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 Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! Empty
PostSubject: Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!   Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! I_icon_minitime14th July 2013, 7:37 am

Hello my fellow Moonies!

As you all may have noticed, members now have the opportunity to have their rank elevated from a Star Seed to a Pyramidal Crystal! Please read this post for further details on how to advance to the next level yourself.  Be sure to PM me to see if you are eligible or if you may have any further questions. As a further reminder, several of you will soon be eligible for the advancement of a Lotus Crystal! Once again, please be sure to read the rules posted above to see what is required of you to achieve such a status.

Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! 712-95

Now without further ado, it is time to announce that our lovely Aztnara has become the one-hundredth-and-sixth member to achieve the rank of Pyramidal Crystal! Congratulations, dear, on advancing in the ranks! Hope that you will continue your time with us and keep on jumping those levels.Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! 1434556979

Let's all give her a warm congratulations! ^^

Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! 1333987389
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!   Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! I_icon_minitime14th July 2013, 7:41 am

Congratulations, Aztnara!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!   Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! I_icon_minitime14th July 2013, 7:42 am

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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

Tuxedo Mistress

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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!   Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! I_icon_minitime14th July 2013, 8:10 am

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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!   Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! I_icon_minitime14th July 2013, 8:12 am

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!   Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! I_icon_minitime14th July 2013, 8:27 am

congrats Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! 4265269158
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Lotus Crystal

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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!   Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! I_icon_minitime14th July 2013, 9:08 am

Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! 1984953407 Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! 1984953407 
Thanks everyone Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! 1955989781 I'm really happy Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! 868675979 
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Sailor Venus
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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!   Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! I_icon_minitime14th July 2013, 10:28 am

Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! 1984953407 bestie!!! congratulations! about time! <3
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Sailor Candy
Pyramidal Crystal

Sailor Candy

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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!   Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! I_icon_minitime14th July 2013, 10:50 am

Congrats! Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! 2422052349
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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!   Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal! I_icon_minitime

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Announcement: A one-hundredth-and-sixth Star Seed has transformed into a Pyramidal Crystal!

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