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 GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]

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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Empty
PostSubject: GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] I_icon_minitime26th November 2014, 3:08 am

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] AlR4Io0

What is this new shiny thing?
The GC Stamps, or GCS for short, is the Galaxy Cauldron Forums' own collectible. They are stamps you can gather and put into your "album" at the Galleria of Dedications and Collections.

Cool! What kinds of stamps are there and how do you collect them?
We have quite a few different types!

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] XdT5ZPA
(achievement stamps)
You can collect this type of stamps by achieving things , you can collect and save them below
(like making x number of posts, earn x number of points, be a member for an x amount of time, etc).

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] KnpOYwk
(purchasable stamps)
You can buy this type of stamps from the OSA-P shop (Silver Millennium Emporium) using your GC points!
We also make old collectible stamps available here in case you miss them!
And finally, we also sell Stamp Booster Packs - a pack of random collectible stamps you can buy for a lower price, but you have no idea what you'll get! (Please be aware you are not guaranteed to get anything you haven't already got! But you can at least trade them away in that case!)

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] RAu1kRb
(collectible stamps)
You can get these the easiest; simply by logging in each day and visiting our Collectible Stamps Page.

Wait, did you say the Galleria? But only Lotus Crystal members can post there!
Not anymore! Now that the stamps have been officially launched, the galleria is open for everyone. No matter what your rank, you can make a thread there.

So which post does my "stamp album" go in the Galleria?
That thing called "Reserved for Future Events"! See, this is why it was necessary to save this spot! I hope you have, indeed, reserved it.

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] XAjYXJk

Achievements: 79
Purchasable: 35
Collectible: 312
Total Stamps Available: 425

Some stamps are not included in the count, such as random event stamps, goodie bag stamps, and stamps that were only available for a limited time by participating in an activity.

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 24th September 2016, 5:34 am; edited 29 times in total
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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
Posts : 9577
Join date : 2013-07-25
Age : 36
Location : Canada

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Empty
PostSubject: Re: GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] I_icon_minitime26th November 2014, 3:19 am

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Y7DYfjP

Before you go collecting-happy, please read the following rules. This is meant to be a fun thing for everyone, but as always, there are some things you need to abide by!

  • Stamp collecting is open to members of all ranks.
  • Only Collectible stamps are to be traded. Therefore, Achievement and Purchasable stamps cannot be traded.  This is because they require each member to earn things and spend their own points. There are also hidden achievement stamps and a few that admin will pass out, these also cannot be traded.
  • Just like sprites, purchasable stamps come from the Silver Millennium Emporium (Lotus ranked members only) and will change as time goes on. You can only purchase stamps that are currently displayed at the shop at the time of your purchase.
  • Collectible stamps are stamps you can collect once a day on the Collectible Stamps Page.
  • Please only put up stamps in your "album" that you have personally collected, achieved, or purchased. We are going to keep an eye on things, but for the most part we trust you to be honest about this. This is meant to be a fun activity, so let's not spoil that, shall we?
  • Stamps are ALLOWED in signatures, please read the Avatar/Signature Rules for details.

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 30th November 2014, 6:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
Posts : 9577
Join date : 2013-07-25
Age : 36
Location : Canada

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Empty
PostSubject: Re: GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] I_icon_minitime26th November 2014, 3:20 am

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] IDuDg45

What?! You can Trade?!
Yep! That's right! The beauty of collecting daily means you may get the same stamp twice!
BUT never fear! Because there will be members who may have what you need!
This means you are free to trade collectible stamps with your fellow members!

Later on we will introduce RARE collectible stamps as well so be sure to keep an eye out!

Let's Get Trading!
It's a simple process that takes place over at the
Stamp Collection Trading Center
To start there are 2 methods:

method 1 - Private Trade Agreements

  1. Private Message the person you are interested in trading with. In the private message list what stamp or stamps you would like from them and what you can offer them.
  2. If you receive one of these Private Messages, reply back letting them know if you accept and what from their offered list you'd accept.
  3. If negotiating is needed to find an acceptable balance between the two parties, continue as needed or null the trade.
  4. Please note that at anytime before a thread is started, one party may decline and exit the conversation.
  5.  Administrators will not interfere with trades in any regards via PMs nor will we make any one person trade.
  6. Once both parties are agreed upon, the member who initiated the trade will start a special trade thread in the Stamp Collection Trading Center.
  7. Simply Title the thread "Username 1 Trading With Username 2"
  8. With in the trade thread, username 1 will post the stamp or stamps they are trading.
  9. Username 2 will post they are trading as well, and say the deal is completed.
  10. Finally both members must update their stamps collection within 3 days or the trade will be void.

method 2 - Open Trade Agreements

  1. If you want to trade something or are looking for something specific but don't have a specific member in mind then start a thread in the Stamp Collection Trading Center.
  2. If you don't have anything in mind then title your thread: "OPEN TRADE: Username - No Specifics"
  3. If you are looking for a specific stamp then title your thread: "OPEN TRADE: Username - Looking for ####" (for example #256)
  4. In the opening post state what you are willing to trade and if you are looking for anything.
  5. Members can then make offers of trade until the Opening user accepts. Once accepted change the title of the thread to "ENDED TRADE: Username"
  6. From then on, be sure to  follow steps 6 through 10.

2-For-1 GC Stamps Trading

What is this new trading system?
You may now trade two old collectible stamps from your collection for one stamp that you want (excluding the ones currently appearing this week). It is a system in order to help newbies build their collection more easily since it's impossible to trade for everything if you're really new!

