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 GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!

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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd June 2015, 7:13 pm

Keep them coming! I look forward to everyone's answers. :3
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Sailor Venus
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th June 2015, 6:32 pm

Day 11: Favorite Senshi and why?

I cannot answer this question o_o i can't, all honestly!...there's something about every one that i like...there are simple things that i like from everyone =)
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime15th June 2015, 6:52 pm

I'm awful and forgot to finish T_T

Day 9: Favorite Shittenou?

This is easy xD Jadeite, alllllll the way. Throughout the series, he was infatuated with Beryl which I thought was so awful but so funny xD AND THEN ACT 0 HAHAHAHA. When he was dressed up as the cop I just couldn't get enough of it xD And finally, the clincher is definitely in the Special Act when, after Endymion and the rest of them defeat Mio and there's that happy scene in the field, the camera zooms out and Jadeite is clapping and jumping like a girl xD

Anyway yah Jadeite is the best xD

For clapping Jadite, start at 52:07:
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime17th June 2015, 10:01 am

BUT BUT THE FINALE WHEN HE'S THERE WITH BERYL AT THE END. It just hits you right in the feels. T_T
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime17th June 2015, 10:42 am

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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime20th August 2015, 10:32 am

I wanted to compile mine all into one post (and secretly bump this thread) so here goes!

Small Lady wrote:
Day 1: I remember first hearing and seeing clips of PGSM on the old Save Our Soldiers website (which saddly bashed it) when PGSM was announced in Japan and was starting to be released.  I remember trying to download torrents of it back then, but it was harder to do that since torrents took much longer (slower internet connection) and i wasn't allowed to let the computer run all night (family shared computer). I only watched a few episodes, rather enjoying what I saw.  A year or so later, I found an ebay listing that was PGSM DvDs for $30 and i was like "OMG". Unbeknownst to me, it was just someone taking a fansub and burning it onto DVDs... I still own them.

They have hilarious translations too. If I can find the DVDs (they are somewhere... xD), I'll have to post screenshots.  Anyway, I watched it all back then and really enjoyed it, but wasn't really hooked. I considered it my least favorite version of SM.

Some years past and I start running the streams here on GC and we do a PGSM rewatch and WELL got me hooked and realized just HOW good PGSM is.  It is pretty much the best version of the Sailor Moon story.  I can only find minor faults in it and people that complain about the "graphics" and "ballet-fu" obviously don't know anything about Japan and Japanese tv show genres. PGSM belongs to what is known as tokusatsu.  Everything in PGSM sets out to do what it's supposed to and does it just fine. It's not cheesy or bad. Its supposed to be like that because that genre is incredibly popular in Japan and its too be expected.

Anyway, I think I went on a tangent there. So yeah, thats how I got introduced into PGSM. xD

Fun PGSM fact: the head writer of PGSM is also a head writer on Attack on Titan Very Happy

Day 2: Favorite character on your first run?

Oh easily Usagi and Makoto and Motoki.

Day 3:  I think definitely still Mako and Usagi. Though Rei is freakin amazing in PGSM so I think shes up there too. I do have a fondness for PGSM Zoisite though... really hit me in the feels with him. Sad

Day 4: I really like Mako and Usagi's friendship in this version. But I think I have to say I love the way Ami is trying so hard to be a good friend to everyone in the group, so I would have to say Ami and everyone. xD

Day 5: Best Canon Couple

MAKOTO AND MOTOKI. 'Nuff said. *coughsandMamoUsaofcoursecough*

Day 6: Couple you wished were Canon

Ikuko Mama and Minako's manager... XD Even though Ikuko mama has Kenji papa (and he's there in the wedding!) those two together would be a TRIP.

Day 7: Prettiest/Handsomest Character


Day 8: Favorite Villain

Def have to say its a toss up between Nephrite and Zoisite. Nephrite for how he is when he's human...that poor guy. And Zoisite because epic piano magics and how he reformed at the end...

Day 9: Favorite Shittenou?

Just like my fav villain its a tie between Nephrite and Zoisite!  I love human Nephy. And Zoi... *Sniffles*  (Also I really love the bad guy in the Act 0 special...he's hilarious and ridiculous)

Day 10: Favorite Actor/Actress?

