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 Relaxed: Daybreak

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
Join date : 2013-12-07
Age : 24
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Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime10th June 2015, 8:08 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak K0z0Zu9
Beautiful banner by Marianne!

Created by Sailor Pluto and Artemis

Sere Tsukino and Endo Mizuki are both college students who have known each other for a few months. Sere is a young freshman who came from a broken home, while Endo is a wild junior with an abusive father. They both have their own problems that they are trying to work out, as well as balance college life and the anarchy of becoming adults. Their relationship over their first few months of knowing each other has escalated, and the two are starting to experience some serious emotional tension. As the two try and figure out what exactly it is they want, major twists begin to take their toll on Sere and Endo's relationship. Whether or not they will be able to last through their trials is completely up to them.

Extra Information:

Endo Mizuki ~ Artemis
Serenity 'Sere' Tsukino ~ Sailor Pluto
Leah Dixon ~ Artemis
Motoki Furuhata ~ Sailor Pluto

OOC Thread

Last edited by Sailor Pluto on 22nd July 2015, 11:13 am; edited 4 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime10th June 2015, 10:31 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo had been having a rough few weeks, it had been about 3 weeks since he had last been extremely intoxicated. He was trying to get his life back in order, trying to forget the pain he had been feeling. Luckily with school nearing the halfway point, he had midterms to study for and extended office hours to help out all the freshmen in the class he was a TA in. 

He had just finished a two hour session and needed some fresh air. He stepped out of his little makeshift office and walked toward the fountain, all the while hoping somehow he would be lucky enough to bump into Sere, and if he was even luckier, ask her to dinner.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
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Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime17th June 2015, 1:50 am

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere had been having a perfect morning. Not only was her outfit totally on point, but it was a beautiful day and she had totally aced her calculus exam. As she walked towards her cosmetology class, Sere passed by the campus fountain and spotted Endo. Her heart skipped a beat as she laid eyes on him, and it took all of her self-restraint not to run forward and say hello. Instead, she told herself to play it cool and approach him as if he was just any regular person.

'But he's not any regular person. He's the guy you've been crushing on for months.'

Sere shook the tiny voice out of her head and approached Endo and smiled. "Hey! I haven't seen you around in a while. How have you been?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime17th June 2015, 3:06 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo turned when he heard someone, he was happy to see Sere standing next to him. It had been so long since he had seen her, he had been busy with office hours and other activities that he arranged to help him channel his anger and resentment in a more positive way. He smiled at her as he spoke, 

"yes it has, I have been very busy during my office hours, all the students seem to want my help now to somehow ace the final, in my opinion if your peers attended class and paid more attention than not, they wouldn't be needing my help, part of me doesn't want to help some of them, failure is the only way they will learn to take education seriously," he said in a tone that hinted he knew all to well about his own advice.

He faced the fountain and took in a breath of fresh air, it was a cool crisp day, but the sun was out, so Endo was out to soak up whatever sun he could before it disappeared again.

He turned to face Sere as he spoke, he had never been s nervous to ask a  girl to dinner, but here he stood trying to find a way to ask her out with out acting like a complete loser. He locked eyes with her as he spoke, "Sere, I was wondering, if you're not busy, if you would like to join me for dinner sometime?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime13th July 2015, 7:53 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere blinked in surprise, not expecting the rant about her peers. He did have a point, however. Even though Sere was a procrastinator like most of her peers, she didn't go running to all of her teachers for help at the last minute. She was more independent than that. 

When Endo faced the fountain, Sere did the same, staring into the rippling water. For a brief second, it wasn't her and Endo's reflection that she saw, but someone else's. They were wearing clothing that she would imagine royalty to wear, and standing side-by-side the same way Sere and Endo were now. She blinked, and the reflection was gone, returning back to its regular state. Shocked, Sere continued to stare at the water until Endo spoke, bringing her out of her stupor. Their eyes met, and Sere felt her stomach fill with butterflies at his request. 

It took her a moment to find her words, but when she did, she said, "O-of course! I'm open all week. Just give me a time and date and I'll be there! I'll need your address too, of course. Wait, were you wanting it to be at your place, or at a restaurant? We should probably exchange numbers too, just in case plans change." Sere paused, realizing she had been talking way too fast for even her own brain to keep up. She laughed nervously, her cheeks turning a light shade of red.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime21st July 2015, 2:49 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo couldn’t help but chuckle at Sere’s nervousness. He couldn’t remember the last time he made a girl nervous just by talking to them. Sure girls got nervous around him. He was a bit arrogant when it came to his looks, but with Sere it was different.