Are these for collectible stamps only?
Yes, this system is still for collectible stamps only since they are the only ones that can be traded.

Can I trade in two identical stamps for a new one?
Yes, providing you actually do have two copies in your gallery.

How does this work then?
To trade in two of your old stamps for a new one, follow these steps:

  1. Post a trading thread like you usually do, only title it "[Your Username] 2-FOR-1 Trading Request". List the stamps you're trading in and the ones you wish to trade them for. If you have more than one pair of stamp(s) you'd like to trade in for a new one, you may include all of them in the same thread.
  2. Then Diana will post in the thread to give you your requested stamps, providing you follow all the rules.
  3. Once your new stamp(s) are given, you must then update your gallery to remove the ones you traded in within 3 days or the trade will be void.

example of threads

  • Open Trade Thread Example
  • How to Trade Example
  • Trade 2-For-1 Example

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 12th September 2015, 2:21 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Neo Queen Serenity

Neo Queen Serenity


Title : Lady of the Forums
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GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Empty
PostSubject: Re: GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] I_icon_minitime26th November 2014, 12:06 pm

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] JETdCMn

how to use these

  • Right Click and choose "Save Img As.."
  • Upload your image to a hosting site, such as imgur or photobucket
  • Once uploaded, you can now post them in your thread found in the Galleria of Dedications and Collections.
  • Once you are in your thread, click on this image GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Nh0TyoMand paste your uploaded image link, and hit "insert"
  • If you would like to change the position/alignment of your image, then hit ctrl+a and use the alignment buttons to move it.
  • if you are interested in different means to display your collection such as in a table format, check out our tutorials on our posting functions

**Additional Info: The following stamps significantly contribute to earning a very rare stamp: The Inner Senshi Admin Stamp. Try collecting as many as possible, so you may have a chance to collect this stamp as well!

anniversary achievements
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] VvUhwU1  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] M9Ff1cS  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] V0aQKkG
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] T9M93F0  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] CXhC176  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] MnZzBtf
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] VjAIR46  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Gc5BsqZ  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] 4WKftqZ
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] HehHIQk  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] H4RJ9Np  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] VKsWgPL
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] S3vfltk  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] ZJoUaiv  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Xb2oIya
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] RjeEO8Z  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Jf0Dh67  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] QEEVPZW
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] CYt0dgd

post count achievements
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] 0bSiDcE       GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] JeJXbuB      GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] IQ3u1RA      GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] NKnzQ1q      GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] PST6UD2
100 posts |  200 posts  | 500 posts | 777 posts | 1000 posts

 GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] 7Q2bsP7         GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] L9WIIGH          GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Cst5SD4          GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] MjIOxC9   
5000 posts | 10000 posts | 15000 posts | 20000 posts

point earned achievements
  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] QYvmaaX          GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] O9KOf4j       GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] PeTgYBa          GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Qh3Zeve          GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] YLjyAho         GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] AhGtRLy    
100 points  |  250 points | 500 points   | 1000 points | 2500 points | 5000 points

Earned 10,000 points

 GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] ZsJp5xQ

shopping achievements

Purchased an Adoptable
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] BAdALQo

Purchased a sprite
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] NdLEpBO

Purchased an Item from the Merchandise Store
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] YHFeUFS

point spent achievements
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] MrOj1RN      GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] F3kuJJP         GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] 1z3GJ6k       GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] YpDwhT0 
Spend 100 | Spend 500 | Spend 1000 | Spend 5000

Spend 10,000 points
  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] VFBoYvU

site benchmarks

Be a Mentee GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Eekw5xL

Be a Mentor GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] GsZ5zoF

Speak on Someone's behalf GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] GkHDyDG

Game Host GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] GGOnOmH

Event Host GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] CKLqaBt

Birthday Crew GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] T8Gy4gH

Newspaper Crew GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] T6HQwOw

Reach Lotus Rank GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] QgQafcX

Admin Helper GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] GXUNSpN

Serve as Admin GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Sn1wjrp

Serve as Mod GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] UE6R4jw

Serve as RP Mod GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] ZMIrfsf

Serve as RP Admin GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] EfXLP8m

special events
Warnings will ensue other wise <3

GC Anniversary (2012 to 2019)

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] PCMp8dl   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] DhSyEd9   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] 2mvrFjb   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] WldKFG2   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] DCUGuAb   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] NHrfG1z   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] BGG2VEV   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] QlBAnJX

GC Festibration  (2013 to 2018)

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] WFYnimJ   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] BwhSPdR   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] SGb1JiU   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] 5s2lA4N  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] TwKkgPj  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] ASL1NSl

GC World Fair (2014 to 2018)

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] 0nGIZey    GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] LdP1s2O    GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] WPvTr1D    GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] 0IpadID    GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] JBqjWYT


These will be handed out by Inner Senshi Admin
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] RGvHqkP     GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] WqNs9RY     GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] GAvVzH5     GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] VaSSRgQ

staff achievements

GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] DAxXZC5   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Z47MuqI  GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] EWRM5Rl   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Gyzn1Zh   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] G7dKTgS   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] TpqyPPu   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] Xi56mQv   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] HHBx3uD   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] ILjeISz

stamp collector stamps

Collect 10 stamps
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] 1Li0eK8

Collect 20 Stamps
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] 8yNVylM

Collect 50 Stamps
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] NEiUzFO

Collect 100 Stamps
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] HfAK7aN

Collect 200 Stamps
GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] PC5ADT1
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PostSubject: Re: GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules]   GC Stamps Collectibles [Information & Rules] I_icon_minitime

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