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 Senshi: Sailor Kalika

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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Age : 29
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Senshi: Sailor Kalika Empty
PostSubject: Senshi: Sailor Kalika   Senshi: Sailor Kalika I_icon_minitime29th June 2012, 5:25 pm

Character Information
Name: Madoka Meioh
Name Meaning: “Circle/Circle of Flowers” - “Dark King” (Circle of the Dark King)

Age: 18 [Physically], 22 [Chronologically]

Gender: Female

Race: Lunarian-Plutonian / Human

Homeland: Crystal Tokyo, Japan.

Job: Gate Keeper Trainee, etc.

Appearance: Madoka stands at just shy of 5’7”, and weighs in at 130 pounds. Her lean body is compromised of hard, supple muscle; yet the scars that climb up her back and shoulders mark her like the warrior she is. Framed a dark crimson against olive skin, the rough, ripped web-like scars that stretch across her back and upper limbs are eye-catching at best. Most of them are just beneath skin level, while the deeper ones still pain her from time to time.

The scarred warrior’s eyes resemble garnet in color, like her “mother’s”, while her fast growing and wavy hair is a fair mix. Although mostly white, a nearly translucent emerald color seems to coat each hair, giving it an almost ephemeral quality at night. True to her heritage, she wears two small ondagos to go with her elbow length hair – something she has to cut often to keep it that length.

Notably, a garnet crescent insignia appears in the middle of her forehead when suitably prompted.

- Attire: Although she doesn’t mind what could be considered fashionable clothing, she is equally content to go from what is simply practical. And in her case, practical means full physical range of motion. Madoka favors a pair of purple boot-cut jeans, which she pairs with a simple but strikingly contrasted white tank-top. Gold filigree pattern accents all of the hems.

Hobbies/Occupations: Madoka’s daily regimen includes jogging a mile every morning, and a mile every evening. Though she is capable of doing more, the physical action makes meditation easier than attempting it motionless. Competitive martial arts also tends to fill some of her evenings, if dancing does not. A secondary, more sedentary hobby, is drawing and collecting. Because she is her own worst critic, though, the good majority of her works don’t survive the day. They usually end up shredded, and not just in the mental sense.

- Skills:
•    Madoka is actually a rather skilled artist, but in the fact that she always compares her work to “the greats” diminishes any satisfaction she might get from a completed work. Her individual characteristics of drawings might change from page to page, but usually, it is apparent that each piece of art has a ‘goal’ somewhere in it.
•    Rather like Usagi was in her years as a senshi, Madoka is in prime shape. Between running, dancing, and martial arts – on top of senshi training – her body is lean and supple. And her strength is substantial. Because of this, her purposeful stride always has an air of careless, cat-like grace to it. In a hand-to-hand fight, it isn’t likely that she would lose easily.

- Abilities:
•    Because she is the direct “daughter” of the Senshi of Time, Madoka has what could be compared to an inner clock. She always knows what time it is, watch or no watch. She is also good at remembering exact dates of historical events, and is prone to rattle them off without a second thought if asked.
•    “Partial” Photographic Memory – Perhaps another result of the heavy time-influence in her blood, but her memorial perception is significant, even if flawed. She can memorize text and still pictures at a glance, but not moving ones.
•    Stunted Empathy – Having inherited at least one of her two mothers’ gentler traits, her own ability is constricted by her lack of internal balance. Unlike Usagi, also known as Neo Queen Serenity, she lacks the ability to just “click” with anyone she comes across. It takes quite a bit of effort for her to tap into the emotional side of someone, unlike what appears to have been Usagi’s subconscious acting.  

Personality: With Madoka, she doesn’t come across as what one might expect considering her parents. She’s neither calm and serene, but nor is she bubbly and huggy. She is a little melancholy, in fact, and a far harsher judge of character. While she is not the sole result of the “glitch” regarding the Galaxy Cauldron, she has all of eternity to dwell on it. The fact that she should not exist at all creates a mixed result – she feels that she has to somehow earn the right to the near immortal life laid out before her, if not earn her humanity as whole.

But rather than falling into the archetypical atoner persona, she masks that somewhat odd desire with bluntly spoken opinion and cool observance. Madoka is difficult to approach because of this, as her reaction is sometimes rather varied from one time to the next. Her opinions and criticisms, though, can come off as judgmental. She is not willing to easily withdraw them, either.

