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 Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)

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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime12th November 2014, 9:35 pm

Name of the Storyline: Days of Silver and Nights of Gold
Name of the Creator(s): Radicaledward124 and HikariDemand
Forum: Silver Millennium
Plot Summary: Princess Serenity hasn't seen Prince Endymion in years. She's nearly forgotten about the Earth Prince till one day a strange letter shows up for the Princess. The letter begs her to meet a sweet stranger on Earth. So many things fly through the princess' mind. Will she go? How will she get to Earth? Who is this stranger? What will she do when she finds the stranger is in fact the Prince who never forgot her.
Details on any necessary information: This is a 2 person RP with Hikari and Ed.
Restrictions: Only characters needed Serenity and Endymion all others if needed will be NPC'd.
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime12th November 2014, 10:18 pm

Serenity sat by her window, staring down at the garden below. Her long pale blonde pooled around her where she sat, her book forgotten in her lap. It was such a nice day but she was bored.

With ease and grace the princess stood, leaving her book behind and headed out to the gardens. On her way out of the palace she claimed her cloak, which would cover her head and face from others. Once in the garden she found with ease of practice an exit that was only to be used in emergencies but the princess used to to sneak out of the palace from time to time. Now that she was older she didn't sneak out as often but she was so board today that she needed to get away. Pulling the hood over her head she started for town which wasn't far, to see what she could do to bright the seemingly dull day.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime12th November 2014, 10:55 pm

Endymion had been trying to figure out what has been causing him grief for some time. He had grown snappy with his generals over the small things. One night he decided to take a walk to clear his head. As he walked through the gardens he stopped to gaze at the moon.

That's it! he thought as he ran back to his quarters. 

Why hadn't he realized it sooner, he was thinking of someone very special, a very beautiful princess whom he had not seen in ages it seemed. His heart began to ache and he felt a longing to see the beautiful moon princess, but would she remember him after all these years?

He sat at his desk and pulled out a quill and some paper. He began to write to his beloved.
Dearest Moon Princess,
   I hope you are well. I want you to know there hasn't been a day when I haven't thought of you

He tossed the paper aside, he didnt want her to know it was him right away, he pulled out a new paper.

Dearest Moon Princess,
    How are you? I hope all is well on the moon. The moon sure looks great from where I am at this moment. I wish you could come and see the beautiful pearl in the sky.  I live here on Earth, have you ever been to Earth, last I heard the queen was very strict, but I would love it if you came for a visit to Earth, there are so many things I wish to show you. Please write back and let me know how you are and if you plan to come for a visit. I will need to prepare for your visit if you decide to come.
A Lonely Knight

He sealed the letter and sent it through the specail portal that went to the moon, hoping Serenity would get his letter and that she would write back.
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime12th November 2014, 11:24 pm

Serenity spend the day in a local park. She enjoyed the time out and away from the castle. She returned before the light faded from the sky. She managed to evade her mother and her advisors for the day and it seems that they weren't looking for her, which means they didn't know she was gone.

She smiled as she closed the door to her room, tossing her cloak over the back of a chair. She sat at her vanity to start taking down her hair and getting ready for the evening meal, when there was a knock a the door. Her heart jumped into her throat. She'd been caught, she just knew it. The knock was her mother coming to scold her. She stood and took a moment to steel herself against the lecture that was sure to come.

When she opened the door it was a servant with a silver tray not her mother. "A letter came for you Lady." She servant said with a bow.

"Thank you." Serenity said her voice not betraying the relief she felt that it hadn't been her mother at the door. She took the letter and closed the door.

She took the letter and sat at her small writing desk. Who had sent her this? There wasn't a return address or anything to indicate who had sent it. In a swift motion she opened the letter and carefully unfolded the paper.

Her blue eyes had to race over the words several times. Who had sent this? How would she ever get a reply back to the person? She closed her eyes, how would she respond? Would she respond? She had to think about this. In the mean time she left the letter on her desk and when to ready herself for dinner.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime13th November 2014, 2:26 pm

Mamoru had decided to take a stroll before going to bed. He felt restless after sending the letter, he hadn't included his name, would the princess write back.

He walked to the furthest end of the property, even thought about taking a stroll into town, but thought better of it. he liked to sneak out in the day. He wanted to be connected to his people, the people he would one day rule over, but for now there was only one person he could think of and she was not on this beautiful blue planet.

