hey all,
how are we doing? I was putzing around YouTube and discovered an anime
that those in the medical field might get a kick out of. it's called HOW CELLS
WORK and it's very cute and entertaining. it is also edifying. the show is about
how the inner workings of the human body works and how the cells are depicted
as human. the red blood cells are men and women dressed as delivery people
who carry oxygen throughout the body. there is the running joke about the one
that is always lost. the white blood cells are commandos that attack viruses and
germs, keeping the body safe. the pallatates are school age children who fix cuts
and scrapes and the like.each episode deals with a different topic like cancer, flu,
heatstroke, anemia and the like. I'd be curious to see the anime handles things
like smoking or diabetes. I saw a couple of doctors on YouTube say HCW is fairly
accurate in how the body works. any comments?