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 [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime16th August 2014, 9:13 am

Name of the Storyline:  The Betrayal Of Our Prince
Name of the Creator(s):   Addelyn
Forum:  Silver Millennium

Plot Summary:  It’s known that the four Generals betrayed their Prince in the Silver Millennium, joining Beryl in the destruction of the Moon Kingdom which lead to the death of their Prince as well. This role-play aims to explore how Beryl came to fall in love with Prince Endymion, and how she convinced the four generals, who were so loyal, to betray their Prince. The relationship between the four generals and their prince will also be explored.

The story will start shortly after the Generals became the guardian of the Prince and move towards their betrayal and the ultimate destruction of the Moon Kingdom.

In the story, the relationship between the two Kingdoms is still new. Prince Endymion frequently travels to the moon Kingdom to aid his father in the political discussions between the allies. Secretly, his generals think he goes so often due to his infatuation with the Moon Princess, Princess Serenity. Never-the-less, they loyally follow their prince. They watch as the love between the two heirs grows while their distrust of the Moon Kingdom becomes stronger. While they are on Earth, a woman named Beryl has managed to weasel her way into the Earth Court, attracting the attention of the King who favours her. It is here that Beryl sees her chance to grab Prince Endymion, whom she is in love with. She manages to manipulate the Generals, praying on their sense of duty and honour and willingness to protect their Prince at any cost. Long Live the Moon Kingdom.

Details on any necessary information:  

Queen Metalia and Princess Serenity (if she is required for plot purposes) will be NPC characters, and used primarily to advance the plot or interact with certain other characters as needed.

Cannon Characters Needed:


Characters that are filled:
Prince Endymion/ Kunzite- MMR
Nephrite - Addelyn
Zoisite - Yami-chan
Beryl - Sailor Selene

Queen Metalia (NPC)
Princess Serenity (NPC)

No Otaku Characters needed or any of the Senshi

OOC Discussions

Last edited by Addelyn on 21st August 2014, 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
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Age : 35
Location : Canada

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime16th August 2014, 9:32 am

Queen Metalia sat on her throne, her hands running over her crystal ball staring intently into it. She would have her revenge on the Moon Kingdom, and she had finally found the perfect way to do it. She had found a susceptible human, a young sorceress who had come to the Earth Palace to work. It would be easy to manipulate her, turn her against her own people.  The question was, what could she use to make the girl hers.

“Show me what the human girl desires most,” she commanded, peering into the crystal ball as an image began to take shape. She laughed when she recognized the image in the crystal ball. This would be easier than she ever expected. At last, she would have her revenge and Queen Serenity and her precious little Kingdom would be no more.

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  MYhONKz_zps97d65afd

Nephrite grit his teeth in frustration; they were due to leave soon for another trip to the Moon Kingdom and he was to oversee the packing of the weapons they were to take in case they were ambushed on route. Instead of sending him some experienced journeymen to do the task, the master black smith had sent his new apprentices, saying they needed the experience, which left Nephrite having to supervise them, less they somehow manage to impale themselves on a sword…which at the rate these two blundering idiots were going, would be fairly soon. He had no idea how the blacksmith dealt with the two boys. He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to stave off the building headache he could feel. Honestly, he had better things to do than babysit a bunch of baboons.

“Oi, Zoisite, get over here and watch these two, I have other things I need to be checking on,” he called as he saw his friend and brother-in-arms pass by.

Last edited by Addelyn on 2nd September 2014, 9:49 am; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime18th August 2014, 5:27 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  SIi1GWf

Prince Endymion clapped his hands together, grinning at the servants passing by as they finalized the preparations for the upcoming trip to the Moon Kingdom.  He had been anticipating this trip for quite some time, and the day had finally come upon them.  Everything had to be perfect, he thought, shaking his head as a young steward tripped and dropped the stack of blankets he had piled in his arms.  The boy was only about the age of eleven, with both of his parents being servants to the Terran royal family.  Seeing the child's struggles, Endymion went to his aid.

