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 [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier

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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime9th October 2018, 6:29 pm

Storyline Name: Operation Sailor Soldier
Creator(s): Starman92
Forum: Crystal Tokyo. It won't be placed like during that, but 2 years after the orignal anime series
Advanced or Relaxed: Advanced
Plot Summary:

It's been 2 years after the last events from Sailor Stars. Sailor Moon saving the world once more from a intergalactic threat. Tokyo is trying to rebuild after Galaxia's destruction.

However, at the other side of the world in the western hemisphere, people are really taking notice of Sailor Moon. If one has the power, why not another? In the US, a black ops group is made to turn the magic of hers, into weapons, even creating soldiers for the armies in the world. It's their objective, and they'll do any to get it, even if they have to hurt people to do so. They are led by one person, a man named Zion. With limitless money, anyone or anything can be disposable. With what they can do, they can even make their own form of demons too.

Meanwhile, as the Star Seeds began to reform into their own forms, the Sailor Animates are resurrected in the US, only to find them working for Zion. They had no clue what their past lives were when they were brainwashed by Galaxia, thinking they can redeem themselves with working with this black ops group. Plus, with them far away from Tokyo; they can be under the radar.

However, where they're operating is in Texas, where my character lives, inside of Houston. He's aware of the Senshi in Tokyo, but is not aware of the Black Ops group, or the Animates. He's outnumbered, and out gunned. But if he tries to bring the Animates back to the light, he could stand a chance.

Details on any necessary information: In this rp, It's more unique because unlike series past, the enemy is actual humans, wanting power and energy from the super beings themselves. And mind you, this is 2 years AFTER Sailor Stars, the last season for the anime version of Sailor Moon.

For said Animates; as said, they know nothing of their past when having their star seeds robbed from Galaxia. But as they encounter my character and others, they begin to recollect on what happened, piece by piece and ultimately see that they'll do more bad than good when joining. Not all will join them at the same time, one by one instead will.

Jack is still trying to kick off the training wheels after gaining his ability to become Cerberus, but he knows nothing of it's past or any of it's future powers. So he's still learning while facing the overpowered Animates. He starts to learn more after every battle and once gaining more allies.

Restrictions: My character, Jack Levan (Cerberus), Sailor Animates, Others are NPCs.

OOC Thread: Present!

Member to Character List:  Starman92- Jack Levan (Cerberus), Villians, Yokai, Sailor Tin Nynako

Princess Luna - Sailor Aluminum Siren, Sailor Iron Mouse

Lyssarie - Sailor Lead Crow

Last edited by Starman92 on 23rd October 2018, 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime9th October 2018, 7:11 pm

Houston, Texas. It was in the night hours with the moon shining brightly in the sky. The stars couldn't be found because of how much light the buildings were emitting. Most of the people in the city were sleeping, and some doing the night shift to either keep this city running or to protect it.

For one, it was a usual patrol, up until almost 11 PM.

A young man was sitting on top, in uniform incase any kind of danger was on the horizon. In jeans, s sweater and having a mask to cover his mouth and nose. He had his hood up too, his face enshrouded in a shadow. His hazel eyes were the only thing you could see at the moment. Why he was like this?

He was in a "super hero" like costume. A Knight for the people. Cerberus he was called. But many nick name him "El Perro". The Dog. He was taking a huge bite of the criminal activity, yanking it and pulling it out. The local Cartels dispised him because of it, shutting down their operations and kicking the butt out of their subordinates.

He was more like a local hero, much like Sailor V was before turning into Sailor Venus. People loved him due to him cleaning out the criminal activity in the more rural, poor areas. While the police might think otherwise, thinking of him more like a vigilante/nuisance.

As of now, he was just yawning away with his glove covering his mouth, almost being 11 o clock.

"Man, I'm tired." He complained, rubbing his head in a itch.

"You have 5 minutes, Jack. You're fine." His watch told him. "Aren't you gonna think on where to eat next?"

"Na, too tired for that. Jenkin's pizza really got me there." the boy replied, patting his stomach. "I'm having it for lunch, breakfast and dinner tomorrow." He grinned under his mask. "Got lots of college work to do tomorrow too."

"Did you do your calculus questions filled out?" Questioned Xervius, glowing from the night in a yellow- like color.

Jack rolled his eyes in return. "You were on me, Xer. Come on, you're on my wrist the whole time! How come you always ask- "

He stopped as he suddenly heard gunshots coming from a distance, with a car speeding up on the side. 2 police cars were persuing them as they past Cerberus and the building.

