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 Inner Senshi: Silver Millennium vs Present Day

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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Inner Senshi: Silver Millennium vs Present Day   Inner Senshi: Silver Millennium vs Present Day I_icon_minitime20th July 2019, 5:48 am

I'm not sure if this has already been touched on; if it has, feel free to delete this thread.

Anyway, we all know the Present Day Inner Senshi are the reincarnations of the Silver Millennium Inner Senshi.

So, my question is: just how different are the Present Day Inner Senshi compared to their Silver Millennium selves, personality and power wise?
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Re: Inner Senshi: Silver Millennium vs Present Day   Inner Senshi: Silver Millennium vs Present Day I_icon_minitime20th July 2019, 7:29 am

I can headcanon the crap out of this xDD BUT what I'd like would be that they have the same base traits and characteristics (personality and power-wise), but how those develop and grow are completely up to who they are at that point in time. Perhaps the modern-day senshi start out with an attack that somewhat mirrors one from their past lives, but from that point on the powers complement the personality and background of the girl as she is in the modern-day. 

Mars, for example, is the "Senshi of War" - her eastern-origin planet name is "fire star" so it's all fire-based powers, her roman-origin planet name is after the god of war, so powers that are offensive in nature, but from that point onward it fits who she is at that time. Perhaps Mars of the silver millennium was also spiritual; iirc she had psychic powers, too, back then? (manga maybe mentioned this in the second arc?) so reading a sacred fire isn't completely out of the question for ancient Mars, but present-Mars's first attacks were "Akuryo Taisan" and "Burning Mandala" - both attacks stemming from being a shinto priestess, something that was totally (probably) not a thing in the Moon Kingdom, but it was a thing to Rei, and a powerful thing at that, something she put her faith and trust in, something that had all of her confidence. Rei was also a skilled archer, and later her powers reflected that. I think that, if any attacks were the same between eras, it may be along the lines of the anime's Fire Soul (despite the opening being the "hi" symbol) for being just base FLAMES (XD) or "Mars Snake Fire"/"Fire Soul Bird" as those attacks don't have a lot to do with Rei herself and appeared after their sil mill memories were restored. So I'd want to say that Millennium Mars's attacks were also offensive and fire-based, and perhaps spiritual based on whatever spirituality one headcanons for the moon kingdom, but not exactly the attacks that modern-day Mars possesses. She's her owwwn perrrsoooonnnnn~ xD

I'd try for the other senshi but I don't want to hog the fun xD
Good thread!
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Inner Senshi: Silver Millennium vs Present Day

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