The boy looked up in shock at his prince, struggling for words.  "I-I'm sorry, your majesty, I-"  

Endymion shook his head and chuckled.  "It's quite alright young man," he said, ruffling the boy's hair as they finished gathering the blankets.  "We all trip up every now and then."

The boy grinned up at the ebony-haired royal.  "Prince Endymion, is it true that the Moon Princess is more beautiful than the Sun and Moon together?" the boy asked, a light blush rising to his cheeks.  Endymion was taken aback by his question, but smiled nonetheless.

"That, and so much more," he replied, causing the boy's smile to grow.  Bowing respectfully, the child scurried off.

Finding himself now alone in the corridor, Endymion crossed his arms over his chest.  Where were his shittenou?

Lacking company and desiring his companions, Endymion headed to the armory to search for his men-at-arms.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 2nd March 2015, 12:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Luna.
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime19th August 2014, 5:35 pm

Beryl had been wandering the corridors of the palace looking for an opportunity to run into Prince Endymion. She was usually very talkative with people, but when it came to him she just couldn't find words. Her heart pounded in her chest as she searched for him. When she found him what would she say? She stopped for a second and tried to think about what she could say. Maybe she could ask him some questions about the kingdom. She hadn't been here long and there were things that she still didn't know.

She resumed her search and finally came across Prince Endymion. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw that he was smiling.  He was talking to a young servant boy. He was such a kind person. That was one of the things she liked about him. She was about to walk over to him when the boy asked about the moon princess. That made her freeze where she was. Every time he talked about the moon princess he glowed. Beryl knew he was in love with the moon princess, but she had hoped that maybe he would give up on her because she was so far away. Hearing him talk about her though, she realized that was never going to happen. She quietly left the room tears in her eyes and cursing the princess in her mind. If only she had the power to make him love her...
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime25th August 2014, 1:34 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  UjcOZsT

Kunzite chuckled as he entered the armory, noticing Nephrite's frustration with the new apprentices.  "Having trouble?" he asked, going up and clapping Nephrite on the shoulder.  It had been a stressful week for all of them, what with taking on new employees and apprentices at the castle, and all of the recent trips to the Moon.  Endymion had them all going crazy with his crazy requests and demands for everything to be perfect.  His infatuation with the Moon princess had him acting strange for quite some time now, and it was all Kunzite could do to keep his best friend in check.  

"All of these weapons must be packed soon - Endymion will be here any minute, and if he sees these items not ready to go, he'll likely throw a fit," Kunzite added, picking up a sword and wrapping it in a protective cover.  There was a clatter from the other side of the room, and Kunzite looked over to find one of the apprentice's hitting the other on the head before kneeling to pick up a dagger that had fallen to the stone floor.  The white-haired shittenou shook his head and placed the wrapped-up sword in a case with the rest of the weaponry.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 27th March 2015, 10:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime1st September 2014, 3:37 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  SIi1GWf

"Ah, there are my faithful idiots!" Endymion said, a lighthearted tone to his voice.  "How is the packing coming along?"  He stopped walking and looked around the large armory, chuckling as he saw the two apprentices fumbling with their current task.  He hated how others became nervous around him, but he tried his best to be a kind and gracious man.

"Kunzite, Nephrite, you know these are supposed to be packaged yesterday, correct?" Endymion growled, suddenly noticing an array of swords lying on the workbench.  He picked one up and spun it in his hands, noticing the despicable specks of dirt on the blade.  He tossed it to the side angrily, turning on his friends.  "I have warned you time and time again that I expect all of the required materials packed on time.  I am sick of your procrastination.  And where are Jadeite and Zoisite?!"

Upon turning to find his other two shittenou, Endymion couldn't help but crack a smile at the terrified faces of the two apprentices.  His smile lead to a chuckle, and that chuckle lead to a round of full-on laughter.  He was in such a good mood - seeing the Moon Princess always put him in a good mood.

