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 (Advanced) Dream vs Duty

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime5th November 2014, 8:06 pm

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 VjxvQoH

“Jupiter!” Venus said in relief, glad for the added backup. For one moment, she was amazed at the sight of the four of them together again. Red, blue, green, and orange all at the same place, in their senshi forms, united in battle. Her chest ached with the thought that their normal lives had been ripped away once more, but a part of her also secretly felt comforted by the thought that they were still there for each other. She had missed them too much. And maybe, just maybe, she also didn’t know how to stop being Venus, even if she didn’t ever want to admit it to herself.

“Usagi’s safe… I hope,” she replied. She had no idea where her friend was, and the phone line had been cut short, but hopefully Usagi wouldn’t be coming into the middle of this. It was the last thing she needed in her life right now.

To her surprise, her attacks did nothing to the aliens. They seemed to be bounced off of something that glowed blue. A shield, perhaps. Well, that was a problem, but that didn’t mean they were invincible. The senshi just needed to figure out how to disarm those shields. She jumped away from the return attacks as explosions rained down all around her. She noticed Uranus trying to take them by surprise, but her attack was just as useless. Venus was beginning to worry. These new enemies seemed much stronger than the ones they were used to, and it had been a while since they’d battled. Their powers had not increased within the last five years. What if that was what they needed to face the new threat? Instead, they had all gone and lived normal lives, pretending to be people they weren’t.

“Uranus!” she yelled as she saw one of the creatures appearing behind Haruka. She hoped the senshi of wind was still as fast she used to be.

She turned toward Mercury just in time to see her visor disappear. “Mercury, what? Did you find their weakness? We need to get rid of that shield.” She had grown used to depending on her friend’s knowledge to find holes in their enemies’ defense, and grew alarmed when she saw the look on Mercury’s face. She seemed… desperate. Defeated.

Mist surrounded the area, and she waited, to see if Mercury had another step in her strategy. Because there was a strategy, right?

The sound of beeping and things landing near their feet snapped Venus back to attention, and she saw the little round things scattered around. Now, she didn’t even need to be senshi to know what those were. She’d seen enough movies. “Watch out!” she yelled at the others. She whipped her chain, sending the closest bunch of grenades back toward the enemy line, wondering if they, too, would simply bounce off the shields. But it was better them than the senshi.

It was then that she caught a strange flicker on top of her apartment building. She couldn’t see him clearly, but he looked suspiciously like her new neighbor. “You!” she yelled. “Are you responsible for this?! Because if so, you’d better come down here and let me kick you back to wherever it is you came from!”
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime6th November 2014, 6:51 am

It appears that Hachiro's cloaking device wasn't working as it should be if Venus was able to see him, but it didn't matter, his cover was obviously blown and it looked as if the Senshi were one for if he didn't do something quick.
His civilian clothing wouldn't be much help so he had to change, "Activation code: Sierra 1, Charlie, bravo, tango, whiskey, November!" He shouted in military sounding dialect, it was like a voice activation because as soon as he said that phrase a suit of high tech armor began to transform around him, giving him the exact appearance of the man Venus saw when the pod crashed the other night.

The aliens heard this and halted their attack. "There he is! He's here! Kill him!" One of the aliens shrieked in terror as the entire group began to panic and fire their weapons at the man.
Hachiro leaped from the building and threw knives at several of the aliens, causing their shields to break in a flash of blue, killing them instantly. He landed in front of the Senshi with his back to them as he pulled out a rifle that was attached to his back.
The aliens took several steps back and seemed scared of this man and had looks on their reptilian faces that suggested they had run into him before.
One of the aliens emitted a high pitched scream that sounded organic and mechanical and charged the man. Hachiro respond by charging back and firing several bullets into the aliens skull, killing it, then going after the rest. He dodged all their attacks and was bouncing and flipping all over the place like some sort of sci-fi karate, engaging the creatures in both hand-to-hand combat and his guns. One by one each alien dropped to the ground from either being shot, beaten to death or a knife rammed in their body unlike the Senshi, he had absolutely no trouble taking the aliens on, their shields seemed almost completely ineffective against his attacks. After the fight only one of the creatures remained and was trying to run, but was too late as a large knife was suddenly flung into its back. The fight was over in less than a minute as Hachiro walked up to the alien body to retrieve his knife. After that, he turned around and approached the Senshi. He was much taller than they were, at least seven feet, which gave a kind of hostile appearance even though he had no such intent to harm them.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime9th November 2014, 7:31 am

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Image_zpsbff3f3b2

Sailor Mercury was shocked, to say the least. It had all happened so quickly, and her mind was trying as hard as it could to wrap around what had happened. One minute, all hope was lost, and the next, all of these aliens were defeated. Who was this strange character who had defeated them so easily?

She closed her computer, slipping it into her dimensional pocket and approaching the mysterious man, her body ready to attack. "Who are you, and how did you defeat those creatures so easily?" she said, her tone icy. She looked at the other senshi, wondering what was going through their heads.

They had all been forced together once more after years of leaving their senshi powers dormant. Not only that, but they had failed. Their attacks were too weak, their teamwork disheveled. Was this the price they had to pay for forgetting who they are? Perhaps if they had continued to train together, this fight wouldn't have been so humiliating. There was no doubt in her mind that this would not be the last "alien attack," and there would be plenty more to come. But how could they defend their planet if nothing they did could stop these creatures?