Yet, despite the abrasive front, she can still mean well. Praise may be hard earned coming from her, but it is accompanied by none of the coldness when she does voice it. Likewise, physical affections are usually brief, or could sometimes pass for rough-housing, but the intent is there. Refusal to simply accept that she is a mistake has rubbed her rougher than it has the others, but in fact, might be good for her when worse comes to worst. If she could correct her internal imbalances that hold her back.

Bio/History: When Madoka was born, she was the first result of the Galaxy Cauldron’s mistake. Despite Setsuna not having asked for who might have been the other recipient, it was soon plenty obvious by the little girl’s wavy and fast growing locks. Rather like the Small Lady that her mother knew from the future, it soon became apparent that her aging was partially inhibited. Like those from the Crystal Tokyo future, her body would progress at a slower rate than her mind.

Until she was ten, Madoka lived with her mother at the Gates of Space-Time. Yet, despite the dimensional gap between reality and the world, she was never wanting for things to do. Being able to see into the past – any past – was a never ceasing form of education and entertainment both. It was through the Gates that most of her ‘schooling’ took place, and because of the otherwise solitude that she advanced beyond her age.

The prematurely ‘mature’ child had been quite taken with the Gates for as long as she could remember, if only because they offered respite from her mother’s foggy domain. It was at the age of ten, though, that she awakened as a senshi. Unlike past awakenings, though, Madoka’s … “glitched”. The belt of keys that she wore proceeded to all activate at once, creating a simultaneous and almost explosive ripple in time. And whisking her away with it.

What resulted from the oddity was a dangerous and unstable “period”, where it seemed bits and pieces of various ages and cultures were haphazardly blundered together. Whether or not it was truly real is questionable, but it nonetheless proved to be a very quick teaching tool. If she wanted to stay alive, at least.

As Sailor Kalika, young though she was, thanks to all of her peering into the Gate, she quickly figured out the best way to actually conserve stamina and receive the best results for the least amount of effort. The wasting of energy was a foolish mistake, though, and proof of which she would likely wear for the rest of her very long life. The youma that got the jump on her was arachnid in shape and manner, but its attacks were far more effective. The webbing that sizzled along her back both burned and ate the skin, acidic and clingy at the same time.

Despite that, though, the resulting desperation probably saved her life. The sheer kinetic energy from her Dead Scream not only ‘cleaned house’, but also proceeded to cauterize her badly bleeding back. While she nearly passed out from the pain, Sailor Kalika managed to pull herself into what looked like a safe enough niche before she gave in.

However long she spent in the unstable dimension on the outside world, though, was far too long on the inside. She spent months carving herself a shambling living, short days and nights be damned. For all her trial and error testing, though, she managed not to kill herself while searching for an exit to the strange plane. When that finally happened, it was as if everything from the abyss broke loose.

The only thing that saved her was her mother’s sudden intervention.

When the now scrawny child was pulled from the unstable dimension, it was locked behind them. Permanently. When asked how she had only just now found her, Madoka learned that it had only been an hour on the flip side – not nearly half a year, like on her end. But the school of hard knocks wasn’t something that was just wiped off a grimy surface.

Nonetheless, she spent another year under direct tutelage of her mother – Sailor Pluto – to refine her traits as a senshi. She was effective, and brutally so, but there were more ways of fighting than force. It was this finesse that she learned now, before finally being granted leave of the Gates of Space-Time, and into the 32nd Century.

When assimilated into ‘normal’ society, deemed fully in control of her powers, her days were then spent with the usual harried schedules – school, sports, homework, and then of course, fights. The few that poked jibes at her back, or gave it squeamish looks after swimming or gym learned not to do so very quickly.

It took time and discipline for Madoka to focus her full attentions on other things, namely when she began her ‘quest’ to be the best. It didn’t have to be just one thing, but the best at whatever she did. The competitive drive was nearly unexplainable, save for the possibility that it provided ‘validation’ to her existence.

A good portion of her teenage years were spent in dogged pursuit of perfection, sometimes aided by looking into the metaphysical Gates once again. Being overcritical has both helped and hampered her progress, both in skill and life. But even after she graduated highschool and began looking into universities, it didn’t stop. It was only when her abilities abruptly spasmed that her endless routine changed.

