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 SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : official sailor kakyuu lover ☆
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Join date : 2012-11-24
Age : 27
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SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon Empty
PostSubject: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime31st December 2012, 8:32 pm

SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon 2djvuyg

General Information

Name: Tsukino Usagi | Princess Serenity | Neo-Queen Serenity
Gender: Female

Birthday: June 30
Age: 14-16 / 22 (Neo-Queen Serenity)
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Physical Description:
Usagi is the shortest of all her friends. Her body is somewhat chubby, due to a love for food, but still fit. Her hair is long, blonde, and thick, that naturally curls at the ends. Her hair is usually worn in two Odango’s on the top of her head with pig tails falling from each odango. Her facial structure is very child-like. She has fairly big eyes that are colored in a light shade of blue, a small nose and mouth and a very wide jawline. She is usually seen in her uniform, which consists of a short-sleeved (or in the winter, a long-sleeved) crop-top styled shirt with a big red bow, a blue sailor collar, and a matching blue high-waist skirt with a bow in the back. When she’s not in school she enjoys wearing girly clothing such as skirts, dresses, leggings, blouses, etc. These outfits are usually lightly colored, as dark colors are not usually Usagi’s thing, such as pink, green, and yellow.

As Princess Serenity—Usagi’s name in the Silver Millennium on the Moon—her hair is silver/white, but still long, thing, and styled in two odango’s on her head and pig tails falling from each. She usually appears in a long white gown that has an empire waist. The upper bust portion of the gown is decorated with silver and gold circles, as well as pearls. On her arms, an inch or two below her shoulders, are white round sleeves with gold accents that mimic the shape of a sea shell. The back of her gown has a long, transparent silk bow. Her hair is decorated with two sets of pearl barrettes on both sides of her part. These barrettes have three pearls on each, one small, medium, and large. Her earrings are pearls with golden spirals hanging from them. To top everything off, Princess Serenity has the symbol of the Moon Kingdom—a golden crescent moon—on her forehead.

Neo-Queen Serenity is more or less Usa’s strongest form. This form begins when Usagi is twenty-two, and takes reign as the Queen of Crystal Tokyo, as well as the rest of the Earth in the 30th Century. In this form, Usagi appears as a more mature and elegant Queen—rather than her ditzy and clumsy self she is as a teenager. She appears to be taller and slimmer. Her jaw-line thinned out and looks more feminine, as well as more like an adult. In this form she wears a gown that is identical to her Princess Serenity gown, but is more form fitting and her sea-shell sleeves are gone. The puffs of the transparent back bow are much larger and take the form of butterfly wings. Her barrettes are replaced with a golden crown that is heart shaped with a red rectangular gemstone in the middle of the heart. She also bears the symbol of the Moon Kingdom in the middle of her forehead.

Sailor Cosmos, an unofficial form of Usagi, could also be her strongest form. This form has no beginning date, but is only really seen in the final act of the manga. In this form, Usagi seems much older--as if this was after she became Neo-Queen Serenity--and has a different hairstyle. Her hair is now wrapped in two heart-shaped odango's, instead of her classic round ones, with hair falling from each. Her hair is now white, as well. Sailor Cosmos is never seen out of her senshi fuku. [see "senshi information --> senshi fuku"]

Personality: At first glance it does not seem like Usagi couldn't be the ultimate senshi in the entire galaxy. She’s clumsy, childish, a coward, a crybaby, lazy and very much an academic under-achiever. Her hobbies include eating and sleeping, as well as reading manga and playing video games. Usagi’s clumsy nature and always being late for class results in others teasing her, especially Chibiusa. When Usagi is teased she becomes very sensitive and thus begins to cry.

Even though qualities like those are fairly poor, those are not the only things that make up her personality. Some of her most wonderful qualities are that she believes everybody has good in them and that she would do anything for her friends. As a senshi, she prefers to seek ways to heal her enemies rather than kill them then and there. Her belief that everybody has good in them was also mocked, more specifically by the Outer Senshi and also the Sailor Starlights—both groups later on came to appreciate her innocent nature and began to believe everybody had good in them as well.