Sailor Mercury looked over at Sailor Jupiter, desperately needing to meet the other's eyes. She knew that Jupiter's eyes would be enough to hold her up.
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime9th November 2014, 9:09 am

He stood towering over Mercury who approached him. He looked at Venus, who he thought would recognize him from the other night, then at the other Senshi. The man wore a a suit of high tech armor that covered his entire body and there was a visor where his face should be.
"I am Earth. Sailor Earth." He replied to Mercury's question in a low and deep voice, much lower and deeper than when he met Rei and Minako at her apartment. "You probably have some questions for me, I will gladly answer anything you have to ask, but I'm afraid that will have to wait." After he said that his visor glowed blue as he began scanning the area. "We need to find a safe place to hide, your homes won't do, those things know where you all live and will most likely show up at your front door real soon. I don't know this place that well so it's up to you Senshi to find a safe place. And as much as I hate to say it you should also bring Usagi along."

Earth then proceeded to take put five crystal change rods, these rods seemed the same as the Senshi's current ones except for the small insignia on one side that had an engraving of the Earth and the letters U N E and D above it. He then went up to each Senshi and handed them the new change rods "Your attacks failed because they weren't strong enough, if you want to have any hope of dealing with those things you will need to use these new crystal change rods which come with new and more powerful attacks as well as a small shield against their attacks, though the shields can only take so much damage before they need to recharge." He stepped back so he could let the Senshi take all of this in. "I've hacked into your communication devices and put my radio frequency in them so once you find a suitable location to hide call me and we'll all meet there." He said as he then took off running with his rifle in hand. Maybe I said too much to them, he thought to himself worried he may have overwhelmed the Senshi, but he didn't have time to just stand there and tell them his whole life story, he had to go around and give the Senshi enough time to evacuate their homes before this new enemy destroys them.
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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime9th November 2014, 8:28 pm

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 3pOm1TY

Jupiter was glad to hear that Usagi was safe; that allowed her to focus more on the battle at hand. She had to admit it took her a little bit to get used to the feeling of just wearing the senshi fuku again. She had gotten so caught up in being domestic that she’d forgotten this side of her existed too. The power that coursed through her felt good, though, and she soon jumped into action with everyone else.

However, none of her attacks seemed to be working. In fact, none of their attacks seemed to be working. Confused and frustrated, she turned to Mercury as she always did. When she needed answers, she knew the blue-clad senshi was the one who would have them.

Instead, she saw with horror that there were tears in her friend’s eyes. “Ami-chan…?” she whispered, forgetting for a moment not to say their civilian names out loud while transformed. She rushed to her friend’s side, not liking what she was seeing. Anything that could have made Mercury look like that deserved a punch in the face.

As mist filled the area, Jupiter stayed close to Mercury, and when Venus yelled a warning, she grabbed Mercury, diving away from the grenades.

Venus seemed to be speaking to someone just out of range that Jupiter couldn’t see, and she looked around in confusion. She heard the alien creatures’ shouts and finally her gaze landed on yet another strange person. He looked out of this world, to put it simply. Were the creatures actually after him? She was so confused by what was going on, but she was even more shocked when he managed to attack them without difficulty. Whatever he was doing seemed able to penetrate the shields, and he seemed knowledgeable and skilled enough to take all of them alone.

Seems too good to be true.

Jupiter narrowed her eyes and stood in front of the others protectively as the strange man made his way toward them. Just because he’d supposedly just taken down an entire army of alien creatures did not mean they should trust him. For all she knew, that could have been a set up. He could have arranged the whole thing, making sure the aliens would pretend they were defeated. Or maybe the whole thing was a trick, an illusion.

Nobody was that good.

To her surprise, it was Mercury who asked the question first. Somehow her friend had strode forward on her own and confronted the stranger head-on. Jupiter looked at her as if she was seeing someone she didn’t know. What has happened in the last five years to change you so much, Ami-chan?

She used to be the one who hung behind in confrontational situations and let others did the work. But when Mercury’s gaze slid to hers, Jupiter recognized that look—she could see the friend she knew and loved in there. She could see that Mercury was afraid, too, she was just doing a better job at hiding it these days. Maybe being a doctor and facing death every day had something to do with it, but at any rate, Jupiter was relieved to still be able to recognize her old friend. She nodded at Mercury, acknowledging her request for support and letting her know that she would be there, always.

The stranger finally spoke, and his words surprised her. Sailor Earth?

There had been no Sailor Earth. There never was. Also, only women were senshi. Right? This was a preposterous claim. Not to mention Mamoru was the owner of the Earth’s Golden Crystal.

She listened to his words, not liking any of them one bit. Bringing Usagi in this? He knew about Usagi?

She accepted the transformation rod that appeared almost identical to her current one, too baffled to speak. And before she knew it, he was gone.

When Jupiter finally found her voice again, she looked at all her friends in turn.

“What the hell just happened?”
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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime13th November 2014, 11:40 am

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 VjxvQoH

What on earth…?

Venus watched as her so-called neighbor transformed into something that looked out of a Robocop or Terminator movie, alerting all the aliens and diverting their attention to him. He seemed to be attacking them with ease, however, penetrating their shields and killing them without much resistance. Rather than impressed, Venus was suspicious. The whole thing seemed just a little too convenient. Like… exactly the kind of elaborate thing staged to win people’s trust.

Their trust.

As he walked toward her and her friends after finishing off the last of the alien creatures, Venus stood on her guard, ready for anything. Just because he’d supposedly wiped out more than a dozen creatures the senshi couldn’t hurt didn’t mean he was on their side. For all she knew they were his minions. Mercury beat her to the questioning, which surprised Venus—and it seemed Jupiter—as well.

His introduction nearly made Venus snort in disbelief. Sailor Earth? That was the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard. There was no Sailor Earth. Not before, not now, not ever. She was not happy about not being able to ask him more questions. She also didn’t like how suddenly it was him calling the shots.

Find a safe place. Bring Usagi (yeah right). Oh, here, have some new transformation items. Also I’ve hacked into your communication devices, but you should trust me with your lives and your princess anyway. Goodbye!