And change it did.

When she woke up, it was dead middle of the night. The time wasn’t right – she was too far back. A glance at a newspaper stand only confirmed it as she tried to find her way around unfamiliar streets – 20th Century Tokyo.

Likes: Doing (rather than being told), martial arts, running, dancing, other people’s art, trying new things, taking risks.

Dislikes: Lectures, people that debate history until they’re blue in the face, cooking, gossip, people being late, meditation.

- Weaknesses:
•    Because of having history at her fingertips and slowed aging, she is prone to growing bored easily because she believes she already knows quite a bit. This inattention has gotten her in trouble more than once, and in more than one way.
•    Madoka is, unfortunately, young and judgmental. Between that and pride, combined by utmost reluctance to admit the fault, means that she is sometimes prone to making rash decisions.

- Strengths:

•    Conversely, she does actually know quite a bit for her age – some of the things useless, but others are just the opposite.
•    Physical ability works in her favor, in both limberness and strength.

Quote: “History is at my fingertips, in all of its bloody glory. The question is; how will the past shape the future?”

Dream: To feel that she isn’t just a “mistake”, that she actually has a place in the universe.

Family: Meioh Setsuna (“Mother”), Tsukino/Chiba Usagi (“Mother”), Chibiusa (“Sister”), Meioh Tantalos [Brother; RP Only].

Other Noteworthy Facts:
Star Sign – Gemini (June 1st)

Birthdate – June 1st, “Indefinite” [‘Born’ at the Gates of Time]

Blood Type – A:

Favorite Gem – Garnet

Favorite Flower – Gladiolus

Habits – Because of her tendency to wear a key necklace, she will twirl the top loop around the chain when bored or nervous.

Favorite Subject – Fine Arts (Visual Media – Traditional); History/Theology
Least Favorite Subject – Home Economics

Favorite Food – Zhangcha Duck
Least Favorite Food – White Chocolate

Theme Song: N/A

Senshi/Sailor Name: Kalika (Related to Time – Hindu)
Senshi/Sailor Title: Senshi of the Endless Moon

Senshi Quote: “Under endless night, a warrior of the immortal moon offers judgment … and finds you wanting.”

Realm of Influence: Time & Energies (Chakra-type, such as Usagi’s.)

Symbol: A garnet crescent moon.

Key Belt
Like her mother, Sailor Kalika wears a belt of Time Keys about her waist when in henshin. Each key has a specific purpose, and using more than one at a time offers very differing results.

Aeon Crystal
Taking its name from the fact that Lunarians and Plutonians are nigh immortal in any age, the Aeon Crystal represents eternity. But rather than owing allegiance to any particular color, it is as clear as glass – perhaps a detonation of its untapped power. In comparison to either the Silver Crystal, or even Sailor Pluto’s Garnet Talisman, it is lucky to be even half the strength of the latter in its current state.

Henshin/Transformation Item:
“Eternity’s Solution”
The key-lock necklace she always wears. While the scroll style key consists of three circles that form a triangle at the top, between the key shaft and the bottom circles is also a miniature key hole; suggesting psychological or theological meaning. The key lacks traditional tines, though, and instead only has a crescent moon on the side. In color, it resembles platinum.

Henshin/Transformation: “Abyssal Crisis, Make Up!”

Signature colors: Mauve, garnet.

Outfit (Fuku):
•    Tiara: As Sailor Kalika, her tiara – rather like the rest of the Sol Senshi – is a muted gold color, in the traditional wide V shape. Nestled in the cusp is a blood colored crystal, whilst underneath the tiara as whole is a garnet crescent moon.

•    Choker: A mauve strip of cloth is what compromises Kalika’s choker, the same color as her main on the fuku. But unlike most, it is also ornamented. The ornament in particular is a platinum crescent moon, blatantly advertising her origins.

   Collar: Kalika’s fuku collar is also mauve, with one white line along the edge of it.

  Brooch & Bodice Bow: Her bodice bow is a deep garnet in color, which is nicely complimented by the striking moonstone that caps the bow itself. In a compromise between parental influence, an ornate gold crescent moon is fitted to the gem. Not a traditional brooch, but nor is it a traditional cap.