"Ah, I was just messing around.  Let's finish packing, shall we?" Endymion said, smiling as he approached the two boys.  He turned and smirked at his shittenou before grabbing a sword and polishing it.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 2nd March 2015, 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

Lotus Crystal

Title : Dark Lord Spam Goddess Yami
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime3rd September 2014, 5:43 pm

Zoisite just stood to side and watched the packing for a bit. He heard Nephrite called out to him asking for his help, but he ignored him. The apprentices needed to learn things on their own, right?  Zoisite wasn't helping with the packing because he felt uneasy. He didn't like the idea of going to the moon. What if something happened to Endymion? What if he neglected his duties if he saw her.

He then saw Endymion walk into the world. He looked like he was cloud nine. He just stood their quietly watching him teasing the apprentices and messing around with Nephrite and Kunzite. Zoisite was amused that Endymion didn't notice him in the room. He just walked over to him and patted him on the back.

"No need to scare them," He spoke as he started to help pack up the swords. "Also you need to be aware of your surroundings more." He then gave the prince a soft smile.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime3rd September 2014, 5:57 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  SIi1GWf

Endymion almost jumped out of his boots when Zoisite came up behind him and patted him on the back.  "No need to be so anti-social," Endymion retorted, trying to recover from his surprise.  He wrapped up another sword and placed it in a chest before wiping his hands on his tunic.  "I think that's enough for today.  Why don't we all get something to eat before the trip?" the prince proposed, grinning at his men.  Endymion always grew anxious when it was almost time to go to the Moon, and he ate when he was anxious.  "My parents are in a conference call with Queen Serenity, so they won't be requesting my presence for a while.  We might as well make the best of the free time, right?"  A tiny voice in the back of his mind told him to stop acting so energetic and recompose himself, but he silenced the voice and continued to practically prance around the room.  The effects of a woman on just one man were astounding, especially when it came to Endymion.  

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  UjcOZsT

Kunzite couldn't help but chuckle at his prince's behavior.  It was almost as if he was a completely different person when it came to Princess Serenity.  Although, the idea of a private dinner with his prince and his shittenou sounded rather appealing.  It was rare they got any time together lately, after all.  "Perhaps we should schedule a duel beforehand.  It's about time we knocked some sense into our prince," the white-haired man muttered to Nephrite.  A smirk covered his face, his eyes glinting mischievously.  If there was one thing that sparked Kunzite's interest, it was some old-fashioned melee.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 27th March 2015, 10:45 am; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime18th September 2014, 2:50 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  MYhONKz_zps97d65afd

“They would have been packaged if the help that the castled hired would stop fumbling around,” Nephrite growled, sending the young apprentices scrambling to hide from his ire. “I swear I have dogs that are more useful,” the shintennou muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose to stave off the pounding headache he could feel building behind his eyes.

Nephrite wanted to groan as he watched his Prince prance around the room. My god, if this is what women did to a man, than he wanted no part of it! It was just plain embarrassing to watch his friend.

“I agree, a duel sounds like an excellent idea,” Nephrite replied to Kunzite, grin spreading over his face as he imagined knocking his Prince on his behind.

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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

Lotus Crystal

Title : Dark Lord Spam Goddess Yami
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime30th September 2014, 2:33 pm

Zoisite was thrilled that the prince wanted to enjoy a meal with them. It would be nice to share some time together. Hopefully the prince's mind won't be on the princess. He then overheard Kunzite muttering to Nephrite about some duel. He smirked and walked up to the two boys. 