He stared up at the moon and whispered, "Serenity, please find your way back to me."
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime14th November 2014, 12:29 am

After dinner the princess sat at her desk, her hair down, flowing around her in waves of soft spun gold. She knew she wanted to respond to this letter, which she held in her hand, while she stared out her window at Earth. The strange blue planet used to hold so much mystery for her, but she lost that wonder. She hadn't even been down to the blue marble in so long. The passages were guarded, almost blocked in places, how did a letter ever get to her? She still struggled with how to get a letter to Earth and how would she get it to the right sender?

"Why I am even thinking about this?" She said standing and tossing the letter no the desk. It was a silly idea, trying to send a reply. There was no way it could work! "Ugh!" She said falling on her bed, her face in her long pale hands. Why did this bother her? She couldn't understand it. What kept whispering at the edge of her mind? The thing or memory that begged her to write back even though she might never get the reply to the right person.

Even though it was the middle of the night she called for the servant that brought her the letter. How did you get this? Who gave it to you? She asked all the questions she could think of and more. "How am I to send a reply?" She asked. The answer was simple give it to the same servant. The idea seemed beyond insane. With a nod the Princess dismissed the servant, at least she knew how to get the reply sent, but why was she even thinking about a reply?

She sighed and fell gracefully into her desk chair again. Her gaze on the Earth. She remembered the wind was different there. It blew in sweet easy gusts that lifted her hair and dress in gentle ripples, almost like a hand caressing something soft. The grass was soft and deep green, almost emerald to her eyes. The waters there were like liquid sapphires, dancing in caressing winds. It was the planet she'd fallen in love with, the planet she gazed at from her window at lunar night.

Her letter formed in her mind.

Loney Knight,

I find myself well in all things.

She paused. Would she agree to go? Would that be a wise thing? She should have taken the letter to her mother right away, but there was something in her heart that told her this wasn't the kind of thing that her mother would look kindly on or allow. No, she would not tell her mother, but she would go.

Loney Knight,

I find myself well as in all things. Live on the Moon carries on day to day just as always. I find myself gazing upon your blue marble of a home and wishing again it were easier to do than say that I would come visit. As you may know the passages between Earth and my mother Moon are well guarded on both ends, there is little chance that I may come. However I will attempt to visit none the less.

In a fortnight my mother will be leaving on official business. She will be away from the Palace for several days. It is then I shall come. My Knight please remember this is not something to ask or do lightly. There is danger on both sides. Please, my dear knight be safe in this endeavor. I would hate if any harm came to you, due to my folly.

May Golden Moonlight shine on you,
Moon Princess

With a smile she read over her letter. Then with a practiced hand she like all girls of courting age, misted the letter with her favorite perfume then sealed the letter, using her personal seal instead of her royal one. She summoned the servant and gave her the letter.

Wondering if she was in fact walking into a trap and should inform her mother or the Senshi, the princess laid down and drifted off to sleep. Her dreams full of soft winds on a sapphire lake, her lonely knight beside her as the sun drifted in the sky.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime14th November 2014, 9:36 pm


Endymion decided to take a stroll to the far ends of the garden where he would not be disturbed. He had wanted to take a stroll in town, but he would need someone to accompany him should anything go wrong and decided he would take a stroll into town, in disguise of course to clear his mind.

Endymion gazed up at the moon and thought of the moon princess and how much he missed her and wanted to hold her in his arms and whisper his love for her in her ears. 

When he had gotten his fix from the moon, he went back to his room to sleep. He removed his armor and changed into his night clothes, as he slept he dreamed of the times he had spent with the moon princess.

When he awoke he found a letter on his nightstand. was this here when I came in last night?  he thought as he opened the letter, noticing the seal and wondering if it was from his beloved. When he opened the letter he smelled a sweet fragrance.

He read her letter, he was a bit pleased she hadn't figured out who he was, it would make for a great surprise. He grimaced when he read about the difficulty in getting through the portals were difficult due to being guarded. Endymion had not thought about it, but figured he would find a way to work around it. He would do anything to see his princess again. 

When she left her concerns about their safety, he noted she had a point. Their love had been forbidden and a mere interaction could start a war, but he knew in the depths of his soul that he loved her and nothing would change that, especially not some guards standing by the portal.