He thought about the time and place. “How about Friday, say 6:00, that way midterms will be out of the way and no studying to worry about.” Endo said as he thought. Do I really want to have her over at my place, is that the best idea? Endo thought as he found himself saying, “we can do dinner at my place, if that is okay with you. Less people to start talking if they see us you know. People like to talk-he thought as he smiled at her.

He pulled out his phone and opened up his contacts to add Sere in his phonebook. “What’s your number? I can text you so you have my number,” he said as he felt nerves slightly rising inside. Endo wasn’t sure what was going to happen next, but he was looking forward to a nice evening and a meal with Sere, the girl who was slowly captivating his heart.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
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Location : United States

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime7th August 2015, 6:05 am

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere smiled slightly at their plan. Why did Endo invite her over instead of taking her out to dinner? Was he embarrassed to be seen with her in public?

'Stop overthinking it, Sere. He's not like that.'

The thought of going to his home made her feel slightly nervous. What if he tried to make a move on her?

'Stop. Overthinking.'

"Oh, good idea!" she quipped, hiding her nervousness behind her smile. She gave him her easy-to-remember number, and accepted his in exchange.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime14th August 2015, 8:46 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo smiled when Sere gave him his number. He hoped she was okay with coming to dinner at his house, if she wanted to go out at a restaurant, he would not object, but he was trying to shield her from the rumors. He was used to people saying bad things about him, but he would not allow Sere to have bad rumors spread about her. She was too good to have rumors spread about her.

Endo inputted Sere's number into his phone. He gazed up at Sere and flashed a smile before he spoke, "well I gotta get to my next class, don't forget TaeKwonDo tomorrow," he said as he turned to walk to his next class.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime3rd October 2015, 5:55 am

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere nodded effervescently, smiling brightly despite her nerves. "Right, I'll be there! See you!" she said, flashing Endo a thumbs-up. She turned and went in the opposite direction for several minutes before she realized that she had forgotten where she was heading. Glancing at the time on her phone, she realized.

"I'M GOING TO BE LAAAAAAATE!" she screamed, sprinting back the way she came. Her cosmetology class started in two minutes, and the professor was going to kill her if she showed up late. 

Well, at least she got a date with Endo out of it.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime3rd October 2015, 9:25 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo’s class went by in a daze. His mind occupied with his date with Sere. Could he call it that? It was a dinner, that much was true. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t hoping for more. 
Something inside him just compelled him to be more than just a classmate, nothing horrible like all the other girls in his past. Maybe he would steal a kiss or hug her from behind. He was never one to get caught up in all the cheesy romantic stuff, but here he was thinking of how to set the mood for their dinner.

He quickly pushed his thoughts aside as he walked to the gym. He would swim today; it would help him to calm himself and to take out all his anxious energy in a positive way.

Little did Endo know, but someone was looking for him. This person was the last person Endo ever wanted to see. It was his father….
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime24th October 2015, 8:55 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere's week flew by, and Friday was upon her before she could blink. The day went by in a blur, and suddenly she was walking to the address that Endo had texted her. She felt as if her stomach would explode with nervous butterflies, and it was all she could do not to turn around and run right back to her own apartment. The temptation to text Leah overwhelmed her, so she sent a quick message to try and calm her nerves:

On my way to my first date in ages - help!

Endo's apartment complex was suddenly looming above Usagi, and she took a deep breath before heading up to the number he gave her. She wondered what exactly he had planned for her, and suddenly she paled as her hand rose to knock on the door. Should she have brought something? Some food, a present as a thank-you? Money? Should she have dressed nicer? All of her doubts and trepidations suddenly came flooding back, and she was so lost in thought that she didn't even realize she had knocked on the door.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime25th October 2015, 3:21 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak Leah_b10

Leah was working on a painting when she got Sere’s text. She set her paint and brush down.

Good luck girl, you got this….who is the special guy?

She got back to her work on her painting. She put her headphones on to block out the world around her. She was working on a painting for Sere. She was thankful to finally have a friend she could spend time with. She hoped it would last, Leah could not stand losing another friend because they were afraid of Leah’s dark past.