"We need to make this duel more interesting," he whispered to his brothers. He paused for a moment and came up with an idea. "How about we purpose a bet? The loser will have to entertain the Moon family during our welcome dinner." Zoisite then chuckled to himself at the thought of any of his brothers losing. The idea of Nephrite preforming for the Moon family was quite amusing.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime30th September 2014, 3:41 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  UjcOZsT

Kunzite chuckled at Zoisite's proposal.  It sounded rather appealing, unless of course, Kunzite ended up being the one who lost the duel.  He smirked and nodded to Zoisite, showing that he confirmed his idea.  "This should be interesting," he said.  Snapping his fingers, he pointed at the two annoying apprentices.  "You two, go get four picnic baskets for us.  You should know by now what to put in them," he commanded.  Getting food seemed to be the only thing the insolent children were capable of.  In fact, it had crossed Kunzite's mind quite often to place them in the kitchens instead of the armory.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 27th March 2015, 10:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime21st October 2014, 12:19 am

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  MYhONKz_zps97d65afd

Nephrite grinned when Zoisite propose a bet to make the duel more interesting. He could easily imagine Zoisite or Jadeite being the ones to have to entertain the Moon Family. He himself was too good of a swordsman to lose. Kunzite was also good and Nephrite didn't foresee him losing either.

He frowned as he watched the two apprentices run to the kitchen to fetch them food for their picnic. Honestly he really needed to get rid of those two bumbling idiots before they ended up hurting someone or themselves. How hard was it to get good help these days anyway?

"Shall we head to the sparring arena then?" he asked, facing his companions.


Metalia looked down at her crystal ball as she watched the woman, Beryl, become completely upset at how enthralled the Prince was with the Moon Princess. She could easily sense the power in the young woman.  She could easily manipulate the younger woman shaping her into a great tool. She needed someone with that kind of power to do her bidding if she wanted to accomplish her goal.

The first step was to gain the woman’s trust, prove to her that she was useful in some way, that the younger woman had much to gain from an alliance with her. In return for small boosts in power, Beryl would do her bidding. Through the use of a simple potion, Metalia could boost Beryl’s powers temporarily, showing the younger woman what she was able to. If she did as she was told, Metalia would offer to make the power boost “permanent”, which it wouldn’t be. The boost in power could easily be stripped away if Beryl should ever turn on her.

Once the sorceress was asleep, Metalia was easily able to slip into her dreams. She curled her lips in disgust at how bright and cheery it was in the dream. Well, there was no accounting for taste. As long as the girl served her purpose, who cared what her dreams looked like. All she needed the woman to do was incite a war between Earth and the Moon Kingdom. It really wasn’t asking all that much.

“I can help you get what you desire the most in life child. I can help you make Endymion yours.” Metalia allowed her voice spread out, weaving its way into every nook and cranky of the dream. There was nowhere Beryl could hide where she wouldn’t hear Metalia.  

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll prove it to you. When you awake, there will be a vial of liquid on your dresser. If you put 2 drops into the drink of one of the castle help, you will be able to control them for a maximum of 3 hours. If you put more than 2 drops…well let’s just say the end result isn’t very pretty.” It really never was a good idea to have the person you were attempting to control blow up into a giant mess. It was such a waste of a tool!

“I’ll be in contact with you again soon.” With that, Metalia exited the dream as silently as she had entered. Now it was time to watch and wait to see if Beryl took her up on her offer.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Luna.
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime4th November 2014, 9:57 am

Beryl was so tired from crying she laid in bed and tried to sleep. She only wished for Endymion to love her. Why couldn't she have him? They were from the same world, unlike the moon princess. What could Beryl do? She didn't have the power to control someone or to make him love her. She fell asleep thinking of Endymion and what their life together could be.

In her dreams a voice called out to her. It was the voice of a woman, but the voice was dark and terrifying. It told her she could have Endymion. The voice told her of a potion she had left for her. She could use it to control someone... After the voice told her she'd be contacted again soon, she woke up with a start. It had to be too good to be true. But as Beryl looked around there was truly a potion on her dresser waiting for her to use it.

Beryl spent her morning thinking about her dream. Who could this woman be? Should she use this potion? Who should she use it on? Well, she could use it on Endymion, but what if it was poison? Maybe she should try using it on someone less important first. But who? She had been alone walking around all morning, but finally she heard footsteps... She decided that whoever that was walking towards her, as long as it wasn't Endymion, would be the person she'd use the potion on.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime11th November 2014, 5:30 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  UjcOZsT

Kunzite led their group to the sparring hall, where a wall was covered in weapons that were mounted on the wall.  The man had decided that the duels would start with Kunzite vs. Zoisite, and the winner of that match would go against, the winner between Jadeite and Nephrite.  The overall winner of those matches would fight Endymion at the end, thus gaining the privilege of knocking some sense into his Royal Highness.