Keiko Kitagawa!  With Miyuu Sawaii running up second place.  I love Keiko's portryal of Rei and I've seen her in a few other things, she's awesome!

Day 11: Favorite Senshi and why?

In this version, I'd have to say its a toss up between Jupiter and Mars.  I love how FINALLY Jupiter wasn't just the "green" one or the tomboy stereotype like she is in all the other versions of SM. She was just fantastic.

And don't even get me going on Mars. That firey Guardian...espeically at the end. UGH. *feels*

Day 12: Favorite Non-Senshi character (excluding Villains)?

Its a toss up between Motoki and Ikuko Mama (and Minako's manager as a close second). Motoki is just adorable!

Day 13: Favorite family member (ex: Ikuko Mama, Ami’s mother, etc.)


Day 14: Best Dressed?

Hm...I actually think they are all dressed really great. There are times I really love Makoto's outfits and Usagi's outfits are always adorable and Ami has great fashion sense too! Its hard to choose really. ._.

Day 15: Worst Dressed?

Motoki... dude, no turtle outfit please.

Day 16: Favorite Transformation?

Duuuuh! I adore the little dancers putting in her hair decorations and how sassy she is in her finish.

Day 17: Favorite Attack?

None of the attacks really stood out for me (especially since they get so many!) but I'd have to say these are definitely high up there in ranking. Smile

GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 Watch?v=4UDk_oMpwFY

Skip to 1:16 for Luna attacking Kunzite with her fan. xD

Day 18: Favorite changes that are unique to PGSM?
Where do I even start?  Rei and Minako's developed relationship, Darkury, Kunzite and his piano magic awesomeness, Mako and Motoki, adding Mio for drama and as a villain you love to hate, Sailor Princess Moon, Mamoru willingly going to the Dark Kingdom and then trying to take in Metallia to save the Earth rather than getting brainwashed. I could go on and on and on.

Day 19: Favorite thing about PGSM?
Everyone gets full character development, no one gets really left out. Naru doesn't get forgotten, Mako gets proper development.

Day 20: Least favorite thing about PGSM?
While the music isn't bad, it needed more variety. It started getting old at points.

Day 21: One thing you wish the show had?]
A little bit more backstory and history of the Moon Kingdom and showing Q. Serenity more than just the Wedding Special.

Day 23: Moment with the most happy feels?

The finale...when they all run up to each other once they realized Usagi was missing from their life. Omg...its just you're so happy and you are crying and you just can't even. D:

Day 24: Funniest Moment?

I can't really choose... Usagi as Tuxedo Mask? Usagi in the bear costume? Usagi getting Motoki to search for a "new turtle" and its Makoto dressed in a turtle suit?  Theres just too many. xD

Day 25: Most hated character?

I'm pretty sure everyone is going to say this but it just HAS to be Mio.  She was WRITTEN to be hated. She is like the perfect characterization of Japanese passive aggressiveness. lol  I think what makes her even worse is that due to Usagi's nature of wanting to befriend EVERYONE, Usagi tried so hard to be her friend and she was just an evil little *insert all the bad names*.  

Also I thought it was hilarious she somehow survives for the Special Act and tries to become Queen Mio in a gothic lolita esque outfit. She is insane.

Day 26: Favorite Episode?

I really can't pick a favorite episode as I enjoy them all fairly equally. However just to be able to answer the question I think I'd have to go with the one where know... and the finale...Especially the ending of the final act. OH and lets not forget the episode where Mamoru comes back from being captured and spends the day with Usagi, its just SO sweet. And then the end of the episode...its just not okay. T_T

I think its safe to say that PGSM is made up of about 85% "NOPE. THIS IS NOT OKAY." feelings...

Day 27: Least favorite episode?

To be honest I dont really have a "least" favorite episode. All of the episodes are overall between good to awesome to OMG...sooo yeah.

Day 28: Favorite Song?

Of course Kirari Sailor Dream! Especially the piano version that is used as background music. Romance, C'est La Vie and Friend are all good too. I also like Moon's song "Over Rainbow Tour". Its super adorable. xD

Day 29: Is PGSM your favorite version of Sailor Moon and why?

