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 GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!

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GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd March 2018, 3:03 pm

Yay more Myu love~! Added and updated! @Brit-chan yessssss Forbidden Hades is amazing!!

I don't know how far I'll get myself with this since I've only seen a few but I'll start anyways.  GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 3269465977

Day 1. What was your first Myu and/or how did you get into Myu?

The first full Myu I watched was Mugen Gakuen - Mistress Labyrinth. I had seen tons of clips and images from all the old Myu by then but finally I sat down and watched that one in it's entirety. I was doing a cover of the song HEREAFTER with Tsuki no Uta at the time and I wanted to understand the context of the song to help focus my delivery when singing the words.

I may have cried... XD. It's a pretty beautiful moment when they sing that number ;_;.
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Lotus Crystal


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GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime25th March 2018, 2:13 am

Yes the last day is very beautiful... 

So i continue !
 No I prefer the live action, but after it's similar between mangas anime and sera myu. It isn't my favorite version because it's difficult to all understand it if you never seen the anime or other version before. 

Eien desetsu because i know sera myu because of it. 

 Sorry for the english....
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GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime25th March 2018, 1:15 pm

This is fun!! I''ll do a few to start with!

Day 1. What was your first Myu and/or how did you get into Myu?

I probably first found out about myu through youtube videos of the songs? I first discovered them in middle school, I loved Koi no Senshi Ja, Sailor War Supreme, I Miss You, Miracle Twister (that was the only Tux song I'd heard, actually), You're My Jewelry, and, of course, La Soldier. I knew I would love the musicals when I watched them, but also really wanted to watch them in order, and never found them all in one place or in order, so I just sorda stuck to the songs I knew. Anyways, summer after I graduated high school, I finally found SoS and watched them all in order, starting from Gaiden. It took me 6 years after finding out about myu to actually watch one, hahah.

Day 2. Is Sera Myu your favorite version of Sailor Moon? Why or why not?
Yup! I think there's a good chance PGSM would've beat it out if it had gone farther than the first season and maintained the same quality. In any case, I love Myu because each musical is its own freestanding story, so they have more freedom to mess around with the story in fun ways without having to worry about dealing with it later. Plus, like with any stage play, all of the actors are constantly doing things, even when they aren't the main focus, so you're able to really see the characters through background interactions and the like. Plus the music
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime25th March 2018, 5:46 pm

cardea wrote:
I think there's a good chance PGSM would've beat it out if it had gone farther than the first season and maintained the same quality.

Ahhhh yisss that would have been pretty spectacular!

I've added you to the progress list! :3
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Lotus Crystal


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GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th March 2018, 9:59 am

I love your answers Cardea !

Day 4. Lease favorite musical(s)?

I have a problem with musicals dracul... I hate dracul and vampire in general so... I didn't like these very well.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th March 2018, 10:19 am

@emrys  you break my heart! OTL  GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 2869872805

Day 20. Favorite Villain Number

Oh my...which one to pick!?

Galaxia Gorgeous, Tenkuu no Utage, Ruby no Aka, Onna Kaizoku no Sakusen, All of You Shall Die, Kaikou ~ Lilith to Astarte, Itan no Juusei, Innocent Demand...there's so many good ones.

I'll put a couple of videos too cause why not?


Day 21. Favorite Tuxedo Mask Actor/Actress

Yuu Shirota!!!!  And Yuuta Mochizuki.  Most of the other ones haven't really stood out to me much, probably cause their roles weren't always huge either. However, I did enjoy the chemistry between Fumina and Hironari Amano in both of their Kaguya shows!  

Annnd thats all I got time for right now. xD
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th March 2018, 1:23 pm

Day 3. Favorite musical?
All of the Kaguyas! It's just such a fun plot, I love the villains (both groups!), and plus the music is amazing! Don't ask me to choose a favorite out of the 4, because I love them all.

Day 4. Least favorite musical? if you'd asked me this a year ago I would've said Shin Densetsu Kourin in a heartbeat, but now it's actually one of my favorites (I say as if they all aren't), so it's harder to choose... a lot of the musicals have aspects I don't like, but they all also include something I love! From a general standpoint, possibly the original S musical? I love Haruka and Michiru in it, and the Death Manetjes are wonderful (much better than the ones in Last Dracul, imo), but it doesn't include Saturn (or Pluto), and they don't even defeat the enemy at the end.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th March 2018, 1:51 pm

Another day, another 2 answers!

