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 Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?

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Moonlight Lady
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2012, 12:31 pm

brrrandiZZLe wrote:
This is an awesome question for discussion.

1. I think that just goes along with the problem of Naoko not giving much plot attention to the development of the other Sailor Scouts. Haruka and Michiru were probably an exception just because their love is non-traditional.

2. If one of the other scouts found love, I think it would imply that they are prettier/better/whatever than the other scouts. If only some of them did, it would put down the few that didn't find love. If the ALL found love, that'd be way too complicated for the plot of a "children's" show. I guess it's just easier to go with Usagi and Mamo plus adding the spice of Michiru and Haruka.

3. Also, if all of the scouts had someone in the end, it might change Sailor Moon into waaaay too much of a romance. I mean, I know it's shoujo but still, fighting evil and being independent strong women is a huge part of it. It'd be hard to make a balance between the two.

These are just reasons that I could see Naoko keeping the other scouts from finding someone, but in my opinion, it would be awesome to see some of the other girls fall in love and I hope they include that in the new anime. It would be an awesome way to develop each girl's story and personality.

I think that is excellent argument. However, could the possible solution be that it was not presented as final pairing and great love, but rather like a brief fling for a few episodes? Like anime did in the first season with Ami and Rio, for example. It would be natural for teenagers.

I would also like to see a development of relationship between a senshi and a normal, regular guy - it would be interesting to see how it could play and how they could deal with it.

I'm not sure, why Ami is seen as the one unmatchable. In anime in her dream episode she said that she could give up her career, if she met the right guy.
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Lotus Crystal


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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2012, 12:38 pm

Exactly, teenagers and pre-teens are not typically associated with long-term, stable relationships. For the majority of the series, the girls are in middle school and high school. I wouldn't expect to see (many) developed, matured romantic relationships. I think if the series took place during or followed the sailor senshi through college/post-high school, then it might be different. I think it is difficult to determine the sailor senshi's love life based on their experiences and relationships during middle school and a bit of high school.
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Moonlight Lady
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2012, 12:41 pm

They could have dates with guys of the week. They are all attractive in looks and personalities and reach sixteen in celibacy?
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Lotus Crystal


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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2012, 12:53 pm

Who is not to say they don't find love? Between the time of Usagi/Sailor Moon and Neo Queen Serenity, there is a definite possibility that the Inner Sailor Senshi did find a lover at one point. None of the Inner Senshi got to know or even really meet their future selves to find out.

Just for my own amusement thought, ChibiUsa has her guardians Sailor Palla, Sailor Ves, Sailor Cere, and Sailor Jun. I know their supposed to be from a different planet, but I personally like to think of them as the only child each Inner Sailor Senshi had. >.>
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Emerald Knight
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2012, 8:07 pm

I always thought that the reason why the other Inners never had long term boyfriends was because the only two men in the Sailor Moon universe who were ever truly in their league were Mamoru and Motoki, and both are already spoken for. Yuuichiro and Urawa were nice guys but I couldn't really see them as being the official pairs for Rei and Ami. In addition, I see Ami as the type of person who would put her duties in her regular and Sailor life above pursuing a relationship; all the work she puts into herself leaves little time for others, and she spends almost all the free time she has with the Sailor Team.
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Moonlight Lady
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 6:13 am

I'm not sure, how you determine, who is in whose league... And IMO it was clear that they both have some affection for these two. Though it may be realistic that it didn't become long term relationships.

Ami worried about her duties, when Rio courted her. But I don't think it would stop her if somebody right appeared.
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Emerald Knight
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 6:39 am

I know that they do have some affection for each other, I just don't know if I could see it becoming the official pairing for Ami and Rei. Urawa is definitely a lot closer than Yuuichirou, though. I can't profess to know what Rei wants, but I think the best fit for her relationship-wise is someone who is as strong-willed as Rei is, and I don't know if Yuuichirou can be that.

As far as Makoto and Minako go, I think Makoto wouldn't be in a relationship as often, but they would last longer than the other girls'. Not many guys would look past her steely exterior, but those who are are definitely going to stick around for at least a little bit. I'm surprised that no serious love interest was introduced for Makoto, but she didn't really need it.

