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 Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!)

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!)   Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) I_icon_minitime15th July 2019, 9:10 am

Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) Featured_rp_thread_header_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d7z6pg7

Featured Roleplays have been a staple of the RP section for many years now. They've been a way to spotlight those special RPs that wiggle their way into our hearts.

With the closing of GC's forums, we want to pay tribute to one final featured RP. This RP will stay as GC's featured RP for the rest of time, so we want to make sure it's a great one! That's where we need your help!

Come up with two nominations for a RP that really speaks to you, one that you remember with fond memories, or one you love to go back and read over and over. It can be Relaxed or Advanced, Completed or Uncompleted. As long as it's something you really cherish, then it's worth a nomination!!

The only exceptions are Events. No HC Events or Casual Events are allowed to be nominated. We want to focus solely on roleplays created as a natural part of the RP section!  If you submit a nomination that is an Event, that nomination will be disqualified.

Feel free to include a link to the RP you nominate, but it is not required. It *is* required that you give the complete name of the RP. No nicknames please!! For example, instead giving a nomination of the nickname SOS, you'd enter: [Relaxed] Save Our Senshi

Everyone gets two nominations, so have fun!!! <3 (You can leave the second nomination blank if you prefer)

Link To Nomination Form!

Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) 4039879955 Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) 3221295634 Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) 1483032476 Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) 3120549547

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 7th August 2019, 8:07 am; edited 2 times in total
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!)   Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) I_icon_minitime22nd July 2019, 6:06 am

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!)   Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) I_icon_minitime23rd July 2019, 3:48 pm

The nominations are in! Now it's time to vote! Don't forget to reminisce a little as you choose our Final Featured Roleplay!

Thank you for your participation, creativity, and hard work all these years! Let's make the coming years just as great <3 <3 <3 

Link to Voting Form!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!)   Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) I_icon_minitime23rd July 2019, 4:36 pm

whoever nominated String of Spirts...I will love you forever! Thanks!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!)   Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) I_icon_minitime27th July 2019, 11:04 am

Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) HIbsSIR
Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) Ibf3fpt

Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) 1jF8TduFinal Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) MnWWKlV
This RP!! 24 pages!!! So many different characters!!! Strong activity levels and players that love it to death!!! ♥♥ I love the concept Light put together for this and admire the players for staying strong and dedicated throughout the years!! It started in December of 2016 and the latest post was this morning, guys xD Amazing!

The Warrior Princess and the Miraculous Enyalian
Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) OnkXDycFinal Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) KZnDD6xFinal Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) YeAKWFz

Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) XzIHIOZ
Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) OAoNvTM
Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) USK0iQaFinal Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) Vpr5W4p
This one makes me so happy xD A one-on-one between me and Bubbles that jumped off of the "Fields of Enyalius" HC Event when my probably-was-going-to-die neurotic/paranoid/broken NPC was taken under the protection of Bubbles's Sailor Andromeda so they could navigate the city with a guide and get info on the enemies before they were splattered by them, and then miraculously saved by Andromeda when he was about to be killed and whoops accidentally cursed to possible immortality xD NIKOS GETS A CRUSH ON ALIEN WARRIOR PRINCESS, takes her as his muse as he single-handedly rescues other survivors, speaks of her to be their muse as they work together to rebuild the city but they see past that r.q. - to them, Andromeda is a hero, yeah, but one that their own personal hero is obvioulsy head over heels for. YOUNG IMMORTAL FOOL IN LOVE. wHICH MAKES IT GREAT WHEN ANDROMEDA RETURNS TO CHECK UP ON PLANET ENYALIUS and the people she meets first assume it's because she's come back to marry Nikos - just like a fairy tale~ - when she has no particular feelings for this person?!?!? 