Yes and no. I say this because my absolute favorite version of SM is the musicals, but PGSM is nearly tied with Myu for me. PGSM is also probably the best version of the first story arc and the best version of Sailor Moon ever done from an "unbiased about the Myus" point of view. Myu only beats out PGSM because of the timeless songs, entertaining (and sexy-imlookingatyouhikariono) cast and its long run. 12 years, 29 shows! No other version of SM can beat that.

Day 30: Did you like the ending or would you have liked more?

YESS!!! I love the ending!  Especially with them wrapping up with the Special Act. The only true way to end Sailor Moon is with the wedding, so its perfect.  HOWEVER, despite how much I love the ending and think it doesn't need to be changed, I also wish PGSM had been able to continue. I think the head writer would have taken us on the best Sailor Moon journey to ever have existed and unfortunately it never came to be.  I MEAN CAN YOU IMAGINE A TOKUSATSU OF SAILOR STAR AND EPIC SPACE BATTLES???

It would have been fabulous. <3
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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime20th August 2015, 11:57 am

That took a while....
But here we go xD I put it all in one go, because I didn't want to spam this thread for 30 days. I probably became lazy towards the end though.

EK wrote:
Day 1: When were you first introduced to the live action (referred to as PGSM)?
Some months or a year after it started or ended I don't remember, I discovered it. I still hadn't watched any Sailor Moon because of parental lameness, but I knew what it was, I knew friends that loved it very much and when I saw PGSM, I pulled one of those friends with me and forced it to binge watch it. She was weary because it was live action, but I am not very picky when there are good points, so I kept her with me and we went through the whole thing. We actually loved it though now I always start at episode 6 (and I mostly go to the end directly).

Day 2: Favorite character on your first run?
Definitely Zoisite. My thing for villains isn't a recent one.

Day 3: Favorite Character Now (after several rewatches of course Razz)
Still Zoisite. That might totally never change.

Day 4: Best Friendship
Motoki & Mamoru or Usagi & Naru

Day 5: Best canon couple
Jadeite and Beryl (it's totally canon at the end shh)
But I'd say Motoki & Mako.

Day 6: Couple you wished were canons
I have ships I like, but none I wish canon. I don't mind them being non canon xD Though I found funny the whole Ikuko and manager thing like Small Lady said in hers.

Day 7: Prettiest/Handsomest Character
Mamoru, Zoisite, Minako. Though they're all very beautiful to be honest.

Day 8: Favorite villains
Zoisite  GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 4189206859

Day 9: Favorite Shitennou
Zoisite. I totally am a broken disk. Though I have to admit, I love all, but all the Shitennou in this (I do in all adaptations but shhh). I was so glad they had more time in this than in many other stuff xD

Day 10: Favorite actor/actress
None because I don't know any of them enough. I've seen them in PGSM and that's about it.

Day 11: Favorite Senshi and why
Hmm... does Luna count? 

Day 12: Favorite non-senshi character (excluding villains)?

Day 13: Favorite family member

Day 14: Best dressed
The Shitennou~

Day 15: Worst dressed

Day 16: Favorite transformation

Day 17: Favorite attack
Venus Love Me Chain and the upgraded attack of Mars, I just don't remember if they named it Burning Mandala

Day 18: Favorite changes that are unique to PGSM
All of them. The Shitennou's clothes, Zoisite, Mamoru going to the Dark Kingdom willingly, the Shitennou's death, Nephrite being human, Jadeite and Beryl, I could have done without Mio but she's fun to hate so I guess. I'm a bit meh about Princess Sailor Moon but then again Usagi's obsession with Mamoru doesn't exist just there, so I guess she's nice.

Day 19: Favorite thing about PGSM
The character development and the Shitennou feels.

Day 20: Least favorite thing about PGSM
The special effects, but you get used to it.

Day 21: One thing you wish the show had
Backstory related to Endymion and the boys. That's how biased I am.

Day 22: Moment with the most upsetting feels/made you cry?
Zoisite's death despite the exaggerated acting. Minako's death. Most of everyone's deaths to be honest. Didn't make me cry, but it was feelsy.