Kunzite didn't need to choose a weapon from the wall - he already had his trusty sword at his hip.  It was a blade that had been personally designed by Kunzite himself.  He had designated to the blacksmith what sacred markings to engrave on the blade, the type of metal used, the color of the hilt, the length, the thickness, every last detail.  He had used the sword for every battle ever since, and it had never failed him where it counted.

The Sparring Hall was basically on large square building, with swords lining one wall, shields and miscellaneous weapons lining another wall, and glass cases filled with trophies won by the Earth's previous rulers on a third wall.  The rest of the room was empty, leaving a massive amount of space for training and dueling.  A white circle was painted on the wooden floor in the center of the room, signifying where each member of the duel should stand.  Kunzite went to one side of the circle and stood with his sword drawn, holding it out so Zoisite could meet blades with him.  It was traditional custom for all duels on Earth - a sign of sportsmanship.  

"May the better blade triumph," Kunzite smirked, a deep tone to his voice.  He was in the zone now - this was where he belonged.  Just him and his blade.


Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 27th March 2015, 10:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

Lotus Crystal

Title : Dark Lord Spam Goddess Yami
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime13th November 2014, 7:40 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Zoisit10

Zoisite followed the others into the Sparring Hall. When he found out he would go against Kunzite, he was up for the challenge. Kunzite was a great swordman so he would have to outwit him. Like Kunzite Zoisite had his sword at his hip. He entered the circle and met blades with him. He returned Kunzite's smirk and took a step back. Zoisite decided to wait for him to make the first move. He found it was always best to observe his opponent first before making a move.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime14th November 2014, 7:30 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  UjcOZsT

Kunzite knew by the wise glint in Zoisite's eyes that the blonde man was not going to make the first move.  With a smirk on his face, Kunzite took a large step forward and lightly swung his sword, clashing the two metal blades together.  He continued to move his hands and legs, flashing his sword in different directions.  He was purposely trying to get Zoisite on the defensive end and try to tire him out.  That way Kunzite would have the upper hand.

He took another step forward, swinging the sword in a large, horizontal motion.  Knowing that he was leaving an opening in his own defenses, he stepped back, hoping to escape any move his comrade would perform.  The sword in his hand felt light and powerful, ready to commence a second round of flourishes.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 27th March 2015, 10:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
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Age : 35
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime14th November 2014, 10:57 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  MYhONKz_zps97d65afd

"Anyone care to take bets?" Nephrite asked watching as Zoite and Kuznite enter the practice ring and begin their duel. This should be an interesting match. While Kunzite had better skills and was an amazing tactician, Zoicite was fast and agile and had several tricks up his sleeves. Zoicite had, at one point or another, put them all the Shintennou and Endymion on their backs.

The brunette looked at Jadeite considering him. The younger blonde tended to be lazy in pratice sessions, really only putting in any effort in the real fights against people who wanted to harm the Prince. Jadeite still liked to mix up once in a while, by actually giving his all during a practice session.

Looking over at Endymion, he saw him grinning in joy. Nephrite could feel some of the tension he had been feeling melt away. Ever since the Prince had met the Moon Princess, the Prince was becoming increasingly more sad and listless and the longer he was away from the Princess, the worse it got. The only time he really was happy these days was when they were about to head to the Moon Kingdom like now, or when they were there and he was spending time with Princess Serenity. It was good to see him smiling about something simple though.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Luna.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime15th November 2014, 8:04 am

As the steps of someone in the palace grew closer Beryl's heart wrenched. She had no idea who the person coming down the hall would be and she had no idea if this potion would work. The woman from her dreams could have been just that, a dream, but then what of the potion appearing right next to her when she woke up. She was so unsure of everything and her thoughts swirled in her head.