Minako I know is fated to not have any romantic love, but that's why I root for Minako to find love anyway, to go against fate. Anime Minako is very flighty, some guys may like that, but it may frustrate many others. PGSM Minako is (at least in the first 18 episodes, I don't know if she changes later) most likely too defensive to pursue a relationship, especially since it could very well be a Dark Kingdom plot to root her out.
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Sailor Saturn
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 6:53 am

I like that none of the version of Sailor Moon really give the other senshi a "true love" like Usagi has in Mamoru or like Haruka and Michiru.

If every single girl found someone to love throughout the series, I just think it might be too contrived. I *like* that we are allowed to come up with our own scenarios for the characters because nothing is set in stone. Never was it said that they couldn't find someone to fall in love with, and because of that, we, as fans, are allowed to come up our own theories. Did Makoto marry Motoki? Did she make herself a cafe or maybe a bakery or a restaurant? Did she give up on opening something in the food industry and instead focused on honing her senshi skills, and would just bake cookies and cakes for senshi meetings? Did she fall in love with a famous chef and went around making chef-y babies with him?

It's fun to speculate with other fans, or at least I think so :3 I believe that it isn't unfair that other senshi didn't find love, because we don't *know* if they never found love, and I find it strange that so many people think that the end of the manga or the end of the anime is the end of that universe. The girls didn't all die, they are still girls and they are still alive and well and happy and protecting the world. And they might have found love along the way, who knows? =]
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Tuxedo Mistress
Lotus Crystal

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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 9:19 am

Verdandi wrote:
I like that none of the version of Sailor Moon really give the other senshi a "true love" like Usagi has in Mamoru or like Haruka and Michiru.

actually, in PGSM, Makoto and Motoki got engaged, so, yeah, they did give her a "true love".
and since they don't have the powers to fight anymore...
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Sailor Saturn
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 10:39 am

Oops. Well, I wasn't really thinking of those two in PGSM when I wrote that post, my main focus was kind of on the manga and the anime, but my points in that post still stand, regardless :3
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Jupiter Rose
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 10:46 am

MiMakoChan wrote:
actually, in PGSM, Makoto and Motoki got engaged, so, yeah, they did give her a "true love".
and since they don't have the powers to fight anymore...

That's one story though. I don't know if I'd call that anything...especially when I don't see that continuation in any other stories...

And I feel like they lost their powers because they weren't going to make anymore seasons or anything. The story was done so they didn't need them anymore. Not the case with the other stories (anime, manga, myu).
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Moonlight Lady
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 10:51 am

I think that manga hints that girls won't find lovers as Usagi is their love - as do Starlights, doesn't it? And they learn to accept it. Mako has nice scene with Anasanuma, but nothing comes of it.

Anime girls do care to have boyfriends, but really none is interested in them, which I find strange given that they all are good-looking, talented and nice. It's not really so much a question of true love, but rather of temporary love interest.

Emerald Knight, I get, what you say about Rei and Yuuichiro clashing in personality. I think that his blind and devoted adoration somehow attracts her, but on the other hand... Still, they could give them a try and then split amicably, not make him disappear completely in Stars.
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Emerald Knight
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2012, 1:02 pm

Moonlight Lady, that's what I didn't like about later in the series, the support characters ended up getting pushed aside, especially in Stars. I would have liked to have seen that, too. The scenes with Rei and Yuuichiro in the anime were cute. It would have been nice to see some kind of resolution to both Ami/Urawa and Rei/Yuuichiro.
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Moonlight Lady
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2012, 12:59 am

ITA. With Ami/Urawa it could be understood that they couldn't work long-distance, though a brief mention would be nice. But Yuuichiro was a recurring character in four seasons and it was strange he disappear without a trace. Maybe he got to start his own temple?

Urawa as a reincarnated demon also was part of their fight and because of his psychic powers he knew everything about the senshi. And I would like to see one of the girls with the guy totally outside and this relationship working. (The only time a guy learnt about sailors was with Minako teammate and he stepped back).
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime18th September 2012, 5:35 pm

I think that's just sort of how the story goes; they just don't find love. And besides, they're all only in their first year of high school at their latest; not everyone finds their destined soul mate at age 16.