Endymion would have to talk to his generals, surely they would help him to be able to see his one true love.

He walked to his desk and pulled out a piece of paper and wrote back.

My dearest Moon Princess,
I recieved your letter and look forward to your arrival. I understand this is a risk for the both of us, I will do my best to make sure you are not discovered on my grounds. I do not want to start a war between our worlds, but I long to see you and would battle for you any day. I will prepare a grand evening for us. I will have my right hand man meet you at the portal and he will escort you to a place where we will have privacy and will not be disturbed. Please be careful princess, I hope there is someone on your end who can help you get through the portal undetected.
Stay well and safe until then,
A knight in waiting

With that Endymion pulled a rose from a vase in his room and placed the petals in the envelope with the letter and sealed it with a stamp, much like the one the princess had used. He walked over to the portal, hoping to go undetected and placed the letter in, sending it skyward to the moon princess.
Endymion went down to the dining hall to eat and decided he would call a meeting with his most trusted generals.
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime19th November 2014, 7:57 pm

The promised day had come. Serenity took a deep breath. This was it. She hadn't done this in so long. She wasn't sure this was a good idea after all. But the guards would be back soon, she had to go now or ever.

She darted forward and down the stairs to earth. She stopped short one foot on the stairs the other hovering over the ground. If she took one more step she would be breaking all her mother's biggest rules. Deep breath. In and out. She let her weight fall forward and she stood on Earth. Something in her wanted to run back to the moon to tell her mother and beg for forgiveness. But her feet carried her forward.

She stood in the shade, waiting for her escort to show himself. She still wasn't sure that this wasn't a kid napping attempt, but she was committed now.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime20th November 2014, 6:24 pm

Endymion's right hand man, Kunzite met the princess at the portal. Endymion was waiting, nervously pacing back and forth in the garden. He was nervous to see his beloved again. What will she say when she sees me, its been so long since I last saw her and held her in my arms. 

"Please come with me Princess" Kunzite said as he extended an arm out to escort her.

Endymion heard them coming and took in a deep breath and regained his composure as he turned and caught a glimpse of his princess walking towards him.
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime24th November 2014, 4:52 pm

Serenity wasn't sure about this silver haired man. She couldn't help but feel like he would hurt her one day. but for the time being she shook it off and took his arm allowing him to guide her to where ever they were going. 

This was such a dumb move on her part and she knew it. This could end badly, this could end in war. That was the last thing she wanted, but there was something in the way this knight wrote that she just had to meet him. 

The silver haired man led the princess to a garden. It was beautiful full of earth plants, that as the Moon Princess Serenity never really got to see unless they were pictures in a book. She was taken with a rose, but she didn't know the name. The petals where soft to the touch and the sent was wonderful. She smiled as she smelled the flowers around her. 

She stopped for a moment and looked around. The silver haired man had gone, so this was their destination, now to wait for her knight.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime26th November 2014, 7:39 pm

Endymion pulled the mask he had in his pocket out. He didn't want it to be a dead give-away when he walked out to see the princess, that and he truly wanted to enjoy seeing her expression when she saw him behind the mask. He had been longing for this moment for so long and now it was here, he would get to hold her in his arms again, he knew now that all his dreams would come true and if they were to pay later he would handle it, he would do anything to be with the moon princess.

Endymion walked toward the princess, speaking softly as not to startle her. "Dearest princess" he said as he pulled out a freshly bloomed white rose and presented it to her as he lightly bowed at her presence.

"I am truly pleased that you came to see me tonight, I can't begin to express how I have longed for this moment, please have a seat, I am sure you have many questions."
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime28th November 2014, 12:13 pm

Serenity looked at the strange man. She guessed from his words he was the knight that wrote her. She smiled a polite smile as she took the rose offered to her. "Hello." She said dipping into a small curtsey. Her questions were when would this be over and when would she allowed to return home. But these she held to herself. "You're garden is beautiful." She said gesturing around her. "What lovely flowers." She said taking the seat offered. She was still on edge about this being a kidnapping. 

"Why have you asked me here?" She asked outright. Maybe if she asked and found out that it was a kidnapping she might be able to run back to the stairs home before things could get worse.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime28th November 2014, 9:24 pm

Endymion sat admiring Serenity's beauty, she was even more beautiful than he remembered. When she commented on the gardens he smiled. "Thank you- I have spent a long time working to making the flowers grow." He said as he sat across from her.

