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 Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general Empty
PostSubject: Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general   Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general I_icon_minitime6th July 2012, 10:19 am

General Information
Name: Iida Yuuichi
Gender: Male
Birthday: October 9th
Age: Appears to be in mid twenties
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Physical Description (include clothing generally worn):  The experience of battles resides in his very features, features that have been moulded over time. His hard chiselled facial features are defined by his long raven black hair and most noteable the scar that stretches along the side of his cheek. On his head Iida wears a leather head band, this is to stop his hair interfering with his vision in the case of battle. A perfect posture, graceful composure, and fearsome gaze mark him as a dangerous individual. He sports two piercingly blue eyes, which add to the severity of his glare. Iida stand just under six feet tall and his frame is athletic.

Iida wears a black military-style jacket with white lines, much similiar to the other generals in the Dark Kingdom. Iida also wears a white cape, signaling his superiority over the other generals. The pants are black leather to match. In most cases he will be be seen in uniform, although when he is Tokyo he does make an attempt to blend in with the cities civilians.

Personality: Cruel and Tender:
If anything, people should notice Iida carries hardly any lacky of sympathy. He had grown up through hardships with little comfort so it's very unlikely to recieve any from his direction. Cold-blooded, a trait he was moulded into, he is able to exercise and execute his decisions without mixing emotions. That's not to say the general lacks feelings, though. The task that lays before Iida comes with horrific consequences from the Queen should he fail, something he will often remind himself of to stay in line.
A second thing people would note about Iida, is his zero-tolerance attitude. Most likely it is from his time within the Dark Kingdom, and now used as tool to control others. The more he becomes corrupted by the powers given by Metaria, the harder he drives to instill fear in the lower ranks that serve under him, and others around him. Once trait he has carried since a kid is his loyalty, even if misplaced.    

Any Unique Abilities/Skills: Hand to hand combat is his expertise, having spent countless hours in practice, and what one would consider a veteran now from experience. His cat-like grace and speed give an upperhand whenever he feels threatened or in danger.    

History: A traitor to the Golden Kingdom:
Since Iida could remember, his mother had been sick from disease. Even at a young age fury and sadness developed as her health began to deteriorate. Before long, after his mother had passed away, and Iida was under the direct influence from his father. Day after day, his father trained him in the techniques that had been passed down through his forefathers. His father would pass of natural causes in his late teens.

Iida's service as a knight would be short-lived, being one of many who despised the juncture of Prince Endymion and Princess Serenity. He was easily corrupted and persuaded by Queen Metaria for the desire of more power, in a fashion similiar to Beryl. His battle skills were quickly recognized by Beryl, and he also aided the generals in the destruction of the Moon Kingdom.
RP Sample: The sun was warm in the blue sky as General Iida stood at the street corner. Donning a multi-colored shirt, he easily felt out of touch here in Tokyo. Designer jeans stretched down his long legs, and his cold green eyes peered through the thin lenses of his glasses. From a distance he might look sleek in appearance, attempting to blend in with the other pop-culture youth of this city. Iida had been successful in stalling with Beryl the last two days, constantly reassuring her with his charm and confidence that he had been making progress.  With the youma stones in his possession and information he had recently gathered, it wouldn't be long before he began gathering energy from these humans.  
Iida pushed himself from the wall and back to his full height, bringing his arms over his head and stretching his muscles before merging in with the large crowds that walks along the street sidewalk. A savage exultation coursed through the general, trying to drown the frustration from the last few days. As the next street drew near he shifted his gaze to the small newspaper stand in the corner. His body shifted as he cut through the mass, bumping into several civilians, and mumbling under his breath from annoyance. His hand took in one of the local papers and he flipped through the pages, scanning through the different contents. At last his gaze came to a halt and a mischevious grin curled along his lips. Just when he had almost begun to worry, he found a new idea to draw human energy.
Surely Queen Beryl would be pleased with information he had to report.

Last edited by Enigma on 7th July 2012, 10:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general   Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general I_icon_minitime7th July 2012, 7:43 pm

While appreciate seeing a nicely filled profile, this is incomplete. The senshi, knight/guardian, and antagonist sections are meant as additions to the civilian side of the profile. Once you complete that and edit it in, I'll be glad to fully review your application. And if it's anything like this, it should be a good read. ^^
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general   Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general I_icon_minitime7th July 2012, 10:18 pm

Okay, fixed. [ I think lol]
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general   Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general I_icon_minitime8th July 2012, 1:29 pm

Much better. You're officially approved, Enigma. ^^
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general   Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general I_icon_minitime8th July 2012, 1:44 pm

Wooot. Thanks! ^_^
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general   Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general I_icon_minitime8th July 2012, 1:45 pm

Hehe, you're quite welcome. ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general   Antagonist: Iida Yuuichi -Queen Beryl's new general I_icon_minitime

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