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo was never one to get nervous, but tonight he was very nervous. He had looked online for the perfect recipe for dinner. He wanted something simple, yet tasty. He decided on a chicken and pasta dish with veggies. He knew the dinner with Sere was not a date, and yet he found himself making sure his place was spotless, his hair was all combed up into a spiked updo and his clothes were spot on.

He had just set the table when he heard the knock on the door. Endo took a second to put his glasses in a safe place before he opened the door for Sere.

He felt his heartbeat quicken when he saw her, she looked stunning. There was just something about her that was different from all the other girls, and he hoped he could get to know her better tonight.

“Good evening Sere, please come in. You are just in time for dinner.” He said as he motioned for her to come in.

“Can I get you something to drink?” he said as he ran a hand through his hair.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime8th June 2016, 4:40 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere quickly texted Leah back before Endo could open the door:

This hot guy that's my TA in english class! I'll have to introduce you sometime!

Sere had just put her phone away when the door opened, revealing Endo in all of his attractive glory. She was speechless for a moment, but finally she smiled and entered his apartment. She was surprised by how nice the decorating was, and how...oddly clean it was for a male.

"Oh, do you have tea? I love tea. Your home is beautiful, by the way! I live in an apartment too, but it's no where near as nice as this. I'm rather...messy, see. But I'm doing my best to keep up!" she babbled. Making herself at home, Usagi sat down on a chair by the kitchen table, the smell of food making her stomach rumble. "That food smells delicious!"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime8th June 2016, 5:53 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo smiled as Sere rambled on. He could tell she was just a bit nervous.

"I will put on some tea, I have a box with all the different teas on the counter, please help yourself."

He put the kettle on the stove and turned it on to boil the water.

He couldn't help but chuckle at Sere's comment about his apartment.

"well I am not home as often I would like to be and I am very committed to making sure I don't leave a mess."

A few minutes later, the tea kettle was whistling. He turned it off. He grabbed two tea cups and placed them on the counter. He poured the water in the cups and grabbed an Earl Grey for his cup.

He turned to check the food.

"Dinner is just about ready, let me just get everything set up." 

Endo then pulled out the chicken, put the seasoning on top. He opened the lid to his rice cooker and drained the snow peas he had in another pan.

He dished up the plates and set them on the table.

"I am not much of a cook, but this Thai chicken is probably my best dish." 

Endo sat across from Sere and waited to eat his dinner.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime9th June 2016, 6:02 am

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere happily helped herself to a raspberry teabag, placing it in her cup to enjoy with the steaming water. She sat across from Endo at the table, gawking at the food. She was so hungry, she could have scarfed down the meal in seconds. But remembering her manners, Usagi placed a napkin on her lap and remembered to cut her chicken the proper way before taking a bite.

"Wow, this is..." she said with her mouth full. Her eyes widened at her mistake, and she quickly swallowed before saying, "Amazing!"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime9th June 2016, 2:58 pm

Endo quickly remembered his music. He meant to have it playing when Sere arrived. He quickly turned on his audio system and sat back down across Sere.

"Sorry about that, I almost always have some type of music in the background to help me focus."

He placed his napkin on his knee and began eating also.

Sere's comment about his food made him smile. 

"Thanks, its one dish I have worked hard to keep on the family...."

His gaze pierced through the window behind Sere as if he were staring off into space, remembering a distant, happy memory.

Endo heard the timer go off on the stove.

"I hope you saved room for dessert, I made a new dish tonight." He said as he pulled out a pan with the smell of buttery cinnamon and sugar coming off of it.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime14th June 2016, 7:03 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere tilted her head slightly, wondering if his family was a sensitive topic for Endo. It would be something they had in common, at least. Her curiosity almost spurred her to ask, but then the oven timer went off and Sere kept her mouth shut. The smell of dessert flooded her senses and she felt her tastebuds tingle.

"I have a second stomach just for dessert," she said, patting her slightly-bloated tummy.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime18th June 2016, 9:59 am

Endo smiled at Sere's comment as he pulled out dessert. He was wondering where this night was going. He had never done anything like this in the past, but something about having dinner with Sere felt right. 

"Don't let the dessert fool you, they are a favorite of mine, but they are store bought."

Endo walked over and placed the carmel cinnamon squares on the table. He was about to sit down when he heard a knock on the door.

He wondered who would be coming by at this hour and hoped it was not someone who was going to disrupt his evening.

When Endo opened the door, his face turned from calm to angry as he stared back at the face on the other side.

His father Ryuuji had shown up, curious to see what his son was up to. When Ryuuji saw Endo had company, he walked right in.

