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 Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi

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Star Seed


Star Seed

Title : Katari
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Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi Empty
PostSubject: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime10th September 2012, 3:07 pm

This is my first time submitting, so I hope this is everything I need!   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi 4271128786

Character Information

Name: Marali Moxon

Age and Date of Birth: 24 - Born in the summer time.

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Birthplace: Metis, A planet orbiting the star Auge (Called Kepler-22 on earth) in the Cygnus constellation

Appearance: Marali is unusually tall, standing at about 5’9”. She has long, wavy, dark brown hair that she usually keeps in a messy bun, and is held back by multiple hair-bands.
She looks average compared to her people- slightly too thin, bent nose, tanned skin, and large brown eyes. It’s obvious from looking at her that she would be worthless in a brawl, as she lacks any substantial muscle mass. She is, however, very limber.  
She tends to wear things that are loose on her body, as she is a firm believer in comfort over appearance.

Skills/Abilities: Marali lives for the academic world. She is constantly seen at the observatory, looking up at the stars. With what she lacks in strength, she makes up in wit and makes for a good tactical advisor, if not leader. Although she is a bit musical, she has never been excellent at it. Prefers woodwind instruments  

The society of Metis is very community centered, and as such, Marali is always thinking of how the group is functioning- ignoring herself in the process. As such, Marali almost never has any free time, as her work generally consumes her. But it does not bother her so much anymore. She is well loved by the people of Metis, and she is just as devoted to them, willing to put anything on the line for her world.
When she does finally escape from the all of the turmoil in her life, Marali likes to play small, sad tunes on a flute she was given as a child. Although she never got especially good at it, the melodies bring back nostalgic memories of when her life was simple and pure.

Due to her lifestyle in the government and science labs, she can be seen as very cold and calculating. She is silent most of time, but in her silence comes understanding. She can easily memorize things, something she has found useful in the world of trading. She enjoys the silence, and will often just sit alone and think of things- often about what her life would be like as a civilian.
Despite seeing things that many would consider disturbing, she has not quite been desensitized to many of it. When she feels like she has no other way out, she starts to get a bit frantic and loose her usually cool composure.

Biography/History: Marali was born from royalty in her planet. However, that's not saying much, as her world is struggling to keep afloat due to it's over population and poor economy. The people of Metis are a very tight knit, with both the rich and the poor working together to keep the planet habitable. As the world has been largely taken over by homes and shops, there is very little land for farming, forcing them to find another society that is willing to trade for food. A large part of the Metis economy is powered by natives traveling to other worlds and working for large amount of food, clothing, and other basic supplies. As the planets sailor, Marali must help negotiate larger trades to help supply those who are not able to leave the planet.

As a teenager, Marali was very hateful towards her people, as she felt trapped in the dying world. But as she grew into adulthood, her hate turned to pity, and she vowed to make it the utopia it once was- without lessening the population.

In the Auge system, there are only three planets, making it fairly small. The closest to the mother star is the planet Soter, a planet that is slightly smaller than Metis, the second planet, in both size and population. However, Nomos is also starting to crumble under the weight of its own population. The third planet, Soter, is a gas giant, making it inhabitable. Both Nomos and Metis are trying to develop ways to create a floating city above the giant, as its almost 100 times bigger than both Nomos and Metis combined. If successful, it could help relieve the planet of its over population.

However, both planets lack resources to do so. Sailor Metis, and the other two senshi of the Auge system, Sailor Soter and Sailor Nomos, would give anything for that project to succeed.

In her personal life, Marali has never really had time for much else. She has courted a few young men, but none have turned to be lasting lovers. At the moment, she has given up on love. Her friends, the other two sailors, share a tight bond and are the closest thing to siblings she has ever had. Currently, Sailor Nomos and Soter are on a business trip to a far away galaxy- hoping to trade a few things for major resources for the Soter project.
She enjoys studying other planets cultures and sailors, and is often seen looking through a telescope in her bedroom or in a lab.

Other Noteworthy Facts: From her years of studying the stars, she has a good idea of the ways of many planets and societies, however, not all of them.  Her favorite color is blue.

Senshi Information

Senshi/Sailor Name and Title: Sailor Metis
Senshi of wit and struggle

Realm of Influence(s): A mix of air/metal, with a theme of birds.

