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 [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
Posts : 3220
Join date : 2012-11-19
Age : 32
Location : In the Diamond Sky

[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta Empty
PostSubject: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta I_icon_minitime4th June 2018, 10:18 pm

Character Name: Chie Mizuki  [美月恵] 
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 16 / February 27th

Used Canons: Manga, 90s anime

Appearance: Chie follows Gyaru-kei fashion, wearing mostly in style cute clothing. Her nails are always manicured to perfection and she never leaves her house without a full face of Gyaru makeup. Her hair is dyed blonde, with the original color being black. She usually wears it in a teased updo that falls with mid-back length layered wavy/curled extension
Chie's eyes are brown but she will choose a contact lens depending on the outfit she is wearing. She is fond of blue and green mostly. Her eyes always have a sleepy look to them, and are almond shaped with no double eyelid, as she is of Japanese decent.
Chie's skin tone is very porcelain. She likes to make her cheeks pop with blush. Because of her makeup skills she can make her face look like it is more tan/colorful than it actually is.
She is around 5'3 and weighs 125 lbs. Because she is so short, most of her weight falls on her stomach area, not that it is very noticeable.

Personality: Chie is a very aloof girl, who tends to daydream most of the day. Bothering her when she is daydreaming or sleepy will cause her to become annoyed but can usually be swayed out of her mood with coffee or tea and a sweet treat. Chie is somewhere between an introvert and an extrovert. She doesn't exactly dislike people, she just would rather be in her own world. When out with friends, she likes to spend time at cafe's and various shopping centers. Although she is a Gyaru, she isn't the most stuck up girl in her school. She is humble and believes that most people are prettier than she is.
Chie's dream is to be an idol, which due to her aloof personality is a very hard goal to accomplish. She has had no vocal training but does go to karaoke with her friends and plays DDR. She feels practicing these methods will be enough for her to someday break into the spotlight. Her friends encourage her to get out to pursue her dream more, but she brushes it off  saying she can do it anytime.
Although Chie doesn't want to be known for her sports talent, she is very good at swimming, resulting in the swim team to approach her many times. Chie has denied every time saying she has "No interest in that sort of life." And would prefer to just be pool or beach side with her friends. She is known as an Empath.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills: Singing, with a vocal range that has been compared to many girl group lead singers. She also is very capable at swimming. She is Elysian, which is unknown to her until later. 

History: Chie was born in Tokyo, and has lived with her mother and father her whole life in an apartment in Shibuya. She passed primary and secondary school as an average student, never failing but never acing everything. Her daydreaming has gotten her in to trouble a few times. One night when she was awoken in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat. A nightmare that she had been having night after night continued to haunt her. Visions of death and destruction that every sundown, the world was ending. This time when she awoke, she didn't feel like things were right. Walking out of her bed she noticed she was no longer in her room. An alternate space? She never really found out but all she knew was it was not her bedroom. Before her eyes the twilight appeared out of nowhere, and a voice called out to her. "You must guard the night. You must protect the dreams of everyone." Looking around she didn't notice anyone, but the voice continued to boom. "Please, for the sake of Elysion, for the sake of the White Moon... please, fulfill your destiny. Protect them." A brooch appeared before her in a flash of light. It looked like the letter Z, but a bit more ornate. She took it in her hands, and spoke the magic incantation that appeared in her heart. "Breksta Twilight Rain!" [Breksta Saulėlydis Lietus!] The voice continued to guide her, but she has yet to meet the source. She began traveling from dream to dream, and guarding the night.

Other Noteworthy Facts

Favorite Flower: Night Blooming Jasmine
Favorite Food Herbal Tea with Vanilla Wafers
Least Favorite Food: Tofu
Favorite Color(s)Mauve and it's other sister hues

Storyline Specific Information: Not Applicable at this time.

Source: N/A

Senshi Information

Senshi Name: Sailor Breksta
Realm of Influence(s): Twilight, dreams and protectoin, the night
Henshin/Transformation Phrase: "Breksta Twilight Rain!" [Breksta Saulėlydis Lietus!]
Senshi Fuku:
Design Sheet:
I should note, that this image was drawn by my friend on ToT and DA NijikazeKris~P, for me.<3

Dress, Drape, Collar, Sleeves, Shoes: White
Collar Stripe, Underskirt, Choker: Mauve
Midsection ribbon, hair ribbon, lining on shoes: Lavender
Chain of beads: Gold
Eyes: Muddy clay brown
Hair: Dull Muddy Tuscan Red
Random staff and brooch: Black, matte metal


  • Twilight Rising: Breksta uses the gold beads around her chest to create two long range whips. This attack is used mostly for grabbing objects/blocking attacks. It is not very effective in terms of damage on it's own, but when used before a stronger attack, it can do some preemptive damage. 

