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Star Seed

Star Seed

Posts : 11
Join date : 2012-08-22
Age : 32
Location : Sweden

AMVs Empty
PostSubject: AMVs   AMVs I_icon_minitime22nd August 2012, 3:29 pm

Hi there, fellow Moonie fans!
I've only made one Sailor Moon AMV so far (so don't have to high expectations
please), and I guess you could say it's a bit on the darker side, the song is "Devour" by
Shinedown, and the feeling I was going for was "insane".
If you have the time and want to I would love to hear some opinions, what was bad
and what was good, what you liked and didn't like etc.
Do you like "darker" AMVs or do you prefer happy/sweet/sad/romantic ones?
I want to hear what you guys think! Smile

Anyway, hope you enjoy it;

(Gah, I hate posting my own work it feels like bragging >__<)
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