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 [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story?

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? Empty
PostSubject: [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story?   [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? I_icon_minitime25th January 2015, 8:38 pm

So I really love Kousagi and wish it was canon beyond parallel Sailor Moon. I absolutely adore her and think she is a spitting image of her mom. I really wish she could have been a little sister to Chibiusa.

What do you guys think of Kousagi?
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Empress Vesta
Lotus Crystal

Empress Vesta

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[DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story?   [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? I_icon_minitime25th January 2015, 9:14 pm

Kousagi's pretty cute! I think they should have added her to the main story--not as a Senshi, but as a supporting character. The pink cat is adorable as well!

However, I do not think they should add her Senshi, the daughters. They are pretty much carbon copies of their mothers, except for their bratty personality. Maybe like one (like Makoto's daughter maybe, as I can definitely see Makoto having a lot of children), but not all.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story?   [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? I_icon_minitime25th January 2015, 9:33 pm

i adore Kousagi! I think she should have been canon. As for her senshi, i'd add them to the story but give them different names like Suki and Misa and i wouldn't make them so bratty
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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[DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story?   [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? I_icon_minitime26th June 2016, 8:41 pm

bumping. Kousagi needs love.
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[DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story?   [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? I_icon_minitime26th June 2016, 9:19 pm

While I don't think she should have been added to the main story, it would have been nice to have  a one book-or six chapters-of a story surrounding her adventures as a senshi in the parallel world she exists in.
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[DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? Empty
PostSubject: Re: [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story?   [DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story? I_icon_minitime

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[DEBATE] Should Kousagi have been given a role in the anime, or even added into the main story?

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