It is shown that Usagi cares for her family and her friends deeply, regardless of their affiliation with her. Some people she especially cares for are the ones she fights the most with, Rei and Chibiusa. Regardless of Rei thinking Usagi is a crybaby and a poor leader, she confides the most in her and also was the first person she told about how Mamoru never sent her a single letter after he left for America. Chibiusa, her future daughter, is another she cares for. Although they fight a lot, Usagi would do anything for her.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
  • Can eat tons of food and still cook poorly.
  • Can use the abilities of the Silver Moon Crystal to heal an enemy and others.

History: Before Usagi became, well Usagi, she was originally born on the Moon many years ago in a time called the Silver Millennium. She was the Princess Serenity, rightful heir to the crown and daughter to Queen Serenity. She had four members of her court—now known as the Inner Senshi—Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus. The members of her court were also princesses of their on respective planets.

Princess Serenity, much like Usagi, was a curious kitten. She always wondered about the Earth and what it was like on that little blue planet. According to the Queen, the people of the moon kingdom were the guardians of the Earth, but any relations with the people of Earth was forbidden. That didn’t stop the princess. She began making frequent visits to the Earth and met a young man who she came to fall in love with.

After many visits to the Earth, her guardians on the moon—as well as people from Earth—found out about their love and did not approve. This love caused chaos and the fall of the Silver Millennium. A jealous sorceress named Beryl began to possess Prince Endymion’s guardians and poisoned the thoughts of those on Earth to think the moon kingdom was horrid. A battle broke out on the moon which resulted in the death of not only people, but the death of Prince Endymion, Princess Serenity and her guardians. Queen Serenity, the remaining person from the Moon family, used the last of her power to reincarnate Princess Serenity and her court to 20th Century Tokyo, she would be known as Usagi Tsukino from then on.

Her current reincarnation, Usagi Tsukino, is a second year middle school student who lives in the Azabu-Juuban district in Tokyo, Japan. Around the time of her becoming a seventh grader, strange things began to happen in Tokyo. Monsters began to appear, only to be fought off by a heroine who went under the name of Sailor V. Usagi became a huge fan of Sailor V, and even played her games!

On her way to school one day, Usagi stumbled upon a group of kids torturing a cat by placing a band-aid in the middle of its forehead. Usagi ran the kids off and removed the band-aid from the cat, revealing that it had a strange crescent moon “bald-spot” on its forehead. The cat bounced off of Usagi and looked at her strangely. Before she could do anything, Usagi ran off for school realizing she was late.

Usagi later met up with the cat again, strangely in her room this time. The cat walked towards Usagi and began to talk and evealed her name was Luna. Usagi began to think it was all just a weird dream from studying too hard, until Luna revealed to Usagi she was Sailor Moon, a pretty suited soldier of Love and Justice and gave her a transformation brooch. Luna told Usagi the reasons why monsters have been appearing around Tokyo and that she needed to take action.

Reluctantly, Usagi went to help somebody who was in trouble. Luna told Usagi how to attack and fight but Usagi was very reluctant to do it and thus began to cry. Right as a monster was going to finish her, a rose struck the monsters hand. Usagi looked upto her kind-hearted savior, who then revealed himself as Tuxedo Mask. Even though his identity was a mystery for quite some time, Usagi couldn’t help but fall in love with the man underneath it.

After defeating the monster, Luna revealed Sailor Moon’s ultimate objective—find the moon princess from long ago. But Sailor Moon was not to do it alone; she had four other guardians to help her fight for Love and Justice. As time went on, Usagi was surprised at whom these other four were and how they came to be.

One the five were reunited they were able to remember things about their past lives in the Silver Millennium on the moon and it was also soon revealed that Usagi was the moon princess they were looking for and also who Tuxedo Mask really was.

After a hard fought battle, Sailor Moon and her guardians defeated Queen Beryl once and for all and the real threat—Queen Metalia.