When she spoke, her words came out across a with a little bit of sting to them. Endymion soon realized he had not yet revealed himself to his princess, though he hoped she would have been able to sense it was him. This proved to him that it had been far too long since he had seen her and hoped she would stay with him for awhile- he just wanted to talk with her and know that she had been okay in the time they were apart.

"My apologies princess, or should I say Serenity." He said as he slowly slid off his mask and placed it on the table next to his plate.

He knew she probably would have questions and he was prepared to answer them, but first he hoped they could enjoy a dinner together.
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime9th December 2014, 9:25 am

Serenity's hand flew to cover her mouth as she gasped. Her lonely knight was the Earth Prince. Oh this was worse than she had originally thought. "Endymion this isn't.." She stalled. While thoughts of him had nearly left her mind, she did think of him. She couldn't say that she wasn't glad to see him, but over all this was dangerous. "We're not suppose to see each other." She said lowering her eyes. She wanted to take his hand again, to be just themselves for a time, but in the end she would have to return to the Moon and he would stay behind. 

"This was silly." She said, standing. "If I'm caught here, not only will my mother be angry but your father as well." She knew she was hurting, and she hated that she was, but it was just to risky to be together. The moon princess started off towards the exit and what she hoped could be the stairs home. Though really she wanted to stay she wanted to be by his side. Her heart ached at her leaving, and she knew his must be breaking.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime9th December 2014, 6:39 pm

Endymion felt his heart sink at Serenity's words. He knew what they were doing was dangerous, which is why he had been planning this moment for months, he just wanted to have a dinner with his princess. He didn't care about the rules and who their being together would anger. He had missed her so much it hurt and now that she was here, she was leaving just as quickly. 

As she got up to leave, Endymion followed her, gently clasping her wrist as he pulled her and towards him, resting a hand on the small of her back. He spoke softly, but his voice was pleading, "Please stay, you are already here, and if we are discovered, I will take all the blame my love. I just needed to see you, I have missed you so. Please won't you stay a little while?" he asked, hoping all of this planning hadn't been wasted.
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime10th December 2014, 12:10 am

Serenity sighed and looked up at her prince. "Alright." She said a little more than happy that he had caught her. She wasn't really in the mood to leave after all she had just arrived. "But if my mother finds out I am blaming you." She smiled. "I'll tell her I was kidnapped." She teased. "Though in all honestly I can not stay too long. I will be missed in the palace." She said hoping to truly avoid any conflict.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime13th December 2014, 6:24 pm

Endymion smiled at his beloved. He was so happy she was going to be staying with him, if only for a moment, he would cherish every second he got with the beautiful moon princess.

He lightly laughed at her comment at her saying she was kidnapped. "Now now, that would surely start a war, if your mother truly believed I had kidnapped you, but if need be I will take all the blame for tonight." 

He wrapped his arm with hers and walked back to the table so they could enjoy their meal together.
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime22nd December 2014, 2:20 pm

Something about his embrace made Serenity's heart jump. They seemed to fit together like they were made for each other, but even though the thought was comforting, Serenity knew that they could never be together. 

She let him guide her to a table, where she accepted a seat. She couldn't keep her eyes off him as he moved around the table to sit down himself.  She was at a lost for conversation. She still felt ill at ease here, like she was just waiting to be caught. "The meal looks wonderful."She commented, only trying to fill the silence around them.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime28th December 2014, 5:10 pm

Endymion smiled at Serenity, taking in her beauty. He had taken his seat a moment before. He spoke, keeping his tone soft and gentle. "Please go ahead and try the meal. I asked the chefs to make something special for us tonight." He couldn't stop smiling at the princess, the one he wanted despite what everyone else said.

He didn't want to be the cause of a war, but Serenity was beautiful beyond words and he was determined to see her at any cost, he would deal with the consequences of his actions if he needed to.

Endymion proceeded to take a bite of his meal and found it quite enjoyable. The meat had a very delectable seasoning and the rice and vegetables were cooked to perfection.

He broke the silence once more, " how have things been on the moon Serenity? I do so wish I were able to come visit you at the beautiful pearl in the sky." He said as he flashed her a smile.
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime1st January 2015, 2:51 pm

Serenity lifted the fork to her mouth with all the grace she possessed. As the morsel passed her lips, and they closed on it, she found the taste to be pleasing. Indeed this was very good. Finishing the bite, she smiled. "This is every good." She remarked. She wasn't really sure what else to say, but the long she was here the more conflicted she felt. 