His eyes stared, going into a glare. "Looks like it's gonna have to wait." He replied before quickly standing up, running down from one end of a roof before jumping up to another. He wanted to end the situation as fast and as safe as possible. Hopefully the guys would turn themselves in, but this was not the case.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime11th October 2018, 11:36 am

Iron Mouse was bored. She was watching while the others were committing a crime. "I'm so bored..." She complained to no one. She was alone on a roof watching the others. She could be at home right now watching TV, maybe watching her new favorite celebrity on something. She sighed heavily. This felt stupid. She didn't want to do anything. Nothing had even happened yet and they'd been there for what felt like forever.

Suddenly she looked up at the sound of gunshots. The others got into a car and were trying to speed away. They we're being followed by police cars. "Now this will be fun." Iron Mouse said jumping down from the roof. 

Iron Mouse started sprinting after one of the police cars and prepared to do what she was hired for. She was very small so chasing a moving car was a bit of a feat, but she managed anyway. The others were distracting the police, so they never saw her coming. She threw a Galactica Crunch at the first police car hoping to steal their energy. 

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed someone else was chasing them on foot.
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime11th October 2018, 3:51 pm

"J..JEEZE!" Cerberus cried out as a few gun shots fling not just past them and the police men, but also Iron Mouse who decided to join the party.

The 2 men that were in the car were shouting in Spanish, but were in complete fear to see that not just the police showed up, but El Perro himself. This wasn't what they were payed to do.

Cerberus continued to run as much as he could, surprisingly as fast as Iron Mouse as he tried to get closer to the robber car, glad to see the passenger stopped shooting. "Oi! Get me closer! I got a message for you! Well English wise!" He cried out, grinning behind his mask to see the car turn to another street in wild abandon.

"Cerberus, I'm detecting a strange energy behind us." Xervius said as he ran.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's the cops! They've been following us since-"

"No, you don't understand! There's something behind us doing something!" Xervius called it out, a arrow pointing behind to see the contact.

"What?!" Cerberus quickly looked behind him to see, only to see a girl in some odd white clothing, following a police car that led a wrong way, only to see the car smash into a brick wall not far. Cerberus had to make a choice. Leave the coppers to the robbers, or help the cops from the vehicle? Whoever that girl was, she did more harm than those 2 did.
"Changing gear, Xer!" He said, thinking it was the more responsible call as he then put the breaks on his feets, stopping before quickly rushing back to the smoking car not far.

One cop kicked the door on the passenger side, his face bloodied up and groaned as he then fell down on the warm asphalt. "1..10-40...officer down." the officer called out on his radio. The car was smashed on the side, not knowing what hit them obviously.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime11th October 2018, 5:41 pm

Iron Mouse gathered the energy from the officers after their car crashed. It all flowed into the tank she was given by Zion. As she was running away from the crash, the person who had been chasing the other car on foot, came to the crash. She took a moment to look closely at the figure. It was a man, dressed in... was that a superhero costume? She shook her head and rubbed her eyes before she looked again. Yeah that was real. It was very strange. She decided she shouldn't stick around and ran towards the others and the police car that was still chasing them. 

Iron Mouse hoped she'd escaped without the masked "superhero" noticing her. If he did, she would have to leave the rest of her mission behind. She wasn't sure Zion would like that very much. And was scared to make him mad. "Why did you have to show up today?" She said out into the night and shook her head.
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime11th October 2018, 6:27 pm

There wasn't nothing "superhero" of his costume. He didd'nt look like Superman, or thank god- the Sailor Senshi. He looked more like a hooded ninja, if best, except with shin guards and gloves. He quickly slid down onto the down officer, his hands up a bit. "Easy, easy. The one who got ya, where'd they go?" The masked man asked, his mouth and cheeks covered to protect his identity.

O..ooh..d..down the street where the others were. us out of no where." The wounded officer said.

"Stay here, I'll get them." Cerberus said, his target now on the move before he decided to dash off once more. His target wasn't hard to find since they were still on the same street they were pursuing the robbers. He kept himself into the shadows, past the lights as his speed began to increase slightly.

It wasn't long till he was up Iron Mouse's behind.

"Stop, shorty! Or I'll make you stop!" He threatened, trying to get closer to the girl as he tried gaining more ground.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime12th October 2018, 6:11 pm

Iron Mouse heard the masked man call to her. He was trying to get her to stop. Shorty? Iron Mouse was pretty annoyed. Insulting her size was a low blow. She slowed a bit to talk to him. "Shorty? You have got to be kidding me!" She yelled, "Stop me? I'd like to see you try." Iron Mouse laughed obnoxiously while still running. She picked up her pace once more.

