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 Relaxed: Elysion

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime3rd June 2015, 1:17 pm

Relaxed: Elysion Elysio10
Gorgeous banner by JupiterThunderCrash!

Creator: Sailor Pluto

During the battle against Nehellenia, all of the sailor senshi are captured in the circus queen's dream mirrors. They all share the same dream - one that is interconnected. This dream is set way back during the Silver Millennium, an era that ended in death and destruction. Although they would never admit it, the senshi had always longed to go back to their peaceful, happy lives on their respective planets. Back then, they had love, they had peace, and life was beautiful up to the point where Queen Beryl destroyed it. Every day since regaining their memories on Earth, the senshi would wonder, "What if?" What if the destruction of the Silver Millennium never happened? What if the senshi could live happily with their lovers and start families? What if the marriage between Serenity and Endymion was not rebuked by their people, but celebrated? What if the kingdoms of the Earth and Moon were united by the love of their monarchs? All of these questions were constantly being dwelled on by the senshi, but the answers were never revealed. At least, not until being trapped in Nehellenia's mirrors.

The mirrors lock all of the senshi in a dream where the marriage between Serenity and Endymion brings happiness and peace to the rocky relationship between their planets. Not only that, but all of the senshi find love, Sailor Pluto is freed from her eternity at the Gates, families are started and built, and the Silver Millennium reaches a point more utopian than ever before. 

But unknown the the senshi, it is all a dream. The men who love them aren't real, the homes they share are a mirage, and everything that made them happy was fake. But they love it so much that they simply can't wake up.

Extra Information:

Princess Serenity ~ Sailor Mercury
Princess Mercury ~ Addelyn
Princess Mars ~ Princess Moon
Princess Jupiter ~ JupiterThunderCrash
Princess Venus ~ Sailor Mercury
Princess Uranus ~ Verdandi
Princess Neptune ~ Sailor Neptune
Princess Pluto ~ Artemis
Princess Saturn ~ Aurae
Princess Small Lady Serenity ~ sammywhatammy
Prince Endymion ~ Sailor Pluto
Kunzite ~ Sailor Pluto
Nephrite ~ Addelyn
Jadeite ~ Sailor Pluto
Queen Serenity ~ Sailor Pluto

OOC Thread

Last edited by Sailor Pluto on 29th July 2015, 5:15 pm; edited 9 times in total
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime4th June 2015, 6:12 am

Relaxed: Elysion VPx1zvx

This was the happiest day of her life.

Serenity could barely tamp down her excitement as she twirled in her beautiful wedding dress, waiting for the cue of the music that would tell her when it was time to walk down the aisle. Her guardians were all in the room with her, and she felt as if her heart might burst with joy. When she first started her relationship with Endymion, everyone had been so wary. Her senshi kept telling her it was forbidden, that she should be careful, that she might not get to be with him forever.

All those horrible thoughts of having to say goodbye to Endymion, all the fears she always felt whenever they were together, thinking it might be the last time she was going to see him, their last moment with one another… all of it were finally gone. For good. Because today they were getting married, and all was well.

All she had ever wanted was to be his wife and have everyone’s support. And now that dream had come true. Even her girls were finding happiness with the shitennou. Everything could not be more perfect.

She always knew love would win in the end. Serenity smiled at her own reflection, looking radiant and more beautiful than ever.

No, this isn’t the happiest day of my life. It’s only the beginning of my happily ever after.

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 30th July 2015, 8:00 am; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime4th June 2015, 9:43 am

Relaxed: Elysion Prince10

Jupiter still couldn't believe that this was actually happening. Serenity was really getting married to Prince Endymion, against all odds. She would have not have believed it was possible a few years ago, the Moon Kingdom and Earth getting along like this, but here she was, dressed in her best gown with the rest of the senshi as they waited for the ceremony to start. She couldn't help but smile brightly as she watched Serenity examine her own beautiful wedding dress. Their princess was happy beyond belief, and just seeing her like that was a reward in itself.