Day 5. Favorite thing about Myu
Like I said earlier, I love that myu takes liberties with the story of Sailor Moon, and that it allows you to really see each character through their background actions. and the music

Day 6. Least favorite thing about Myu
While there are a variety of aspects I dislike about specific musicals, the main problem I have with the musicals is a lack of explanation, and expecting you to just go along with it. While a lot of this is because it is assuming the audience is familiar with the story, it doesn't do well explaining things that are new. Big examples of this are how the inner senshi became senshi if not through the Dark Kingdom, who certain characters are (MC Fly and Sailor Buttress??). The Dracul arc especially shows this; while it's a great story, it takes a lot of effort and piecing together to make everything line up and make sense.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th March 2018, 6:30 pm

Day 22. Favorite Chibi Moon Actress

Since I had mentioned it before in a past favorite actres question, I'll just copy/pasta what I wrote. xD

Chibimoon - Ayano Gunji from Shin Densetsu Kourin - Last Dracul. She was super adorable! I thought she played a great rebel Chibiusa in Kaguya. Also runner up to Noel Miyazaki who was one of the Chibiusa's in the Black Lady musicals. She was fantastic there.

Day 23. Favorite Costume

Day 24. Worst Costume

^^^^I'm gunna skip these two because I feel like I need to do a rewatch or go find a good screencaps tumblr or something to recall all the costumes lol.

Day 25. WTF moment?

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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th March 2018, 7:40 am

Day 7. If you could change one thing about Myu what would it be?
I'm a pretty "leave it as it is" type person, but one thing I do wish is that all of the musicals, fankans, and other events were released on DVD in their entirety and without commentary (or with optional commentary), and that there were CDs for every musical. (However, I often wonder what the current situation of Myu would be if there had never been a hiatus...)

Day 8. Favorite Moon Actress
Fumina! I really do love all the actresses for Moon, but she's my favorite! To me, she really manages to portray Usagi's funny side, but also her kindness incredibly well, and she brings a certain level of coolness and grace to Moon. Of course, her NQS is wonderful as well. As a side note, I'm also super glad she's my favorite because she's the only one whose musicals were entirely released into 1 boxset! The Fumina boxset is the only myu DVDs I own so far, and I love them <3.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th March 2018, 9:35 am

@cardea I love your answer about seeing the other characters in the background while the focus is on another speaker! I had never really thought about that.

@Brit-chan - almost done!!!

Day 2. Is Sera Myu your favorite version of Sailor Moon? Why or why not?

Naw it's still my least favorite version ^^;;;;;;. Though, I appreciate it a lot more than I did at first! It's kind of just a whole bunch of little things that add up for me to give that result... The lack of explanations (especially when it comes to the baddies doing what they're doing if it's different from the anime/manga), the way a lot of the senshi songs are sung vs. how they're composed, the early Usagi wigs... I won't go into the whole thing. Mostly it's just because I know and love the other versions better anyways :p.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th March 2018, 11:12 am

@Diagnosed GET OUT. YOU DON'T BELONG ANYMORE. GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 3884866259 j/k!! You certainly aren't wrong to say the musicals (both old and new) have issues. Some of the plots, as dear as they are to me, are so convoluted or just drag on.  They are certainly not for the newbie SM fan, which is not what they were intended to be for anyway. also if we're gunna talk early Usagi wigs, can't not mention early Minako wigs, those are just as bad. xD

Day 26. Funniest moment

There's quite a lot of these too. xD I love the adlibbing, especially in Eien Densetsu Kaiteiban's final day. Yuuta and Ryuuji together are a riot. I also liked the scene in La Reconquista with the Lemures Leader and Usagi. It's a funny adlibbed scene. One of the few good comedic scenes from new myu. xD

Oh and since it's fresh in my memory, when the "mysterious girl" (Hotaru) ditches Usagi on the high swing in SuperS after her Miss Dream number. XD
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th March 2018, 9:22 pm

Gotta be me. GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 2027930456
YESSS the comedic parts are absolutely the best!!!! Some of them really outdo the anime even imo. I swear I'm not backpedaling XD.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th March 2018, 7:10 pm

So I'm gonna do all of the senshi actresses in one, just because!

Day 9. Favorite Inner Senshi Actress(es)
Hmmm, so this is probably a bit biased because I tend to focus on Minako, but... Ayumi Murata! Her sense of humor and joke delivery are wonderful, but she also portrays Minako's serious side well! 

Day 10. Least Favorite Inner Senshi Actress(es)
Kaori Sakata played Mako in Ai no Sanctuary. That's all. 

Day 11.  Favorite Outer Senshi Actress(es)
Karin Takahashi. Like wow. The way she changes between Hotaru, Saturn, and Mistress 9 in Un Nouveau Voyage. This girl has got skilllllllls. Plus, her voice is amazing.

Day 12. Least Favorite Outer Senshi Actress(es)
So, hm. Probably one of the first stage Michirus? I tend to lose track of them, I think there was a not so great one? One thing I will say though is I absolutely love with all of my heart all of the Haruka actresses and could go on a 10 minute rant about the particular charm any one of them brings to the role.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th March 2018, 6:40 pm

Day 13. Favorite Villain(s)
Depends on whether we're talking for funsies or for serious... while I like all of the original villains, there are so many in each musical that it's hard to choose just one from the bunch, plus a lot of them are pseudo-villains, so I feel they don't count. I'm tempted to say Dark Cain, but I think that's around 63% just because I love Kenji Tominaga. I think in the end, Galaxia has to win out. She's just so cool, and terrifying, and all of her actresses do an amazing job portraying that. Plus when Yumie has scenes where she is terrified by Chibi Chibi after being ruthless for the entire musical? I loooooove it.

Day 14. Least Favorite Villain(s)
Sailor Buttress is weird, useless, and not even entertaining, like, ever? She's just annoying. Also I have no idea what architecture has to do with anything. You could theoretically use it to say she's Galaxia's "support" but that makes no sense because she doesn't actually help.

Day 15. Favorite Musical only character
This is the place for the pirates! However! It's not Loof Merrow! Minor character love strikes again! I've been watching clips from Shin Kaguya and Shin Kaguya K all week and I just adore the androids. Amazingly, even though I love Ado and Yoshiya (both in this musical and in general), I actually think either Serpen or Kraken might be my favorite. Serpen's unrequited love is so sweet and seeing his reactions to Loof Merrow's love is in turn hilarious. The best word I can think of to describe Kraken is "doofus." He's great. In any case the 4 of them and Loof Merrow make a great troupe.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime31st March 2018, 6:43 am

LOL I have been dying to see Sailor Buttress in action since she looks like Chaos!Galaxia from the anime and yet has the most awkward name ever XD.

Already at Day 3 the challenge questions are starting to be better aimed at those who have seen at least most of the musicals ^^;;. I'll definitely come back to this later though!! And of course continue to bump the thread and comment so there aren't as many triple posts lol~.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd April 2018, 8:27 am

i love all your answers it's very interessant, lots of point of vue...

Day 5. :  Songs ! and dance. It's very coordinate with action and give us differents émotions.
Day 6.: Hum... dracul
Day 7: Hum.... dracul xD i hate it sorry !
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime5th April 2018, 7:26 pm

Hahah, your day 6 & 7 answers crack me up, emrys! I totally agree though, the songs/dances are used so well in myu to bring out the emotions!!

Speaking of... On to the songs!! This one took me a bit because I wanted to do all of the song questions in one day, and it's so hard to choose a favorite out of so many good options!! Also, it took some serious restraint not to just end up with the entire shin kaguya songlist as my answers, haha!

Day 16. Top 5 Songs and/or BGM
These aren't in a particular order, mostly because there is no particular order.
1. What for!? Shinjitsu no Kajitsu - My favorite of all the "everyone on stage singing" songs! This musical in general has a lot of good songs (By Heaven, Get across the moon, Prince of earth, etc.) and this song showcases them all so well! Plus that one line, "Light calls to the innocent darkness, Darkness calls to the sinful light" is soooo good!
2. Itan no Juusei - Talk about a beautiful voice. Nana Maria Okamoto might have the best voice in all of myu. Other than that, I love the concept of a planet split in 2 and this song beautifully exhibits the thoughts of both Vulcan and Death Vulcan.
3. See Me, Bokutachi no Jidai - The Three Lights song of my life. I love this song. Even sadness is a part of happiness. Just. Chasin' can get me pumped but THIS. This is the song for me. 
4. Ice Doll - This one was a bit obvious, since I love the Shin Kaguya pirates. This song does such a good job expanding on each of their viewpoints, plus it features each of their voices wonderfully.
5. Orlean no Sei Senshi ~Uranus to Neptune no Uragiri~ - A great twist on the theme of the musical, and a heart wrenching song (and scene) in general. While I of course adore the original scene, I also love how they would bring back the instrumental for dramatic Uranep moments.

Day 17. Overall Favorite Song
Junketsu no Narcissism! Even though I say that, I don't know what to say about it! I just love it, especially the version in the musical with Moon and Loof Merrow duetting.

Day 18. Favorite Theme Song
LINK! I love the song itself, and it's so well intertwined with the other songs throughout the musical that it really feels like a theme. Plus the scene when they sing it and Moon comes up from the floor and...yessss!! So good! However, FIRE has my favorite instrumental version; it makes such a good curtain call!

Day 19. Favorite Character Image Song
5 Women of the White Moon! I think this qualifies as an image song? In any case, I love it! The quoted lyrics from the manga are super cute for self introductions, plus the way the instrumentation and style changes for each senshi is adorable! While other image songs might be better quality song-wise, I think for the purpose of character introduction, this one wins for me! From old myu though, either The World Died Out or Forbidden Hades. I prefer The World Died Out as a song when it comes on, but Forbidden Hades is soooo great to see performed.

Day 20. Favorite Villain Number
Going totally out of left field here, I think. Ankoku no Sonnet! It's so good! On one hand, they feel betrayed and believe they are acting in the right, but also they're definitely still evil, so it really feels like a villain number! It also is one of those songs that makes me happy Myu is in Japanese, because it gets stuck in my head a lot and it's only okay to sing about destroying humanity and the earth if nobody knows what you're saying!

Also, it wasn't a question, but shoutout to Tuxedo Versus for being my favorite Tux song!

Now for youtube video links!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime6th April 2018, 6:16 pm

Back to the actors today~!

Day 21. Favorite Tuxedo Mask Actor/Actress
Kenji Urai!! I always feel biased when I say this because I've also seen him as Light in Death Note and love him there, BUT! He was my favorite before I'd seen that! He just really, to me, emphasizes the dorky side of Mamoru, and really gets into singing and dancing in the group songs, like his performance in Private Mystery Circle. I will say though, even though Kenji is my favorite Mamoru and Fumina is my favorite Usagi, Anza and Yuuta probably make for my favorite pair.

Day 22. Favorite Chibi Moon Actress
This is a difficult one!! However, I have to go with Noel Miyazaki and Moe Oosaki. Noel does absolutely wonderful in Black Lady both in the humorous scenes like where she pulls out a gun, and with the serious scenes you know the one. Moe, though! She's really fun and cute as well, and I love Chibiusa no Umi.
I'm definitely biased towards later Chibiusa actresses though, simply because I like the characterization used for Chibiusa there more. While first stage chibs had more of a bratty attitude and fought with Usagi more, by Marina's era there was more of a happy family dynamic used for Usagi, Mamoru, and Chibiusa which is just adorable.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime6th April 2018, 9:22 pm

cardea wrote:
... Anza and Yuuta probably make for my favorite pair.
I am with you 100% on this!!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime8th April 2018, 1:25 am

sorry cardea !

So today, actor/actress...

Day 8. Favorite Moon Actress : My first love, Anza Ooyama. She is the first who played sailor moon and she payed for a long time. She was young too and very emotionnal. She played very well too.

Day 9. Favorite Inner Senshi Actress(es): my answer is influence by PGSM but i loved to find an actress of PGSM in sera myu too ! Chieko Kawabe in sailor mercury.

Day 10. Least Favorite Inner Senshi Actress(es): I have not, they are very good all of them. They do their better so it's good for me^^

Day 11. Favorite Outer Senshi Actress(es) Rei Saitou in sailor pluton. Her voice is just so beautiful and she is a perfect pluto

Day 12. Least Favorite Outer Senshi Actress(es) I have not.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime8th April 2018, 11:21 am

Outfit time!! I didn't think I would have much to say here, but I did! After these two, I'll answer the prompts 1 at a time.

Day 23. Favorite Costume
Shoutout to Le Mouvement Final for making the only version of the Eternal Sailor Moon outfit I find aesthetically pleasing. Maybe some of the artbook images as well, but. Yeah. However! While I like that outfit, it's not my favorite... a lot of the original villain outfits are my favorites because they got to have fun with them... I especially like the Coatl outfits in Shin Kaguya (shiny hair!!!) and the Hoshino family's outfits in Mugen Gakuen. For New Myu, I always love the ensemble villain outfits!
Oh also, my favorite version of Super Sailor Moon is Un Nouveau Voyage; her back bow is gorgeous.