He was not going to stop her. No way she would let that happen. She wanted to go after more energy for Zion, but would that be too much of a risk at this point? She decided to throw a Galactic Crunch at the masked guy. Hopefully she could disappear into the shadows while the dust settled.
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime12th October 2018, 6:51 pm

Who was this girl? Why was she running this fast? No one can get close to a car that fast like he could.

Cerberus continued to run to the girl, hearing her question his taunt on being "shorty." "Sorry? Or is strawberry shortcake better?" He taunted/teased once more, still in hot pursuit. But her taunt made him a bit fuming afterwards. He can still catch up to her. "Challenge accepted!" He cried out, beginning to go into overdrive to chase after her.

Panting was in his lungs, along with them feeling like they were on fire. But as she turned around and did this strange move, he felt a strong, like hurricane force wind smash onto him like a wall of bricks. A girl like scream was heard as he was forced back, smashing himself on the back of a  pole head first. The force was so massive, that he bent the lightpole, with the receiving top fell down with a loud crack.

Cerberus yelped upon contact and held the back of his head while on the ground, feeling immense pain behind his head and back as the girl was able to escape.

"Cerberus, Cerberus! Are you ok?" Xervius asked, as the watch glowed in the dark corner with him.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime15th October 2018, 3:41 pm

Iron Mouse shook her head at the 'strawberry shortcake' remark. And he even accepted her challenge. This guy was so far out of his depth and didn't even know it. She laughed and when he was hit by the wave from her Galactic Crunch he hit a pole. She didn't look back after that. Instead she kept running.

Smiling to herself, Iron Mouse, went to the drop off site to empty her energy tank. Zion might be mad at her, but she decided that it was worth it. She had barely escaped from the masked man and if she hadn't, he'd have one less minion at his disposal capable of stealing energy. If she had to explain herself, that is what she would do and he would need to expect it.
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime15th October 2018, 4:13 pm

"Cerberus?" The watch asked in worry, glowing.

With a scream of anger, the young man looked around swiftly and ran around a bit to see where the girl was. She was no where to be found, gone in the wind. "Damn it!" He said, rubbing the back of his hood to see if there was any blood coming out of there. Luckily there wasn't in his relief. He was just really woozy.

"Forget about her. The cop." Xervius payed his attention to the cop as Cerberus looked not far from the scene.

Ambulances were there to help not just the cop out, but the other that was really hurt in the car. Another police man was there too to secure the scene, along with a few fire fighters.

"W..what did that girl do?" He asked, rubbing his head.

"I'm not sure. It was a strange pulse of energy. It was probably the same that got them too." Xervius said.

"And what was she?" He looked down to the watch.

"Unknown. She's no Senshi I have in the data banks. But whatever she is, she had more power than you have at the moment. We can't do anything at the moment. I suggest we head back to your dorm." The watch advised. Cerberus sighed and nodded slowly.

"Right..." He stubbornly said, heading into the alley. "I'm getting her butt the next time."

As the girl was heading towards the drop site, it was a small garbage site near what looked like a restaurant, named "Grubs". It smelled like sewage in the back. But as she was to open the dumpster that was behind it, a bigger tank was there, to collect all of the energy. It looked more less like a bigger propane tank.

On the side, was a telephone booth, and too long after she dropped off her tank, it began to ring for her.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime17th October 2018, 5:08 pm

Sailor Iron Mouse went to the drop zone. Across from the restaurant Grubs, she hated that place it smelled funny. But this place was hidden and a place no one would go to, unless of course, they had to. She attached her tank to a hose that let the energy she'd gotten into the bigger tank. She hid her tank again so she could use it on her next mission. She turned to leave, but then heard a ringing coming from the telephone booth.

"Oh crap, this is not good. Zion is going to be so mad at me. I have a bad feeling about this." Iron Mouse said to herself. She was so afraid of making people angry, I mean sure, she could antagonize people and fight, but she did not like being yelled at. Zion was scary on a good day, what would he be like to her when she semi failed her mission?

She walked over to the booth and stepped in. Picking up the phone she shook a little. "Hello?" She said and hoped to hide the fear in her voice.
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime17th October 2018, 7:27 pm

"Sailor Iron Mouse." A older man said in a commanding, yet gentle tone. Where he was, the room was dark, along with him as he sat down to talk to the phone and having her on one of the camera's near by the restaurant.

"I take it you got some energy?" the man asked calmly, his fingers gently tapping the brown desk he had.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime24th October 2018, 10:17 am

Sailor Iron Mouse gulped at hearing Zion speak. He was always so intimidating. She didn't think there was a single time that she'd spoke with him, when he didn't sound scary. Maybe it was the tone of his voice or how he spoke to her with absolute authority. She couldn't quite pin point why, but it felt familiar, maybe from her previous life? The one she'd forgotten? 

