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 (Advanced) Dream vs Duty

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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 4 I_icon_minitime21st January 2015, 8:14 am

"The UNED is not made of super soldiers, they are all normal humans."
It's true, the UNED was very strict when it came to who could join, they had to be the best of the best and the healthiest of the healthy, but as the war dragged on, Earth became more desperate and, in secret, he altered his physical and mental strength so he could fight better.

You've spent years battling with them and you still haven't won the war... Those words of Minako's bounced around tirelessly in Earths head. "It's been decades since they first showed up... We tried our best to save as many civilians as possible... But they were just too swift and the evacuations weren't as organized as we thought... But-" As Earth said that, he stood up. "Despite the overwhelming odds, we still fight. We may lose this war and we've accepted that, but if we're going to lose it then we're going to take down as many of those things as we can."
As he said that he said it with pride and determination like he was giving a speech of courage to thousands of soldiers.

"I am just one soldier, you are many." He looked at each Senshi when he said that. "Our history books tell us that the Senshi were some of the bravest warriors in the galaxy. You've fought creatures of the dark before and have more experience with them, so if you all fight together with those rods I am positive you'll be able to protect the world." The rods he had given them were actually just their usual transformation rods that have been slightly altered with electronic amplifiers to increase their power.

Earth then looked at a small computer on the armor on his wrist which helped several times "Also I have concluded that only a small party of the Zoi have come here so you shouldn't have much trouble."
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 4 I_icon_minitime25th January 2015, 12:50 pm

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Ami sat straight in her chair, listening to all that was said and trying to formulate some sort of plan in her mind. At the same time, she was typing information and data into the computer, hoping to get some assistance in strategic planning. 

"So, how do you propose we beat these guys? From what I can tell, we need to prevent their attack from ever happening in the future if we want to save everyone."

Suppressing a sigh, Ami suddenly realized that she did not like Earth's description of the future one bit. It was too...technological, too advanced. It didn't seem like a place of serenity and peace anymore - now it sounded as if it was chaotic and full of conflict. If she could prevent her precious future from getting to that point, Ami would do absolutely anything. Hearing that Sailor Pluto had...died...was gut-wrenching. If these enemies were so powerful that they were killing senshi as strong as Pluto herself, then they needed to be stopped before their attack could even begin. If Ami and the others could locate their origin here in the past, they could destroy these aliens before they had the chance to destroy the future, right?
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 4 I_icon_minitime26th January 2015, 6:53 am

"If only it were that easy." Earth said to Ami "Or... Maybe it is that easy." He said as he went over to the Senshi's computer and began to use it.

"When I arrived I began picking up unusually large amount of plasma energy radiating from one location, but I've been unable to confirm what this thing is because it keeps moving and appears to be shielded." On the computer, Earth brought up an image of the earths atmosphere and highlighted a section of it where high plasma reading was located.

"In the early stages of the war it was rumored the Zoi had a massive ship, roughly the size of Alaska. Though these were just rumors since we were never able to find it, but a few times we did find these exact same plasma readings where the ship was suspected of hiding. But any time we sent scouts to check it out they got KIA'd (killed in action), but then we stopped seeing the readings so we stopped looking."

Earth looked at the spot on the computer intensely. " It was also rumored that their leader was commanding the vessel and if the ship was destroyed the war would be over." He said looking at the Senshi. "But this is just a theory, I need to do more research to be sure. So right now all we can do is fight these things and protect the princess."
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 4 I_icon_minitime31st January 2015, 10:50 am

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 4 VjxvQoH

“Oh,” Minako blinked. “Well, from the way you fought… I just figured you might have been super strengthened in some way or something. But I guess it’s just all technology?”

She still didn’t quite know what to think about this, about their odds of beating this unknown enemy. And even though Earth said the senshi were some of the bravest warriors in the galaxy, he also said himself that they weren’t enough to protect the world in the future, right? That was the entire reason he was there. Perhaps they might be enough to protect it now, but…

Minako didn’t know why she was so reluctant to fight again. It had been easy earlier today, but faced with a future so bleak, with such impossible odds, she’d begun to wonder if it was still worth fighting for.

Then Ami said something that latched onto her mind. Prevent their attack from ever happening in the future. Now that seemed like a good idea. They had changed the future once, they could do it again. The fact that they were still at the past was an advantage, too. Everything Earth said had happened hadn’t actually happened yet here. Pluto was still alive, everyone was safe…

But how could they prevent it?

She listened to the ongoing conversation, about the possibility of a ship that they could attack. Somehow she doubted it would be that easy, and Minako also knew that the senshi, wonderful and brave and strong as they had once been, had not worked together, or even seen each other much in the last five years. They couldn’t just plunge themselves back into battle just like that, right? The possibility of everything falling apart was all too real in Minako’s mind-eye and she had to force herself not to panic.

Even now she was discovering how much Ami had changed, how she might have to adjust their strategy to accommodate all these changes in personalities. Minako was the strategist, and she needed to catch up with her friends properly before she could formulate any kind of battle plan at all.

“Okay, um. Hachiro. Do you think you could do that research and try to confirm the existence of that ship? I think my friends and I need to discuss some of the things you’ve told us in private. Perhaps we could arrange to meet back here later today or tomorrow to figure out what to do?”
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 4 I_icon_minitime31st January 2015, 1:09 pm

Earth nodded at Minako's comment. "Because humans can't utilize supernatural powers like other species in the galaxy we must use technology if we are to survive." He continued to tap away at the Senshi's computer, imputing his own information so the Senshi could conduct their own investigations if they wish.

"In fact, it is because of this that other humanoid species in the galaxy have always been seen as animals and hunted down, so when others saw that earth humans were prosperous and had become intelligent they became enraged and sought to destroy us. So I guess you could say this is humanities civil rights movement."

Earth finished his work at the computer and looked at Minako when she spoke. Perhaps it was best to give them some time to themselves. He'd just told them that the earth was facing a possible armageddon against aliens that seemed almost unstoppable, they clearly needed time to take it all in.

He nodded at Minako's requested and scooted to the stairs that lead out of the command center. "I will gather what information I can and report my findings back to you." After that, he went up the stairs and cloaked himself so no one outside would notice him and left the command center.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 4 I_icon_minitime1st February 2015, 10:17 am

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 4 Selusa_zpsbee9e4a0

Usagi listened as the others asked Hachiro more questions. She thought she caught him giving a dirty look to Haruka, but she could have imagined it. All of the questions were very valid and thought through. Hachiro seemed to be telling the truth still and it was interesting to hear about the future. It scared her that the senshi of the future couldn't defeat these aliens and they even killed Pluto. She hoped that they would be able to prevent that future. Searching for the alien ship seemed like it might be their best bet. After Hachiro left she looked at the rest of her friends.

"I think the first thing we should do is contact the other senshi and bring them up to date." Usagi said, "I think we need all of us together to figure this out as well as defeat this enemy. Other than that do any of you have any ideas about what we should do?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 4 I_icon_minitime6th February 2015, 2:47 pm

Mod Note

Due to the wishes of the head of his roleplay, I will be moving this storyline to the Graveyard.

If anyone wishes to take over this roleplay and resurrect it from the Graveyard, you may do so by talking to Sailor Saturn.
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