It's true that the inners got pretty poor character development in the manga. I just sort of imagine that they're too busy saving the world to ever really slow down and date.They took their job a lot more seriously in the manga.
In the anime, well, half of their dates turn out to be enemies, so I'd sort of give up on men too lol. They certainly don't have boyfriends for lack of trying, it just never works out. Sort of like my life...

And, of course, I'm obligated to say: They are strong independent Japanese girls who don't need no man!!! lol.
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Star Seed


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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime11th April 2013, 7:11 pm

I believe a lot of people think Princess Serenity refused to let them love but that isn't the case at all. We even see Usagi often encouraging them to go on dates and giggling with them about their crushes and hoping they'll find what she has.

I think it has more to do with their own personal decisions.

These theories are mainly based manga-wise but can also work in conjunction with the anime.

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 2027930456
Manga- Sailor Venus was scorned in love, she was heartbroken and so, instead of dwelling on that pain, she puts all her effort into her love for her Princess and her friends instead of love for herself. She'd rather be silly then see the serious side of her own personal being preventing her from finding love.
Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 2027930456
Anime- What else can I saw other then the one she loved, fell in love with her best friend. It is an absolutely HORRIBLE feeling and can easily turn people away from ever trying to find love again and this is why she seems to search for lust rather then love.

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 3309518329
Manga- Sailor Mars has an absentee father whom loved her mother dearly but when she passed he basically forgot all about his own daughter. He was strict and judgmental, not even allowing her to play with a doll he had bought for her. (It is a thing of beauty, to be admired but not touched). At one point, she falls in love with her fathers business partner, and he says he isn't anything like her father but he turns out to be exactly like him when Rei finds out he is engaged and intends to be a politician like her father. It is stated clearly in the manga, Rei hates men and this is probably why. Her experiences with love have shown her that woman are meant to be pretty, still and silent so that they look good for the man anything other than that is unnecessary.

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 3309518329
Anime- Rei had a crush on Mamoru, that obviously didn't work out and like Minako, her crush ended up falling in love with her best friend. That is painful! Eventually she opens up to Chad and I do believe in the anime they have a relationship and Usagi even encourages Rei to go for it! I just think that most likely they are Boyfriend and Girlfriend but because he is a side-character(Not to mention anime only character) it was only hinted at with actions(such as the kissing thing) and that he was phased out like many other characters while the anime focused on the senshi only.

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 335194840
Manga-Sailor Mercury is horrible when talking to guys, she is so shy she loses almost all ability to function! She has unrealistically high standards and she diliberately sets her self up for disappointment and we see this is the short entitled "Ami's First Love" where she's shy, then in denial, then accepting and then suddenly uninterested. This sudden uninterest is probably more do to the fact that her Mother and her Father live completely separate lives. Deep down she feels as if her father has abandoned her and her mother and we see this as well when she has a vision of him turning his back on her and walking away. Anti-social and shy she deliberately keeps people at bay because in her mind it's better to have no one to begin with, then to have someone and watch them leave.

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 335194840
Anime-Sort of the same thing since Ami's First Love was turned into an anime special but we do see a connection forming between her and Greg but again, she most likely loses interest and he being gifted with sight probably knows this, not to mention he wasn't very good with girls either.

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 3098893119
Manga-Makoto is a tough one. She's had boyfriends before, and she had her heart broken because she isn't exactly a girly girl and she fights. Sadly most guys don't like girls to be tougher then them, and Makoto is tougher then a group of grown men. She is very feminine, don't get me wrong. She's be a wonderful house wife and she is more accepting of love then the previous three. In fact, she shares the same dream with Usagi about wanting to be a bride but she's been alone all her life. She lost her parents when she was young to an airplane crash. She's desperate for attention and affection and is easily trusting and compassionate and we see this multiple times. She probably ends up being to clingy, another thing guys get turned off of. She probably doesn't mean to cling but she's lonely and we see this even in her friendships because she adores it when the girls come over and will do just about anything to have them stay longer and that loneliness manifesting in a clingy way only dampens her chances with love but she unlike the rest actually wants it and again Usagi encourages her.