Time went on and the senshi faced harder and harder battles, along with more things being revealed.
It was revealed that there were more than just five senshi. There were four more—the Outer Solar System Senshi. The Outer Solar System Senshi was comprised of four other senshi: Sailor Pluto, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Saturn.
It was also revealed that in the 30th Century, Usagi would become queen of the Earth, Neo-Queen Serenity, and Mamoru would become king, King Endymion. They also had a child, Usagi or “Chibiusa” as they liked to call her. Chibiusa was later revealed to be a Sailor Senshi and took on the senshi identity “Sailor Chibi Moon”.

Storyline Specific Information: (For Metamorphosis)

After taking the full force of taking the the Black Moon Clan's attack on Crystal Tokyo, Neo-Queen Serenity's starseed was taken back to the cauldron so she can live out a new life with a less painful ending. Inside the Cauldron, Usagi's starseed began to over-react. A beam of light shot out from the Cauldron, and thus emitted a new Sailor Senshi who claimed the name Sailor Cosmos. This senshi in fact was Usagi.
As she stepped down from the Cauldron a pounding headache brought her to her knees. From inside her mind, she could see images of the burning Crystal Tokyo and the Black Moon Clan's invasion getting closer to the Crystal Palace and to her friends. From there, she knew who she really was and what she must do. Using her "Sailor Teleport" power, one that she was now powerful enough to use by herself, she came back to Crystal Tokyo to help her friends defeat the Black Moon Clan once and for all.

Senshi Information

Senshi Name: Sailor Moon | Super Sailor Moon | Eternal Sailor Moon | Sailor Cosmos

  • Moon Prism Power, Make-Up! -- Used her original transformation brooch to turn into Sailor Moon.
  • Moon Crystal Power, Make-Up! -- Used the Crystal Star brooch to transform into Sailor Moon.
  • Moon Cosmic Power, Make-Up! -- Used the Cosmic Heart Compact to transform into Sailor Moon.
  • Moon Crisis, Make-Up! -- Used the Crisis Moon Compact to transform into Super Sailor Moon, along with Chibiusa who transformed into Super Sailor Chibi Moon.
  • Silver Moon Crystal Power, Make-Up! -- Used the Holy Moon Chalice to transform into Eternal Sailor Moon

Other Transformations:
  • Moon Power, [disguise]! -- Used the disguise pen to transform into whatever she wants.
  • Crisis, Make Up! -- Used the Holy Grail to transform into Super Sailor Moon.

Senshi Fuku:
Sailor Moon’s classic fuku colors were red and blue. Her hair was decorated with two sets of winged pearls, as well as circular covers for her Odango’s. Her tiara was golden with a red gem in the middle, but her tiara changed every so often to different and more elaborate designs. Her earrings were dangling five-point stars with a crescent moon attached to them. Her collar was blue and had three white stripes running along the outer most edge. Her fuku was designed to be a leotard with a skirt and shoulder pads attached to it. Her gloves were white and went up to her elbows and ended in three red pips. Her boots were red and created an inverted “V” shape at the top—like her choker—it was decorated with a crescent moon insignia. Her leotard was also decorated with two red bows, one in the front on her chest and the other in the back right where her skirt began.

Super Sailor Moon:
As Super Sailor Moon, her uniform was almost completely changed. Her tiara was now golden and the red gem was replaced with a golden crescent moon. Her earrings were now just crescent moons. Her choker is now yellow and has a red heart in the middle. Her collar was blue but transitions into a golden-yellow. Her shoulder pads were now translucent and more winged-like. While the front bow remained red and the same as her classic fuku, her back bow was now translucent and much longer. Her skirt was now white, but near the end it transitioned into yellow then into blue.