Venus gaped in disbelief as he just left. Jupiter was the one who voiced what was really going through her mind, but Venus just handed her supposed new transformation rod to Mercury.

“Can you analyze this? I don’t trust him one bit, so nobody’s going to use any of these until we’re sure it’s safe. And since our comms are apparently hacked, let’s not contact each other on there until we figure out what to do.” She looked at each of her friends in turn. “What do you think about this? A lone guy swooped in out of nowhere to take on twenty aliens that we couldn’t even scratch. Upgraded our transformation items and claimed to be Sailor Earth. He knows about Usagi and wants us to just bring her to him? I don’t know about you guys, but his whole deal seems too good to be true. And when things seem that way, they usually are.”

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 14th November 2014, 11:50 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime14th November 2014, 10:48 pm

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 J5jRAhc_zpsf8909c8c

Uranus heard someone call out to her, but it was too late. The aliens were faster than she was and had her picked up by the throat before her brain had fully caught up to the situation. The alien snarled about her pathetic sneak attacked and then threw her hard towards the other senshi. She hit the ground hard, before rolling to a stop. The blonde must have hit the ground hard enough to black out as when she opened her eyes, a man was joining in the fight.

She stood and joined the others. She learned that that man claimed to be Sailor Earth and he gave them all new transformation wands. Uranus pocketed hers, having no intention of using it. She didn't trust him and didn't know what would happen if she did use the wand. The man told them that their attacks hadn't worked because this form was too weak. He also told them that he had hacked into the communication devices and added his frequency. Her gaze slid to Mercury. How was this possible? Were their comm no longer secure? If this man was able to hack them, then the aliens probably could as well. This mean that bun heads was in potential danger. What if they used it to track her?

Also, Sailor Earth? As far as Uranus had understood it, Mamoru held the Golden Crystal which was the crystal for this planet. How would he hold the planet and there be a senshi at the same time? Each Senshi required a senshi star seed that was the seed of their planet they represented. How did he have one and also how did he have one being male? The only ones they had ever seen have a senshi star seed were female. Granted, it was possible that males could be senshi too, but she had yet to see any.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime16th November 2014, 7:02 am

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Image_zpsbff3f3b2

Sailor Mercury, whose mind was whirling with different ideas and hypotheses, almost didn't hear her when Sailor Venus spoke.  She snapped back to reality, accepting the wand from the senshi of love and joining it with her own.  She bit her lip, looking around the area.  It was only a matter of time until police and others started gathering around the area. 

For some odd reason, Mercury felt compelled to trust this "Sailor Earth."  Sure, some things didn't make sense, but given the things that had happened in the past, his identity didn't seem all that impossible.  But she wouldn't share her thoughts with the other senshi yet - not until she was sure.  
"We need to do as he says - find Usagi-chan and get out of here.  We need to hide somewhere safe - there are likely to be more threats soon. I suggest the control center," she said, looking down the street to make sure no one was coming yet.  Thinking of the control center gave her a sense of nostalgia.  How long had it been since they descended that staircase?

She knew it was wrong of her to do so - but she trusted that man.  She had always believed that Mamoru was the "Sailor Earth," in a sense.  Everything that had happened in the last fifteen minutes seemed too...advanced to be real.  At least, not in this era.
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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th December 2014, 12:44 am

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 VjxvQoH

Minako paced back and forth in the control center. She didn’t like calling a potential enemy to their headquarters, but it was the only place that was truly safe. She comforted herself with the thought that if this so-called Sailor Earth turned out to be an enemy after all, she had set the control center to make sure he could never leave again. She also contemplated not transforming back to civilian form, but since he seemed to know their true identities already, it seemed pointless. She would feel more comfortable in her senshi form, ready for anything, but with Ami convincing her to give him a chance, Minako had relented.

The new transformation rods had been thoroughly analyzed, and it did emit a much stronger energy than their old ones. Ami had also concluded that they would be safe to use, though Minako still didn’t want anyone touching it yet. Her smartest friend was still analyzing the whole situation based on all the information they had gathered, and Minako had also called Usagi to join them at the command center.

That had been the hardest thing to do. To pull Usagi back into this situation when her happily ever after was so close. But at the same time, Minako couldn’t just let her wander around obliviously out there. Usagi needed to be protected if someone was after her again, and she wasn’t going to be calm until Usagi was there, safe and sound. What was taking her so long? Why was she always late?

She contemplated calling her again.

The control center looked as if it hadn’t changed in the years since they’d abandoned it. Dusty, sure, but once they started everything back up again, everything seemed as if they’d merely been asleep, waiting to be awakened again. Minako sighed and looked at her old friends, feeling torn between nostalgia and frustration that this was how their lives would always be.

And also saddened that this was the only way they could stick together.

“So… is everyone okay with calling this Sailor Earth guy here?” she asked the general audience, which consisted of her old friends. Haruka was there too, and she realized belatedly this was probably the first time an Outer Senshi had ever been in their command center. It felt strange that this had never happened before, and at the same time Haruka looked a little bit out of place there, almost as if she didn’t belong. The Crown and its headquarters below always seemed like the Inner Senshi’s place.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime15th December 2014, 2:10 pm

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 ZU7tkYr_zps17edf8d0

Sailor Jupiter couldn't believe that none of their attacks were working. Even Uranus, one of the Outer Senshi, had been unable to make a dent on these aliens. One had even picked her up and threw her like a ragdoll. What were these things? She felt anger rising in her blood. Who did they think they were coming to Earth like this?
For another thing, who was this Sailor Earth guy? How come in all the years that she and her friends had been senshis, not one of them had heard of this person? Her mind raced, thoughts flying through her head as she retreated to the control center with the other senshi.