All those times they had all secretly gone down to Earth seemed to be paying off now, and the law that forbade it from contacting anyone else would finally be removed. For once, the Silver Millennium would truly be at peace. And now that there was less worry about Serenity running off to a dangerous planet, the senshi didn't have to guard her as intently anymore, leaving them much more freedom than before.

Jupiter's thoughts drifted towards Prince Endymion's generals, one of them in particular. 

As soon as this wedding was finalized, maybe she could think about settling down with Nephrite... There were most definitely feelings between them, but they had both held back for the purpose of focusing on duty, but now that their jobs were no longer a problem, having a relationship with him seemed much more within reach now. There would be no more hidden meetings in dark corners of the castle grounds for them.

But today was Serenity's day, and Jupiter refocused on her. It was still surreal to think that the girl she, Mars, Mercury, and Venus had helped raise for years was going to walk down the isle with someone, and it had taken her a huge amount of effort to not cry or smother Serenity with hugs over the last few days. She had still teared up a few times, but she was definitely in control now. She couldn't promise what would happen when the wedding music started playing though...

"Do you think you're ready for this?" Jupiter asked her.
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

Lotus Crystal

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime4th June 2015, 12:27 pm

Relaxed: Elysion JhLDq92

They were so wrong. Mars couldn’t believe it but she was wrong. Wrong when she said that a relationship between Earthlings and Lunarian would bring disaster. It was rather the opposite. For once Serenity was right.
Today was the day. Today Serenity would marry the Earthian Prince. Mars was endlessly happy to see her like this: The Princess was all smiles and wore the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. Mars felt how her eyes slowly welled up with tears.
“Eventually our klutz is going to get married,” she said, tears of joy in her eyes. Everything was perfect. So perfect that she almost overheard Jupiter's question. Of course Serenity would respond with a highly motivated 'yes'. She smiled at the thought.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

Lotus Crystal

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime5th June 2015, 5:14 pm

Relaxed: Elysion 3074743337

Venus marched down the church aisle inspecting the decorations. She had to make sure everything was in the right place. Everything had to be prefect! It was her duty to make sure nothing would go wrong. She walked down the aisle a few more times before heading to the dressing room. Venus opened the door and saw Serenity standing there in her dress. A soft smile appeared on the senshi's face. She couldn't believe she was getting married to Endymion. From the beginning she doubted that their relationship would work out. However Venus was happy that she proven wrong. Serenity was able to be with her true love.

She headed over to the vanity and over heard Mars's comment. She giggled and elbowed her on the side. "Our little Serenity is all grown up now." She then grabbed a brush off of the vanity. She walked over to Serenity. "How's your hair holding up? You need to me to brush it out one more time?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime6th June 2015, 11:06 am

Relaxed: Elysion Zw2BnMF_zpsjjfwk3u1

When Princess Serenity had started her relationship with the Earth Prince all that time ago, Princess Mercury had honestly thought at first it would be nothing but a fling. The Prince was new, he was from Earth, therefore forbidden. She would have her fun and then realize that she needed to marry someone proper.
Both the Prince and Princess would soon come to prove Mercury wrong.
Their love and devotion to each other was astounding and they somehow managed to beat the odds. The union of marriage they were performing was only a physical symbol. It had brought both societies closer together, creating many new and surprising things. Mercury giggled as she glanced at Jupiter out of the corner of her eye. None of them had really seen the relationship between Nephrite, one of Prince Endymions guards and her coming, but to Mercury, it made a weird sort of sense. They complimented each other, much like the Prince and Princess did.
It made her wonder if she would find someone to compliment her in the same way.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime6th June 2015, 8:22 pm

Relaxed: Elysion SIi1GWf

Endymion's wrist was bright red from the amount of times he had pinched himself in the last fifteen minutes. As he stood at the altar waiting for his bride to walk down the aisle, he couldn't resist the urge to make sure this wasn't a dream. It felt like only yesterday he was sneaking Serenity off to some unknown location just so they could spend a few hours together. But despite everything his shittenou had told him and everything Serenity's senshi had told her, they had proved everyone wrong. In just a few short moments, the most beautiful woman in the universe would be walking down the aisle so he could slip the diamond ring on her finger and make her his wife.