Day 23: Moment with the most happy feels?
I don't know xD

Day 24: Funniest moment
A lot. Act 0 with the Shitennou as really bad policemen, Usagi costuming herself way too much, Motoki and Mako are ridiculously funny and cute, the false Shitennou against the real Shitennou of the final act. Many many many many.

Day 25: Most hated character
Mio of course, but she was written for it so

Day 26: Favorite episode
Episode 44
But I do like the whole time where Mamoru is in the Dark Kingdom (up until ep 44) and I have some other favorites along the way, but yeah 44.

Day 27: Least favorite episodes
There was one. I don't remember the number xD But otherwise, the show is pretty good so yep!

Day 28: Favorite song
I didn't pay attention to that sorry xD

Day 29: Is PGSM your favorite version of Sailor Moon and why?
Eeeeeeeeh. I don't know. It's a close tie with Sera Myu, so I don't have an answer for this. I just know I love it a lot and it wouldn't bother me to watch it again and again and again. Though I think Sera Myu beats it, because while I would pass scenes or episodes I don't want to rewatch in PGSM, I don't usually do that with Sera Myu. So let's say no. But it's a close one. It's my favorite version for Zoisite anyway.

Day 30: Did you liked the ending or would you have liked more?
I would have liked more, but all good things come to an end and the special act gave a bit more of everyone. I don't know if I like the wedding ending but it was the manga's and I think it's relevant. And it was cute.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime20th August 2015, 12:14 pm

(I would like to do the same, Small Lady)

Day 1: When were you first introduced to the live action (referred to as PGSM)?  
-Honestly i don’t remember when i started watching it but when I did, I got hooked REAL FAST!

Day 2: Favorite character on your first run?

-Normally I would say Ami-Chan but i liked Usagi and Rei/Minako.

Day 3: Favorite Character Now (after several rewatches of course GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 Icon_razz) Ami, Sailor Luna, and Motoki.

Day 4: Best Friendship -the girls/Usagi, Rei/Minako (BIG surprise to me)

Day 5: Best Canon Couple -Makoto/Motoki 

Day 6: Couple you wished were Canon -this will sound really weird but Rei/Minako but in a BFF relationship not like Haruka/Micheru

Day 7: Prettiest/Handsomest Character -Male is Kunzite and female- Ami and Makoto

Day 8: Favorite Villain -To tell the truth..Dark Mercury…but at the same time and I hate to say it…MIO!!

Day 9: Favorite Shittenou? -Zoisite mr. Piano man

Day 10: Favorite Actor/Actress? -the one who played Rei and I think Beryl’s actress did a good job too.

Day 11: Favorite Senshi and why? -Ami of course! I loved how much she cared for her friends when they were drifting apart and how she changed after remembering that Sailor moon was her friend when she was Dark Mercury. Also I loved how all the girls found their “Special powers” that was a nice twist.

Day 12: Favorite Non-Senshi character (excluding Villains)? -Usagi’s Mom No doubt!!

Day 13: Favorite family member (ex: Ikuko Mama, Ami’s mother, etc.) -Again Ikuko Mama!

Day 14: Best Dressed? -Zoisite and Motoki (in turtle costume..Almost made me fall out of my chair laughing.

Day 15: Worst Dressed? -Sailor Luna?? i don’t really know to tell the truth…

Day 16: Favorite Transformation? -Minako (The same one as the video in Small Lady’s post)

Day 17: Favorite Attack? -Mercury Aqua Mist, Supreme Thunder (Great flexibility), Akuryo Taisan, and Sailor Luna’s fan attack + her Luna Sucre Candy attack.

Day 18: Favorite changes that are unique to PGSM? -Hmm the girls attitudes i guess and their being a Dark Mercury and also the relationship with Rei and Minako.

Day 19: Favorite thing about PGSM? -Everything almost except.. (See Day 20!)

Day 20: Least favorite thing about PGSM?- MIO..MIO…MIO…MIO! Oh and a human Luna but NO human Artemis??