Endo closed the door behind him, whispering through gritted teeth,

"what are you doing here? Did you forget about that restraining order?"

Endo wanted to keep his cool in front of Sere, but didn't know how long he could last with his father in the same room as him.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 11:47 am

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere was shocked when another man, seemingly much older than Endo, entered the apartment. Trying not to look judgmental, Sere took in the man's appearance and the stench he had dragged into the room. He looked poor, rugged, and...a lot like her father did.

Sere gulped, trying not to wrinkle her nose at the familiar scent of alcohol and smoke coming off of the man. Instead, she stood from the table and smiled. "Hello! My name is Sere, it's a pleasure to meet you!" she said, bowing respectfully. The man's eyes had been on her since he had entered the room, and it sent chills down Sere's spine.

For some reason, she felt endangered.

"You didn't tell me you kept such good company, son," the man said, taking steps closer to Sere. Not realizing she had done so, Sere took a step back. Why was she so scared? Judging by how the man walked, she could tell he was drunk. More than drunk. Incapacitated.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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Age : 34

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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 1:19 pm

Endo stepped in front of Sere, placing an arm out in a protective manner. 

"what are you doing here?" Endo asked through clenched teeth. "Did you forget about the restraining order?" Endo was not in the mood for his fathers drama, especially with Sere here. 

Endo knew his father was not safe, especially in this state. He did not want anything to happen to Sere. He would take a hit before he let his father attempt anything in his drunk stupor.

"what are you talking about Endo, can't a father visit his son once in awhile? And you even have a girl over, tell me Endo how long has she been your flavor of the month?"

Endo felt the rage beginning to boil and he had to keep calm, he knew what would happen if he didn't. 

Endo walked forward in a manner that would force his father to retreat toward the door. 

"I owe you no explanation, but I suggest you leave before I call the cops, and if you continue to disrespect Sere, I am not sure I can keep from hitting you. Sere is a friend from the university and that's all I owe you, now LEAVE."

Endo waited to see what his father would do next, but kept his guard for Sere's sake.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime25th June 2016, 12:27 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere's jaw dropped open. Flavor of the month?! Was that all she was, just some toy for Endo to play with until he found someone else?

A foul taste arose in Sere's mouth, and she suddenly felt like vomiting all of the food she had just consumed.

"Sere? That's a pretty name for such a pretty girl," Endo's father slurred. Sere's stomach twisted, and she really felt she could get sick any second now.

The man suddenly got a dark look in his eyes, and although Endo was taller, he wasn't taller by much. Endo's father placed one finger on Endo's chest and hissed, "Don't you ever speak to me like that again. You think you're so high and mighty, Endymion? You think you can best me?"

Endo's father stepped back towards the door, but before leaving her turned and looked Sere dead in the eyes, causing her to gulp. "He's only going to screw it up, pretty lady," he said.

Sere nodded shakily, not really knowing what else to say or do to get him to leave.

And then he was gone.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
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Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime26th June 2016, 11:01 am

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo glared at his father. As his father spoke, Endo clenched his fists and tensed up. He wanted to be ready in case his father was going to fight. When his father left, Endo felt relieved. His relief however only lasted for a brief moment as he took in the scene around him.

He relaxed before turning to face Sere. He had to be calm for her sake. His father had came and made a complete mess of things.....again.

"I am really sorry you had to encounter my father Sere, I swear to you, if I had any inkling he was going to show up, I would have cancelled our plans. "

He paused, he reached out his hand to touch her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" he asked, not really sure what to do or say next.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime26th June 2016, 9:02 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak Leah_b10

Leah woke up from an afternoon nap. She checked her phone and saw she had a message from Sere. Sere was meeting with Endo.

Leah smiled as she replied:

That's so great. He's the one from our English class right? He is great looking. He seems so quiet and closed off. I have heard a lot of people talk about him. Just be careful, ok.

Leah closed her phone and made her way to the kitchen to get something to drink. She hoped her roommates were gone. She hoped campus housing would get her out of her situation, she couldn't take another moment with her roommates.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
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Age : 24
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime28th June 2016, 11:27 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere was so overwhelmed. Memories of her past, of her father, of her years spent nurturing his hangovers and hiding from his outbursts, all flooded back. She felt like she could burst into tears at any second, and when Endo's warm hand touched her shoulder, she lost it.

Regardless of how angry and upset she was at him, Sere needed comfort and comfort was right in front of her.