But she was taking forever. It was just like Serenity to take her sweet time in getting ready, but at this rate, Endymion was going to pass out. His palms were sweating profusely and he couldn't stop rocking back and forth on his heels. Kunzite had repeatedly nudged him in an attempt to bring him back to reality, but the wait was just too much to bear.

If Serenity didn't come through those doors soon, he was going to march down the aisle and carry her to the altar himself.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime6th June 2015, 8:32 pm

Relaxed: Elysion MYhONKz_zps97d65afd

Nephrite grinned as he watched the Prince fidget as he waited for his bride. Kunzite's prodding didn't seem to be helping much either. 

"Patience your highness, you cannot rush beauty," Nephrite said, grinning. He himself was more curious to see what dress Jupiter would wear today. Whatever she chose would be stunning, he knew. He often got teased that he only had eyes for her these days.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime10th June 2015, 10:49 am

Relaxed: Elysion VPx1zvx

“Of course I am, silly,” Serenity giggled at Jupiter’s question. “I’ve only been waiting forever for this day.” She hugged her friend out of sheer excitement, not caring that it might ruffle their dresses. She had the best bridesmaids in the world and she wanted them to know just how much she loved them.

She glanced at Mars and stuck out her tongue, not caring how unladylike she looked. “Don’t call me that on my wedding day!” she exclaimed, poking Mars playfully.

She then walked toward Mercury and grinned. “No words of wisdom to impart on this very important day, Mercury?” she questioned, cocking her head.

When the door opened, her attention quickly shifted. “Venus!” she exclaimed, whirling around in joy when she saw the blonde entering the room. Good, now she had all four of her best friends and guardians. Now her perfect day could finally begin. She laughed at Venus’ question and inspected her hair in the mirror. “I think it looks fine! Come on, I can’t wait any longer. Is it time to walk out yet? Where’s the music? Is Endymion there yet?” The barrage of questions shot out of her, and she couldn’t stop them even if she tried.

Today was just too amazing!

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 30th July 2015, 8:01 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime12th June 2015, 11:01 pm

Relaxed: Elysion SIi1GWf

Endymion felt his stomach drop as the piano's music changed, starting the introduction to the song Serenity had chosen to walk down the aisle to. The notes were soft, light, and soothing, but their calming effects did nothing to ease Endymion's nerves. With eager eyes, he stared at the door that separated Serenity from the aisle.

Any second now.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime12th June 2015, 11:23 pm

Relaxed: Elysion PewsQST

The queen of the moon had been standing apart from the senshi and her daughter, her heart expanding with warmth at the happiness in Princess Serenity's eyes. Over the last few days, the queen had been a mess of emotions as she tried to balance the reality of her daughter getting married with all of the planning and political things that came with it. She had purposely given herself a large workload in order to forget about the fact that she would be giving her daughter away on this day. And now it was finally here, and Queen Serenity did not want to believe it.

But as she watched her daughter smile with excitement, Queen Serenity knew this was the right path. This was what would make her daughter the happiest, and so it made her happiest. Taking a deep breath, Queen Serenity walked over to her daughter and hugged her gently. "You are beautiful, Serenity," she said softly, pulling away so as not to damage the dress. "I am so proud of the woman you have become." A small tear escaped the queen's eye as the wedding march began to play. 

Smiling, the queen offered her arm for Serenity to take. "Come. Your prince is waiting."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime29th June 2015, 2:08 am

Relaxed: Elysion VPx1zvx

Serenity felt butterflies in her stomach when the familiar notes of music floated from outside into the room. It was the same music as the one that emanated from the star locket she had given to Endymion as a gift. It had become their song and, though its notes seemed sad at times, it was their song. She couldn’t imagine walking down the aisle to anything else.

