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 [Advanced] Dead Ringer

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[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th May 2015, 6:08 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 1666276025

Ami went home that night, and went straight to bed. She would have normally studied the previous days school notes or read a few chapters from one of her novels, but not tonight. Tonight she had no ambition to study, this had only happened once before when he dad had first went away.

Without knowing when, sleep eventually took over Ami, and she had dream that Usagi was at school, running late as usual, and nagging Ami to let her copy her homework. Her alarm went off, and Ami's heart ached. How she wished that was true. Her communicator beeped as she got the message from Minako at the command center. She decided she would go over after class.

After dressing and skipping breakfast, Ami barely focused all day at school. Her teacher was even amazed because she got a math question wrong on a pop quiz, which even worried her teacher. After class Ami met the others at the command center. She over heard them say that Usagi's parents had forgotten about her. 

"Any luck?" Ami asked Minako.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th May 2015, 11:06 pm

Makoto could see Rei standing outside the Arcade, but she didn't move towards her. If Rei didn't want to enter right now, she probably had a reason. Maybe she was just preparing herself for what they were about to do. 

She looked up as the door to the Arcade opened, and watched as Ami passed her by. Following her in, she entered the control room as well. She wanted to ask Ami how she was handling things, but it seemed too late for that. For better or worse, they were going to fight. 

"Did you really find where the Dark Kingdom's base is?" Makoto asked. If it was true, this was their only chance to finish this war in one move. Either they'd win or die trying.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th May 2015, 4:03 am

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 XhFxfRD

Reality still hadn't quite settled in.

After the meeting at the command center, Mamoru found himself to be almost in a trance. He was almost hit by a car multiple times as he walked home, but he didn't have the energy to care. So much had happened in the course of just a few hours, and he felt like his mind was at war with itself. This feeling didn't go away all throughout the night. Sleep was an impossible thought.

Usagi, Sailor Moon, had died. A legendary warrior who cared more for her friends and family than she did for herself. She was clumsy and whiny, but she was a good friend. A good person. Someone who was not supposed to die.

Mamoru felt something with her. He couldn't exactly pinpoint what exactly it was, but he felt...connected with her, in a way. Saving her and protecting her had always been his top priority. He needed her to live and be happy. In truth, he loved to see her smile and laugh. He loved how red her face became when he saved her, or how happy her eyes were after winning a battle.

And now all of that was gone. Mamoru felt empty, as if she had taken a part of him with her.

And then there was the princess. Was this Sailor Venus really the girl he had been searching for for so long? After finding her, Mamoru didn't feel any sense of relief or accomplisment. He still felt as if there was something missing - one final piece of the puzzle that he had yet to find. That would be his new mission. Find out what was being kept from him.

The next day, Mamoru got a call from Venus asking him to come to the command center. After getting ready and pulling himself together, Mamoru began the short journey to the arcade. He kept his mind clear of all thoughts - guys could do that, you know - and tried to enjoy the weather. But he couldn't. Not when he had that small feeling that today was not going to go well.

Mamoru spotted Rei outside the arcade, standing by herself. She looked to be deep in thought, and so he tentatively approached her. "Hey, you alright?" he asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. The raven-haired girl shook her head in dismay.

"What are we going to do?" Rei asked. Before Mamoru could even attempt to think of a response, the sliding doors opened and Rei walked inside. Sighing, he followed, preparing himself for the worst.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th May 2015, 12:46 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 9CzsVSN

“Because the princess was…!” Minako couldn’t finish her words. Tears overwhelmed her and choked up her throat. The princess was everything. She was the one they were meant to protect. And she was the one who had the Silver Crystal. That was supposed to be their salvation. Without it, they could not seal Metalia. Minako still remembered the battle of the moon kingdom vividly. Unlike the others, her memories were intact, and she recalled how the tide had turned the moment Serenity died. She was gone, and then everyone else fell until there was no one left.