Finally realizing she'd been lost in thought and hearing Zions fingers tapping on, what was most likely his desk, she snapped out of it. "Yes Zion." She managed to squeak out. "I could have gotten more,but some strange guy in a mask started chasing me and he was very strange. He was fast too, like he had powers, only I think he didn't, but I don't know. I mean he was so close to catching me I had to throw a Galactica Crunch at him just to escape with the energy that I received. And..." She stopped herself short realizing that in her fear she was rambling and probably making Zion more angry. 

She let out a sign, "Sorry I was rambling again. What's my next mission?" She asked hoping to veer him off of the subject of her small failure.
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime24th October 2018, 1:39 pm

A exhausted, yet angry sigh came from her rapid fire of words. Although she had some energy in the tank, he was not as happy to see that someone had come to harass his operator. The mask though. There was only one that could have it, and has been on the news lately.

"Enough." He said calmly, rubbing his head from her spit fire of words. "This mission is high stakes. Robbery. We have associates getting ready this tomorrow night. You will rest back in your dorm. And then after all of your classes, we will get you and the others." He instructed, smoothly. "Is that understood?"
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime4th November 2018, 12:52 pm

Sailor Iron Mouse listened to Zion as he cut her off from her worried rambling. The frustration and coldness of his coming through. Next he gave her his next set of instructions. Iron Mouse let it sink in. She had another mission tomorrow night, that was a good sign. He wouldn't have given her another mission if he was getting read to be rid of her. She took a deep breath in and sighed in relief. Composing herself she said, "Thank you Mr. Zion. I understand your new directive and will follow your explicit orders. If you need anything else from me, please do not hesitate to ask. Goodbye sir." Iron Mouse hung up the phone and headed out of the alley to her dorm. She'd have to sneak in, as usual, because she never had a place to put her normal clothes. It's not like she had a transformation item or anything.

Iron Mouse laughed at that idea. A transformation item. Now that would come in handy. As she lifted the window to her dorm room on the first floor, she scanned the area to make sure that no one was watching. Then she slipped into her room and changed into her pajamas. Comfy, soft, grey silk pajamas, with mice on them. After that she climbed into bed and set her alarm.
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime5th November 2018, 4:09 am

"Oh, my head." Cerberus voice echoed as he reached into his own dorm. This time, he wasn't the Perro, but another person. A rich kid. He had a tan like skin, and his brown hair had a nice bump- on the back of his head.

"Be lucky it's not a fractured skull." The watch replied from the boy's complaint.

"Hey, I didd'nt know what I was up against!" The boy protested in a pout, making sure he puts lots of ointment onto his bump. There was nothing he could do really wound wise besides being really sore. Thankfully too he can heal a bit faster too. It should be mostly gone in the morning. Hopefully that girl was calling it a night as well, otherwise it was going to be a long night.

But wait, he had another thing going on tomorrow night as well. A party in which to elect the new CEO of his company. Rubbing his head in frustration and putting all of his stuff away in the bathroom, Jack Levan came out in a pair of shorts and a tank top. He puts the watch on the side of his desk in his decently sized dorm before flopping onto his double sized bed. "Forgot we have a party to do tomorrow night. This is gonna be fun." He added on tiredly before turning on his fan on the side before slumbering into a sleep in his covers.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

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[Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime18th November 2018, 11:30 am

Chuuko woke up to her alarm and hit snooze. Falling back asleep, she let the exhaustion from the night before sweep over her. The next thing she knew her alarm had been going off for an hour and she was super late to class. "Why do I bother setting an alarm if I always ignore it?" Chuuko complained to herself. She threw on her clothes, a hat, and her backpack and ran over to class. She got to the door and stopped cold. "Oh man. I'm going to be in so much trouble." Chuuko said. She quietly opened the door and sat at a desk by herself.
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier   [Advanced] Operation- Sailor Soldier I_icon_minitime19th November 2018, 7:14 pm

The college? It was called Houston Star College. The home to many of the privileged- those who can fetch more than a pretty penny. It was also well known for it's business classes, sports and science communities. It was small, housing around 1000 students from all over the state.

A young man was walking quickly from his dorm, to the Advanced English class not far from him. He was suited with a set of jet black pants, a white shirt and a red small tie on him. Cerberus he was at night, but in the day or when there's no danger, it's Jack Levan- heir of Levan Co. He had his books organized and his folder too as many ran quickly in the large class room to be in time.

All except for Miss Chuuko. As she went to her desk, a tapping from a foot was heard, coming from the teacher as he glared to the girl. "Slept again, Miss Nezu?"
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