Day 21: One thing you wish the show had? -the Outer Senshi, Less MIO!, a human Artemis and a slightly longer Dark Mercury segment. Oh and Minako not dying! (Made me cry)

Day 22: Moment with the most upsetting feels/made you cry?- Minako’s death and the way it happened and the appearance of MIO! GRRR I hate her..*Sorry*

Day 23: Moment with the most happy feels? -when Dark Mercury becomes Sailor Mercury again and hugs her friends when they show her they all care about her still. Also..when Queen Mio is defeated! YAY!!!!

Day 24: Funniest Moment? -Usagi’s mom moments and when someone was dressed like another person/thing…

Day 25: Most hated character? -You already know but…. MIO!!!

Day 26: Favorite Episode? -when Dark Mercury becomes Sailor Mercury again after the Forrest thing with Usagi. plus that game show type one that was funny

Day 27: Least favorite episode? -anything with Mio in it…even if it was just for a minute or two

Day 28: Favorite Song? -I might get criticized for this but…who cares i liked “C'est la Vie ~ Part of the Love in Me, or That's Life ~”

Day 29: Is PGSM your favorite version of Sailor Moon and why? -As for what little i Have seen other then the 90’s anime and tidbits of S Season…Yes it is my favorite..for now.

Day 30: Did you like the ending or would you have liked more? It’s both really… so I can’t choose but if it was extended..I would like some changes made.

(Sorry for the long post)
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime7th September 2015, 6:59 am

Day 10: Favorite Actor/Actress?

While I love Miyuu Sawai to pieces and think she was a wonderful Usagi, I just have to pick Keiko Kitagawa. She played Rei to a whole new level, and because of her amazing acting and character portrayal, I will never look at Rei the same way. I never realized how broken Rei was regarding the situation with her parents, and seeing Keiko as Rei gave me a deeper understanding behind Rei's personality. And there is nothing more beautiful than when Keiko smiles, seriously. You just can't help but smile when she does.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th January 2016, 3:41 am

This looks fun i will post my answers soon i am rewatching starting today!
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime10th January 2016, 11:01 am

Ooh yes! I look forward to you doing it. GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 1569843278 GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 1078067613
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime11th February 2016, 6:47 pm

Day 12: Favorite Non-Senshi character (excluding Villains)?

Day 13: Favorite family member (ex: Ikuko Mama, Ami’s mother, etc.) 

Shingo, because Ikuko mama sometimes got on my nerves.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime17th September 2017, 9:12 am

Hi guys!

I updated the first post with a progress list for anyone who still wants to come back to the challenge! I linked the Tumblr of those that only did it there instead of here.

Also, congrats to the three members who managed to finish!

For anyone new, this sort of daily posting challenge is generally meant to help fuel the need to stay at the top of your followers’ minds. Oh, and also to subtly advertise GC when you use the tag! Don't have anything to say on a daily basis? Challenge prompts to the rescue! But, for those who don't really care about that or who don't have a Tumblr (or Instagram), it's a great way to compile your thoughts and love for the series! So, don't worry if you can't get around to one per day. Also, feel free to start at any time! GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 111859084

Last edited by Diagnosed on 8th October 2017, 12:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime8th October 2017, 11:40 am

Ooh! I wanna try this! But I'm sooooo behind! Oh well! Gonna do it anyway!

Day 1: When were you first introduced to the live action (referred to as PGSM)?
Don't know, really. I had heard about it long before coming here, but I never had much interest. It was through reading about it on TVTropes that I decided to finally give it a shot...and I'm glad I did!

Day 2: Favorite character on your first run?

Day 3: Favorite Character Now (after several rewatches of course Razz)
Haven't rewatched it, but I know it'll still be Luna.

Day 4: Best Friendship
Usagi and Ami.

Day 5: Best Canon Couple
Usagi/Mamoru. Need I say more?
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime17th October 2017, 11:11 am

OKAYYYY! Finally ready to record it all for posterity XD. It’ll be interesting to come back years later to see if any of my favorites have changed...

Day 1: When were you first introduced to the live action (referred to as PGSM)?


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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime21st October 2017, 2:17 pm

I'm rewatching PGSM now! It has been a few years since I've seen it so my opinions are changing.

