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 [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore Empty
PostSubject: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore I_icon_minitime4th May 2016, 5:49 pm

Advanced Character Profile
[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore Golmore2
Character Name: Krhn
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 30 years

Used Canons:
The Viera of Final Fantasy Tactics and FFXII.

Appearance: Krhn is a Viera, a species of humanoid-hare hybrids who are tall, have dark skin, and all have silver hair, typically worn long, that naturally separates into two tails at the base of their necks. Their slender bodies do well to hide the lithe muscles beneath the skin that make them both strong and incredibly quick; their limbs are longer and more supple than those of humans; their hands are larger and end in claws that are as dangerous as they are dexterous; their feet, as well, are clawed and larger and more apt to standing on their toes than not - all Viera wear stiletto heels due to the shape of their feet; without them, they tend to either hobble uncomfortably or hop around, springing on the balls of their feet. They find the latter most ungainly and prefer the stilettos, especially as they can adapt the footwear into beautiful weapons with bladed heels in thin sheaths and metal claws decorating the toes.

Their long ears are covered in fine, short fur, usually mottled with brown specks at the tips, and are exceptionally good at hearing - though Veira have superb senses overall. Krhn’s ears allow her to hear over great distances, and allow her to listen to the voices of the spirit world - “the Wood” - and communicate with them. Her ears can also sense changes in the weather, and can pick up on quiet motions of living things all around her, especially when she is in her home woods. Her black eyes have great eyesight - like other Veira, given a clean line of sight, she could pick out prey at 10 km. All adult Viera retain their appearance upon reaching adulthood, their elders appearing no older than those who have just reached their maturity, so her senshi ability of unaging will not be so unique until she is alive well past the average lifespan of her sisters - 150 years.

Like her sisters, Khrn likes to dress minimally to allow for the greatest range of motion, but will modify her dress according to local customs; she will still typically be wearing less than the person next to her, but not so much to be incredibly indecent. Favorite colors to dress in are faded purples.
[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore ASTKOG9dlpdpxU_SIDkvl3XjTVlR5t6ddN2PCKKStg-kmdTcYA-fQoDcP_eMoPH9UYdY5D4KO_V2fAiU5Gpc4g6IjNV2Rm36NY85nsv6kjMAYydsI5f1t1iTS9LWC7_tVfNieYtF
Personality: If left to her own devices.... Khrn is quite lazy. She likes to groan and complain about pretty much doing anything but lazing around when she is left to her own devices. She doesn't like to cook, so, if not fed by someone else, her diet usually consists of whatever snacks are lying around or uncooked fruits and vegetables as they take zero prep time. She sometimes gets dehydrated because she forgets to drink regularly or is too lazy to remember that . On her own planet, her lazing about is usually kept to the mornings and evenings, when she can attempt to sleep in late or go to bed early, but otherwise throughout the day she just drags her toes and groans about having to follow through with responsibilities. She likes to think she whines 'in a cute way,' as most of the time reactions to her drawn-out complaints are eye-rolls with tiny I'm-not-smiling-to-encourage-you but she's totally being encouraged anyway smiles. She likes to be taken care of, and occasionally sweet-talks people into doing things for her like piggy-back rides.

THAT SAID, if there's a specific task to be undertaken, Khrn is on it, especially if it's something she can do quickly to get it done and out of the way. Despite being lazy, she is impatient when it comes to starting and completing tasks - she's of the 'Do first, think later' mindset when a problem seems easy to solve and gets even more impatient when people insist on talking things through rather than just doing it. She's fairly intelligent so usually her ideas turn out okay, but there have been times when her Wood-Warder's have wished she was like the Vorpal Bunny and also had a tail, so they could catch it and keep her in place for a moment more as they pointed out an obvious flaw in her plan. Regardless, when her plan works she is most efficient and capable with its execution.

Khrn is a little competitive - usually in contests of speed, usually because she knows that, against most, she will win. Her fighting style is to get in quick, land a blow, and get away; she excels at dodging blows because of her speed, but also because she is always aware of the situation around her - you would be hard pressed to catch Khrn off guard; even when it looks like she's napping, her senses are always scanning the area, staying alert for any type of danger, a sense that developed within her species back in their days of being prey. 

With others, Khrn is trusting and playful, often acting closer to people than she has any right to be; to some this is endearing, to others, annoying; she lets criticism usually slide off of her, but if it hits a key point she'll try to change their minds through actions rather than words. 