She couldn’t believe trying not to repeat that mistake had resulted in the very same thing. She wanted to throw things, overturn the stupid computers, and just trash this entire place. Her anger and frustration at Usagi’s death was tearing her apart. She hadn’t dealt with it all night because she had tried to focus on the job, but now she couldn’t suppress it anymore.

Their princess was gone.

Artemis’ last words echoed in her mind. What would happen if the others discover her lie in the midst of battle? They would hate her for sure. They might even abandon her. She deserved it. But would they abandon the world? She didn’t need them to continue fighting for her. It was for the sake of the world. For the sake of not making Usagi’s death pointless. Surely they could see that. Surely they could see that it was more important than anything else.

She hated this. She had never felt so alone, even when she was the only soldier who’d been awakened. She’d spent a full year being Sailor V, with no ally to back her up, having to tend to her own injuries alone and crying to sleep in the middle of the night with only Artemis as her support. But even now Artemis had abandoned her. Her only confidante and her advisor. She almost fell apart completely thinking that she had lost his faith, too. Artemis was her precious friend, guardian, and teacher. He was the one who knew the real her. Not Sailor V, not Venus, not the princess. The real Minako.

And now he’d walked away, too. The devastation was like the straw that broke the camel’s back.

Was she still fit to be their leader? Even when she was leading them all to the edge of a cliff?

Minako hunched over the control panels, her palms pressed her on the countertop. She couldn’t do this. She wanted to just vanish, to disappear, to stop bearing all this responsibility she was way too young to bear. She wanted to stop being Venus and just be Minako Aino.

Why couldn’t she be the one who died? If only she could trade her life for Usagi’s, she would do it in a heartbeat.

The screen in front of her showed Ami, Mako, Rei, and Mamoru outside the Crown Fruit Parlor, and she quickly wiped her tears. Taking a deep breath, she carefully compartmentalized her emotions once more and assumed the role of leader once again. They could not see her falter or break down. She was the princess.

When the girls and Mamoru entered, she’d already put on her façade once more. She gave them all a wan smile and cued up the D-point map on the computer screen.

“This is our enemy’s base. It’s located at D-point in the North Pole. We could easily get there with Sailor Teleport…” she trailed off when her eyes landed on Mamoru. “Even with a passenger.” She assumed he wanted to come since he was here, but she didn’t know if he should. Then again, Endymion might prove valuable—he was once the master of the Shitennou, after all. Perhaps he could make them remember who they truly were.

The slightest hope surged within her as she thought about the secret truth she knew about the shitennou. That could be their key to winning, if they could make them remember and win them over to their side. Maybe they could still do this…

“You all have seen the shitennou. They’ll likely be their first line of defense. After that, there is Queen Beryl, their leader. And finally, the demon that corrupted them all, Queen Metalia. Vanquishing her forever is the number one priority.” She debated for a moment, then finally decided she should share one truth that she could share.

“There are some things you need to know. We already had this battle with them long ago, in our past lives, before we were reincarnated on this earth. Only, back then we were denizens of the Moon kingdom. That’s the kingdom Ser—I am the princess of. We lost that battle before and we all died there. It resulted in the fall of the Moon kingdom.”

With Usagi’s memories never awakening, the other senshi would not remember either, so she would have a lot of explaining to do.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th May 2015, 2:46 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 SailorMars_zps9021fab6

Rei forced herself to walk through the arcade and into the control center, knowing Mamoru was right behind her. Her heart felt heavy, but she kept her head held high as she spotted Minako and the others. She wouldn't let them see her pain.

Quietly, Rei entered the control center and leaned against the wall, listening to Minako's words as Mamoru entered in behind her. Something about Minako's words struck Rei's interest, more-so than the story of the Moon Kingdom.

"You said 'they'. Are you implying that the shittenou have been brought back since we last defeated them?" Rei asked. Her anger burned at the memory of how Jadeite had kidnapped her and tried to take her energy. She would gladly burn him to ash again.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th May 2015, 5:38 pm

Ami leaned against one of the computers, careful to not hit any of the buttons. Screens lit up around her, her eyes focused on what Minako was called D-Point. This area on the North Pole was where they would most likely have their final battle, she was sure of it. Ami listened to Minako, explaining the three levels of enemies that resided there. How would they defeat all three layers, when they struggled so much with only one. But then Ami reminded herself why she, the others, were on Earth. They had a past life and they were brought back for a reason and that reason meant to protect the future. Ami wished her memories would unlock what her past life once was, however, her heart ached with how they were unable to protect the future of Usagi.

Ami sighed, pushing the memories of Usagi out of her head that suddenly flooded her brain. Later she would grieve, but now she had to focus. "Perhaps...perhaps." Ami looked at Minako, her mind telling her something was off, but she couldn't quite pinpoint it. "If the main enemy is Queen Metalia, she has to have a weakness. A weak spot that would break her, something that will release the dark energy within her." 

This was wishful thinking.To finally meet Queen Metalia would mean succeeding through the first two layers, alive.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th May 2015, 7:43 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 Jupite17

The enemy had set up their base at the North Pole? Makoto had pictured something closer to Japan, not somewhere so...empty. There was nothing up there but ice, right? It was definitely a lonely place to fight a final battle, but at least they wouldn't have to worry about other innocent people getting in the way.

Makoto tensed at the mention of the Shitennou. She still remembered how Nephrite had toyed with her heart before she defeated him, and how Zoisite had threatened Usagi before the princess saved her. And Kunzite... Makoto looked down at the floor, glaring at the tile. 

She'd fight them all over again if she had to. It felt good to have objectives now, targets to aim for. She didn't think she'd be able to keep it together if she didn't have any direction.

As Minako described their past lives, Makoto tired her hardest to remember, bu with no success. So this had all happened before, except last time the senshi had lost? And they were all reincarnated from the Moon? They were form the Moon Kingdom... With no memories to believe but the princess's, she decided to try not to think to hard about the past. It wasn't important now, and Mako did not need another lifetime of sadness stuck in her head. 

"If we were all reborn to fight Queen Metalia, then we have to be able to do it somehow, right?" Makoto said. "Or else it would all be pointless." Like Ami said, this evil had to have a weak spot they could use against her.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th May 2015, 8:17 am

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 9CzsVSN

Minako didn’t expect everyone to take this whole past life/Moon kingdom business so calmly, but perhaps it was because they were told rather than witnessed it themselves. They also didn’t have her vivid memories, and she envied them for that. Why was she the only one who had to remember?

She addressed Rei’s question first. “Yes, all of them have been brought back. Queen Serenity, my mother, gave up her life when she used… all her power to seal Metalia before and sent us all into the future to be reincarnated. But it seems that seal has broken now, which is why they are back.”

She turned to Ami next. “Queen Metalia is very powerful. I don’t know whether or not she has any weak spots, but perhaps you could analyze it with your computer when we do come up against her. It took all of the queen’s life force to seal her last time…”

Finally, she turned to Makoto. Minako smiled at her optimism. Jupiter was always like that, too. No matter what the odds were, she’d still believe until the end. In a flash, she remembered how Jupiter died, how she’d been so certain and confident one moment, then just crumpled the next. She was the one most surprised by her own death, so strong was her faith in her ability and the rest of the senshi’s.

“We had a better chance with Usagi, but… yes. We might still be able to do it. I won’t lie about our odds; I want you all to know what we’re really getting into as much as possible.”

As much as possible being the operative words…

“Also, one more thing. The shitennou did not used to be evil. Actually, they used to be Prince Endymion’s guards. That would be you in your past life,” she turned to Mamoru. “They were brainwashed to turn against us once, and they’ve been brainwashed again. If we could just make them remember the truth… we might be able to turn the tide of this battle.”
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th May 2015, 2:22 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 XhFxfRD

As Minako spoke, Mamoru leaned against the wall, keeping his mouth shut. He felt awkward in this environment, like he didn't quite belong. And he didn't - he wasn't a senshi. The only senshi he knew on a personal level was Usagi, and she was...


Minako addressed him, snapping Mamoru out of his thoughts. Endymion? The name sounded familiar, like the one the girl in his dreams had used. So Beryl's shittenou were his guards in their past life?

Maybe, just maybe, he could get them to remember. But how could he do that when he couldn't even remember it himself? 

"Sure, that's a great plan and all," he said, finally speaking up, "if we only knew the truth. How do we know that everything you're saying is true? You suddenly show up, claim that you're the princess, and then Tsukino-san dies? And now you're telling us all of these things about our past, but we don't remember a single thing. Why is that?"
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th May 2015, 10:04 pm

Ami looked at Mamoru suddenly as his out of not where change in tone. But, he did have a point. Ami was not going to argue, but she also didn't want to defend someone regarding something she wasn't one hundred percent sure of herself. Then a thought crossed her mind. If this all happened once before in the past, then something must have happened that civilization lived on. Something must have happened that the Earth she lived on was not ruled by evil all the prior years that lead up to their current circumstance. Boldly, without defending either party she asked the question that crossed her mind.

"How did we defeat the enemy in the past? Queen Metalia you said was defeated by your mother using all her power....what was this power?" Ami quickly exhaled, hoping her tone wasn't too harsh. Normally she was quiet and reserved, but when something seemed fishy in her brain, she didn't like it. Ami always was the one with answers and solutions to complication problems. She needed to know a solution.
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Goddess Yami
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime26th May 2015, 7:11 pm

Artemis wandered around the area looking for Luna. He spotted her across the street from the arcade. He told her it was safe go back to the Command Center. Artemis remain still as Luna made her way across the street. He was debating about going with her. He was still mad at Minako. The girls needed to know the truth. However Minako needed him right now and it was his duty stand by her side. He just shook his head. Artemis felt terrible for walking out like that. He needed to make things right.

He ran across the street and rejoined with Luna. The two of them then headed to the Command Center. He could hear Minako's conversation with the others as they entered the room. They were questioning her about the past. He wondered how long she could keep up this act. Artemis just walked over to Minako and stood by her side and said nothing. This wasn't his place to talk. He had to stand by her side no matter what.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th May 2015, 8:43 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 Jupite12

It would be a hard fight, but it was still possible then. Makoto could work with that. But Queen Beryl's generals weren't actually evil? The thought of them being controlled against their will to do all those terrible things was sickening. But if there was a way to win them back over, they would be powerful allies. Tuxedo Mask's questions threw her off though. Why would Venus lie to them about their pasts? What possible agenda could she have for that? It didn't make sense to her.

She had not remembered being Sailor Jupiter, but she was still able to transform, so just because they didn't remember their past didn't mean it never happened.

"Maybe we aren't supposed to remember anymore..." Makoto said. "But yeah, what power did the Queen use to defeat Metalia in the first place? Can we use it too?" she asked Minako.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime3rd June 2015, 8:07 am

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 SailorMars_zps9021fab6

Rei looked over at Tuxedo Mask, glaring at him with fire in her eyes as she clenched her jaw. She took a step towards him, not taking her angry eyes away from his audacious face. Sure, they may have shared an odd understanding of each other outside of the arcade, but that didn't mean she actually liked him.

"I suggest you watch your tone, Chiba. You don't belong here - we only let you come because we know Usagi would have wanted it. But don't think for one second that I won't kick your sorry -" she paused, remembering where she was and who was present. She couldn't be losing control in front of the princess. Rei took a deep breath, stepping back and crossing her arms over her chest. "Just keep your mouth shut."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th June 2015, 3:19 am

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 9CzsVSN

Mamoru’s words felt like daggers in her heart. How do we know everything you say is true? Of course, she had lied to them. Claiming that you’re the princess, and Tsukino-san dies? The dagger now twisted. Minako bit her lip to suppress her emotions. She mustn’t show any change of expression, any sign of weakness. She couldn’t waver and show him that he was right. That it was all her fault.

“You don’t,” she said forcefully, through gritted teeth, hating herself even as she said it. “None of you has any reason to believe what I’m saying. I don’t know why I’m the only one who remembers. But I was awakened a full year before everyone else as Sailor V. This is the truth. Who knows how it works or why? I would like to emphasize again that I am not forcing anyone into this. None of you has to be here. I gave you a chance to walk away. You still can. I am just trying to save the world. If you don’t believe everything else I said, at least believe that much.”

She turned to Ami next, whose question again hit close to the truth Minako was trying to hide. “My mother defeated Metalia in the past, using all of her powers—her life source even. It cost her her life. She wielded something called the Silver Crystal. Unfortunately, it was lost with her death.”

And it would never be seen again. Not without Usagi gone.

Suddenly a small movement caught her eye, and Minako turned to see Artemis sneaking back into the command center. She felt relief when her guardian stood by her again, even though she knew he still disapproved of the way she was handling things. All she needed was his trust on her and a chance to try this. To try and finish the mission.

Rei’s words surprised her, but some part of Minako was grateful for her loyalty. These girls had no reason to believe her or stand by her. And yet to have one of them at least willing to trust her even if she hadn’t earned that trust… she just felt immensely thankful.

Looking at each of them in the eye, Minako spoke again. “This is asking a lot out of you, I know. You don’t know the things I know and remember, and I have no way of proving anything to you. But you have been given these powers for a reason. And it is to fight. Yes, it may cost you your life. And yes, this battle’s odds are not looking good, but I am telling you one more time that I do not expect anything out of you. You can walk away. Anytime. If you don’t trust me, if you think this is wrong, just go back to your ordinary life and pretend none of this ever happened. No hard feelings. But I, for one, would like to avenge Usagi’s death.”
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Lotus Crystal


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Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th June 2015, 9:52 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 XhFxfRD

Mamoru nodded at Venus, deciding to keep his mouth shut for the rest of the conversation. He was still in shock from the previous day's events, and he hadn't yet gotten a hold of himself. Venus was right - he had the chance to leave, and he didn't. It was his decision - if he didn't trust Venus, he wouldn't be here. So why was he so tempted to challenge her?

Maybe it was because he was still holding a grudge. He was blaming Venus for something that wasn't her fault. 

Venus's last sentence hit Mamoru hard. Avenge Usagi's death. There was nothing he wanted more. He stood up straighter, waiting to hear what he had to do. He wasn't quite sure what he could do to help, seeing as he had no magical abilities like the rest of these girls, but he would do anything he could.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th June 2015, 9:22 am

Minako wrote:
If you don’t trust me

These words stung Ami. How may times at school did she go home and cry in silence before bed because her classmates didn't trust her. They found her to be a snob, spoiled, a brain too good for anyone else. Ami knew something was off, but for now Minako probably had her reasons, she hoped.

"Alright." Ami said, pushing herself off against the wall she had found herself leaning against. "To Avenge Usagi." Ami looked around the room, making quick eye contact with the others who stood by her. She knew Mamoru was hurting the most, and she walked over to him, just to give a comforting presence and she spoke those words.

However, she wondered how much longer this meeting would take. Something dangerous and big was brewing. They couldn't waste much more time here.
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Lotus Crystal


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Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime16th June 2015, 11:46 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 SailorMars_zps9021fab6

Rei nodded in confirmation to Ami's words. Minako was right - this was their choice. Whether or not they wanted to avenge Usagi was up to them. None of this crap about the past mattered. What mattered was the here and now. Rei knew if she were to die, she would want to die for a cause. If saving the world wasn't a good cause, Rei didn't know what was.

Pulling her transformation pen out of her pocket, Rei held it tightly in her hand. Today may be the last time she ever took the form of Sailor Mars, and she'd be damned if she didn't do some damage. 

"Shall we go, then?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th June 2015, 4:39 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 Jupite12

Revenge. Even if they didn't win, Makoto had to try to get some kind of payback for what the Dark Kingdom had done. Both to the Earth and Moon, and to Usagi. There would be no giving in and running away. If Sailor Moon died a senshi, then they certainly couldn't just go home at the sight of challenge. 

No, they were going to D-Point. "For Usagi," Makoto agreed. She was itching to fight now, all wound up from the talking they had done. "Let's do this already!" Her own transformation pen was already in her hand, just waiting to be used.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd June 2015, 10:51 am

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 9CzsVSN

Her explanation seemed to have satisfied everyone, and Minako tried to hide her trembling hand behind her back. She hated this—the whole lying about something so vital—but she couldn’t go back now. The only option was to continue on with the way things were. They were going to win that battle. Somehow. If not, then the world was lost.

As everyone agreed to go, Minako managed a small smile, and raised her own transformation pen high above. “Let’s transform then,” she commanded, before calling out her own phrase, “Venus Power, Make Up!”

The bright light and warmth that were her familiar friends by now enveloped her, and a second later she stood among her friends as Sailor Venus. She could still feel her missing tiara where the fake crescent moon symbol was on her forehead, signifying her role as the princess.

She realized that she might carry this lie to her grave.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th July 2015, 5:38 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 SailorMars_zps9021fab6

Looking over, Rei noticed that Mamoru had disappeared - probably going to do whatever it was he did to transform. Was he even considered a soldier? Did he even have powers? What good was he to their cause, other than the fact that he saved Usagi a couple times? 

Rei quickly followed Minako's lead, raising her transformation pen into the air and shouting, "Mars Power, Make-Up!" 

The warm, passionate flames enveloped her body and transformed her into Sailor Mars, the alias that Rei identified with so much. She loved the heat the ran through her veins - the fire that was waiting to burn. She couldn't wait to get started.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th July 2015, 10:47 pm

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Ami watched as the girls around her slowly took out their transformation pens. Ami was a very observant person, and would tell they girls all had thoughts running through their minds, especially Minako. However, Ami had thoughts of her own as well. What if they failed, what would happen to the world? Were they powerful enough without Usagi, and why did Mamoru leave? Ami hated to admit it, but she would have felt better if Mamoru was still with them. Any extra help that they could get would be vital.

She reached her hand into her pocket and clasped the cold metal pen that bared her power. The familiar feeling of the object made her think if this would be the last time she would do this repetitive motion, the motion of pulling the object and shouting the words to transform into Sailor Mercury. She smiled to herself as these thoughts ran through her head. She took a deep breath before once again, and perhaps for the last time, transforming.

"Mercury Power, Make-up!"
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th July 2015, 10:55 am

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 Jupite12

Minako transforming was all the trigger she needed to transform herself, and Makoto eagerly did so with the other senshi.

"Jupiter Power, Make-Up!" Her hand squeezed her pen like a lifeline as she held it up, and burst of familiar lightning exploded from it to form a nexus around her. It orbited and then melded into her skin, infusing her with energy and leaving her tingling. Sailor Jupiter stood there for a moment as the transformation settled, waiting for the pins and needles sensation to fade before looking at Venus again. 

Despite the situation, she was almost...excited for what laid ahead, all that tension from earlier being released by her change in persona.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime21st July 2015, 12:34 am

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 XhFxfRD

Mamoru knew it was time to go and change into the traditional tuxedo he wore when 'battling'. After a quick change, he re-entered the command center and was met with the sight of the four sailor senshi. But it felt...wrong. There were colors missing, there was someone missing. But Mamoru couldn't bring himself to think about her any longer. He needed to be focused and alert. Blinking hard, Mamoru shoved the memory of Usagi to the back of his mind. Her handkerchief felt like fire in his pocket, but he ignored it and met Minako's eye.