Day 1: When were you first introduced to the live action (referred to as PGSM)?:

Day 2: Favorite character on your first run?:

Day 3: Favorite Character Now:
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime22nd October 2017, 8:18 pm

I've added our newest participants to the progress roster!

Day 2: Favorite character on your first run?

Well… that was a long time ago XD. But I think it was Motoki. His relationship with his pet turtle was just so endearing! And somehow, since he was sooooooo different from anime or manga Motoki (like almost polar opposites), I think I just had a better appreciation for him as his own character.
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Sana Kurata
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd October 2017, 10:38 pm

Day 1: When were you first introduced to the live action (referred to as PGSM)? October 10th 2003

Day 2: Favorite character on your first run? Princess sailor moon
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime31st October 2017, 10:17 am

Day 3: Favorite Character Now

It's a toss up between Ami and Rei. I think they were both played really well. Although I think they wrote Ami a lot shyer than she is in other incarnations, I still really liked her story in PGSM. And Rei's just kind of badass, so there's that XD.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime9th November 2017, 2:27 pm

Day 4: Best Friendship

Rei and Minako

Day 5: Best Canon Couple

Rei and Minako 

Day 6: Couple you wished were Canon

Rei and Minako 

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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime9th November 2017, 3:07 pm

XD Awesome...

Day 4: Best Friendship

Goodness… This is tough. In the end though, I think I want to go with Naru and Usagi. Even though they spend the majority of the series on the outs, the angst is something I always thought should have been there in the original manga and anime. Their makeup scene was perfect...

Plus, Act Zero is just too cute!! It's a glimpse at a life Usagi left behind and Naru was a really important part of it.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th December 2017, 6:56 pm

Usa-chan wrote:
Day 4: Best Friendship

Rei and Minako

Day 5: Best Canon Couple

Rei and Minako 

Day 6: Couple you wished were Canon

Rei and Minako 


Reading everyones answers and then this. XD XD XD XD This is perfect lmao!
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th December 2017, 4:05 pm


Day 7: Prettiest/Handsomest Character

Dark Mercury!!!!

Day 7: Favorite Villain 

Dark Mercury!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime31st December 2017, 11:28 am

Day 5: Best Canon Couple

Not much choice here, really ^^;;... I’ll go with Usagi and Mamoru... Not totally by default though! They had some really touching scenes T^T. The one where they're looking out on the water at sunset... The unmasking...! And when they were separated, you could really feel it. I think Jyoji Shibue and Miyuu Sawai did well all in all.
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime31st December 2017, 7:27 pm

Yes!! They had a really great chemistry! The episode you mentioned where they play on the beach together...ugh it gets me right in the feels every time!
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Sana Kurata
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st January 2018, 10:44 am

Day 3 still princess sailor moon
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th February 2018, 2:25 pm

Day 6: Couple You Wished Were Canon

I'm pretty much on the Reinako bandwagon as well but even more, I'd love to have seen Dark Mercury x Nephrite go totally canon! I mean, everything would be nullified once Ami returned to normal and all that but still... Actually, is it just me or would that make it even better and extra angsty somehow? XD
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th February 2018, 7:01 pm

Diagnosed wrote:
Day 6: Couple You Wished Were Canon

I'm pretty much on the Reinako bandwagon as well but even more, I'd love to have seen Dark Mercury x Nephrite go totally canon! I mean, everything would be nullified once Ami returned to normal and all that but still... Actually, is it just me or would that make it even better and extra angsty somehow? XD
100000000% agree
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime17th March 2018, 12:38 pm

O yes i want to try it !

Day 1: When were you first introduced to the live action (referred to as PGSM)?
I don't remember the date (2008) but i looked for a new tokusatsu, and there is an image of PGSM. I remember it's an anime too. I decide to test it and i fall in love of the live action...
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PostSubject: Re: GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge!   GC's PGSM 30 Day Challenge! - Page 3 I_icon_minitime17th March 2018, 9:55 pm

Yaaay! I've added you to the progress list~. Neat that you came to it from the tokusatsu side of things!
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