“Can we actually trust this guy? What if he’s a spy, sent by the aliens or whatever those things are, to gain our trust?”
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

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(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 5:29 pm

Usagi got off of the bus and headed over to the command center just like Minako had requested. What's with that cryptic call from Minako anyway? Usagi thought. She continued walking to her destination, deep in thought. All of the sudden her watch beeped and she took a quick look at the time. "Oh my gosh! Is that the time? I'm so late! Minako's going to be so mad!" Usagi yelled and started running over to the Crown Game Center. When she got there she went to the command center. The first thing she saw was Minako pacing and realized something must be seriously wrong! "Minako what's wrong?" Usagi yelled running over to her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th December 2014, 1:01 am

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Entering the control center was like a smack in the face for Ami. She hadn't thought about the old place since she started her journey to become a doctor, and now she almost regretted not coming by to visit. This place was where she had performed countless analyses, a place that held so many memories and feelings.

Ami took only a few moments to take in the abandoned control room. As soon as her eyes spotted the main computer, Ami got straight to work. She began to switch between her super computer and the main computer, transferring data and interpreting the information that was relayed to her by both devices. Her mind worked like a calculator, forming different theories and reaching different conclusions. She stopped her work when Makoto and Minako began to speak.

Spinning in her chair, Ami crossed her legs and pushed her glasses up. "I think we can trust him," she said. "Call me crazy, but there's something about him that I can't explain. Just trust me on this."

Ami was about to continue and tell the others of what she found on the computer when Usagi burst into the room. Seeing her old friend served as even more of a smack in the face that coming to the control room. When was the last time she had seen Usagi in person?

It was sad that they only saw each other under these circumstances.

"Usagi-chan, sit down and we'll explain everything. There was an attack this afternoon, made by an alien race. They were too strong for us, and we did not succeed in defending against the attack. A strange man by the name of Sailor Earth appeared and saved us. He also gave us these," Ami said, extending Usagi's new transformation item. "I've done a full scan, and they seem safe to use, but I want to keep them for just a while longer, just in case they are bugged or faulty."

Ami took a moment to glance at Haruka, wondering what the outer senshi was thinking. Would any of the other outers be joining them? At this rate, they needed all the help they could get.

"Based on my calculations before and after the battle, it seems that the attacks used by this Sailor Earth and the technology he possesses is far beyond any on this Earth. At least, in this time period. Because of this, I have reason to deduce that he is a time traveler from the future. It's not certain, but it's my best guess."

Ami was about to turn back around to the computer when she paused. This was Usagi. Why was she being so formal? Taking a deep breath, Ami stood and hugged the blonde bride-to-be. "I've missed you, Usagi-chan."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th December 2014, 12:26 pm

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 VjxvQoH

Minako had definitely thought along the same line of Mako’s suspicion; that her new neighbor was actually the aliens’ cohort. No one could take down that many creatures single-handedly. She had mixed feelings about Ami believing him; on one hand, Ami was smart, and she thought logically (usually) using evidence and cold hard facts presented to her. But on the other, she also used her heart more often than any of them cared to admit sometimes, and she had Usagi’s inclination to believe the best in someone. So which method had Ami used this time? Was it her head or her heart that was telling her to trust the so-called Sailor Earth?

She did say she trusted him without being able to explain it, so Minako suspected it was the latter, or perhaps something else entirely. Instinct. That was one other important thing, and Minako’s was usually good. So if hers and Ami’s were telling different things… maybe one of them was rusty at being a senshi, and maybe it wasn’t Ami. Minako respected her friend a lot and would trust her in a heartbeat anytime, but being so out of touch with her had left Minako doubting everything, not really knowing her friends anymore. She had that sickening feeling that she was no longer fit to lead this team because she hadn’t even bothered to keep in touch with everyone.

When Usagi suddenly burst inside, Minako felt so relieved she almost fell over. She couldn’t help it; she hugged Usagi as the other blonde approached her. “I’m so glad you’re alright,” she said.

She released Usagi then and let Ami explain about the attack. Listening to Ami’s further analysis filled her with growing dread. Futuristic technology? Beyond this time period? This was all beginning to sound familiar…

“Another one of those?” Minako almost wanted to bury her face in her hands. “The last time we were attacked by enemies from the future, they managed to decimate us in the future and in the past.” She didn’t like this at all. People from the future always had advantages over them; in knowledge and in power. That would explain their advanced technology, and actually how that Sailor Earth knew them. The aliens had seemed like they knew them too, having been spying on them and then ignoring all the civilians, targeting them specifically. Suddenly everything clicked into place in the most horrifying way.

“Okay. I guess we should call him over. It’s time to get some answers,” she said decisively.

With that, she found the mysterious visitor’s radio frequency on her communicator, sent him the location of the command center, and told him to get there, as well as how to enter. The code could easily be changed later if necessary, but truth be told, if he didn’t have their best interests in mind, Minako never planned for him to leave.
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th December 2014, 5:06 pm

"I'm surprised that you're the one who contacted me, Minako." Earth said over his military style radio. "Coordinates received, I'm on my way. E.T.A shouldn't be too long." He said before shutting his radio off and heading to the location.
Of course they'd pick their command center, but I never would have guessed it'd be there, he thought to himself as he finished cleaning up his equipment in the apartment he took refuge in.
On his way to the command center, Earth had to take extreme caution since police were everywhere investigating what happened and other government officials were hauling the alien bodies away. He used his stealth skills to quietly slip by them without much trouble and snuck his way into the arcade. He looked around to make sure no one saw him enter the code and walk the stairs to the command center. He still had his armor on.