"So, how exactly do we get to this D Point?"
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime30th July 2015, 10:25 am

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 9CzsVSN

After they all transformed, including Mamoru, Venus stepped toward the middle of the room and took a deep breath. To Mamoru’s question, she smiled a little. “We’ll do Sailor Teleport, and carry you as a passenger. Now, everyone hold hands.”

The teleport went smoothly enough, though it was the first time everyone had done it, without Usagi being there, and with a passenger no less. When Venus opened her eyes again they were standing on the outskirts of D Point. The wind was chilling here, and only ice and snow could be seen as far as the eye can see. In front of them loomed an old dark castle that must be the Dark Kingdom’s base.

“Everyone ready?” she asked, glancing at the others. “Be on your guard. They’ve probably already detected our presence.”

She moved forward first, entering the wide open gate, as if it meant to welcome them. Inside, the grand hall was lit by a couple torches but the rest was shrouded in darkness.

It didn’t take long for something to happen. A beam of energy shot toward her and she ducked just in time. She could feel it whizzing past her head, probably burning a couple of hair strands.

“Princess,” her attacker appeared, and it was none other than Kunzite. The one who had killed the real Princess. Venus balled her fists as the grief and anger surged anew. “How kind of you to pay us a visit all the way here? I guess that just saves us the trouble of tracking you down. I must repay this considerate act by killing you quickly.”

Three more figures stepped out behind him; the rest of the Shitennou. Then the castle gates slammed behind them.

There was no more turning back. They either win or die.

Their battle began now.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime30th July 2015, 3:03 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 Jupite12

Sailor Jupiter nodded at Venus, standign behind her as they stopped outside the castle gate. The freezing temperatures barely registered with her, despite her uncovered legs and upper arms taking the brunt of the wind. Her mind was set on a single goal, and nothing would deter her from it.

After they entered, the sight of Kunzite again was enough to make her blood boil. That murderer had the audacity to just walk up to them and threaten to kill the Princess again? He had taken enough lives away already! She pictured Usagi's body on the pavement again, and a white-hot fury filled her.

The sound of the castle gates closing didn't even bother her. She almost welcomed it after seeing the other three Shitennou arrive. They'd fight here and now, and there would be no retreating. Already crackling with electricity, Jupiter charged directly at the lien of generals, only to have Nephrite step in front of her. Coming to a halt, she gave him a hateful glare as she built up her lighting. 

"This time I'll make sure you're finished!" she said to him. "Jupiter Thunderbolt!" Green bolts exploded from her hands and shot towards him, and he moved to the side. The lighing missed, but Jupiter simply moved closer to lash out with her fists instead. They traded physical blows and switched back to magical blasts, her electric versus his shadow constructs.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st July 2015, 1:52 am

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 G6OVIaQ

He was still proud of her.

Even if he didn't approve of her keeping up this façade - didn't he? He really had no idea what was right and wrong in this mess anymore. But he was still proud either way.

At this point, she could have just thrown in the towel. She could have just given up, her main source of hope already gone. But she didn't.

And why?

It was not because she was afraid for her life. It was not because she didn't want the girls to hate her and abandon her.

She simply had to protect this world. The world that their princess died protecting. And she had to avenge her.

He could notice the slightest twitch of her eye every time words came too close to home. But she took it all with grace. Not for her sake. But for their world. And for the princess.

One thing was for sure. No matter what, he would stay by her side.

And the time for the battle had finally come. The battle that would determine the fate of the world. Their enemies lost no time - as soon as they entered their headquarters, a beam of energy shot directly towards Venus.

If only I had more power...

