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 Is Usagi a symbol?

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Star Seed


Star Seed

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PostSubject: Is Usagi a symbol?   Is Usagi a symbol? I_icon_minitime21st October 2016, 5:12 am

So I was reading the last couple of pages of the final manga act, when Mamouru says these words:

"Even if one day, we have all faded away, and new Sailor Gaurdians.... New heavenly bodies are born... Sailor Moon, you likely will be forever immortal. ...For you are the most beautiful, shining, heavenly body of all time."

This quote may vary depending on your edition, (my volume is one of the latest versions) but reading these words made me wonder if Usagi was meant to be more of a symbol that I first thought?
Usagi clearly starts off as the series protagonist, a flawed but tender character who inspires strength and love in others.

The silver crystal for the majority of the sereis is the decisive force that emits light and healing, but as things progress that role is passed on more and more solely to Usagi herself.
In the Infinity Arc, Mamouru recognizes her as the "the Messiah" he had seen in his dreams, when she transforms back into Serenity to bring about rebirth. She is is described time and time again as the light of the universe.

Chaos is widely recognized by the fandom to represent evil, a force that puts darkness in our hearts, whereas Usagi as mentioned before inspires love and strength.
It is said that Chaos can never truly end, and nor should it as Usagi herself explains, as bad things should be balanced along with happiness, goodness and light.

If as Mamouru puts it, Sailor Moon is literally an Eternal Guardian (further hinted by Sailor Cosmos if you believe she is a distant Usagi), does that make her the other immortal opposing force to keep the universe forever in check?

I didn't have enough at this stage to come up with a conclusive theory, but I am curious to know what you all think (either "no duh shes a symbol" or  "no silly the whole thing is not so easily defined" I imagine. Oh well).
I apologize if this subject has already been done to death, I just had it on my mind and wanted to discuss it.

Cheers for reading!

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PostSubject: Re: Is Usagi a symbol?   Is Usagi a symbol? I_icon_minitime21st October 2016, 8:37 am

I really like that, actually! I think it makes sense that Usagi is forever a guardian and a symbol of balance and goodness.
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TS Sailor Cronus
Lotus Crystal

TS Sailor Cronus

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PostSubject: Re: Is Usagi a symbol?   Is Usagi a symbol? I_icon_minitime4th February 2017, 11:05 pm

He's metaphorically describing her.

Sailor Cosmos is a future incarnation of Sailor Moon. She cannot be current Usagi in later years no matter how much time passes, because being within her own presence would have killed her (which nearly happened when she met NQS in Crystal Tokyo.)
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