Eternal Sailor Moon:
The Eternal fuku was complete change from her previous two fukus. She no longer wore a tiara; she wore the symbol of the Moon Kingdrom on her forehead, a golden crescent moon. Her earrings were still a crescent moon, but had a star attached to the bottom. Her choker was red and had a golden heart that had a crescent moon under it in the middle. Her collar is now a darker shade of blue and has three yellow lines running along the outer most part. Her shoulder pads were now bubble in shape and pink in color, these were accompanied by two red bands at the end. In the place of her classic red bow, she now has a gold heart with a crescent moon at the bottom of it with angel wings growing out of it. Her gloves remain the same except instead they now stop close to her shoulder pads and are accompanied with a red V-shape bracelet with a gold star. Her skirt is attached to her leotard in a red v-shape with a crescent moon in the middle of the V, her skirt also now has three layers to it. The top one is yellow, the middle is red, and the bottom is blue. Her back bow has been replaced with angel wings and two thin red ribbons coming down. Her boots are now white and have a V-shape (instead of an inverted V), the V is accompanied by a crescent moon.

Sailor Cosmos:
The Cosmos fuku is completely different from any other fuku Usagi has had. Her odango covers are now gold-trimmed and white on the inside. The wings of the pearls she wore in her hair now take more of an angel wing shape. Her tiara is now a golden star held up by pearls. Her choker is white, and has the same golden star in the center. Her collar is white, white three golden lines that trim the outer most area of the collar. Under her collar, there is a long, white cape attached to it as well. Her shoulder pads revert to her classic form's style, but are golden in color and have the same angel wing pearls on the side of them as she wears in her hair. Her brooch slightly mimic's Eternal Sailor Moon's, but in the center is a crystal orb with the shining aura of a star in the center. Her entire outfit is now a single dress, instead of the leotard-skirt combo she use to have. The dress is white and pleated at the end. Right under her belly-button is a smaller version of her brooch, as well as a ribbon that wraps around the back and ties in the front. On her skirt, right below the smaller brooch, are ribbons of various colors. These colors mimic the inner and outer senshi's dominant colors. Lastly, Sailor Cosmos now wears white heels with winged pearls attached to the back and doesn't wear gloves, but instead wears pearl rings.

  • Supersonic Waves, this attack was only seen once. When Sailor Mon began to cry, it produced high frequency waves that more or less annoyed the enemy more than hurt them.
  • Sailor Moon Kick, Sailor Moon would kick her opponent to injure them.
  • Moon Frisbee, Sailor Moon threw her tiara and in mid air, it would take the form of a Frisbee.
  • Moon Twilight Flash, another tiara attack. Sailor Moon used her tiara to reflect light from the moon at the enemy.
  • Moon Healing Escalation, this attack was preformed with the Crescent Moon Stick and was used to heal an enemy.
  • Moon Spiral Heart Attack, this attack was preformed with the Spiral Heart Moon Rod and was often used to kill a youma.

Super Sailor Moon:

  • Rainbow Moon Heart Ache, another Spiral Heart Moon Rod attack. This was Sailor Moon’s attack when she was transformed into Super Sailor Moon from the Holy Grail.
  • Moon Gorgeous Meditation, Super Sailor Moon used the Moon Kaleido Scope to attack an enemy.

Eternal Sailor Moon:

  • Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss, Eternal Sailor Moon used the Eternal Tiare to attack.
  • Silver Moon Crystal Power Therapy Kiss, an upgraded form of the previous attack. Used when the Eternal Tiare became the Moon Power Tiare.
  • Silver Moon Crystal Eternal Power, Eternal Sailor Moon used her Silver Moon Crystal to attack Chaos. This is her final and most powerful attack.

Weapons or Magical Items:
  • Tiara, her tiara was used as a frisbee in the attack “Moon Frisbee
  • Crescent Moon Stick[/i], a pink stick with a gold decoration on the bottom and a silver crescent moon on the top.
  • Cutie Moon Rod, a pink rod with a ball on top that’s dominant color is pink but is also colored gold—some what mimicking a crescent moon.
  • Spiral Heart Moon Rod, a pink rod with a yellow gem on the bottom. It has a gold crown shaped base with a yellow crescent moon in the middle and a light yellow ribbon behind the base. On top is a red heart with a gold border. A silver gem is in the middle that is also surrounded by a gold border.
  • Moon Kaleido Scope, the rod of the item is made of glass and sparkly like the kaleidoscope it was made from. This item has the form of a sword and gains pink wings that appear above the grip.
  • Eternal Tiare, a white rod which was decorated in pink gems. The upper portion of the rod was decorated in pink and gold colors and has a flower shape to it.