Finally, she saw a maid walk into view. "You there!" Beryl said trying to sound commanding. The maid stopped and turned towards Beryl. "Yes?" the maid said. "Come over here please." Beryl said nicely, "I'd like someone to try this new tonic I've been working on." Beryl had never really told anything but the truth and as the maid walked towards her she couldn't think of a lie. "I....It should give you more energy, you look a little tired." Beryl smiled at the maid, hoping she'd believe her lie. The maid smiled at her and said, "Okay miss." Beryl had the maid follow her to the kitchen where they got some water and she put two drops of the potion into it. "Here, drink." Said Beryl. The maid did as she was told and in a matter of minutes Beryl could tell something was different with her.

Beryl could feel the space in her mind grow blank. As a sage she could feel a lot of different things in people. She could tell when someone was sick or dying and somehow when this potion was administered she felt the change in this woman. What should I have her do? Beryl thought and then she remembered Endymion was leaving for the moon soon. Wouldn't it be fun if she could delay that somehow? They had been packing yesterday, surely if their luggage just happened to be unpacked it would take them longer and maybe, just maybe they wouldn't go. Endymion only had a set amount of days he could be gone, from what Beryl understood. Yes, Beryl thought, This is what I'll have her do. For the first time, Beryl smiled an unfamiliar smile, one of triumph and wickedness.

Beryl led the maid out of the kitchen and to the room where all of the prince's and the Shitennou's luggage was. "I'd like you to undo all of their packing." Beryl said, "Oh and hide some of the important things. I'd like it to take them as long as possible to find everything they need." Beryl walked away as the maid got to work and decided to come back in an hour or so to see if her plan worked.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime15th November 2014, 10:58 am

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  SIi1GWf

Endymion grinned as Kunzite began his assault on Zoisite.  Remembering his last battle with the silver-haired man, Endymion wondered if Zoisite would be able to hold up.  It had always been difficult to block all of Kunzite's attacks, in Endymion's opinion, but perhaps Zoisite's defense skills were better than he thought.  The blonde man always had good perception, so perhaps he could find a weak spot of Kunzite's that Endymion had never found before.  

"I'm placing my bet on Zoisite," Endymion answered Nephrite, a small smile on his face.  He figured the more faith he had in Zoisite, the better chance he had at winning.  Kunzite was good, but Zoisite was intelligent.  It was an even match, in Endymion's opinion.

He was a little more concerned over whether or not Nephrite would win against Jadeite.  Nephrite was strong and determined, and Jadeite was a bit lazy, but at the same time, Endymion had seen Jadeite's behavior when fired up.  It was rather impressive, how fast the man could move when he set his mind to something.

Endymion's eyebrow raised when he spotted Kunzite make a very dangerous move.  He swiped his sword horizontally, which left an opening for Zoisite on Kunzite's left side.  But was Kunzite baiting the other man?  Or was it simply a mistake?  

It was up to Zoisite whether or not he went for the opening or not.  Anticipating the rest of the battle, the young prince crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back, watching on with interest.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 2nd March 2015, 12:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime15th November 2014, 11:17 am

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Zoisit10

'Trying to tired me out?' Zoisite thought to himself as Kunzite came at him. Their swords were clashing back in forth. 'Oh, Kunzite you are better than this. I guess you don't want to lose the bet, huh? Well I'm going to make sure you dance tonight.' Zoisite kept up with defending himself a little bit longer. He wanted to make Kunzite think he had the upper hand. 

Zoisite then noticed Kunzite left an opening, when he swiped his sword horizontally. He raised his eyebrow. Did he really think he would fall for such a bait? Any man would, but Zoisite was no fool. He just let out another smirk and took a jump back. He then motion Kunzite to come at him with his hand. Zoisite wasn't going to go down without a fight.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime15th November 2014, 9:17 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  UjcOZsT

Kunzite cursed mentally, frustrated that Zoisite hadn't fallen for his bait.  His eyes narrowed when Zoisite taunted him, motioning for Kunzite to try again.  Angry now, Kunzite began his second assault.  His arm moved quickly, rapidly, not relenting in its movements against Zoisite's defenses.  His body moved so much that his cape began to twist and trap Kunzite's legs and waist as he moved, causing a distraction.  His jaw was clenched as he continued to step forward, forcing Zoisite to either step back or challenge Kunzite in a blade-on-blade challenge of strength.  

