Storyline Name: The Senshi of the Night
Creator(s): Uranian Jewel
Forum: Tokyo City
Advanced or Relaxed*: Relaxed
Plot Summary: During the fight, a mysterious senshi appears and saves one of the Outer Senshi then vanishes. She appears more often around them yet seems to be distrustful to our lovely Outer Senshi. As the RP goes on, she gains their trust and friendship slowly and seems to be more caring and emotional. By the slight middle-endish of the RP, she is the newest member of the Outer senshi. At the end of the RP the youmas are all gone and they return to a normal life with just another member of their team and household.
OOC Thread: Right here!
Member to Character List:
Mei Misami/Sailor Midnight: Me
Tenoh Haruka/ Sailor Uranus:
Kaioh Michiru/Sailor Neptune: