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 Introducing: Roleplay-to-Fanfiction Project!

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Introducing: Roleplay-to-Fanfiction Project! Empty
PostSubject: Introducing: Roleplay-to-Fanfiction Project!   Introducing: Roleplay-to-Fanfiction Project! I_icon_minitime10th June 2015, 10:56 pm

Hey everyone!

When I first joined GC, the RP Forums were no where near as active as they are now. Looking back, I am amazed at how far we have come - and it's all thanks to you awesome roleplayers! I think it would be great to give back to all of you for your hard work here in the roleplaying forums, so I came up with an idea in order to give your beloved roleplays a little more love and attention! 

You now have the option to get your beloved roleplays turned into fanfictions! 

As I read through all of the amazing roleplays here, I think of how awesome it would be to be able to share those roleplays with other people all around the world. So I thought that sharing them on would be a great way to start! Here is how this process will work:

  1. Get permission from all members in your roleplay to have it turned into a fanfiction. Their written words will be copied and slightly modified, so make sure that's okay with them! There will be no changes to characters, settings, or plots - the only changes made will be grammar, spelling, and other small things so that the fanfiction flows smoothly.
  2. Fill out the code below and post it here!
  3. I will take whichever roleplay you would like turned into a fanfiction and start working on it! This roleplay can be Advanced or Relaxed, but it MUST BE IN THE HALL OF FAME. This will serve as motivation for you to get your roleplay finished, and it will give those awesome Hall of Fame roleplays some more fame and love!
  4. After I finish a chapter, I will post it on a account created specifically for this project! From there, fans from all over the world will be able to read and review your awesome storylines! Any messages I receive or reviews will be reported to the roleplayers so that they can see how much people love their work. I will continue to post chapters of each roleplay until it is finished.

Not sure whether or not you want your roleplay to be turned into a fanfiction? Check out this sample I made from a Hall of Fame roleplay, Jar of Hearts!
Jar of Hearts:

If you want your roleplay to be turned into a fanfiction, just copy and paste the code below, fill it out, and post it here!

[b]Name of Storyline (with link):[/b]
[b]Name of Creator(s):[/b]
[b]Plot Summary (what you would like to be in the summary for the fanfiction):[/b]
[b]Title Image (for the cover photo of the fanfiction):[/b]
[b]Would you like to view chapters before they are posted? If so, detail how you would like to view them (via PM, Google Drive, e-mail, etc.):[/b]
[b]Would you like to be notified when reviews/messages are sent regarding your roleplay?:[/b]
[b]Would you like your fanfiction to be advertised on GC's Tumblr?:[/b]
[b]Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns?:[/b]

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a PM! I can't wait to start writing for you all!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Introducing: Roleplay-to-Fanfiction Project! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing: Roleplay-to-Fanfiction Project!   Introducing: Roleplay-to-Fanfiction Project! I_icon_minitime17th June 2015, 4:03 pm

Name of Storyline (with link):Light and Darkness
Name of Creator(s): Artemis and Radicaledward124
Plot Summary (what you would like to be in the summary for the fanfiction): In this story Princess Serenity is six years old and has no senshi powers. The senshi are 15-16. Princess Serenity admires the senshi, and hopes to become a sailor soldier herself one day; however, her mother is trying to protect her from that life for as long as she can. Princess Serenity is desperate to become a senshi, despite being so young. She has grown up with the senshi and has seen them training for battle and she just wants to be like them. The senshi try their best to protect her from the life, just as the queen wishes, but Serenity often mistakes this for them ignoring her and pushing her out. This is a time of slight chaos in the moon kingdom. Nehelenia is alive and pushing in on the moon kingdom from her dark moon kingdom. She is able to disguise herself and travel to the moon, where she spots the young moon princess who is sad she cannot become a senshi. Nehelenia uses this as an opportunity to take Princess Serenity to her kingdom and give her the power she desires, that power being evil of course. Nehelenia will be successful in this and Serenity will become something similar to Black Lady, but will end up hurting someone she loves dearly before realizing her powers are for bad and she will want to go back to being just the moon princess. Queen Serenity will call on the help of Endymion and the Shittenou at some point due to these threats from Nehelenia. 
Title Image (for the cover photo of the fanfiction):image to come
Would you like to view chapters before they are posted? If so, detail how you would like to view them (via PM, Google Drive, e-mail, etc.): yes, google drive
Would you like to be notified when reviews/messages are sent regarding your roleplay?: yes please
Would you like your fanfiction to be advertised on GC's Tumblr?: sure
Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns?:not now, but i can poke you
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Introducing: Roleplay-to-Fanfiction Project!

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