He moved to take another step forward, but was shocked to find his foot had been trapped by the cape attached to his shoulders.  With a gasp of surprise, Kunzite went tumbling to the floor.  His sword flew out of his hand, skittering to another side of the room.  He looked up at Zoisite, knowing that his blade would be pointed directly at him.  He was defeated.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 27th March 2015, 10:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime15th November 2014, 9:30 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Zoisit10

Zoisite was amused by Kunzite's reaction. Who knew that calm minded Kunzite could get pissed off so easily? As he was coming at him Zoisite noticed that his cape was getting in the way. He decided to use this to his advantage. Zoisite kept dodging his sword so the cape could get tangled more. When Kuznite tripped over his own cape and fell on the floor, Zoisite smirked once more. He has won without laying a finger on him.

He walked over to his brother and pointed his sword at him. " Looks like I'm victorious." Zoisite then put away his sword and offer his hand to help his brother up.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime16th November 2014, 8:19 am

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  UjcOZsT

Kunzite looked up at Zoisite, facing the fact that he had lost simply because he had forgotten to remove his cape.  Yes, that was it.  He had beaten Zoisite before, but this time it just wasn't meant to be.  

Suppressing an ashamed grunt, Kunzite accepted Zoisite's hand and stood, brushing himself off.  "I'm holding you to a do-over in the future," Kunzite said, clapping his fellow shittenou on the shoulder.  "Good fight."  

He went over to pick up his sword, heading over to where the other men were standing.  He refused to look at any of them, knowing that the look in their eyes would ridicule him.  He would be chivalrous, but his chivalry only went to far.  To distract himself, he removed his cape from his shoulders and used it to polish his blade.

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  SIi1GWf

Endymion was pleasantly surprised when Zoisite came out on top, winning the match.  He had made a wise decision in his bet.  Kunzite had won too many duels in the past - it was about time he was put in his place.  But Endymion had to give him credit.  Kunzite knew how to accept a loss, unlike Endymion, who always sulked after losing a match.  But no, the leader of the shittenou served as a good example, carrying himself with dignity and not allowing the loss to have an exterior effect on him.  Of course, he was probably cussing Zoisite out on the inside, but as long as it remained on the inside, Endymion didn't care.

The prince looked over at Jadeite, smirking.  Coming up behind him, Endymion heavily placed both hands on the younger boy's shoulders and shoved him forward.  "You're up, man," he said, looking over and nodding for Nephrite to enter the "ring."  

This would be a good one.

"My bet's on...Jadeite."  Endymion had faith in the blonde, knowing that he was actually a skilled fighter who just didn't apply himself.

Last edited by Miss Moon Rose on 27th March 2015, 10:47 am; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime16th November 2014, 9:51 am

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  MYhONKz_zps97d65afd

Nephrite grinned as Zocite won. Looks like Kunzite had forgotten to compensate for his cape and paid the price for that folly. His grinned faded a bit as he watched his friend leave the ring. Kunzite was upset but was hiding it well. Someone who didn't know the silver haired man as well as Nephrite wouldn't be able to tell. His friend believed they would mock him for forgetting about his cape, which is probably why he was so upset. Nephrite's friend hated to be made fun of.

The brunette found himself wanting to go and comfort his friend but knew that even if they were alone, Kunzite wouldn't accept it, not with the mood he was in. If Nephrite even tried right now, Kunzite would shut him down so hard and fast.

When Endymion announced that his bet was on Jadeite, Nephrite couldn't help but speak up.

