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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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Age : 38
Location : Florida, USA

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PostSubject: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime7th June 2014, 7:55 pm

Hullo, Hullo! 4039879955 

   I have known about GC for a while, and viewed forums before to get info and what everyone was dishing about. I finally decided to register and try to join in the forum fun. Feorin is my gamer tag I try to stick with. In RL my name is Stephanie, but Feo or Feorin will be good for forum purposes!

   About me, I am a park ranger, environmental science major; born, raised, and living in Florida. As much as I am a nerd about ecosystems and habitats, that is just really a new direction for my old friend obsession which has its roots in anime, manga, and anything Japanese at this point really. I also love books and read relentlessly: fantasy, YA, Epics, some romance, and Sci-fi. Refer to my Goodreads Profile for extensive lists. And my husband and I game together, currently ESO, but Wow in the past and Minecraft, other random adventures. I also obsess about regular geek things: doctor who, SN, sherlock, startrek and wars, serenity, older stuff probably no one has heard of.  

   Of course that story starts like so many other US girls with watching Sailor moon every afternoon as a pre-teen/teen/collage/and-forever-and-always. Could you imagine my shock and awe when I discovered there were outer senshi! Characters beyond the show that I had to go onto my AOL Dial-up internet, that I could only have for an hour a day, to find out about Sailor Saturn? Not to mention that the thing I watch in secret every weekday originated from a comic book, and that it was called Manga? And that this guy had translated it all on a website I read religiously? And that it was all from Japan! Obsession began, we call it fangirl-ing or Otaku now but those are just pretty words for our unending obsession aren't they?

My Original source for the manga  <-- Has anyone else ever used this site, it has been online since the mid 90's, he only ever took down the SM material as kodansha finally licensed and distributed accurate translations. I is still a good place to get Miss Rain and earlier manga translations. I use to read just the translations, until I found original Japanese scans and I would read them side by side on the computer! Oh how far we have come!

  It only got worse when I found other people in high school who also were as obsessed as me and started a role playing binder that passed around. I, at that point expanded to obsess about anything Anime/manga/Japanese. I love the language and have suffered through many episodes of DBX, Naturo, InuYasha, Gundam, Ranma 1/2, Evangelion, and countless other animes just because! My real love besides SM is anything CLAMP or Ghibli Studios, also Slayers really did it for me in the kick ass girl department. 

   I figured with the Sailor Moon Crystal coming out I want to be in company of like minded people, to discuss changes, new themes, what they could have done, or how awesome and perfect it is. I hope to get to know everyone and be active in the forums. Thank you all for reading, I type a lot!  

 Hullo! 631144967  
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Tiny Kitten
Diana Emeritus

Tiny Kitten

Diana Emeritus

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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime8th June 2014, 1:51 am

Typing a lot is never a bad thing! Welcome!!! So glad to have another member on board! I love gaming tooooo! WoW and Monecraft are awesome =] but ewww the heat in Florida xD We actually do have a section specifically for talking about Crystal! As well as a section just for fun little games you can join in on ^^ who's your favorite and least favorite character in the show? =oWelcome again and I hope to see you around the forums! <3
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime8th June 2014, 7:06 pm

hey there! my name is michele, but everybody calls me mi, and you're free to do so! i'm the media director here at the forums! welcome =D

have you seen the live action or the musicals?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime8th June 2014, 7:17 pm

Wow you job sounds so interesting.  Hullo! 1955989781  I just took environmental geology this past semester! Anyway, welcome to the forums!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime9th June 2014, 8:01 am

I am still digging my way through all the forum threads, I found you guys tried to start a goodreads group! I am interested in that, I posted a discussion, see here! 

@Yunie - Yay environmental geology!
@Artemis - No I have not watched the musicals... they always seemed over the top, I did see a lot of the live action, I liked the drastic change in plot lines and manga influences!
@Kayariah - There is a small thread about Minecraft! Maybe we can all talk about it! Comment here!
Also, Kayriah, I love Florida heat I get all dry and uncomfortable anywhere else, and I hate, winter. I am a summer child all the way. 