Trait List:
Negative: Lazy, Impatient, Bossy, Indulgent, Thoughtless, Competitive
Positive: Alert/Aware, Capable, Efficient, Honest, Playful, Trusting

Likes: games, racing, kick-boxing
Dislikes: manual labor, 
Dreams/Goals/Ambitions: to be the best at what she does, but with as little effort as possible.
Strengths: dexterity, perception, strength
Weaknesses: Vitality

Fears: Being buried alive, deep water, fire


Any Unique Abilities/Skills: See "Noteworthy Facts"

When she was just a leveret (young Viera), Khrn, like all of her sisters, went to school and honed her ability to communicate with the Wood and learn the Green Word, the code all Viera within the Golmore Jungle follow that emphasize seclusion from other races and being true to the Wood. Within these classes of their early years, Khrn was pointed out as being gifted with speaking to the creatures of the Wood, but beyond that was rather average in her skills as a hunter and a fighter; it was this heightened ability to communicate with the spirits that kept her within their Wood-Warder training program, a class of elite Viera who would, eventually, become the hunters and protectors of their village. While it was not public knowledge, these programs were also keeping an eye out for the next Senshi within their midst, making sure any and all candidates would be well trained from birth to make her as effective as possible.

Krhn awoke as Sailor Golmore when she was eighteen years old, just about to graduate as an accomplished Wood-Warder, having completed her apprenticeship and achieved more than any had in a long time with actively communicating with the spirits of the Wood. Her Sailor Crystal did not show itself through facing Chaotic danger, as Golmore Jungle is protected by forces both ancient and powerful, even beyond the incredibly capable Wood Warders - instead, it just awoke, fading over her ceremonial Wood-Worden garb of black and silver as she accepted the wreath that stood for her graduation.

Since then, she has been one of the few to have left Golmore Jungle and been welcomed back - most Viera who leave are banished, never allowed to return for forsaking their ancient ways of the Wood - but for her, who they realize must face dangers whispered to her through the Mist of the Wood, they have made exception. To denote her exemplified status, she has been gifted with a box containing the seed of one of their ancient trees, and the gift of Vision Dust, that she may use to  aide in an escape and return to them should the need arise.

Other Noteworthy Facts:

  • Superb Eyesight - can spot their prey at 10 km
  • Superb hearing - can sense changes in the weather, detect movement of all living things when in small spaces; can listen to the voices of the spirit world (“the Woods”)
  • Grinds teeth as unspoken form of communication with other Viera (pain, warning, contentment)
  • Good at boxing/martial arts fighting, specializing in kicks
  • Good bowmanship - long years of training with the Wood Warders.
  • Speaks with an Icelandic accent.

Storyline Specific Information: 

  • [Hecate’s Uprising] - Khrn, through voices in the Mist, had traveled to Crystal Tokyo and had barely arrived when the call for help came through. Feeling this was why she had come, she left to follow without a word.

Source: While I used various Viera resources to create Khrn’s profile, and various astronomical resources to weave in mythos and astrological influences of the constellation Lepus (Lapos), I did not directly copy/paste any sentence within this profile.  Khrn's picture is stock from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance; Sailor Golmore's picture is Fran from FFXII 

Quote :
Senshi Information

Senshi Name: Sailor Golmore (Goal-more-ae) // Sailor Lagos // Sailor Lepus
Realm of Influence(s): The Sacred Wood - Spirit Monsters and Prey Instincts
Henshin/Transformation Phrase: Golmore Jungle Within Me, Wake Up!
Senshi Fuku:

[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore Fran_RW
Sailor Golmore's outfit is very similar to the above which, coincidentally, is very similar to the colors and stylings of the Wood-Warders, though it is unclear which took the style from the other. The outfit is primarily made of supple leathers that move and stretch as she does; the shoes have metallic bases that can be used as weapons; the right is more covered than the left as that is her dominant foot when side-swiping with her feet.
Different from picture: Sailor Golmore's uniform has a Sailor Collar; the collar would cover some of her shoulders shown in the above image, and squares off in the back to make for a short, sheer, unstriped sailor collar. 
Also different from picture: Khrn's hair is not as fluffy as the picture above would lead you to believe, and it remains silver rather than off-white. 