Day 24. Least Favorite Costume
I was about to go on a spiel about how I like all of the costumes but then I remembered. Wiseman. Black Lady isn't the best for him, but Petite Etrangere. Hmm. Yeah. No. Actually, there's not a person in the one Wiseman, so I'm not sure if it counts as a costume? It's still bad though. That's the only costume that actually makes me a bit sad.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th April 2018, 11:31 am

Day 13. Favorite Villain(s) : I love Zoisite in the new myu, la reconquista ! It's the first time i like Zoisite, except in PGSM. The relation with mercury, his loyality, his death... i was impressed by Zoisite here. 
In others Myu, There are lots of villain and actors or actresses change, so i don't know... 

Day 14. Least Favorite Villain(s): I hate Wiseman. It's not just in myu but this villain anoyed me. He tell, he play with his ball and it's all... Can i say Dracul too ? 

Day 15. Favorite Musical only character ? Loof Merrow. I fall in love with this princess the first time i watch "her" myu. Her relation with king endymion, her past, her story,... it's a very good idea. And she sings very good too. When i think to this myu, king endymion is very funny like a space man who defend justice. 
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th April 2018, 12:57 pm

Day 25: WTF moment

So there's this one line... I know for sure it's Kawasaki Miki, and I think it's as Dark Menorah in Shin Kaguya. In any case, she says the line "Meetings are a time for separation" and every time I watch this musical I have to take a picture of the screen at that time and send it to someone because that's actually the opposite of what a meeting is. 

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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th April 2018, 11:01 am

@emrys oh goodness, the Wiseman prop(??) in New Myu was especially bad >.>. It shook stiffly as it rolled across the floor XDDD. I hope I'm not thinking of the old Black Lady myu though 'cause I saw that one around the same time like 2 years ago now ^^;;;.

@cardea FYI, I spoilered out your spoiler... MY VIRGIN MYU EYES!!! XD Which musical was it though? I may have to make that one the first that I watch because that makes it pretty intense!

I updated both of your progress~~. Almost to the end, already! Who will finish first?!
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th April 2018, 1:31 pm

@diagnosed it's not spoilers if you don't know when it happens  GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 111859084 Sorry about that though!! but nah, but it's not as...intense as it sounds? more of just funny and a bit confusing when you realize what just happened. I'd actually heard about it before I watched but it still caught me off guard! if you still want to know which musical it is, it is... 
i'll use the spoiler this time!:

Day 26. Funniest moment
I live for confusion scenes, as well as ad libs and jokes that make references to previous roles of actors or otherwise call back to earlier musicals. One of my favorite scenes though, for the sheer absurdity and uselessness of it, is in Sailor Stars when Hotaru and Chibiusa are sent back in time to the Edo period. There are other one liners and jokes I probably prefer, but just as a whole scene, this one is absolutely wonderful and ridiculous.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime15th April 2018, 1:03 pm

Day 27.

So the worrrst moment. That gets me evverrry time. Is from Chou Wakusei Death Vulcan...


Of course, there are a ton of other good scenes as well. Any Uranep scene with Uragiri, whether instrumental or sung. The scene from Black Lady. But I think the reason the Death Vulcan one gets me is because literally every time I forget about it while I'm watching the musical and then it's the middle of this battle and it's just so sudden! By the time I remember the scene it's already happening and I'm yelling!
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime16th April 2018, 9:01 pm

Wow that sounds like a great scene!
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime18th April 2018, 11:26 am

Hihi there are lots of goods in sera myu ! To continue i need to listen music ^^
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PostSubject: Re: GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge!   GC's Sera Myu 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime22nd April 2018, 9:31 am

I'm excited to see what your song picks are, emrys!! It does take a bit to decide though, since they're all so good!

Day 28. Cheesiest Moment

Hmmmm, 2 things come to mind here; the obviously fake UsaMamo kisses (Not to be confused with the one, incredibly dramatic, very real kiss. What a good scene.), and the Shitennou deaths in La Reconquista where rather than falling over onto the stage, they dramatically spin off stage! It makes me laugh every time.
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