He looked around at the computers and then at the Senshi who were standing there. "I must admit, I am very surprised you called me and allowed me to come here." He walked around the room examining the computers, slightly surprised that they were more advanced then he thought. He then turned to look at the girls, "I intended to deal with this using stealth and try not to involve any of you with it, but now that my cover's been blown, the aliens knowing I'm here and the local law enforcement trying to track me down, my black ops methods are effectively useless now." He noticed Haruka standing there, he focused some of his attention on her, glaring a bit; he only gave the inner Senshi new change rods so perhaps he never intended to run into Haruka or any of the outer Senshi. He then pressed a finger to the side of his helmet and a blue light shot out and scanned the room. "Your defenses and attempts at keeping me here are honorable, I would do the same thing if I came across someone like me, but unfortunately they will not work, I am fully capable of leaving and rendering this whole room powerless. But you do not need to worry about that, I am and always will be your ally. Now, I'm assuming you all have some questions to ask me, go ahead, I will not hold back."
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th December 2014, 6:16 pm

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Selusa_zpsbee9e4a0

Usagi was both surprised and delighted when Minako hugged her. She was happy to see her friends again after all this time, it felt strange to be with all of them, but also it felt comfortable. Ami explained to her what was going on and she spoke so formally it through Usagi off. But when Ami hugged her she was filled with relief. She tried to take in what everyone had said and was getting really confused. They were talking about aliens and a new soldier, this soldier was calling himself Sailor Earth. She was a bit anxious about this new person, especially since he'd be coming to the command center.

As he came into the room he didn't look at Usagi. He glared at Haruka and continued to walk around the room and talk to them. Usagi was wary of this guy, but she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. "Sorry I'm new to this whole thing, how about we start with where you're from?" Usagi said, hoping that she seemed at least a bit authoritative. She had no idea what was going on, but if she was going to trust him she needed to know who he was and exactly why he was here.

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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th December 2014, 10:16 am

"I have traveled very far your highness" he said referencing Usagi's role as the future Queen of the Earth. "I have come from the year 3270. The 31st century" Earth finished replying. "But this should be no surprise to you, I believe you've had dealings with a certain Small Lady from the future." He stopped moving around and stood in one in front of everyone. "But the Earth you visited in the 30th century is vastly different from the earth in the 31st century." When he spoke of where he was from, there was a worried tone in his voice. "Where are my manners? I have yet to properly introduce myself, I am Hachiro Minamoto, Sailor Earth and supreme commander of the United Nations Earth Defense." He said bowing to the soon to be queen.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th December 2014, 10:36 am

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 VjxvQoH

Minako bristled, feeling uneasy being addressed so casually by someone who was a stranger to her. “You can thank Ami here for trusting you,” she said briskly. “I trust her,” she said pointedly, the unspoken words being that she didn’t trust him. She narrowed her eyes as he continued to speak, something about ‘dealing with this’ on his own and a bunch of other things that she didn’t really understand. And what was his issue with Haruka anyway?

Quite tired of hearing about how he was smarter and more powerful than them all, Minako let Usagi talk first, noting how Earth’s demeanor changed when he addressed her. When he said the 31st century, Minako sighed. So Ami’s guess was right. She wondered what happened in the 100 years between Chibiusa’s time and his time—there were just so many questions she wanted to ask.

“United Nations Earth Defense? Is that what those letters on the rods stand for?” she asked, pointing to the engravings on the new transformation rods. “And I would like to know how you came to be Sailor Earth, since there’s been no such thing before, and if anyone was going to be one it would have been Mamoru. I mean… the king from where you come from.”

A feeling of dread crept upon her. Had something happened to Mamoru in the future? Was he dead, and was that why his Sailor Crystal now belonged to someone else? She didn’t want Usagi to hear this, but she didn’t know how to shield her friend from the truth.
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th December 2014, 7:29 pm

"You are correct, Venus" he said looking at bronze engraving of the Earth on the transformation rods. "That is the insignia of the Earths new military, of which I, and the Senshi, command. And yes, it would make sense for Endymion to be the Earths sailor guardian, but since he is a little busy with running an entire planet he doesn't really have any time for sailor business like he used to. Before I left for this time the king and queen feared they would never see me again, so as a reward for my service to the planet, the king presented me with his Sailor Crystal, gifting me the title of Senshi and naming me Sailor Earth. But because I was never born a Senshi and don't posses any powers like the rest of you, my title of Senshi is just that, a title, a military rank.

He then faced Usagi "do not worry, he is alive and well" after that, he turned his attention to the floor as if saddened by something "Though I wish I could say that for the rest of the world..."
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th December 2014, 11:59 pm

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Ami knew that her blind trust in this man wasn't backed up by facts, and that was a problem. She was a woman of science, one who believed in global warming, one who didn't have a religion and just went by what the data showed. It was definitely abnormal for her to make a "gut" decision.

But she had changed. They had all changed.

Being a surgeon is one of those careers where it's either go with your gut, or lose a life. To Ami, being a senshi was almost the same thing. 

She was going to be polite and respectful to this "Hachiro" but she was not going to be gentle. From what she could tell, this guy was rather pompous and...almost rude. He may be stronger than them, but he sure wasn't afraid to make it known. That hit a nerve in Ami. She hated when others put themselves above everyone else. 

"I would like to see your credentials, if you please," Ami said, outstretching her hand. "I would also like to know your relations with the royal family, and exactly how long you have served as the commander you say you are. I would also like to perform a reading of your star seed energy, if that's alright. Just to confirm your story about his highness. My apologies, but I don't find it likely that he would simply give his Sailor Crystal away so easily."

Ami met the man's hard gaze, and she suddenly felt small and afraid. She glanced at Makoto, meeting her green eyes, and took a deep breath. She could do this. She could be the strong, determined Mizuno girl who carried herself with sophistication. She was a doctor now, after all. Suddenly, she took a bold step forward.

