endless wonders.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime9th July 2015, 5:53 pm

So they did have something in common then, Nephrite thought. Both of them moved homes often. He wondered why she jumped around so much.

"I'm a private investigator," Nephrite said, after taking a sip of his own drink. "It's a smaller family business so it's not very known to the public, but I get customer calls from around Japan to look into crimes that the police are having trouble with." No need to mention the supernatural part of his job... "Traveling is nice and all, but you have to sleep in your own car a lot," he joked.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime9th July 2015, 9:21 pm

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

“Oh?” Mako turned her body toward him fully, now intrigued. “A private investigator? So you’re a regular… Sherlock Holmes, are you?” From what media had portrayed the job as, sometimes it looked interesting and shrouded in mystery, but she wondered if in reality it was that exciting. Did he get asked to tail cheating husbands a lot? It seemed like the kind of thing a PI would most often get calls about. But he did say he was looking into crimes that even the police was having trouble solving. Mako considered him a moment.

“So it must not pay that well if you can’t afford a proper hotel,” she joked. “Are you one of those detectives who could tell a person’s entire story just by looking at them?” She raised an eyebrow, challenging him a little bit. She was curious if he could guess anything about her life correctly.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime9th July 2015, 10:21 pm

"I don't think I'm at Sherlock's level," Nephrite said, scratching the back of his neck. "I do tend to notice little things that other detectives miss though." It was very hard to see the signs of a mythical creature, demon, witch, vampire, or ghost unless you knew how to look.

"When business gets slow, sometimes I have to watch my spending until I get my next paycheck, but it's not like I've starved before..." He grinned at her next question. "What, have you done anything worth investigating that you're trying to hide?" he asked. "I'm not a mind reader but...I can try to guess something about you if you want."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime9th July 2015, 11:05 pm

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

Well, at least he wasn't the braggy type. Those types always turned Mako off faster than anything else. And with her impulse of wanting to feed people, she was glad he said he wasn't at starving level, because then she'd want to offer to cook for a complete stranger. "Maybe yes, maybe not..." she answered his question enigmatically.

She thought about his offer for a while, and shrugged. "Well, let's try something basic, like my job, which I haven't told you yet," she decided. She was curious how this whole deduction thing would work. In television they always made it look so easy, but she imagined it wasn't like that in real life.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime9th July 2015, 11:37 pm

"Hmm...give me a minute." Nephrite narrowed his eyes as he studied Makoto, taking in her full appearance for anything that would give her occupation away. He focused his heightened sense away from the rest of the bar to focus on her, and that's when he saw the strange bits of white powder under her short fingernails. But what substance was it? The faded, but still recognizable scent of baked goods hit him, and he realized that it must have been flour.

"I think I've got it," he said, leaning back again. "You're a....chef of some kind. No, a baker! You work at a bakery."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime12th July 2015, 6:57 am

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

Okay, this was an interesting experiment, but Mako was starting to feel self-conscious after Nephrite had stared at her for a full minute, looking at her from head to toe. She felt like she was being put under a microscope. Just when she was about to say never mind, this was a bad idea after all, he spoke.

She looked at him in surprise when he said that he’d found the answer. And then her eyes widened even more after hearing the actual answer.

“That’s… right, actually,” she said, impressed. “I work in a bakery and flower shop. What gives it away?” she asked. He’d definitely piqued her curiosity. Maybe she could learn some tips from him and become a more observant person. Was it really that easy to deduce things about people?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime12th July 2015, 10:24 pm

Nephrite grinned at her shocked expression, happy that he had caught her off guard with his skills. He was half afraid that it would scare her off, though she didn't seem like the type to frighten easily.

"You still have what I'm assuming is flour under your nails," he said. "And if you don't mind me saying it, you smell just like a bakery. Reminds me of a freshly made cake." It was subtle, but still pleasant. Better than most perfumes he'd encountered. "Even the smallest details are important when it comes to detective work. Anything can be a clue."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime13th July 2015, 9:15 am

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

Mako checked her nails and blushed when she realized he was right. White bits of flour still clung there even though she had washed her hands before leaving the shop. She laughed when he said she smelled like a bakery. “Well. I suppose I’ll take that as a compliment. I imagine I smell delicious.”

She gave him a genuine smile. “Color me impressed. Maybe I should get your card or something, for when I need detective work?” she asked half-teasingly. She couldn’t imagine when she would ever need it, but it might come up as useful someday. And maybe having his number wouldn’t be such a bad thing either.

Mako checked her watch and realized it was getting rather late. She hadn’t meant to stay for this long here, but her conversation with this stranger had kept her longer than she intended. She waved down the bartender to get the check.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime13th July 2015, 4:33 pm

Nephrite tried not to look too eager when Makoto asked for his card. He definitely wouldn't mind working for her if she requested it, but sadly he had left his cards in the car. And he wasn't sure he wanted to hand her something that said "Supernatural Investigator" on it...