That was when her mother walked over to her and embraced her. Serenity returned the hug tightly, feeling tears brimming in her eyes. She wiped the tears quickly so that she wouldn’t appear like a mess on her most important day. Not after all that hard work! “Thank you, mother. I am really, really happy you’re here. Thank you for believing in us and allowing me to be with the one I love.”

Serenity composed herself, took a deep breath, glanced one last time at her friends, and took her mother’s offered arm. And she took the first step that would start the rest of her beautiful life.

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 30th July 2015, 8:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime5th July 2015, 8:00 pm

Relaxed: Elysion UjcOZsT

Just before the music began to play, Kunzite got the nod from the pianist and led the shittenou away from the altar and towards the room where Serenity and the girls were waiting. Kunzite's eyes fell on Venus and he felt his heart leap out of his chest. She looked flawless, as always, but for some reason, he felt as if her beauty were too much to take in. Perhaps it was the wedding environment, or the music wafting through the doors, but Kunzite felt compelled to embrace the beautiful goddess and kiss her.

Instead of dropping to his knees and asking Venus to marry him right then and there, Kunzite held out his arm and smiled, motioning for her to take it. "Shall we, my princess?" he said in her ear.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

Lotus Crystal

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime5th July 2015, 8:29 pm

Relaxed: Elysion 3074743337

Venus stood there and watched Serenity talked to her mother. A gentle smile appeared on her face and she was trying to fight back tears. Usually Venus wasn't much of a crier. However, seeing Serenity so happy brought tears to her eyes. Guess they were right. Weddings make you cry.

Suddenly she heard Kunzite whispering in her ear. Venus turned and saw him standing her there waiting for her to take his arm. She felt her heart melt. For years she told herself not to fall for the man. Protecting the princess was her priority, but now that Serenity was getting married. Maybe there was a chance for love now. She gave Kunzite a smile and link her arm around his. "Of course."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime6th July 2015, 11:25 am

Relaxed: Elysion MYhONKz_zps97d65afd

Nephrite easily followed Kunzite to the back where the Princess and her bridesmaids were waiting. His eyes searching, he broke out into a wide smile when his eyes landed upon her. She was breath taking and in his opinion, more beautiful than the Princess, not that he would ever mention that within Prince Endymion's hearing range. Or ever out loud now that he was thinking about it, the walls do have ears after all. 

"You look..." taking her hands in his, he attempted to find a word that was good enough to explain how beautiful she appeared to him. Gorgeous? Marvelous? Did such a word even exist. "Exquisite."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime6th July 2015, 4:32 pm

Relaxed: Elysion Prince10

As Serenity was prepared to walk down the isle by the Queen herself, Jupiter mentally prepared herself as well. They'd all be waling down the isle with her soon, and as if on cue, Kunzite led the rest of the Shitennou into the room. She saw Nephrite and moved to meet him, eagerly intertwining her hands with his own. The wedding preparations had kept everyone busy, and they hadn't had a quiet moment together in a while.

"Thank you..." she said with a blush, looking directly into his eyes. "That suit makes you look even more handsome than usual. You should wear it more often," Jupiter continued, only half aware that they were not alone in the room. She restrained herself from running a hand down the front of his jacket. Neither of then needed to get too distracted. Instead, she smiled back and hooked her arm in with his, similar to Venus.
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Neptune Emeritus


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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime14th July 2015, 4:15 pm

Relaxed: Elysion Michiru_rpg_sig_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d7s3lch

Her wariness had been unnecessary. And she had never been gladder about it. A little while ago, she couldn’t have imagined Earth and Moon’s relations to change so much that the two kingdoms would sign an alliance. Rumors about Serenity and Endymion’s relationship had reached even her solitary position, and truth be told, she had a feeling it could only end badly at first. Moon and Earth’s history was already more than complicated, had been for as long as she could remember.