None, other than her transformation item- A bronze looking earring that hangs from her left ear. It is etched with her planets symbol.

“Metis star power, Make up!”

-Tiara: A band of blue crystal, made of the same material as her hair bands.
-Choker: A pale green with an oval crystal in the center.
-Fuku:Matis has the typical, one white band, sailor collar attached to a square-ish bow- Both pale green in color. In the center is a blue crystal oval.
The bodice is white, and is held up by a transparent set of sleeves. She has a light green corset that leads to a white flowing skirt with a pale green border.
-Gloves: Typical sailor gloves, but go just above the wrist.
-Shoes: Her boots go up to her knees. Both are open toed and lace up. You can see her legs through the middle. On both sides of the boots is her planetary symbol.
-Earring: She only has one earring in her left ear- the same one that is used for her transformation. It looks like a bronze disc about the size of an egg and hangs from a small chain.

“Metis Plume Zephyr” (Offense)
-Energy Required - Average
-Accuracy - 80%
-Appearance - Marali swishes her hand upwards, gathering energy at her finger tips. She then flings her hand in the direction she wants the attack to go, sending razor sharp, feather shaped energy in a cone formation.
-Effect - As it attacks in a cone, the the closer you are, the more precise the attack is. If far away, it will attack more, but do less damage. It will cut up the victim of the attack, as if hundreds of razor blades are being dragged across the skin.
-Weakness - Doesn’t do a lot of damage. It won’t really kill anyone, but will hurt a lot.

“Melting Gleam” (Offense)
-Energy Required - A bit higher than average.
-Accuracy - 75%
-Appearance - Marali cups her hand to her face, then push them forwards to unleash a burst of melted metal.
-Effect - Very dangerous. Aside from burning the victim, it can quickly cool down, leaving them stuck to a surface.
-Weakness - Easy to dodge, as it has a small attack range.

“Lustrous Aura” (Defense)
-Energy Required - High
-Accuracy - 100%
-Appearance - Marali will push her hands outward, and then pull them around in a circle around her body.
-Effect - It creates a simple golden shield small enough for her and 2 other people.
-Weakness - Can only deflect an averaged sized attack. Also drains a lot of energy.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi Tumblr_ma5drlY81o1qh5s3ho1_400

Last edited by katari on 12th September 2012, 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Star Seed


Star Seed

Title : Katari
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime11th September 2012, 6:19 pm

Ready for review Very Happy
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime11th September 2012, 7:37 pm

Thank you, ma'am. I'm running out of time tonight to be online, but after I get my classes and homework done tomorrow, I'll provide you with a review for your character. ^^
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Star Seed


Star Seed

Title : Katari
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime11th September 2012, 7:50 pm

Ok! Thanks! Very Happy
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime12th September 2012, 4:37 pm

!!That artwork is glorious! <3 ^__^ Great ideas!
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Star Seed


Star Seed

Title : Katari
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime12th September 2012, 7:13 pm

Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi 4033448464 Yay!! Thank you so much :]]
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime12th September 2012, 9:13 pm

Blergh. I offer my sincerest apologies, Katari. It took far longer than I expected to get everything done today, coupled with other things that came up. But, quick commentary, the personality and bio both need a bit more in length (about a paragraph each), but so far I like what you have. With any luck, I'll get off work at a decent time tomorrow, and we can wrap up your character sheet if you're also available. (And I do love the art that accompanies this. ^^)
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Star Seed


Star Seed

Title : Katari
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime12th September 2012, 11:11 pm

No worries! I understand how things can get busy suddenly.
I pretty much expanded on everything- adding a bit more than a paragraph.. But I hope that this works better. Very Happy
And thank you so much for the kind words :]
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime13th September 2012, 8:29 pm

Hehe, all of the length issues are now taken care of. And considering that was all that really held me back from approving you, you're free to go have fun with your OC. It should be interesting to see her in action sometime. ^^

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Star Seed


Star Seed

Title : Katari
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime13th September 2012, 8:35 pm

Hooray!!! Thanks so much!! 8D Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi 4271128786
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime13th September 2012, 9:05 pm

*Huggles.* No problem~. ^^
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PostSubject: Re: Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi   Sailor Metis // Cygnus Senshi I_icon_minitime

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