At least she hoped.

With a sob, Sere launched herself into Endo's arms and started to cry into his chest.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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Age : 34

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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime29th June 2016, 8:34 am

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo was a bit surprised when Sere started crying. He wasn't sure what to do at first, but he could tell she was hurting.

He wrapped his arms around her. He rested one arm on her head and gently stroked her hair as he spoke. 

"Hey, don't cry. It will be okay. I am truly truly sorry you had to witness that. Ryuuji is gone. Don't let his words get to you. He's only trying to hurt me..." Endo paused as he thought,  and I was stupid enough to let him hurt me....again.

Endo wasn't sure why he felt the way he did, but something inside him told him to keep holding Sere, to not let her go. 

"It will be okay Sere." Endo spoke softly as he lightly kissed her head.

He suddenly got an idea. He remembered a place his mother used to take him before she left, a place he went to when he needed to get away from his dad. A place that offered him hope and comfort.

"Say, if you are up for it, there's somewhere I would love to take you. It's a place I used to go to all the time. We can go now if you like. If not I can take you home. I don't want you to be out alone right now. So what do you say Sere, where would you like to go?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime29th June 2016, 8:00 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere sniffled, her sobs dying down as the warmth and security of Endo's arms made her feel safe and content. It was strange, how being in this position made her feel so...happy. Despite the situation, Sere couldn't help but feel like this was a place she had been to before - a place she belonged.

Pulling away from him, Sere wiped the snot from her nose and the tears from her eyes before responding to Endo's question. "Sure, you can take me to that place, if you want," she said quietly.

Perhaps on the way there, she could ask him about what his father meant by 'flavor of the month'.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Relaxed: Daybreak Empty
PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime29th June 2016, 8:14 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo was pleased when Sere agreed to him showing her the place he had in mind.

"Great, I am just going to grab some things and then we will be on our way." Endo disappeared for a moment before returning with a blanket and some coats. He handed one to Sere.

"You can borrow this. It may be a little cold where we are going."

He showed her out the door and walked with her to his car. He opened the back and put his coat and the blanket in and closed the door behind him. He opened the drivers door and put on his seatbelt.

He looked over at Sere as he said, "seatbelt." He started the car and made his way to their destination.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime13th July 2016, 5:24 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere was quiet, accepting the blanket and wrapping it around her shoulders when they entered the crisp, cool night air. Feeling a little nervous and uneasy, she got into Endo's car and made sure she had her phone on her. She needed to have some sort of way to communicate should something go wrong.

She saw she had a text from Leah, and so she quickly responded:

I have so much to tell you. Talk later?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime18th July 2016, 5:23 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak Endo_b10

Endo drove, keeping quiet. Soon enough they arrived at their destination. He shut off the engine. He got out and walked around to open the door for Sere.

"It's just a short walk to where we are going." Endo said as he pointed in the direction they were going. 

He led Sere to a quiet location, carrying the blanket in one hand and a basket in the other. He stopped and set the basket down. He laid out the blanket and sat down. He motioned for Sere to join him.

"This place.." Endo paused trying to think of how he wanted to describe it. His mother had brought him here on many nights when she needed to get away from her husband. Endo had ran and hid here many nights when his father had been in one of his fits of anger. He had never brought a girl here though. The place was a special haven to him, but he wanted it to share it with Sere.

"This place has offered me great comfort over the years. Any time I can come here, I can clear my thoughts and just take a step back from life and breathe." Endo said as he opened up the basket and pulled out a thermos and two cups. He poured some coffee in one and offered to Sere before pouring himself a cup.

the place:
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
Posts : 6422
Join date : 2013-12-07
Age : 24
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed: Daybreak   Relaxed: Daybreak I_icon_minitime18th July 2016, 9:07 pm

Relaxed: Daybreak 3093o8h

Sere was taken aback by the breathtaking scene before her. Still with a blanket wrapped around her, Sere sat down next to Endo and stared up at the endless sea of stars. The effect of the atmosphere instantly calmed all of Sere's worries and nerves, and all of her pain and heartbreak seemed to melt away. She felt so happy, and comfortable, and safe.

Endo was handing her a cup of coffee, and Sere was too shy to decline it, despite her not being a coffee drinker. She sipped it, trying not to focus on the taste, and searched her mind for something to say.

"Endo...I'm sorry if this is too much of an intrusion, but...may I ask what happened to your father?"
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