But they had proven the odds wrong. Serenity and Endymion clearly loved each other, that much anyone who had seen the two together could understand. After years of tension between the moon and earth, the kingdoms were now closer than ever. Things were changing. And here she was, sitting in their Princess’ wedding.

If someone had told her she would be given an invitation to this grand celebration before, she would’ve said it was impossible. It felt surreal, to be able to visit the kingdom they had protected from far for centuries. No longer were they required to stay in their posts at all times to guard the Solar System from outer threats. Instead, they could visit the other kingdoms of the Solar System and get to know their fellow senshi. Sometimes Neptune had to remind herself this wasn’t a dream, but reality.

She smiled, swept away by thoughts of the moon and earth's bright future, and glanced at Uranus. And then the wedding march began.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime17th July 2015, 10:25 am

Relaxed: Elysion MYhONKz_zps97d65afd

"I shall endeavor to do so when circumstances permit then," he said, gazing as her lovingly, reaching for her free hand, he raised it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss on her knuckles. 

"Come, we should get in place so we do not delay the ceremony. I would think the Prince and Princess would be quite angry with us if we did."
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime19th July 2015, 11:38 am

Relaxed: Elysion JhLDq92

When eventually the Queen herself appeared, Mars couldn’t help but shedding a tear at her words. As much as she didn’t want to cry, seeing how things had changed and developed just made her happy. Serenity and Endymion were united - no obstacles in their way - and the endless tension between Moon and Earth seemed to be washed away. Entirely. And on top of that, she could finally spend some time with the Earthian knight, Jadeite, without being afraid to do something forbidden.
Just where was he? Excitedly Mars waited for the young blond man after seeing how Endymion’s knights approached, one after another. She was sure he would look stunning...more stunning than everyone else at this wedding.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime30th July 2015, 10:42 am

Relaxed: Elysion Zw2BnMF_zpsjjfwk3u1

Mercury watched as Kunzite lead the Shittennou into the dressing room so they could finally get the ceremony running. Her sharp eyes looked for Zoisite, who was meant to be her partner for the day. 

"You look lovely as always," a voice whispered into her ear from behind. Whirling, she nearly smacked right into him. 

"Zoisite! Don't do that, you gave me quite a shock," she said smiling. Through her various trips to Earth accompanying the Princess, Mercury had become quite fond of the long blonde haired General. He easily kept up with her and she greatly enjoyed their intellectual debates. He was everything that she looked for in a partner yet he ddn't have feelings like that for her, did he? When he behaved like he was behaving now, it exhilarated an confused her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime30th July 2015, 8:11 pm

Relaxed: Elysion Pluto10

Pluto never dreamed a day like today would come. She had worn her dark green gown for the special occasion. Pluto was enjoying her freedom from guarding the time gate and using the time to learn new things. She didn’t mind guarding the time gate, but she was relieved when peace had been declared.

Pluto was also happy for the Princess. She remembered many times the queen was worried while Serenity had snuck off to be with Endymion and now they were getting married. Pluto walked into the wedding hall and found a sear next to Neptune.

“Can you believe that Serenity and Endymion are finally getting married, this is truly a happy day for them?” Pluto said to Neptune as she sat down.

Last edited by Artemis on 3rd August 2015, 5:36 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixing michiru so it says neptune)
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Relaxed: Elysion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime31st July 2015, 6:27 am

Relaxed: Elysion OTBmnFy

Princess Saturn sat calmly in her seat near the others, watching the ceremony begin. Everything about today was as perfect as she could have ever wished for her beloved and adored Moon Princess. She looked around her, glancing up at the nearby faces of Princesses Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto: her teammates. Although she was younger and her powers were ominous, they accepted her as one of their own. Having their friendship and camaraderie meant so much to her. She couldn't imagine what her life might have been without them, alone and isolated.