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 3098893119
Anime- Same theory, and we see the clingy trait more in the anime with her comical moments of "Sempai". Let's not forget that rainy day episode where her heart was again broken. Unfortunately the guy who does help her is forever friend-zoned probably due to the fact that he's younger then her and her personal tastes have always been towards those the same age as her and especially older, I.E. Motoki^^

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 314519714
Manga- Setsuna showed an interest of love for King Endymoin, and that might never have went away. She's been alone for a very, very, very long time and she loves Usagi just as much if not more then Endymoin even if it's a different kind of love. She also adores Chibiusa as if she were her own daughter. She could very well still love him, but because of her love of the Moon girls she will never act upon it. Besides, she only just got to live a new life, we don't know if she'll find someone one day. She is a strong independant woman and she's not even thinking about love or being alone while she's surrounded by a make shift family. Haruka, Michiru and their adoptive daughter, Hotaru. A man is probably the last thing on her mind but it doesn't mean she'll think that way forever.

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 314519714
Anime-Aside from the Endymoin love, she's new to this life and she's more concerned with work, like many business woman and she appears more business oriented like many business women she's not worried about love at this point and time but she might be later on. We weren't given enough background material to do anything but theorize(personally anime-wise I ship Dr. Tomoe and Setsuna^^)

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 4271128786
Manga and anime-Hotaru is just a little girl, she had been deprived of friendship in EVERY life she's lived. At the moment the only thing on her mind is being a kid and being happy and playing games with her BFF Chibiusa^^

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 4271128786
Whelps those are my thoughts. On an ending note, like I said the only one preventing them from falling in love is their own personal preference. There is no pack that they can't fall in love, there is no blood oath that they should remain celibate and single for as long as they live.

Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 2160836418
It is mentioned by the Star Lights to Minako and Rei that they shouldn't be fawning over boys because they have a duty to protect their princess and they respond that they don't need men. That does NOT mean they can't fall in love! That is the same as Avatar: The Last Airbender when Aang was told to let go of his earthy connections like his love for Katara because his duty was to the entire world both Earth and the Spirit world and not one single girl. They still married, they even have GRANDCHILDREN.

All that means is that like many other people in this world, when it comes to DUTY they have to put aside their own personal relationships because it's their job as Sailor Senshi. That's all.

And who knows about the future. Setsuna and Hotaru can probably find love easily. Makoto might realize her clinginess is a problem and change it and a guy might actually like that. And for living thousands of years, I'm sure there are three guys who will be able to break down the walls Minako, Rei and Ami built to keep love out. It's happened for people like that before, and with that long of time to live, it's more then likely the chances of that will happen.
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Lotus Crystal


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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime11th April 2013, 7:17 pm

Here's a new school of thought:

What if they don't want to have boyfriends? What if they simply don't mind being single and playing the field? There's nothing wrong with that idea either.
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Star Seed


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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime11th April 2013, 7:43 pm

That's a good idea but that's why Setsuna and Hotaru don't have boyfriends. Makoto actually wants a boyfriend^^ but going canon-wise Ami, Rei and Minako have deeper reasons behind it and Makoto plans on being a bride^^
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime16th July 2013, 12:05 pm

I have several headcanons for this.

Ami: I think that, because she is really devoted to her duties as a senshi, and also to her studies and probably her career in the future, she will find love, but it might not last forever. I mean, who knows? She could probably find the right guy for her (I suppose no one doubts that she's straight, it's been stated in both the manga and anime) and have a relationship with him, but in the end she will put her career and senshi duties above this relationship, which could bring it to an end. I don't really know though, maybe in the future I'll change my mind about this one.

Rei: Since, in the manga, Rei states that she hates men, and I never have seen her display romantic interest on a female, I'd like to think that she is actually asexual, hence she won't find romantic love in the future because she doesn't want it or need it. Instead, she'll focuse her life around her personal goals and protecting Usagi when she has to.

Makoto: In most of the versions of Sailor Moon, somehow she and Motoki are shown as a possible couple, if not an actual one like in PGSM. Because of this, I think that one day the two of them will come together and marry and have babies, haha. No, seriously, I ship them.