"I'm out of any cards, but can give you my number," he said, grabbing a clean napkin to use as paper. He jotted his cell phone number down with a pen and slid it over to her. "Whenever you need a private eye." He smiled back at her, genuinely hoping she did call him.

"Don't worry about the check, I can pay for it." Call it deeply buried chivalrous instincts, but Nephrite was determined to cover Makoto's tab. He reached for the paper receipt at the same time she did, and their hands brushed together, her fingers making contact with the silver ring he was wearing.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime22nd July 2015, 1:15 pm

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

Mako smiled as Nephrite scrawled his number on a napkin. Well, look at that. She had gotten the number of a decent-looking guy. She certainly didn’t expect that to happen tonight. “Thanks,” she said, and was surprised when he offered to pay for her drink, too. As their fingers brushed, for one brief moment her heart jumped, but then the moment was quickly over thanks to a sudden itch on the place where they’d made contact.

Okay. That’s never happened before. Electricity, sure, but itch…?

Then Mako looked closer and noticed his silver ring. “Aw, crap,” she blurted out, looking at her skin. Already it was reddening, and she knew a rash would follow pretty soon. She quickly covered it with her other hand, her face flaming. Great, this would just be perfect. Get a gross, ugly rash in front of the charming guy. If that didn’t turn him off, she didn’t know what would. “Um, thanks for covering the tab. I think I’d better get going.”
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime22nd July 2015, 2:21 pm

Nephrite didn't notice her hand at all, thanks to Makoto covering it so fast, and attributed her blush for possible interest in him. Maybe this wasn't as one sided of an attraction as he first thought. 

"Maybe I'll see you again before I finish this case," he said, before watching her leave. His mood significantly lifted for the night, Nephrite decided to call it a night and head back to his van. If he figured this case out early, maybe he'd ask her on a date...

The next day, just as Rei had promised, she called him to talk about what she had found. The witch had powerful psychic abilities that attuned her to other supernatural activity, and he had been hoping that she could give him a lead on where the werewolf currently was. As soon as he groggily answered his phone at 9 AM, she spoke. 

"The wolf is still in Tokyo, in the same district as the murder," Rei told him. She could sense its energy even from her location, though it was weakened after the full moon. "It probably even lives nearby. There is no way to tell for certain who it is beyond checking every person in the Juuban district, so you will have to investigate on your own until I can predict where it will be next moon cycle. You'll have to ambush it before it can kill again."

"I can do that," he said, already mentally going through his supplies. He'd hunted werewolves before, but they were usually in smaller towns where the attacks were less notable. One lurking around in a populated city was a dangerous thought. "Just call me when you can see it, and I'll be prepared." Nephrite had a whole 3 weeks to gather his weapons and form a plan, and it would hopefully be enough to finish it off. 

It was 1 AM, and Nephrite was camped out in one of Tokyo's scenic parks. A full moon, the first one of the month, was high in the sky. After sleeping all day in preparation, he was wide awake. He had his tool belt and cloak on, and a quiver full of silver cross-bolts strapped to his back. The heavy metal crossbow was gripped in his hands as he stepped out of the van, locking it behind him. 

Tonight was the night where Rei had predicted the werewolf would appear, and all he had to do now was find and corner it. The park was a mile long, but there was a thick forest in the middle of it, and Rei's premonition involved a lot of trees. It made sense to him that it was roaming the woods, and he was happy that it was much too late at night for any hikers to be out. 

The goal was to find it, try to slow it down with his crossbow, and then make sure it was dead with his silver knife. And all while avoiding getting torn apart in the process. After taking a steadying breath, he started his trek into the darkened woods.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime30th July 2015, 12:58 pm

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

It was the full moon night, and she was stuck at work. Mako didn’t even remember what night it was until she came out of the bakery around midnight and looked up at the sky. Then she promptly cursed for deciding to tackle the shop’s accounting books until so late. She should have at least brought it home, but all the files were there in the shop and she needed to sort out why the balance was not, well, balanced before it got even more out of control.

It turned out it was just a stupid mistake—one of her employees had mistakenly read a 3 on the receipt as an 8. And it had taken her all night to find that stupid culprit.

And now she was feeling dizzy like she always did when it was full moon out. Shivering, she quickened her steps, deciding to take a shortcut through the park. She was really not feeling well, and the effect was setting in rapidly. She paused near a tree and leaned there, her heart hammering out of control. What was happening? She felt feverish… but what kind of fever set on after five minutes?

She considered getting to the hospital—no, too far—ask for help? The place was deserted. She was just weakly fishing for her phone when she suddenly collapsed.