The venue looked so beautiful for the wedding. Everywhere she looked there were swathes of white fabric--silk, gauze, and tulle--and beautiful blossoms. The Moon Palace already resembled something from a fairy tale, but today that allusion was more fitting than ever. The violet eyes that fluttered about, constantly finding something new to admire, were dazzled by it. She was sure that the Princess would be even more gorgeous, outshining even these lovely decorations with her own brilliant light.

How lucky she was to be a part of such a splendid occasion!
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime22nd August 2015, 4:54 pm

Relaxed: Elysion Michiru_rpg_sig_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d7s3lch

Neptune's attention was caught by Pluto's words. She, too, seemed happy about how things had turned out. While Neptune shared the older woman’s opinion, there was something that stopped her from answering without considering her words. However, lack of trust wasn’t the reason for her hesitancy, for Pluto was one of the most reliable people Neptune knew.

"I couldn’t have imagined this to happen some time ago. Things have changed so much."  

So much that it was sometimes hard to admit out loud. After years of guarding, they had been given lives full of opportunities. A part of her was afraid that if she let this time of happiness dull her to sleep, a new threat would soon arise. But maybe, maybe this peace and prosperity were to last. Maybe this day marked the beginning of a new era, an age of peace without conflicts.

But whatever was to happen in the future, she had decided to push her worries to the back of her mind for this day and be there for their princess; to enjoy this happiness with her and the others. She wouldn’t let her worries resurface, not today. It was the least she could do for their princess on her wedding day.

Neptune turned back to Pluto, continuing their conversation.

“Have you thought about what you will do after the celebration?”
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime25th August 2015, 6:34 am

Relaxed: Elysion CR47J33

Jadeite was so bored with the wedding that he almost didn't notice that the shittenou were leaving the altar until Endymion nudged him. He blinked in surprise, scurrying after his brothers-in-arms. By the time he reached the room in which the girls had been waiting, everyone was ready to go except for him and -


His princess. His beautiful, flawless, passionate princess. Looking just as breathtaking as always.

Jadeite's feet were glued to the floor. His throat was suddenly dry, and his palms were becoming sweaty at his sides. He would look like roadkill standing beside her. Sure, he had taken the time to actually comb his hair and put on his fanciest shittenou uniform (cape and all!), but that was nothing compared to how beautiful Mars was.

"Jadeite! We're waiting on you!" Kunzite hissed, raising an eyebrow. Jadeite's cheeks flamed, and he forced himself to move towards the woman he loved more than anyone else in the world.

Too bad he was too proud to tell her so.

Clearing his throat, Jadeite nervously extended his arm for Mars to take. "You look - I mean, you are - erm - hey."
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Princess Moon
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime27th August 2015, 11:17 am

Relaxed: Elysion JhLDq92

Already the moment she saw him from afar, she forgot everything that happened around her. Suddenly it didn't matter that she was the last one around, the one who waited the most. It didn't matter if she would have had to wait another few hours either - every minute and every hour she would stand there waiting would be worth it.
The lovely sight she had in front of her made everything worth it.

With her cheeks slightly blushed, she looked into his shining eyes, trying to hide her excitement. But as good as he knew her, she was sure, he already knew.

"Hey," she said as she chuckled at his attempt to approach her, completely ignoring the fact that he didn't have the courage to end his first sentence. "You look magnificent, too!"
Taking his arm, Mars reached out the other hand to hold up her gown and started walking.

Magnificent? What kind of nonsense was she saying? He was more than magnificent. There wasn't even a proper word for it.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime26th September 2015, 6:33 pm

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Her voice floated through his ears and he was history. It was all Jadeite could do not to sweep her up and press his lips against hers. His face was bright red as he held his arm out for Mars to take, leading the way towards the doors separating them from the ceremony. Zoisite and Mercury had already passed through, and now it was their turn.