•    Bodice: Unlike the brooch, her bodice and waist piping are traditional Sol Senshi all the way – undisturbed white, through and through. The only thing unique about the bodice itself is that it remains sleeveless, lacking the piping that most of the Sol Senshi do.

•    Skirt & Back Bow: Kalika’s mauve skirt is single layered and of standard length, with little else to say about it. Her back bow is reminiscent of the front, save for the tails being just slightly longer.  

•    Gloves: The protective material reaches halfway up her biceps, and rather like her bodice, white. The hard piping that fends off injury is mauve, like her skirt and collar, and is tri-layered.

•    Shoes: Her scarlet boots are reminiscent of Sailor Moon, yet it ends there. Translucent black greaves are mounted from ankle to the top of the boot, visually darkening the strong material underneath while providing a bit of a shine when light hits them. The crystal like material is harder than steel, though, providing sufficient protection against physical attacks. The only other notable features about the boots are additional platinum crescents, one each at the highest point near the knee.

•    Accessories: Small garnet studs provide a nice jewel tone contrast to her darker than average skin, with the platinum grip just barely visible.

Void Scepter
In appearance, the Void Scepter is an elegant weapon. Two feet in length, platinum in color with garnet accents. But while the array of crescents that intersect make an off-kilter lotus shape, what they hold in their cusp is a curious thing. The crystal is unlike any natural material found on earth, and resembles – at best – a black diamond. Wisps of color can be gleaned from it at the right angle, but they are so fleeting it appears as an illusion. In detail work, small garnets in the shape of Sailor Pluto’s Garnet Orb decorate the outside edges of each crescent that hold the crystal. Likewise, a rough-cut garnet emerges from the back end of the scepter.

Attacks: (Base Form)
Dead Scream (Offensive)
•    Energy Requirement – Average
•    Accuracy – 75%
•    Appearance – Needing no weapon to guide it, the unnatural energies that build take on a reddish-lilac light as they form a growing sphere. Upon reaching sufficient size, Kalika abruptly whirls and hurls it full force at her opponent.
  Effect – The spherical attack functions a bit as an ethereal bludgeon, being it creates sufficient heat – physical and metaphysical – when it is formed. While it isn’t guaranteed to put a foe out of commission, it will be enough to make them think twice about making themselves a target again. Burns are likely, though the metaphysical side was once described as “the claws of death”.
•    Weakness – Though the warmth can be associated with rebelling life, or death crawling from the grave, the attack is not near as powerful as its predecessor’s version. It is also doable to dissipate the attack as whole, if the opponent also possesses powers equivalent to a senshi.

Abyssal Flash (Support-Offensive)
•    Energy Requirement – Low-Average
•    Accuracy – 95%
•    Appearance – As Kalika’s fingers touch the top and bottom of the point in her tiara, centered around the crystal set in it, said crystal abruptly takes on labradorite qualities – darkness filtering through it as any hint of light catches the stone, before abruptly flashing as she calls out the attack.
•    Effect – The result is both momentarily obscured vision, and roughly the equivalent of having ice water dumped over one’s head in sensory input. As well as chilling one’s mind and soul.  
•    Weakness – Because it is mostly a supportive strike, with only psychological warfare involved offensively, it leaves her open to attacks from any angles.

Chronos Crisis (Offensive)
  Energy Requirement – High
•    Accuracy – 70%
•    Appearance – After having summoned the Void Scepter, the crystals both accenting it and the one within the haphazard lotus shape begin to emit wisps of transparent color. They immediately become more difficult to identify as she twirls the scepter baton-style, before abruptly changing its focus as she raises it above her head one final time, before bringing it down like a bludgeon.
•    Effect – Chronos Crisis effectively counts as a paradoxal strike; as well as bringing feelings of nearly every war to the brink of the strike. Agony, terror, rage, bloodlust – all of it. The emotional overload’s intention is just that, all the while taking the physical form of garnet lightning. But rather unlike real lightning, it leaves open gashes like a bladed weapon would.
•    Weakness – Because it’s a slightly more time consuming attack, it is also not one that has high defensive capabilities at the same time. Most particularly vulnerable are her back and solar plexus.