The wolf prowled the park for a victim, but there was nobody around. Frustrated, it moved toward the forest, where it felt it was most at home in. Maybe there would be animals to kill there.

After running for quite some time, it stopped short when it picked up a familiar scent. Its brain could not deduce where it knew the scent from, but something about it drew the wolf toward it. It bounded on all four legs and went after it, a destination now clear in mind.

It didn’t take long for the wolf to find the prey. It was a man. A man with a long brown mane, carrying a crossbow. The wolf saw the weapon as a threat. Preys weren’t supposed to have weapons. With a mighty roar, it leapt straight onto the man’s back, intent on ripping him to shreds before finally getting its dinner.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime30th July 2015, 1:20 pm

Nephrite had been walking the trails for a good half an hour, with no signs of the wolf being around. The scariest animal he had come across was an antlered stag, and it had fled as soon as it had laid eyes on him. Had he missed his chance? Maybe he should come back tomorrow instead.

"Just my luck to somehow miss a giant wolf..." he muttered, preparing to go back to the van. And then a cross between a wolf's howl and a monster's roar shook the trees, and something huge and heavy pounced on his back. Nephrite cursed as the wind was knocked out of his chest, his crossbow falling out of his hands and skidding to a halt a few feet away from his grasp. The quiver emptied half of its contents on the ground, the silver bolts scattered. 

He swallowed hard as he felt the hot, panting breath on the back of his neck. The werewolf had found him first, it seemed, and he had his throat exposed to its teeth. Nephrite fought to flip himself around, and then grabbed at the werewolf's muzzle with his hands and pushed away. He couldn't let it bite him and draw blood, or he would be infected too if he lived to get away.

"You're pretty sneaky for something your size..." Nephrite grunted as he looked the beast right in the face. It had dark brown fur and feral yellow eyes that stared at him as he struggled to keep its mouth shut with just his grip. If only he could reach one of his knives, but maybe the silver rings he wore would distract it enough to let him slip out from under its weight. They weren't weapons, but just touching silver might have a small effect. Maybe...
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime30th July 2015, 2:19 pm

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

The man put up a good fight, the wolf had to admit. He’d managed to flipped under the heavy creature, and then grabbed hold of its muzzle. The wolf wasn’t pleased by this. But then it felt a searing pain on the part where the man was holding it and quickly backed off, howling in agony and anger. The wolf’s gaze fell onto the offending fingers. Silver!

Its most potent enemy.

The wolf growled menacingly, trying to recalculate its strategy. It needed to rip off his neck fast, before the man could sear its skin some more with those damn rings… Frustrated, it lifted its heavy leg and slammed it against the side of the man’s body, its claws searching for purchase even as the force of the blow should throw him a couple feet away.

Maybe if he could be knocked out, that would allow the wolf to eat in peace.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime30th July 2015, 6:37 pm

Nephrite gasped for air as the werewolf fell back, recoiling from the silver. It gave him a moment to think as well. His crossbow was too far away to just grab, and turning around and exposing his back again would be suicide. 

The wolf moved so fast, that he could barely put his arms up to block before it swiped at him. He was easily knocked to the side and sent rolling along the ground until he hit a tree trunk. His coat was ripped and his arm stung from being slashed by the sharp claws, but he was still awake. Nephrite struggled to his feet and pulled out a knife, holding it in a reverse grip.

"Easy now..." he said, keeping eye contact with the werewolf. "Come at me again, and I can make your night just as bad as mine." He started side stepping towards the crossbow.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime4th August 2015, 12:24 am

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT
The wolf’s prey was down, but he was still conscious. He was, in fact, getting up. The wolf’s nostrils flared in frustration; it had never had a prey fight back so much before. Who was this person? And why did he have weapons that were deadly to the wolf?
He was pulling out a knife, threatening, but he was also moving toward the bigger weapon. The wolf knew it couldn’t allow him to get to that one, or its hope of finding someone to eat tonight would be over. Without warning, it lunged quickly toward him once more, trying to cut him off at the pass before he could reach the crossbow, its claws and jaw open and ready to swallow him while at it.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime4th August 2015, 12:59 am

Nephrite's eyes widened as the wolf lunged again, reading his intentions. He had forgotten how smart they were compared to the average monster. He almost froze up as the teeth and claws came closer, and then his senses came back to him, and he moved. 

Instinctively, he ducked and rolled to the side, and the werewolf sailed over him instead of onto him. He stumbled into a crouch, and his foot bumped against the crossbow. Nephrite snatched it back up and took aim, hoping that it hadn't recovered enough to turn around.

"I thought I told you to take it easy!" Nephrite snapped a silver bolt in place and pulled the trigger as fast as he could. He could tell he was off, and the shot went wide towards the werewolf's shoulder.

