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 Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga

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Pyramidal Crystal


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Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga Empty
PostSubject: Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga   Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga I_icon_minitime4th October 2012, 10:38 am

Hello my Fellow Moonies Im curious to know your Theory about Mamoru last thing he said he looks at Usagi and the girls together in the sunlight. He thinks, "Even if we are gone and new Sailor Senshi, new stars, are born...Sailor Moon, you will forever be immortal. For all eternity, you will be the most beautiful and brilliant light."

I mean we all Know everyone eventually does die and there starseed returns to the cauldron and someday it will be reborn again but What does Mamoru mean by new stars new senshi being born. I thought as long as everyone had there Starseed/sailor crystals they could be reborn many times. I believe a Sailor crystal chooses a host but Im curious to know your theory about this quote. Do you believe when all Senshi's die Including Mamoru and there Star Seed enter the cauldron thats it for them The starseed will choose a new Host to carry the duty of a Senshi or Like me believe that Senshi crystals dont die, so say if Sailor mars did die in crystal tokyo she will be reborn again as the same senshi she will always be Sailor Mars because her Senshi Crystal was born of her planet.

Moonies tell me what you think whats your theory Im very curious to know

Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga 1805429032
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Sailor Uranus
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Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga   Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga I_icon_minitime4th October 2012, 10:50 am

I think what happens is that that person is that senshi throughout her lifetime, and then can choose to be reborn and fight again or can choose a peaceful existence (afterlife) in the cauldron and be together with their loved ones for eternity, and the sailor crystal of the planet returns to the planet, rematures, and chooses a new host.

I think it Yaten said somewhere in Stars that planetary star seeds actually travel from the cauldron and exist within their planet, attuning with it, for ages until it fully matures into a sailor crystal. Once that development occurs, the crystal (semi sentient? think silver crystal o_o) chooses from the populace of beings upon itself whom will be the protector of that planet and the lifeforms upon it, and is born within that being in place of their star seed.

So, if they chose to be reborn and fight again, their bodies would be reborn but not necessarily in the same system, thus they might not necessarily become the same senshi in the same system as they were originally and that might end any friendships they had made previously.
If they choose to stay in the cauldron, millennia pass as that crystal is melted down, reformed, sent back to the planet, develops, and then chooses a new host/guardian senshi.

I think what Mamoru meant was that what Usagi did and what she will do, what she stands for, will long outlive her physical body. Her deeds, actions, and love will forever be eternal, shining in the heart of new stars ('cause she melted with the cauldron, remember?) and in stories of the greatest senshi ever to battle chaos.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga   Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga I_icon_minitime4th October 2012, 11:05 am

@Sailor Uranus thanks for cleairing that out but I mean Im a little confuse remember when Queen Serenity sent everyone to be reborn again in the future how were they able to remember there past lives and fight against all there enemies. I mean you said if they chose to be reborn again and fight they wont be the same ending any friendship they had in there past life. Wouldnt everyone just remember everything because its part of there mission. I think its said in the anime or manga not sure but the only reason everyone remembers there past live is because its part of there mission. So let say Mamoru or Mars dies and choose to reborn again physically they wont look the same but will have to remember some stuff because its part of there mission. What do you think ?

Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga 1805429032
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Lotus Crystal


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Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga   Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga I_icon_minitime4th October 2012, 11:30 am

You also have to remember that naturally in space, new planets and stars are born throughout this vast universe. With those new stars and planets, new Sailor Senshi will continue being born to that planet. With Sailor Moon being called immortal, it's more than just saying she's going to be reborn. Known for having the brightest star seed is one, but she saved the whole universe from Chaos. She did an amazing thing that no other Sailor Senshi could do. For such a strong person like that, she will always be remembered for that which is a sense of never dying.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga   Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga I_icon_minitime4th October 2012, 12:03 pm

@Lust that is true but I always thought as long as they had there starseed they would be able to reborn over and over not sure if Naoko Takeuchi made that clear though
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga   Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga I_icon_minitime4th October 2012, 3:32 pm

SerenaChiba630 wrote:
@Sailor Uranus thanks for cleairing that out but I mean Im a little confuse remember when Queen Serenity sent everyone to be reborn again in the future how were they able to remember there past lives and fight against all there enemies. I mean you said if they chose to be reborn again and fight they wont be the same ending any friendship they had in there past life. Wouldnt everyone just remember everything because its part of there mission. I think its said in the anime or manga not sure but the only reason everyone remembers there past live is because its part of there mission. So let say Mamoru or Mars dies and choose to reborn again physically they wont look the same but will have to remember some stuff because its part of there mission. What do you think ?

Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga 1805429032
Their memory of the Silver Millennium - their rebirth into the 20th century - was no natural thing. Their rebirth and their memory of their past life is due to the nature of their deaths - Queen Serenity effectively stopped time at the moment of their deaths to transport their souls - and sailor crystals - forward into the future to be reborn again. It's true for the senshi that the point, they said, of their rebirth was for their mission to protect their princess, but really the Queen just wanted her daughter to live again and used the impressive abilities of the Silver Crystal to give her that chance.

When they die, they will have completed their mission. They protected the Princess, and Serenity and Endymion got to fall in love and live together. When they die again, that's it. They can choose to be reborn another time and live the life of a senshi, battling chaos in order to protect good, or they can choose to be with all their friends in the Galaxy Cauldron (heaven) and live happily ever after for all eternity, but I don't think Naoko intended that they would be reborn again on Earth in their same senshi roles.

SerenaChiba630 wrote:
@Lust that is true but I always thought as long as they had there starseed they would be able to reborn over and over not sure if Naoko Takeuchi made that clear though
Senshi will continue to be born, again and again, so long as the planet they protect is in need of protection. So long as it supports life, it will give up its own star seed to the protection of the beings that call it home, and so a Senshi will be born.
If that senshi were to die, than its star seed would return to the cauldron, reform, return to that planet, grow with that planet, and a new host would be chosen to serve as the protector of the planet's lifeforms.
If the planet were to become unable to support life, then once its senshi dies and the star seed returns to the cauldron, reforms, and returns to its planet, the planet would keep its star seed.

The senshi that die return to the cauldron and are the only beings that retain their physical forms. If they wish to live to fight chaos again, the Guardian would send them out to become a senshi somewhere, but it would be a whole new life - no memories of the previous one because it's not a direct connection as the Silver Millennium rebirth was.

or... those are my thoughts, anyway XD
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

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Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga   Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga I_icon_minitime4th October 2012, 7:31 pm

i think what sailor uranus said makes a whole lot of sense.

but also what lust said makes a lot of sense as well
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga   Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga I_icon_minitime5th October 2012, 5:06 am

@Sailor Uranus Omg after reading what you wrote my face was this O.o haha Your very right I aways thought that if they had there starseed they would be reborn over and over and remember there past life due to there seed but you made it clear and its true they didnt really get to live there lives how they were suppose to in the silver millennium so Queen Serenity gave them all a chance. The Sailor Crystals Topic is always soo confusing I always thought they were passed on Like example silver crystal gets passed on to Small lady and all the other senshi's including Mamoru wont pass it on because they have no one to give it so it will allow them to reborn again untill there are able to give it to somebody. But I do wonder if they did choose to be reborn again Would they all fight together like in there past lives.If Mamoru and Usagi ever meet up again would they fall in love because we all know they are solumates, they are meant to be

@MiMakoChan Yea I do agree she brought up really good points that had be thinking. I always thought Naoko intended to bring them back to life and they would always remember there past lives because we know that no matter how many times Usagi and Mamoru are reborn again they are solumates since the Silver Millennium so this would make them fall in love all over again how cute.

Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga 1805429032
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Miss Cosmos
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Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga   Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga I_icon_minitime22nd November 2012, 7:13 am

Ah, so the quote in my signature? ^___^

But anyways, this would be the scene you're mentioning where Yaten reveals that all Sailor Soldiers are immortal and are always given the chance of immortality (as long as the Galaxy Cauldron is intact), correct?

Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga 587652-smiley_3_03_003_14

Well, the thing you have to remember is that Chaos will come back, given that it is the source of all evil within the galaxy. So yes, just as previous users have said, Sailor Soldiers can always come back to their duty to protect their designated celestial bodies after they die. However, they can also wish to live in a heaven-esque area within the Galaxy Cauldron, as shown towards the end of the manga (after Chaos was defeated by Usagi).

Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga L17.2.083

All of them were in the heavenly entity, but when they were given the chance to come back to Earth and live as themselves once again, Usagi immediately chose life back on earth, which led to the marriage between her and Mamoru.

So yeah, basically, Sailor Uranus said it best, except for the fact that our concepts of the memories are different. She said that they would lose their memories, while I think that they would retain theirs. I mean, the only two times that I can remember where the soldiers lost their memories after rebirth was when Queen Serenity performed the reincarnation, and when Sailor Saturn was reincarnated. These two differ from the Galaxy Cauldron method of rebirth, since Queen Serenity used the power of the Silver Crystal, while Sailor Saturn naturally has the ability of rebirth.

So yeah, those are my two cents. Anyone can disagree, just as anyone can agree. They're just my thoughts ^___^
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Lotus Crystal


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Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga   Theory: Mamoru's last quote in the Manga I_icon_minitime26th June 2016, 8:33 pm

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