"Is that so My Prince? I guess we'll have to see if your predictions come true. Grabbing his sword and making sure that his cape was indeed off, Nephrite headed into the practice ring.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime16th November 2014, 12:27 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Zoisit10

Zoisite smiled softly, when Kunzite patted him on the shoulder. He felt proud of himself for beating the eldest of the Shitennou. Being the youngest, Zoisite looked up to Kunzite. He wanted Kunzite to be proud of him. He joined the others along the wall and it was now time for Nephrite and Jadeite to duel. Zoisite found this match interesting. Nephrite was a skilled fighter so was Jadeite. However his laziness could get in the way. So to see him win the match would be quite humorous.

"My bets are on Jadeite as well," Zoisite spoke up folding his arms across the chest and lean up against the wall. The blond better win.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime17th November 2014, 5:07 pm

The blue blond was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. He thought this whole due thing was pointless and a waste of his time. He just wanted to go to the moon and get it over with. The only thing he was looking forward to was the chance of meeting moon babes. The girls that worked in the palace were chatty and annoying. 

He opened his right eye to see how the fight between Kunzite and Zoisite was going. To his amazement Zoisite won this match. How could Kunzite lose in such a foolish way? He then heard the prince placing his bets on him with his match between Nephrite. The he heard Zoisite betting on him as well. Jadeite let out a sigh and walked to the practice ring joining Nephrite. He let out a big yawn and pulled out his blade. He was going to have actually try during this match.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime19th November 2014, 11:01 am

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  MYhONKz_zps97d65afd

"Prepared to lose Jadeite?" He taunted, unsheathing his sword and easily falling into a ready stance. Jadeite may be lazy but he was also quick to be impatient about some things and Nephrite was planning on using that to his advantage. No way was he going to lose and make a fool of himself in front of the Moon Family. That woman in Green, she was always with the Princess. He didn't want to risk being in idiot in front of her. It wouldn't do well for his plan to seduce her if she thought him a fool.

“I’m sure you’re already planning your routine to keep the Moon Family entertained.”
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime30th November 2014, 4:33 pm

Jadeite just rolled his eyes at Nephrite. Taunting never got to him. He saw no point in getting worked up over silly words. He walked backwards and began to orbit around Nephrite. He was waiting for the right moment to the strike. When he brought up the stupid bet, Jadeite quickly ran up to him and punched him right in the stomach. He punch him hard enough that it should knock back him to leave him open. Jadeite then raise his sword to strike Nephrite to the ground.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Nephrite
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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime30th November 2014, 6:19 pm

[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  MYhONKz_zps97d65afd

Nephrite grunted as the somewhat unexpected punch to his stomach landed, causing him to double over slightly in pain. He was still prepared for Jadeite’s attack when the blonde quickly brought down his sword to hit him. He rolled forward, and stopped when he was in a crouch. Leaning his weight to one side, he swept his leg out, taking Jadeite’s feet out from under him and causing the blonde-haired man to land harshly on his back. Standing up, he pressed the tip of his sword into Jadeite’s throat just enough that it drew a little blood. The nick was nothing the younger Shitennou couldn’t recover from.

“Do you yield?” he said coldly. Jadeite had played a dirty trick and Nephrite was somewhat upset with him.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!    [Advanced] Betrayal of Our Prince!  I_icon_minitime30th November 2014, 6:35 pm

"Whatever," Jadeite said coolly and knocked Nephrite's hand with his own causing the sword to move away from him. He then stood up and put his sword away. He slowly walked over back to the wall. He didn't care that he lost. He'll just have to make sure he that he would win in the loser round. 

Zoisite frowned. He was hoping that Jadeite would win just to humor Nephrite. It didn't surprise him that Jadeite was playing dirty. But he deserved to lose.  He glanced at Jadeite then to Nephrite then to Endymion. He just realized that he would have to fight against Nephrite. Zoisite then just walked over to the practice ring joining Nephrite. He would have to be careful during this match. Zoisite did feel bit confident seeing how Jadeite's punch slightly weaken Nephrite. 

"Ready?" he asked the older Shitennou as he drew his sword.
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