As the battle escalated, Artemis headed for the corner, right behind the girls. The last thing Venus needed right now was to have to look out for him too. Covering for himself and observing the enemies while attempting to form a solid battle strategy was the best he could do for now.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st July 2015, 8:17 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 1666276025

Ami was quickly becoming very aware of her surroundings. The wind was brutal, it felt like ice slicing across her bare legs and arms, however she barely gave it any notice. Her main focus was the area around her, the landscape of D point. She touched her hand next to her hear, activating her Mercury Goggles. Beeps and blurps echoed in her ear as she scanned the area. She needed to find anything that could give herself and the others the upper hand at what seemed like an impossible task. To the naked eye, the tundra around them was just that, a wasteland of ice, snow, and caves. To Mercury, however, her goggles told a different story. There was a very high level of dark energy here.

She became too involved in scanning and trying to read everything, and this caused herself to lower her guard. The more she tried to pay attention, the less she paid attention to the battle that suddenly unfolded.

Before Mercury noticed what was happening, she noticed Jupiter had attacked Kunzite. What seemed like an explosion hit Mercury's chest hard and painful, and caused her to fly backwards into a nearby ice wall. She fell on her stomach, coughing, trying to register what had just happened. 

Zoisite walked towards her, wanting to finish her off.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime15th August 2015, 10:33 am

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 Luna_zps35a8ccf5

Luna joined Artemis in the corner behind the senshi. They were fighting for their lives, as crazy and sad as the past couple of days had been, Luna had faith that they would succeed and save the world. If they didn't all would be lost and she didn't know if she could handle the deaths of any of the other senshi. She wished she were stronger. She wished she had more power, but she didn't. She felt so useless, so helpless, if she hadn't been, she'd have been able to save her. To save Usagi, she was supposed to protect her, but she'd failed. Luna was trying to live with that, to cope with that. Usagi and Luna had become so close. She was devastated by her loss, but they all had needed to move on and continue the fight, even without Sailor Moon. "Artemis, what can we do?" Luna asked Artemis.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime18th August 2015, 3:45 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 G6OVIaQ

Artemis watched as the battle escalated before his eyes. This was it, there was no going back. He was observing carefully to assist the girls in any way, perhaps spot the enemies' weaknesses or alert them of a sneak attack. There was nothing more he could do, but surely they could handle it, right? This time they are better prepared. And they have a stronger reason to fight. Vengeance. It's not the noblest of reasons, but it doesn't get stronger than that.

Artemis looked at Luna as she talked to him. Luna... He could only imagine what she was feeling still. How would he feel if it was Venus who had died instead? And really, that was the very point of the whole decoy princess plan. It was so that Venus would bite the bullet for the true Princess, if it came to that. But would he actually be able to deal with it?

"There is only one thing we can do now, Luna. Believe in the girls. Their spirit is strong, there is no way they will fail now." Or so he wanted to believe at least. "Let's watch out for them from the sidelines. We must not get in their way."
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Princess Luna
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Dead Ringer   [Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 I_icon_minitime18th August 2015, 4:07 pm

[Advanced] Dead Ringer - Page 2 Luna_zps35a8ccf5

Luna looked at Artemis as he talked to her. As much as it pained her, she knew he was right. She hated seeing the girls in danger, or even getting hurt. She was connected to these girls almost as much as she had been to Usagi. Usagi... Luna's mind kept going back to Usagi, the girl she had failed to protect... How could she get past this? Would she every be able to get past her failure and the loss of Usagi. She had been hard on her, trying to prepare her to fight these battles and win, to survive. She had failed at even that. She couldn't help but think that if she hadn't awoken Usagi as a senshi none of this would have happened. 

Shaking off the thought, she realized she'd never responded to Artemis. "I believe in the girls, but isn't there more we could do?" Luna asked, "I know you could be right, but just believing isn't much, it doesn't help. I can't stand on the sidelines like this, I just can't do it anymore. I wish there was more we could do. If there had been, Usagi... Usagi wouldn't have lost her life." Luna looked over at Artemis, desperately, with tears in her eyes. She couldn't stop these thoughts and feelings of helplessness, even though she tried.
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