"Additionally, I am not sure how operations are working in your time, but if you are a Sailor guardian, you are one of us. And that means you respect us the way we respect you - no special treatment, no favoritism. We are equals here, the outer senshi included. If we are going to work together, we need to be together. Am I understood?"

That sudden rush of boldness quickly diminished, and Ami sat back down in her chair. She felt like she was going to pass out - her legs were wobbly and her hands were shaking. She often felt this way after making a life-or-death decision at the hospital. 

Why am I relating everything to the hospital? Has it really become my entire life now?

Shaking her head, Ami looked over at her new transformation item. She was Sailor Mercury. She wasn't a doctor anymore. This was her duty, her sworn occupation. And if the future was in danger, it was up to her and the rest of the senshi to save it. 

But she had done enough speaking. She needed Minako to take the wheel, or even Makoto to just give her that warm smile that seemed to hold up all of Ami's weight. The battle hadn't even begun, and Ami was already exhausted.
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th December 2014, 8:43 am

Earth nodded at Ami's comment about working together "Understood. My apologies if I have come off a bit rude, I am sort of in a hurry to complete my mission. And to answer your first question, I would be more than happy to prove myself."

He then reached two fingers to touch the side of his helmet and shot several blue lights out that scanned the entire room and began creating an impressive holographic view of 31st century Crystal Tokyo. The holographic scene took up the entire control room like they had all been transported to a different place.

Everything looked pretty much the same as it had did in the 30th century except all the crystal buildings had some electronic armor covering them making Crystal Tokyo look like an actual city instead of a bunch of rocks sticking out of the ground. "After The Black Moon Clan invaded we had to reinforce all the buildings so they wouldn't shatter so easily since they're sorta made entirely out of crystal."

The scene then switched to a hallway in the Crystal Palace. Inside there was a man guarding a door, he was physically similar to Sailor Earth and wore similar armor that revealed his face and had the same kind of assault rifle he had. The door opened and the King, Queen and Chibi-Usa stepped out and walked down the hallway with the man following close by them. "Before I was commander I worked as the royal family's personal guard, this gave me a chance to get close to and become very good friends with them and the rest of the Senshi."

The hologram shifted to show happy and lively citizens walking the streets of Crystal Tokyo. "After your assistants in the 30th century humanity experienced an era of incredible peace. For the first time since... Well... Never, humans put aside their differences and worked together. National borders were erased and with them, their governments; the various countries went from being countries to regions of the Earth. Not only had we eliminated human-on-human conflict, out technological advances were astonishing."
The hologram changes to show cars driving on the streets emitting no fumes, smoke spitting power plants were replaced with solar, wind and other forms of green tech. "Human life expectancy increased by 50 years, and, for the first time in hundreds of years, humans were able to travel among the stars again, but unfortunately our space faring technology was limited to only our region of the solar system, so the only things able to go beyond our moon were satellites and probes. But despite the peace I still felt uneasy, then I realized something; the Senshi would simply not be enough to protect the Earth forever, so I proposed an idea to the king and queen; the creation of a new army that would aid the Senshi. Thinking back on what happened to the world some months earlier they approved."

A quick change of the holographic scene shows soldiers marching in formation, tanks rolling out of factories, jet fighters soaring through the skies and even massive space faring warships floating above the world. "After that, I spent the next 20 years creating the toughest and most elite fighting force our world has ever seen; the United Nations Earth Defense. But there were some people who were not so keen on the idea of humans rearming themselves; I quickly found protests outside our bases and soldier being egged, but almost immediately after the UNED was formed, they would receive the ultimate test of courage and bravery."

The scene changes to a starry night shinning down on the Crystal Palace "It was the queens birthday that day and like most queens throwing a celebration, she wanted to have a ball with many people attending." Inside the palace ball room are lots of people dancing and having fun, "Many people were invited, even people the queen did not know we're there. And of course, so we're the Senshi, except one; earlier that day I stationed Sailor Pluto in orbit around the planet as part of a patrol mission" the hologram shifts and changes to show warships and frigates silently gliding above the atmosphere, inside one of them, Sailor Pluto, who bears the UNED insignia at her right shoulder, stands at a computer looking out the window of her ships bridge.
"Earlier that day I had gotten in a heated argument with the queen on my decision to put her there, but durning the festivities my decision would be justified."

A massive, strange black and purple mass slowly floats towards Pluto. "One of my general came up to me and informed me that Pluto had just reported coming in contact with vessels of unknown origin."
One of the unknown ships begins emitting a strange red light that shoots out and destroys one of the human ships, "all ships open fire!" shouts Pluto as every human ship begins firing upon the unknown ones, immediately as that starts, smaller fighters from the unknown vessels engage in combat with human fighters, the larger ships quickly get in range and a full scale space battle begins.

"The same general returned to me and reported that the Orbital Defense had come under fire and my presence was requested at UNED command, so I quietly snuck out of the palace without anyone know as to not arouse suspicion. When I got there I requested a report from Pluto herself, but my officers said that would be... impossible... apparently Pluto's ship had been struck with a partial beam cannon and was torn apart... Leaving no survivors..."

The hologram shows Sailor Pluto's ship being struck with a red being and then exploding.
"What happened next was something none of us were prepared for; the unknown ships had punched a massive hole in our Orbital Defense and had now begun assaulting the surface."
Alien ships fly everywhere, shooting at everything.

"War had begun. We soon found ourselves locked in a most brutal war with an enemy that was hundreds of years more advanced than us."
The holographic scene changes to show cities destroyed and soldiers and people falling everywhere from the aliens onslaught.
"It was clear what these things wanted: complete genocide of the human race. And despite being horribly and hilarious outmatched and outnumbered we still fight, not caring what we blow up; if there are enemies on the Great Wall, we'll tear down that wall, if they're using the Eiffel Tower as a communications tower, we will topple it."