Other Items:
  • Moon Power Tiare, an upgraded version of the Eternal Tiare. The Moon Power Tiare became such when the Holy Moon Calice was attached to it. The rod of this item also became longer, taking the form of a staff.
  • Cosmos Staff, This is an item used in Usagi's most powerful form, Sailor Cosmos. It appears to have two balls at the bottom, the bottom white and top gold. The staff is around five and a half feet tall and also white. At the top of the staff, there are two more balls that connect to a larger, transparant one. Attached to the largest ball is a set of wings and a smaller ball on top that has a glowing aura of a star inside of it.

Guardian: Luna, a talking back cat that appears when Usagi is in the seventh grade. She is the one who revealed Usagi as Sailor Moon and her her advisor. She lives with Usagi and is also fond of Artemis, Minako’s cat. In 30th Century Crystal Tokyo, her an Artemis have a daughter, Diana.

RP Sample: “Tsukino-san!” her teacher slapped a ruler on her desk, making her jump out of her desk and fall on the floor. Usagi began to blush as the students around her began to laugh.

“Tsukino-san, you need to spend less time sleeping in class and more time studying so that you can maintain a better average!” Her teach then began to hold up a paper that had a “30 %” boldly written in red. Usagi hopped up and grabbed the paper from her teacher and studied it closely.

“Thirty percent!? But but but—“ Her teacher then quickly cut her off.

“No if’s and’s or but’s about it, go stand in the hall, Tsukino-san.” She pointed firmly to the door. Usagi walked out of the classroom with her head down in shame.

When she got into the hall and shut the classroom door, she groaned. “Thirty percent? Waaaaah! Mamo-chan is going to be so disappointed.” She shoved her face in the paper. “What will Ami-chan think? She’ll probably offer to study. Oh and that Rei-chan, ugh, all she’ll do is call me stupid!” Usagi began to ramble on before being stopped but a sudden screech coming from the girl’s restroom. She peered into the classroom; her teacher must not have heard the ear-piercing noise because she was steady teaching.

Usagi tip-toed away from the door and began to wander off towards the restroom. She slowly walked inside the rest room and gasped at what she saw. The inside of the restroom was black, and larger than she had remembered—and she was just in there moments before. There were three girls lying lifelessly on the bathroom floor. She bent down and shook their bodies with force, attempting to wake them. The sound of somebody walking in the bathroom startled Usagi into standing up.
“H-Hello?” The bathroom echoed. “Is somebody there?”

The steps continued to sound like they were getting closer and closer. Usagi wanted to run out but she couldn’t leave those girls there in the bathroom, they were her classmates after all. Usagi looked around the bathroom, which was now completely pitch black with a faint view of the exit. It looked as if it was miles away.

A flicker of light came on and revealed the monster that was doing such things. It looked like a snake, but much larger. Its scales were silver, its eyes were pitch black and it’s teeth made a shiver go down Usagi’s spine. She gasped before taking off towards the faint light that she hoped was an exit, but the monster soon caught up with her and coiled around her body. She tried to reach for her transformation brooch but couldn’t move, for its grip on her was too tight.
“Usagi-chan!” a voice called out for her.

“Sailor Venus, quick!” She said, choking. “Get me out of here!”

Sailor Venus stopped in her tracks and steadied herself. She pointed her fingers towards the snake, making sure Usagi was out of the way. Venus built up all her energy and shouted, “Venus Love and Beauty, Shock!”

A wave of hearts surrounded by static then shocked the enemy and its firm grip on Usagi was released.
Usagi caught her breath before shouting her transformation words, “Silver Moon Crystal Power, Make-Up!”
Usagi was then transformed into Eternal Sailor Moon and was ready to take on her opponent.

