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 My Character Jakyu Chan!

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Jakyu-chan
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PostSubject: My Character Jakyu Chan!   My Character Jakyu Chan! I_icon_minitime8th January 2014, 6:20 am

To start things off, Jakyu isn't a fanbased character. She's my own character from my up and coming web comic series known as Dream Puffs. The story is about an overly spirited and socially awkward child discovers a magical hat with divine powers which, inevitably causes her to have unwanted attention from supernatural forces. 

Here is a concept illustration of her: Jakyu Poses

Another illustration with Jakyu and her crazy friends: Icecream Line

And an old holiday illustration: Holiday Fun

Since Jakyu was originated from an earth like planet in my series, I decided to have her be located in another galaxy so that way her storyline doesn't clash with the storyline taking place in sailor moon's milkyway galaxy. 

And now for some information: (this is subject to change)

Name: Jakyu Okashi
Age: 10
Location: Planet Terra, from The andromeda Galaxy (m31)(next door to milkyway galaxy)
Height: 3'6''
Likes: Candy, Unicorns, Rainbows and Stars!! And big sis!
Dislikes: Dark matter! Ugh! : P, Bad people!, and being alone...

As for her bio, I will get to that during my lunch period. (i'm at work ^^") Until then, Enjoy! 

Last edited by jakyumagi on 8th January 2014, 11:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: My Character Jakyu Chan!   My Character Jakyu Chan! I_icon_minitime8th January 2014, 10:25 am

Sounds very cute ^^ I hope your web comic takes off Very Happy I could totally see this as a childrens story like in bookstores and stuff xD
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Jakyu-chan
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PostSubject: Re: My Character Jakyu Chan!   My Character Jakyu Chan! I_icon_minitime8th January 2014, 11:00 am

Thanks! Very Happy The storyline is very dark though. I'll post it later since I'm still busy at work. 

Here's a brief general storyline of the series: 

The story begins with a overly spirited child named Jakyu okashi, A little girl with a dream to become something great. Living with her only family member and sister, Kara, she becomes desperate to do something right without messing it up. That day appears when a mysterious and ominous masked child, (what appears to be one) shoves a golden box with a star emblem carved on to it. Inside, Jakyu discovers a magical white hat which she soon discovers it gives her the power to do what she wished, with a price. The hat activated upon her deep desire to do good but she had to pay a deep price for it and it was her ability to express sadness and despair. It caused Jakyu to have a "mask" so to speak, creating and overly enthusiastic child with strange starstruck eyes. She can no longer express any other emotion on the outside except enthusiasms with a great desire to make everyone else happy at the expense of her happiness.  

And that's a brief description of Jakyu's storyline. Jakyu and other socially awkward children all suffered a consequence upon contact on these god powered hats. While the others had more selfish related wishes, Jakyu's was more or less selfless, wishing happiness for others and her sister, even if no one else loves her back. She's willing to sacrifice everything just to keep her sister safe and sound and will do whatever it takes to make sure not only her home is safe, but the galaxy as well.

In addition, each hat can transform into any item for the user's convenience so If Jakyu wanted to turn her magical hat into a bag, she can do so! :3

I may bring in another character from my series since Jakyu will be venturing out alone and is in need of protection. ^^"
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Sailor Venus
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PostSubject: Re: My Character Jakyu Chan!   My Character Jakyu Chan! I_icon_minitime8th January 2014, 5:25 pm

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Jakyu-chan
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PostSubject: Re: My Character Jakyu Chan!   My Character Jakyu Chan! I_icon_minitime8th January 2014, 5:26 pm

Thank you! <3 you'll be seeing more of her probably riding on pogo sticks around crosswalks and following the senshi via pogo stick =w= She loves to bounce...on pogo sticks.
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