The hologram shows intense fighting on every inch of the globe on all terrains, the ground, oceans, the skies and even the space around the Earth.
"Literally everywhere on the Earth, except for Crystal Tokyo which we have managed to protect, is a total war zone. There are very few places that are safe."

With that, the hologram disappears and the Senshi's command room reappears.
Hachiro then backs up against a wall and slumps to the ground. "No war in human history has been so destructive and bloody. It started in 3202 and continues to rage on 70 years later..."

"During one of my battles I was informed of a plan the enemy had made. Apparently they had grown tired of the fighting and decided to put an end to it. They would send some of their own back in time to stop Crystal Tokyo from ever forming so they could win the war more quickly.
I was to follow them through time and stop them from achieving their goal. Before I left, the king gave me his Sailor Crystal as a reward for my service."
He reached behind his back and pulled our the Sailor Crystal that had once belonged to Endymion.
"Does this answer your questions?" He asked, trying not to sound rude.
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Princess Luna
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th December 2014, 2:20 pm

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Selusa_zpsbee9e4a0

Usagi listened to what everyone had to say. Minako was correct in telling this sailor earth to be respectful and ami was right to check out his story and examine everything. As she watched earth's hologram of what happened to the earth in the 31st century. She did have some more questions and more thoughts of what was going on. She felt a bit uneasy, thoughts of the future and wars were something she didn't want to have. She was supposed to be planning her wedding and following her dream. Her life with Mamoru was all she wanted. Her friends and her has parted ways to follow their dreams. They had been hoping for a long time of peace and less fighting. In the blink of an eye that was changing. It made usagi uneasy. 

"I feel uneasy about this whole thing." Usagi said to her friends. "They seem to be believing you Sailor Earth, and I'd like to believe you too. Minako was correct when she said you should respect us and not look down on us. I do have a few more questions though. How did you travel back in time without Pluto's time powers or a time key? How and where exactly did you get these new wands?"

Last edited by Princess Luna on 2nd January 2015, 2:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th December 2014, 2:45 pm

Earth remained on the floor as he looked up at the pigtailed girl "Pluto's death was a shock to us all, never before had a Senshi actually been defeated like that, so we made it a top priority to create an artificial means of time travel. 70 years later our time machine was completed." Another small hologram shot from his helmet but only showed one of the space ships from the previous hologram. "Currently this is the only one of our ships that uses the new technology." The small holographic ship shot out a blue light in front of it and created a portal.
"The machine uses reversed engineered enemy tech and the remains of Pluto's Sailor Crystal to simulate a time gate and allowed me to travel here." The hologram disappears. "But because this was the first test we ever did I was forced to use a smaller vessel to travel, which was the pod that crashed in front of Minako's home." He said looking at Minako. "The transformation pens are actually the pens you currently posses except all I did was slap an electronic amplifier on them to make them stronger."
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd January 2015, 9:02 am

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Selusa_zpsbee9e4a0

Usagi listened to Sailor Earth as he explained his time travel and the new wands. What was it about this person? She felt like maybe she knew him. She wondered if the others felt this way too. She decided to ask the others later when Sailor Earth was gone. "Okay." Usagi said, "I believe you. I'm still not sure about these new wands, but I think you're telling the truth. I'd like to be able to trust you as well, but I think we all need some time. Trust is earned, as you know. Does anyone have anymore questions for, I'm sorry what was your name again?"
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd January 2015, 2:00 pm

"Hachiro." He replied to Usagi's question "I thank you for believing me, and those wands are legit, they are the weapon of choice for the Senshi in my time." He then stood back up and glanced at Uranus quickly before looking back at Usagi. "I am aware of how trust is built and will do my best to gain the trust of you and your friends."

Then he looked at Minako and Ami "I have almost forgotten to apologize for bragging about my strengths when I arrived, that was wrong of me, I've just been fighting for so long I guess I've unknowingly developed an instinct to intimidate people."
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd January 2015, 3:03 pm

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Selusa_zpsbee9e4a0

"Hachiro." Usagi repeated, "Does anyone have any more questions for Hachiro?" Usagi nodded at him, acknowledging that she'd remember him. He apologized to Minako and Ami, and Usagi hoped that his apology would be accepted. Many of the senshi had fought with each other and it always ended up causing problems. She hoped that this time it wouldn't. Still Usagi knew that Hachiro would still have to get approval from the rest of the outer senshi before everyone would trust him. They would have to call the others and set up a meeting. That would have to wait though, because she still wanted to give the others the opportunity to talk to him, to question him. Whatever was needed to make every one feel at ease.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th January 2015, 1:45 am

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 VjxvQoH

Everything felt so off-balance for Minako. Ami’s assertiveness was definitely new—that was not something Minako was used to seeing from her. Guess her job must have given her determination and courage, even more than being a senshi had. Minako watched her friend in awe and surprise as Ami took control of the situation, though she looked visibly shaken afterwards. Still, every part of her wanted to hug her friend and congratulate her for putting this stranger in their midst on his place. She had always known Ami was great, but five years had changed her even more for the better. And suddenly Minako felt a pang of longing and nostalgia so hard, making her realize just how much she had missed her friends. What other things were she missing out on in their lives?

The view of the world in the distant future took her full attention then, and watching it all, Minako felt strangely disconnected to it. Why must their futures keep encroaching itself on their present? Why must they go save it every time, never able to get there on their own terms? She just wanted to build her own future, but every time it landed smack dab in front of her—this time literally in front of her house—Minako couldn’t help but feel trapped. She watched her destiny carved out in front of her with no way to avoid it. Here, this is what’s going to happen. You might as well have no choice about it.

Her career was never going to take off, was it? It was going to crash and burn while she returned to the fight that never ends for… what? A future so distant? Why should it matter now? Only the present should matter in the present.