Leaning over, Jadeite whispered into Mars's ear: "I promise I won't fall." The scent of her hair filled his nose and he pulled back, grinning. Without waiting for her response, Jadeite stepped forward through the doors and began walking down the aisle, taking the love of his life down with him.
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime2nd October 2015, 4:54 pm

Zoisite took Mercury’s arm and walked confidently down the last bit of aisle. He was very conscious of his contact with the petite Mercurian princess. He was always looking for an excuse to come into close contact with her, even if it was only in passing. The fact that he was escorting her for this most auspicious wedding sent a shiver of pure joy through him. He was happy for his master Endymion and certainly happy with the princess he was matched with for the ceremony. Without missing a step he glanced at her, offering a brief smile to the blue haired princess. Taking in this visage of brilliant beauty was like diving into a cold mountain spring. It was hard, but he would have to tear his eyes away soon lest he keep walking and overshoot the altar. But gods did he want to just gaze upon her in that gown forever.

He couldn’t remember the last time he had attended a wedding.  Of course the event got him thinking. Bold and brazen Nephrite declared his feelings for Jupiter and now the two were almost inseparable. But Zoisite only had those kinds of feelings for one person. It had come on slowly, and happened before he really was aware of it. Yet there was no ignoring the emotions that coursed through his body at just the sound of her voice. But the Mercurian princess was so calm and level headed, and so modest too. Zoisite was sure she could not feel these same feelings towards him. It would be too much to ask of providence.  

At night he told himself he should try to stay away from her, before it was too late. Because if she rejected him in the end it would only hurt the worse. But those thoughts left his mind as soon as he was near her. They had developed a friendship, and every day he fell deeper into this one sided love. It was an exquisite pain, but one Zoisite could never deny himself.
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Princess Moon
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime10th October 2015, 3:40 pm

Relaxed: Elysion JhLDq92

Seeing the suit's sleeve right next to her, Mars linked arms with Jadeite, admiring the trained triceps that showed through before focusing on walking down the aisle.
Serenity might have had the prince - but Mars was the luckiest of all girls, having a perfect man like Jadeite by her side. She smiled faintly, a blush on her cheeks arising, as she looked at him for a last time, worshipping the figure-enhancing suit and the handsome face of him.

"I can't guarantee for anything," she responded to his announcement not to fall, her burning desire to kiss him seizing more and more hold of her with every second passing by.
Everything inside of her just wanted to leave, wanted to go somewhere else, somewhere where they could be alone - she knew she couldn't, she knew it was Serenity's special day, but deep down she wished for nothing but more time for themselves.

For a second she bit her lip, dragging herself out of her thoughts and concentrating again on their walk.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime26th October 2015, 1:38 pm

Relaxed: Elysion VPx1zvx

As she saw Endymion up ahead, Serenity felt as if her stomach were filled with butterflies. She wanted to run—to rush into his arms like always—but she knew she mustn’t. She would become his soon enough; she could be patient for a little while more. A couple more graceful steps.

After what felt like an eternity, she arrived by his side, and smiled up at him in giddiness. In front of them, Luna in her human form was officiating. Serenity shot an excited look her way as well. Artemis stood nearby, looking just as dapper as the other guys. Him and Luna… her senshi and the shitennou… she and Endymion… this day was so full of love, and she thought her heart might burst from all the happiness. Impatiently, she waited for Luna to begin the ceremony.
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Elysion   Relaxed: Elysion I_icon_minitime27th October 2015, 5:59 am

Relaxed: Elysion OTBmnFy

The smallest princess at that glorious wedding remained carefully seated, eyes rapt to the splendor around her. Princess Serenity had finally appeared, looking even more like a moonbeam than ever. Saturn felt her heart swell with happiness and adoration at just a glance of the blissful expression on the bride's lovely face. The Moon Princess truly deserved this joyful day, to finally be united with her true love. Princess Saturn herself was merely a child, and she knew little of true love--but she did know that it was something that the Prince from Earth and her dear Princess shared. She fixed on the handsome bridegroom, awaiting his most beautiful bride. This would surely be the most celebrated day their kingdoms had ever known.
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