Minako: Ever since I played Another Story, I started having this soft spot for MinakoxKunzite. I don't know why, we never really got to see what was Kunzite like in either of his lives, since in most of his reincarnated one, he was a lacay of the Dark Kingdom. Anyway, because Minako represents love, it makes a lot of sense to me that she'll find it one day, and for some reason I think it's gonna be with Kunzite.

Setsuna: Now this is complicated. I haven't really thought on this aspect of her life. I see Setsuna as a timeless woman who's completely devoted to her duty. And since we never got to see Setsuna as an actual human, you know, asides from being Pluto and warning Usagi and the rest about upcoming threats, I never got the chance to think about her finding love. A part of me wants her to find it, but that part isn't sure of Setsuna's sexuality, so it doesn't know who could she be with. And the other part of me thinks that it would be the same case as Rei.

Hotaru: Don't know. The only time we saw Hotaru in a more grown up body, was when she first awakened as Sailor Saturn and destroyed the Earth. And then when she was reincarnated, it was kind of the same as Setsuna, we only got to see her as Sailor Saturn, protecting the Princess and maybe some scenes of her friendship with Chibi-Usa. And to make it worse, she was a pre-teen near the end of any SM version, so it's hard for me to imagine what would romance be like with her. I just can't see her falling for a guy or a girl.
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Lotus Crystal


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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime29th July 2013, 12:07 pm

Don't need a man to have fulfillment.
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Moonlight Lady
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th August 2013, 11:07 am

Quote :
 She could probably find the right guy for her (I suppose no one doubts that she's straight, it's been stated in both the manga and anime) and have a relationship with him, but in the end she will put her career and senshi duties above this relationship, which could bring it to an end.
Ami actually says in the anime that she could give up her career for somebody wonderful.

Quote :
Since, in the manga, Rei states that she hates men, and I never have seen her display romantic interest on a female, I'd like to think that she is actually asexual
In "Casablanca Memory" we learn that her hatred is caused by problems with father and unrequited crush on older guy, who married another - so she's not asexual.
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Pyramidal Crystal

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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th September 2013, 11:40 pm

I'd argue the point of other senshi having boyfriends/girlfriends and them finding out about their secret. What if they were to break up and the partner spills the beans to the world about who the senshi really are?
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Lotus Crystal


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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th September 2013, 11:47 pm

Ami and MInako can't find love because they secretly know Yaten and Taiki are the only ones they will ever love. it was meant to be half silly but all serious at the same time.
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Jupiter Rose
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th September 2013, 12:14 am

Eh. I believe if they love another senshi, they love Rei and Makoto respectively. Razz
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Pyramidal Crystal

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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th September 2013, 12:18 am

And so then Setsuna and Hotaru are left being single? :p
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Lotus Crystal


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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th September 2013, 12:19 am

well yea I love to ship those two as well but I'm more so for them with the Starlights *totally does not prefer AmiXTaiki because she's a Taiki RPer at all*
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Lotus Crystal


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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th September 2013, 12:20 am

Hotaru just hasn't met Shingo yet when that happens they will date (oh did I forget to mention I'm a ShingoXHotaru shipper* and once Seiya returns to earth Usagi will leave Mamoru and Setsuna will get her happily ever after. and this is so going to turn into a one shot now
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Lotus Crystal


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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th September 2013, 3:51 am


Usagi won't break up with Mamoru- but Seiya/Setsuna could get together.  though I'm more on the side of Seiya/Minako more.
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Silence Wall
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th September 2013, 4:16 am

As far as Hotaru goes, I still think she has a relationship with Chibiusa. There's enough content in the manga that supports the pairing (Hotaru and Chibiusa fighting together against the Amazoness Quartet and Hotaru saying "Super Sailor Chibi Moon! So that I can fight alongside you", Hotaru and Chibiusa remaining in their Sailor fuku at the end of Dream while the rest of the Senshi are in their princess clothing, and the two holding hands at the beginning of Stars). Just my opinion.
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Moonlight Lady
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Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love?   Debate: Is it Fair? Why Can't the Other Senshi find Love? - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th September 2013, 10:44 am

Chibiusa returns home in Stars though, so her relationship with Hotaru won't get continuation.
And if Usagi intended to break up with Mamoru for Seiya she would do in Stars.
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