She watched almost emotionlessly as apparently Pluto was shot down from the sky, even as her brain registered how it made no sense. Pluto shouldn’t be on the front lines. None of them should be taking orders from some guy who claimed to be the royal family’s guard. The senshi had always been directly under the Queen’s authority and Pluto was needed on the Time Gate anyway…

A future without the one constant senshi was not a future she wanted to get to. She felt empty realizing that they had managed to replace Pluto so easily with technology. If that was true, then why not let this new super soldiers they had built replace the senshi? He said himself they weren’t enough anymore. They hadn’t been enough to fight the aliens earlier. What reason did they have left to do battle if they were useless anyway? They might as well go back to living their dreams.

When conversation finally stopped, Minako finally spoke. “So what would you like us to do, exactly? You managed to kill all those alien creatures with ease back there; it looks like you don’t even need us.”
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th January 2015, 12:09 pm

Earth stood there looking at Minako, he could al,pat see the small a,punt of trust the Senshi had for the soldier. "Like I said before, this was originally supposed to be a black ops mission, you have the choice to either help me or return to your lives like nothing ever happened; whichever you chose I will respect it." He then walked around the command center a bit before stopping next to Usagi "But there is one thing I am asking you to do no matter what until I leave; use the change rods to protect yourselves and the princess because those things are coming to kill each and every one of you." He said in a slow and careful tone as to not overwhelm the Senshi.

"I apologize once more, I appear to have neglected in telling you who exactly the enemy is." Earth knew that the Senshi might not believe him but he could think of no other way. "This all might seem very hard to believe and probably doesn't make any sense, but it is all true." He was sincere in those words.
He was hesitant to speak next, he knew this enemy is one the Senshi had already fought and would loath to fight again. "We call the enemy the Zoi, they are lead by a creature that we have yet to find but goes by the name Zeolite."
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime16th January 2015, 9:48 am

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Uranus cringed as Usagi joined them. Did no one perhaps think it was best that the Princess remain away from the situation and stay safe? Then again, they could always keep a better on her when she was with them rather than being somewhere they couldn’t see. Trouble seemed to follow the Princess around. She listened as the others filled in the Princess to the current situation.
She couldn’t help but be distrustful of this “Sailor Earth” even as she watched each of them with the exception of perhaps Jupiter trust him. It was her job to be distrustful, to keep threats from outside the galaxy away. Somehow these aliens had slipped in without her or any of the other outer senshi knowing. Were we perhaps too caught up with our own lives causing us to fail in our duties? When this mysterious new aly arrived, Uranus couldn’t help but dislike him even more. He was smug and arrogant. She could see he didn’t like her anymore than she liked him and it suited her just fine.
Hearing his story, she had a hard time believing that the King would have given his change rod to someone. And besides, just because someone else has a change rod didn’t mean they could become a senshi. That required a star seed.

“So what are the Zoi exactly and where do they come from,” Uranus asked.
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime16th January 2015, 11:11 am

Earth zipped his head in the direction of Uranus, almost as if he were annoyed by her. He knew that he would have to be careful with Uranus, Ami made it perfectly clear that he needs their trust and shooting glares at the outer Senshi wasn't really a good way of gaining anyone's trust. Back in his time Hachiro had never really gotten along with sailors Uranus and Neptune so he was a little surprised to see that she was at the command center, but he also knew that if he were to succeed in his mission that he would have to put his thoughts on the two outer Senshi aside.
"Their place of origin is unknown as is their motive for starting this war, but our research shows that they may be related to one of your old enemies, though I do not know which one. But we do know one thing" he said as he moved his head around to look at each Senshi "They are the most brutal and lethal creatures you will ever face. They are made for a single purpose; war and complete annihilation of the human race"

Earths helmet shot out another hologram in front of the Senshi of a full scale image of one of the aliens.
"They are biological creatures that have managed to fuse themselves with mechanical and electronic devices to enhance their performance on the battlefield. They are also a very organized military force and will not halt their advanced until everyone of us is dead or they are, but..." The hologram disappeared and Earth slumped back to the ground. "With the way things are... It wouldn't surprise me if I returned to find all the earth destroyed."

He sat there for a moment remembering the hundreds of battles he's fought and the very few he's won. Images of buildings collapsing and soldiers falling to the ground purged his mind.
"Their technology is too great, at least 2000 years more advanced than ours, and their numbers... There's so many of them..." When he spoke he said so in a low and soft tone and an aura of sadness filled the room with his hopeless words.
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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

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(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime21st January 2015, 4:11 am

(Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 VjxvQoH

Did they really have a choice, really? When it came to Usagi’s safety, Minako knew they did not. Her safety always came first. And she didn’t resent it—never once—but she would just really like it if everyone stopped trying to kill her best friend.

She looked up at Earth and asked, “Are you sure just us with the powered up transformation rods can take them on? I mean, you said you’ve spent years battling them with your army of super powerful soldiers and you still haven’t won the war.”

This seemed like a losing battle, and half of her wanted to just take Usagi and hide… but where?

The name of their enemy leader didn’t ring a bell to her, though it vaguely reminded her of the Dark Kingdom people. It didn’t really surprise her to hear that they might be related to one of their old enemies. Everyone they had fought before was connected… just different incarnations of Chaos attracted to Sailor Moon’s bright light…

She shivered as she thought about Chaos. They never really did beat him, just scattered him back to all corners of the galaxy… what if…?

If thousands of years from now this super special army in the future had no chance against these enemies, what could the senshi so far back in the past even do? Minako was normally not a pessimist, but things weren’t looking good at all.
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PostSubject: Re: (Advanced) Dream vs Duty   (Advanced) Dream vs Duty - Page 3 I_icon_minitime

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