“You messed with the wrong girl, buster. I’m a pretty suited sailor soldier of love and justice. I’m Sailor Moon, and in the name of the moon I will punish you!”

Eternal Sailor Moon then pulled out her Eternal Tiare and pointed it at her attacker. The silver snake did not seem phased nor knew what was to come. Usagi twirled her Eternal Tiare around in an elegant fashion and shouted “Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!”
Her tiare began to emit pink beams of light with silver sparkles and soon after the mysterious silver snake disintegrated and was now a pile of dust on the floor.

“We did it!” Minako and Usagi then hopped up and high-fived each other before transforming back. They made sure the girls were okay before parting ways and returning back to class.

Usagi slyly walked into her classroom but was stopped by her teacher before she reached her desk.
“Tsukino-san! Where were you? I went into the hall and you weren’t there.”

Usagi blushed a little before replying, “I was in the bathroom.” She smiled and returned to her seat.

Last edited by Sailor Celestial on 19th February 2013, 6:38 am; edited 13 times in total
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SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime31st December 2012, 9:03 pm

I guess this is for slumber party right? if it is we're right after the Super S arc, so she'd be around 15 or 16 i hope that helps!!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : official sailor kakyuu lover ☆
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime31st December 2012, 10:13 pm

It is, thank you! I'm also doing it in general as well!
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SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime31st December 2012, 10:32 pm

oh ok! that works too!! in fact that's what i did with chibiusa. if you need help just let us know.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : official sailor kakyuu lover ☆
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime9th January 2013, 4:53 pm

kjdalfks I could use a bit of help on the personality. :c
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime10th January 2013, 12:39 am

What about crybaby, and whiny, but she goes out of her way to help those she can. She would do anything for her friends. She doesn't like to study and thus has bad grades. She loves sweets. When things get tough she will stand and fight. She stands up for what she believes in a will voice her opinions on the matter at hand. She won't run from a fight, even though she may want to and she will defend her friends with all her might.

It's just a start but I hope that helps!
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Neptune Emeritus


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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime21st January 2013, 2:12 pm


Sailor Saturn is no longer in charge for canon character profile reviewing and as that duty has passed to me, I am bumping this thread. Ed has already given you some good traits of Usagi that help you to write about her personality. If you feel that you need more help with this profile do not hesitate to ask us here or PM me any time Celestial Smile .
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : official sailor kakyuu lover ☆
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime21st January 2013, 2:23 pm

I do have a question, as far as I have gotten with i right now, how is it? Is there anything you'd like me to change as far physical description/transformation goes? Smile
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime21st January 2013, 2:29 pm

so far it looks good. Could you maybe add something in the transformation about when she finally learns to transform into Eternal Sailor Moon on her own? I don't think she uses the chalice to do that. it looks good so far! keep at it! and if you have any questions feel free to ask either myself or Tuski via pm or here which ever and I suggest checking the wikis too they might help a little too.
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Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime21st January 2013, 3:52 pm

It looks good so far. If you are referring to the manga when it comes to Usagi's transformations to Sailor Moon she actually does use the Holy Moon Chalice to Transform into Eternal Sailor Moon so everything is good on that part. I would like to see you making a tiny note that the second time Usagi transforms into Eternal Sailor Moon she uses the henshin phrase 'Moon Eternal Make-Up!' but after that her command will be the 'Silver Moon Crystal Power Make-Up!'

Which versions of SM is this profile based upon?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : official sailor kakyuu lover ☆
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime3rd February 2013, 6:20 pm

bumping this to let you know I will never abandon it~! I'm currently working on it and hopefully, with your great advice, it will be finished tomorrow!