  • Veil of Night: Creates a dome of energy that takes the form of a starry ephemeral sky. This is created with her staff. The purpose of this is mostly defensive, as it changes the plane of attack from Earth to the Dream realm. It is possible to break through, but requires a lot of work and perserverance

  • Divine Clarity A healing attack, used from Breksta's staff. It purifies the evil dreams/entities that are plaguing the person who is having the nightmare. The enemy is enveloped in a beautiful lavender light, gradiating into a sunrise color - and if the attack works, will turn into  the spirit of a beautiful dream, depending on the person the dream will change. Sometimes the attack fails and drastic measures will need to be taken

  • Nightmare Pendulum: A high powered attack that calls forth the world of nightmares. The enemy is surrounded by a black and red hued space and is barraged with sharp pendulums and knives. This attack can be deadly if Breksta doesn't stop it in time. Usually, as an she has mercy and will instead purify the evil entity. If it is a human, she will be more apt to stop the attack. 

  • Wake Up Call Breksta hits the enemy with her staff. Usually a low powered attack. 

  • Eyes of the Empath:Not an attack, but a psychic ability only usable as Breksta that can see the true nature of someone's dream. It happens randomly and she cannot control it. 

Weapons or Magical Items:

  • A black matte brooch in the shape of an ornate Z - used only for transforming, and sometimes calling on her staff
  • A black matte staff with the ornate Z on the top - to be used for magical, psychical and sometimes on the rare occasion defense.
  • Gold strand of beads that can be used for long range attacks

Guardian:While not exactly physical, her guardian is a male voice that guides her through her journey.

RP Sample:
Chie sighed as the overhead bell chimed through the hallways. Still at her desk, she stretched, unable to hold back a yawn. She sighed and began to make her way out the door. She didn't have any clubs to go to, and didn't really feel the interest too. She didn't want the swim team to catch her on her way out. "They still haven't given up have they." It had gotten annoying, really. She could only say no so many times before she would snap.

The cherry blossoms fell at her feet on the school walkway. She glanced back, no one following. "Thank god..." She sighed, and pulled out her cell phone. The breeze was blowing her hair and scattering petals. She looked like a goddess, but she didn't ever think of herself like that. Even though she had gotten so many chocolates for White and Valentines day. So many confessions. "Love is such a waste of time." She sighed. She had always felt this way. Maybe something in her past life caused these feelings - yes, that had to be it. Otherwise she would have taken at least one person up on the offer.

"CHIEEEEEEEEEEE" A loud high pitch voice broke her train of thought as footsteps began to come closer on the cobblestone. She turned around, hoping it wasn't who she thought it was. "Will you please join the swim team!!??"

She turned to find the swim captain, also her best friend dying of laughter. "Do you ever give it a rest?" She looked annoyed, cheeks red. "The only place I'll be joining the swim team is in your dreams!"

The two laughed as the sun began to set, and the twilight began to shine.

Last edited by Starchild on 7th June 2018, 8:43 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
Posts : 3220
Join date : 2012-11-19
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[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta I_icon_minitime7th June 2018, 2:50 pm

Ready for review! <3
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta I_icon_minitime7th June 2018, 4:16 pm

Hi Star! I'll be working with you on this Advanced profile review! Reading things through, I like how thorough you were with her appearance and personality sections - I feel like you've got a really great overview for Chie that other players can read through to get tips and tricks for how their characters can interact with her as though they've known her for a longer period of time.   I love how you drew your own fuku design! 

You only have a couple of things to be updated/amended before going further:

  1. Under Powers, please include a few powers for your senshi! If she has no magical abilities, please describe what she, as Sailor Breksta, brings to the table during a fight or while doing her duties protecting dreams.  Once finished, please remove the instructional text! 
  2. Under Weapons and Magical Items there's a stray word ("journey") that you may want to take out! ((they always tend to sneak in XD)) and, if you would please, go back in use the list code to turn the asterisked list into a full bullet list to take advantage of the built-in indentation to make the weapons and items stand out! ((! Please also use the list function on powers if you have more than one!))
    [list][*]A black matte brooch [...]
    [*]A black matte staff [...]
    [*]Gold strand [...]

  3. Under Guardian I think I found where "journey" was supposed to go! XD weird traveling words; just throw that back in there and you're golden!

Rather than a starting point, the above is everything I'd like to see amended before I approve this as an Advanced profile, and I can continue to review it as Advanced whenever changes are made (when making changes for me, it is unnecessary to change font colors; I will reread all sections again), just post "updated and ready for review" when you're ready for me to take another look!

Great start!!
[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta 4039879955
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official Leek & JunJun/Sailor Juno
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[Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta I_icon_minitime7th June 2018, 8:41 pm

Alright, I have ammended the above, and added a tidbit about her being Elysian and also about her being an Empath (since I totally just remembered)

I wish I drew that. I came up with the fuku idea, but my friend drew it! I design all my own senshi (albiet a few) and have ammended my first post to credit her. <3

Thanks Uranus! 

Ready for review.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta   [Advanced] Senshi: Sailor Breksta I_icon_minitime7th June 2018, 9:21 pm

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