My favorite characters are probably Haruka and Makoto. Makoto because she was the first one I identified with, and Haruka, because in my Highschool friends group back in the day me and my best friend were assigned the roles of  Haruka and Michiru.  And because of this fanfic: Dark Skies, Bright Heavens. 

I am struggling to re-identify with characters now that I am older and super obsessed with nature. There is no good character in sailor moon that is really one with nature; Makoto tries but she is very much a Jupiter/Zeus avatar with lightning and such. I love plant character more now these days. Treents, Dyrads, and protectors of the forest kinda stuff. Anyone know a good popular Original Character or Alt Universe nature person. I am not up on all the new fanfiction.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime9th June 2014, 9:08 am

Welcome Feorin. Glad to have you here Smile
My name is Erica, but everyone calls me Hikari. I am a member of the GC welcome squad, and I just want to take a moment to welcome you to the forum. We are a tight group here. I have to say the GC is like a 2nd family for me. I am also a huge Ghibli fan as well. What is your favorite movie? I am also uuber excited for SMC. What do you think of the new art? Oh have you seen any of the musicals or the live-action? I highly recommend it if you haven't  Hullo! 868675979 .

I would like to direct you here, thisis the general SM discussion thread where you can find all things sailor moon. I am also a huge fan of the arcades with all the games and such.

I hope you find a lot of fun things to do on here and make some lovely friends.

If you ever need help with anything for the forum, don't hesitate to shoot me a message and I will do my best to help you out. Sailor Jupiter  Hullo! 1333987389  <3 is also your go to girl for any other questions you may have.
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Lotus Crystal

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime9th June 2014, 1:11 pm

i have to say i do dislike the weather here in FL but what can you do! haha you get used to it.

anywho i'm luna or greenpea501 or greenpea as everyone seems to call me cause they aint calling me luna.... Razz ok ill stop i promise. if you couldn't guess i'm also in FL. sooo what part of FL you in?
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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Location : Florida, USA

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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime9th June 2014, 1:32 pm

Florida is awesome! Besides I was born here so I am specifically adapted.

West coast central, St. Petersburg.
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Lotus Crystal

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime9th June 2014, 1:52 pm

Feorin wrote:
Florida is awesome! Besides I was born here so I am specifically adapted.

West coast central, St. Petersburg.

that's maybe an 1hr to 2hrs north of me. give or take traffic.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime9th June 2014, 2:04 pm

Awesome, So thats like Sarasota or more south like Charlotte harbor? It takes me an hour to drive out to Myakka, which I love to hike at, and Oscar Scherer. 

Let me know if you go to any cons up here in central FL. I hit up Metro, Mega, and AFO every year. At least I try too. I have some friends on staff at Metro and AFO so its more social for me than anything.
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Lotus Crystal

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime9th June 2014, 3:38 pm

even more south the charlotte harbor. im closer to cape coral. as for cons no i dont go to any sadly like to but then having no one to go with and not one for driving long distances. i tend to stick around the area close to home. we must be the same age give or take a month maybe?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime9th June 2014, 4:41 pm

Welcome to GC. You can call me Nao or Ari I get called both around the forums. The musicals at first seemed a bit over the top to me before I watched them but now that I've seen them I've become quit obsessed with them myself. anyway welcome to GC.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : that one j-idol and k-pop fangirl.
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PostSubject: Re: Hullo!   Hullo! I_icon_minitime9th June 2014, 11:03 pm

welcome to gc! i'm tany, but most people call me suny or sunyeons c: i'm one of the members of the welcome squad and another member of the mod team c: the musicals were a meh idea to me at first since i was like what is this when i came here. (since i didn't know the existence of them till i joined gc) but i found a newfound love for them, and for anzamoon cause she's my fav moon of all the myu's i've seen so far. if you have any questions feel free to let me know C:
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