And then it goes FULL ROMCOM, with dashes of OH NO, MUST KEEP SECRET MY TOTALLY-NOT-OBVIOUS SECRET CRUSH, but wait!! I DON'T EVEN LIKE HIM WHAT ARE THESE FEELINGS?!, romantic rival?!?!?!she must die, but also i don't even like him, and WOE-IS-ME SHE REJECTED ME BEFORE I COULD EVEN MAKE MY FEELINGS KNOWN! when he did no such thing.  Perceived rejections, miscommunication galore, pining, and promises for a future neither can foresee -- i love this rp. xD I'm sad we never finished it, but, tbh, at the rate we were going THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO JUST SHUT UP AND KISS QUICKLY, SO --- yeah it may continue one day xD

Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) E1Tz9zs

Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) AGdzhHH
Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) 9E9lpX5
Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) V4oCkqvFinal Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) Rp_of_the_month_june_16_bumper___synergy_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-da502zv

The String of Spirits
Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) DBulevH

Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) LyrC9V6
I really liked the concept for this storyline! Happening between the silver millennium and modern day, it let the inner senshi have one last adventure together.... as ghosts! spooky xDDD The characterization by the players was great!! I liked reading through everyone's takes on the past lives of the girls, and the new helper, Tyra! XD

Fractured Zenith
Jasper always comes up with these cool, city-gritty dystopian stories and they're a great read! This storyline is a great AU to readthough - the players did an amazing job! 

Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) Rpthread

Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) TheMostPopularStoryline_zpsac6f44bc
Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) XzQ7ds1
Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) ZVExsR7
TBQH I nominated this because it was the first player-made RP on the site and my first RP here so I have ~feelings~ XD I learned so much from this storyline!! hahaha and I'll never forget chmia's first comment to me about this - it was something along the lines of "you don't have to keep posting by yourself, you know?" but I was just coming off of writing my first fanfiction and i was like THIS STORYLINE WILL GO ON, EVEN IF IT IS A ONE-WOMAN  (MAN?! CAUSE I WAS PLAYING TUXEDO MASK??) SHOW. It went into play on January 1st, 2012, and by January 5th I had made five ic posts and introduced an NPC to play with to move the story forward. Would it have continued that way if Chmia hadn't stepped in with her own OC? Probably. YOU CAN'T CONTROL MEEEE This RP taught me how and how not to juggle characters and split up groups, the importance of guidelines to continue loving the work and the equal importance of bending so that others can bring in their own ideas so they can also love the story, the notion of an 'activity rule' to keep motivation up and things moving forward, and... of not planning too far ahead xD I made the mistake of planning out how the story would end in OOC and because I knew how it was going to end, I was satisfied with the conclusion and just... didn't.... keep going. xD SO IT MAY NOT BE "COMPLETED", BUT THE ENDING IS LENGTHY AND WRITTEN IN THE OOC BOARD. 
I salute all 11 players throughout the years of its activity (the original crew and the 'reborn' crew xD) for dealing with me xD

As the Keyblade Strikes
This one was really cute!!! I liked the idea, I liked melding the two canons together! XDD I really enjoyed writing for Mamoru and building his background within the Kingdom Hearts universe and making him part of the traverse town crew and melding motoki and umino and unazaki and naru into that world and making them the "experts" that Squall and Yuffie and everyone was in the original universe!! And writing for Umino XD that was fun. This storyline was really fun!!!
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!)   Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) I_icon_minitime7th August 2019, 8:07 am

The votes are in!!!! Thank you everyone for taking the time to vote and nominate and reminisce on these beautiful RPs! But now it is time to announce the one you all chose to be our final featured roleplay!

And winning by a generous margin is.............


We'll get the changes to the proper sections updated asap! Thanks again to everyone who participated in this choice <3 <3 <3
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!)   Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) I_icon_minitime7th August 2019, 2:36 pm

Woot! Congratulations, Dissidia RPers!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!)   Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) I_icon_minitime9th August 2019, 6:24 pm

Yaaaay Dissidia!!!!
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PostSubject: Re: Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!)   Final Featured Roleplay (Winner Announced!) I_icon_minitime10th August 2019, 9:45 pm

YES! WHOO! Thanks for the votes, everyone! This RP was-and at the time of writing, still is-a total blast to participate in!
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