Lost Lotus (Defensive)
•    Energy Requirement – Medium-High
•    Accuracy – 95%
•    Appearance – Oddly enough, it involves visual imagery that reflects its name. In a bit of a light trick or illusion, a still budded and translucent white flower seems to form around her. As the petals fall open, they seem to wither at the same time, disintegrating around her. Guided by the motions of her body, the fragments flow like water.
•    Effect – When touched by the metaphysical petals, and enough of them, the opponent flashes between reality and hallucinations. It makes them more unpredictable, but also more likely to falter.
•    Weakness – The weakness is in the purpose itself – hallucinations.

Chasm Crystal Halation/Ravinal Incandescence (Offensive) [Undecided]
•    Energy Requirement – High
•    Accuracy – 70%
•    Appearance – Unlike the Chronos Crisis, the light tricks are at full opacity. With the Void Scepter held horizontally in front of her, she lunges forward with a downward strike, before bringing it up in a full circle motion. To the target, it would appear as if the ground split beneath them, creating an impossibly deep chasm. One that they were hovering over. And as the scepter makes one last swing, unnaturally visible ultraviolet accompanies the energy-base strike.
•    Effect – Though burns and lacerations aren’t unexpected, the attack is as much metaphysical as it is physical. The illusion of the chasm may or may not inspire reactionary fear, but the sheer amount of energy poured into it makes it effective indeed.
•    Weakness – The main weakness is actually the amount of energy needed for the trump card. It puts her off-kilter if an opponent lasts it, drained.

Senshi/Sailor History: Though she awakened at the age of ten, and received the school of hard knocks introductory training, even with years of additional training afterwards; she remains in her original form. Additional attacks have been discovered, but much to her frustration, she seems unable to progress.

Mission: To justify through vigilante work, as her place has been otherwise undetermined. That is, until, chaos reigns once more.

Guardian: None.

Senshi: Sailor Kalika Sailor24

Last edited by Sailor Pluto on 26th February 2013, 12:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Saturn Emeritus


Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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Senshi: Sailor Kalika Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Kalika   Senshi: Sailor Kalika I_icon_minitime5th July 2012, 7:24 am

You did quite a lot here Smile

Hmm... a few questions, but nothing major.

What age did she come to earth and how? Does she live alone?

It is possible that I missed it, but making sure.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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Senshi: Sailor Kalika Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Kalika   Senshi: Sailor Kalika I_icon_minitime5th July 2012, 4:17 pm

Okay, Madoka was eleven when she entered 'normal society'. She lived with one of her mother's different 'selves' - because of the fact that Pluto has taught her that every strand of time unravels and goes in different directions, it's perfectly plausible that she's never actually met other senshi. Or her ... 'father', for that case.

And I have a question or two, likewise. Wink

Did anything in particular catch your attention? What would you say is your favorite thing about her?
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Saturn Emeritus


Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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Senshi: Sailor Kalika Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Kalika   Senshi: Sailor Kalika I_icon_minitime5th July 2012, 4:19 pm

The bit about where she was trying to break into the other dimension or something and Pluto appeared and was like NO0O or something like that. I pictured an epic scene in my head XD
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Kalika   Senshi: Sailor Kalika I_icon_minitime5th July 2012, 4:23 pm

*Laughs.* Well, she wasn't trying to 'break in'. When she awakened as a senshi, because of the fact her very existence is something of a paradox, it created an unnatural rift and tried to place all the variables in it at once. Only, they ended up warped.
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Saturn Emeritus


Senior Member  Saturn Emeritus

Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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Senshi: Sailor Kalika Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Kalika   Senshi: Sailor Kalika I_icon_minitime5th July 2012, 4:45 pm

Sailor Pluto wrote:
*Laughs.* Well, she wasn't trying to 'break in'. When she awakened as a senshi, because of the fact her very existence is something of a paradox, it created an unnatural rift and tried to place all the variables in it at once. Only, they ended up warped.

Pluto confuses me the most :p

I am highly impressed with your profile.

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Kalika   Senshi: Sailor Kalika I_icon_minitime5th July 2012, 5:35 pm

Hehe, she can be confusing. But she's also very interesting.

And thank you. *Tips hat.* ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Kalika   Senshi: Sailor Kalika I_icon_minitime

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