Last edited by JupiterThunderCrash on 16th August 2015, 11:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime16th August 2015, 11:52 pm

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

This prey was agile—too agile for the wolf’s liking. It growled in frustration as he managed to evade the claws yet again. The wolf turned fast, but not fast enough. Suddenly the man had the crossbow on his hands and a deadly silver allow was flying toward the creature.

The wolf roared when the bolt grazed its shoulder; luckily it had not embedded itself in the skin, but being silver and all, it still created an open wound that was really painful. Clutching its bleeding shoulder, the wolf glowered, decided this particular prey was way too much trouble than he was worth, and sprinted back into the woods before another bolt could be fired.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime17th August 2015, 12:13 am

Nephrite swore as he just barely missed it, but he had definitely drawn blood judging by the response the werewolf made. Its shoulder was cut open badly, and it turned tail and started to run for it. Nephrite stood and ran after it, grabbing another cross-bolt and loading it on the move. But with his bruised up body slowing him down, the werewolf quickly gained distance, and soon it was too far into the shadows of the forest for him to see anymore. 

"I'll have to try again tomorrow night..." Nephrite leaned against a tree to catch his breath before checking his arm. He had a few cuts across it that oozed a little blood, but he could wrap that up. As long as he had no deep injuries, he was still safe... After one last look into the woods, Nephrite turned and started the trek back to his van. At least he'd deterred it from killing someone else.

The next morning, Nephrite had to drag himself out of bed. His left arm was bandaged under his trench coat, but it still stung when he moved it too fast. He needed to get some food before he called Rei to tell her what had happened. He'd get an earful from the witch when she figured out that he hadn't killed the werewolf yet, and he might as well not be starving as well. 

His feet guided him to a nearby bakery, the exact one that Makoto ran. Seeing her would cheer him up considerably before he had to go back to business.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime17th August 2015, 12:57 am

[Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter B7KWsIT

Mako woke up that morning feeling like crap. She vaguely remembered passing out, then… waking up in the middle of an alley somewhere? Then maybe dragging herself back to her apartment… though all of it was surrounded by a haze.

God, I hate that stupid full moon.

It had been ages since she’d last been out during a full moon, but now all the weariness she felt was very familiar. And this time she felt even worse. She felt as if she’d spent the night marathoning or wrestling or something. Everything was sore, and… was that blood?

Mako groaned when she glanced at her throbbing shoulder and discovered dried blood. The wound was partially closed, but she had no idea how she’d gotten that. She sat up slowly, trying to be careful with the headache plaguing her, wondering if she should take a sick day. She never took a sick day unless she was really feeling poorly, but today there were several big orders that she needed to oversee.

Sighing, she dragged herself to the bathroom, cleaned the mysterious wound the best she could and bandaged it. A shower made her feel a tad better, though she still felt drowsy.

Just what had she done last night? The more she tried to recall it, the more the memory receded from her grasp like an elusive eel, just like one would feel trying to remember a dream.

Maybe it was a dream. She was no longer sure she’d been out of the house at all.

The wound bothered her, but she didn’t have time to ponder about it. She was already running late for work.

She got there five minutes after they were supposed to open and quickly set things up. Her employees gave her confused and worried looks and questioned her well-being, but Mako smiled and assured them she was fine. They also wondered about her wound, but she said she’d bumped it into something when trying to do some DIY stuff last night. You know IKEA, you can never figure out their instructions.

The shop was finally open and running, when she thought she recognized a flash of long brown locks outside its windows.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter   [Relaxed] The Hunted Hunter I_icon_minitime17th August 2015, 1:24 am

The bell attached to the door rang as Nephrite pushed it open with his good arm, fighting to keep his eyes open as he got into the short line to the counter. He really hoped there was coffee around here too, or he might end up sleeping in his own breakfast. The aroma of freshly baked goods woke him up more, and Nephrite looked up at the menu overhead and then down at the display cases.

"Hm..." he mumbled, scratching his cheek. There were so many choices, but...he had a limited budget at the moment. As good as it smelled, cake was probably not the best thing for him right now. Or any of the pastries. 

"Why can't donuts be glazed and healthy for you...?" he said to himself. Maybe a pork bun? At least that had meat in it. Nephrite finally got to the front of the line, surviving all the strange glances he was garnering with his appearance on the way to the counter. And that was when he finally recognized Makoto is his sleep deprived haze. 

"Well hello again. I didn't know you worked the register," he said, smiling at her. That was a first for him this morning. He caught sight of the bandages sticking out from under her uniform, and wondered what they were for. "You're hurt," Nephrite said, focusing on her shoulder as he lowered his voice. "Did something happen to you?" His mind started jumping to conclusions, his concern taking over. Had someone tried to hurt her? The thought of anyone doing that to Makoto was enough to make his hands tighten into fists in his pockets.
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