*prays procrastination will not kick in*
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Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime4th February 2013, 4:12 am

Thank you for noting us Celestial ^^ I am happy to hear that my advice has helped you. I look forward to see this profile finished~
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : official sailor kakyuu lover ☆
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SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime11th February 2013, 4:30 pm

Okie dokie so this took me while to update ;-; But I have been working on it and I did have a question~!
For the "powers" section, does that mean like attacks she preforms? or? also, I need help describing the Moon Kaleido Scope and Eternal Tiare ;-;
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime11th February 2013, 11:48 pm

Yes, the powers section means the description of the attacks Sailor Moon performs. You can also note what her powers are based upon ^^.

As for Sailor Moon’s last two weapons, you already have a good note of her Kaleido Scope that is enough. If you want to go more into detail you can mention that the Kaleido Scope has a form similar to sword as Sailor Moon also uses it almost the same way as she would use a sword. When in use the Kaleido Scope also gains pink wings that appear from the upper end of the actual grip of the rod.

The Eternal Tier was attached with the Holy Moon Chalice and if you want, you can mention that the stick of the Tier rod was white while the upper part was decorated, colorful (mainly consisting colors of pink and gold) and also had a flower kind of shape on the top. I hope this helps you ^^.

Also, your profile looks great Smile . I look forward to fully review it
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime12th February 2013, 5:21 am

bumping because I'm finished. :~)

edit: sorry some of the parts are long >.> I tried to shorten them up I promise! :p
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime13th February 2013, 11:34 am

One more thing before I write my review - What canon are you using for this profile? That information helps me to look the profile from the correct point ^^.

And I by no means mind long parts Celestial so no worries Smile .
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime13th February 2013, 12:05 pm

This is basically for all incarnations of Usagi, so that I am able to play her in various roleplays. Or am I supposed to fill out a new for for every one? o:
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SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime13th February 2013, 3:11 pm

Celestial I said this in the OOC thread and I wanted to say it here too, you can use the storyline specific information section of the character application for the info on Cosmos for that rp. Metamorphis I can't spell today sorry. Anyway that's what that section is for so that you can have a general profile and still have specific info for different story lines and not have to submit a new profile every time. If you have any questions feel free to ask me or Tsuki!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime13th February 2013, 3:16 pm

Okie! So what do I file Cosmos under as? A tiny headcanon section? or?
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SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime13th February 2013, 4:02 pm

I was actually going to note this in my review ^^

You can use the Storyline Specific Information section to describe what has changed from the canon etc. to make the profile have all required information. In this case you can mention how Usagi has actually been reborn as Sailor Cosmos after she was killed as Neo Queen Serenity and possibly describe her Cosmos Sailor Fuku. Do feel free to PM me or Ed anytime if you feel like needing help Smile .

Oh and could you add the ability to use the Silver Crystal in the Special Skills section?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime13th February 2013, 4:07 pm

I didn't know whether or not to put the Silver Crystal under magical items or unique skills, so I decided not to add it until mentioned :p I'll get right on it~!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime17th February 2013, 10:18 am

So, as far as Cosmos goes -- do I just put another section under the fuku for the Cosmos fuku and then a tiny paragraph in the history section? or? ;-;
I'm confused xD
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SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime17th February 2013, 4:11 pm

OK for Cosmos you would add it to the new section of the profile application, Storyline specific info. There you would tell us about what her fuku looks like and how she became Cosmos. Does that help?
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SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime17th February 2013, 11:50 pm

Like Ed said you can add the Storyline Specific Information section in the profile and write the information there. I post the whole application form here just so you can see where the new section is located to.

The Character Application form with the new section:

If you need any further explanation you can always PM me or Ed and ask us Smile .
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime19th February 2013, 6:37 am

Finished! I forgot to colorize the edited portions so here are what they are.

Physical Description:

Storyline Information:

Senshi Fuku:

Weapons or Magical Items:
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RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime20th February 2013, 12:12 am

Approved <3 I hope you will have fun in the role-play Celestial Smile .
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime20th February 2013, 3:52 am

Thank you, Tsuki <33
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PostSubject: Re: SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon   SENSHI: Tsukino Usagi/Sailor Moon I_icon_minitime

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