Golmore Haze: creates a haze that obscures vision; she refers to this as “the Grey Area”
Lenguere: An enfeeblement ability that causes the enemy to start to relax, if not completely feint. It’s similar to how hares play dead when threatened.
Summoning: Creates a portal and calls a creature (usually a terrifying monster) from “the Wood”: a spirit realm that mirrors her own Golmore Jungle that is filled with monstrous beasts that, while spirits, pack a punch. They will follow her command for a time, until either she dismisses them or their forms disappear from this realm. The longer they are around, the more Mist they release - Mist is just as it sounds - Mist, which appears similar to Golmore’s Haze, but tinged with the evils of the Wood.
Mist Frenzy: the Mist released from the Wood has negative effects on Golmore - the longer she is exposed to it, the less she is able to control herself, and the stronger she gets. She goes into a berzerker state, wherein, pumped full of Mist, her physical attacks become incredibly strong, but she is unpredictable. The longer she keeps in contact with the monsters of the Wood, the more like them she becomes.
Mist Walking: On occasion, Khrn is able to travel through the Wood to get to another destination.

Weapons or Magical Items:
Stiletto Heels: Often uses her Stiletto Heels as weapons, as she tends to fight physically, primarily with kicking.
Bow of the Wood: a longbow she can summon at will that fires arrows of energy at her target; hitting the target may inflict them with Lenguere.
Seed of Golmore Jungle: a box made of wood from the sacred trees of her home; within lies a single seed from one of those ancient boughs; so long as she has it on her, she is still part of her community, obeying the Green Word, and is not considered an outcast. Within the box, alongside the Seed, is a small supply of Vision Dust.
Vision Dust: a shimmering dust made from the powder that collects on the tail of a sacred animal of the Golmore Jungle - the Vorpal Bunny. The dust can make her invisible for a time, but once she is out, she is unable to get any more for seven years. She has yet to use any dust, as she prefers to do things directly.

Guardian: N/A; the creatures she calls from the Wood are typically never the same, but if similar ones end up coming out, I’ll update this section.

RP Sample: 
Krhn hid a groan behind a yawn, her ears perking and her eyes flatly looking to the side as a stream of 'why me what is it about me that makes this happen to me why did i get out of bed today to have to deal with this what time is it even it's too early for this' thoughts ran over those droning lines of the speaker before her who was explaining things in detail far too great for anyone to care about, surely. She finished her yawn and returned her attention to him as he continued his verbal assault on her ears and patience, and finally she caught wind of what he was beating around the bush to find. 

"Kill the beast, got it," she interrupted as her bow materialized in her hands. As he sputtered she was already off, her stiletto heels striking the stone floor with bright staccato beats as she rushed the tall door and slipped outside. Why did people insist on writing a book when a picture was all that was needed? That whole thing could have been shortened to "U Kill This Beast, We ♥ U." Maybe with a picture of the beast so she didn't hunt the wrong one. She paused at the unknown forest, eyes peering down dark pathways... and tried to remember how he had described the beast to begin with. ... it was of the forest, right? 

Well stool

"Khrn," Aggravated at the lack of information and a tiny bit annoyed that she had forgotten what the beast was like, the Senshi of Golmore turned sharply, and melted into a smile as her friend pointed left. "The "Beast" is this way." 

"Hahaha..." she laughed weakly, jogging off in the direction indicated, "Thank you~"

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 28th May 2016, 7:17 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore I_icon_minitime4th May 2016, 8:56 pm

I think I have everything but the rp sample xD could you review what I have for now, just so if there is something in the basic profile I should work on, I could do that as Im working on the sample? ♡
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Lotus Crystal


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[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore I_icon_minitime6th May 2016, 7:48 pm

Does Golmore have a transformation item, or is it just a transformation that can be summoned?
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore I_icon_minitime6th May 2016, 7:50 pm

Summoned!  [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore 868675979
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore I_icon_minitime6th May 2016, 8:08 pm

Awesome Smile One last question: Does this character have any fears or weaknesses?
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore I_icon_minitime6th May 2016, 8:36 pm

Elementally, she's weak against Earth - like rock, etc. - but, hm..... i think she's afraid of deep water - she can't swim - and fire. She loves the dark as she can see well in it and feels more connected to the Wood when she's in the dark. I'll probably come up with more weaknesses as I play her XD

I can edit this in to the profile when i finish her rp sample!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore I_icon_minitime7th May 2016, 8:03 am

Sounds good! Just let me know when that's done and I'll approve the profile Smile
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore I_icon_minitime12th May 2016, 3:44 pm

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Golmore I_icon_minitime12th May 2016, 6:25 pm

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