"Things on the Moon have been peaceful as always." She smiled politely at the remark. She wanted to say they were boring. She hated her lessons, which she was skipping to be here, she disliked the constant watchfulness of her guardians, and she found the palace confining. But she was the princess, so life shouldn't be exactly like she wanted after all. 

"How about Earth, how are things here?" She wondered how one person one family managed to rule such a large planet. The idea intrigued  her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime1st January 2015, 9:47 pm

Endymion sat eating his meal, pleased with what the chefs had prepared. He sat listening to the princess speak, never taking his eyes off of her. He had never seen someone so beautiful in all his life. He was cherishing the time they were sharing together and never wanted it to end.

When she asked hoe things were going on Earth, he snapped back to reality. "Things are going quite well, Zoisite is helping me with my studies, I do so wish these topics of politics, mathematics and philosophy were a bit more intriguing, but this is what my parents wish, so for now I will abide. Plus on the bright side, I am now allowed to the festviites thrown on by the council where I have had some great conversations, though they would be more fun with your presence, I would surely ask you to dance," He said as his lips curled into a genuine smile.

His face turned solemn for a moment, "though there are talks of a battle with the Western Commonwealth, they are not accepting our trades anymore and will not offer us anything in exchange for what we have, this has already begun to take a toll on the people here in this community, but I am hopeful the leaders will work to find a solution." he said trying to avoid making the princess feel sad, she had always shown a bug heart towards everyone she encountered, it was one of the hundreds of things that Endymion had grown to love about the princess who was sitting across from him.
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime1st January 2015, 10:33 pm

Serenity's heart ached for the people in trouble and she started thinking of what she might be able to do for them. Her mind wandered for a moment before lighting on a simple subject. "You have yet to tell me your name, though you seem to know mine." She said with a guarded tone. The name of her knight would expose much, however, it would also speak to how quickly she would have to leave, if she still could.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime1st January 2015, 10:41 pm

Endymion felt a bit embarrassed, had he really never said his name. He was sure he had told her his name at some point. 

He rose from his chair, "please forgive me Princess, where are my manners, I promise you I was raised to be more of a gentleman than this. My name is Endymion.' he said as e bowed to the princess to show he was sorry for being rude and not formally introducing himself.

He wondered how much time they would have left together before someone discovered them, or that he was not in his room as he had said he would be.
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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime23rd January 2015, 11:40 pm

The shock she felt didn't register on her face, so many years of learning to hide her emotions have finally done her some good. Endymion, the Earth Prince. She really shouldn't be here. She had to find a way to get home and fast. It was one thing to have a meal with a knight but the prince, well the King might consider this an act of war. 

"How lovely to meet you Endymion." She said in a cheerful tone, she was panicking. Her meal finished, she dabbed at her mouth with the napkin. "Why don't you show me the garden before I go?" She suggested hoping that this would indicate she was looking to leave soon.
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Lotus Crystal


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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime4th February 2015, 9:24 pm

Endymion was a bit disappointed that Serenity was in such a hurry to leave and that she had seemed to forgotten who he was. Were her memories erased? It pained him so that he held all their memories and here she was thinking they had never met, when in reality they had spent many a moon together.

He could tell she was worried, he was a bit concerned too, the Lunar court as well as his own family were not accepting of the two being together, but Endymion was not going to let anyone tell him who he could love.

"It would be my honor to show you the gardens." He said as he stood up and walked over to her ans extended his arm to accompany her through the gardens, knowing she would likely leave soon after. He wanted to enjoy every moment he had with his beloved moon goddess.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

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PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime16th March 2015, 6:11 pm

RP Mod Noticed:

There hasn't been a post in over a month. You have one week to make a post or it shall be moved into the graveyard. If it does go to the graveyard you may ask Saturn to revive it.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

Goddess Yami

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Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime30th March 2015, 7:50 pm

RP Mod Notice: 

Since no one has made a post this RP will be moved to the graveyard. If you wish to continue it please send a request to Saturn.
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PostSubject: Re: Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed)   Days Of Silver and Nights Of Gold(relaxed) I_icon_minitime

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