Throughout all my childhood weaves a story.
Capturing the attention of a child
With events that are sometimes gory
And a charming tone that is often mild.
My mother's voice whispers in the deep night,
And in spite of the darkness I'm not scared.
How could I ever feel a sense of fright
While aching to hear how heroes have fared?
Eventually comes the break of the day,
I come to earth from dreams of courtly love.
My mind is still trapped with phantoms of fae,
And the vague impression of a flying dove.
And years upon years upon decades hence -
The stories leave me dreaming of a prince
The stories leave me dreaming of a prince -
Or prince-to-be – looking for a young bride.
Even paupers can become royals since
They have the ideas of goodness and pride.
The princess is trapped in a tower round,
So the noble boy starts the nobler quest.
He chooses his steed and starts cov'ring ground
Until she is rescued, he'll take no rest.
The hand of his princess he's set to win,
Her heart and royal father's throne his prize.
His perilous task is not a burden,
And his low status is merely a guise.
During this
her task is only to trust
To know that her hopes won't all come to dust.
To know that her hopes won't all come to dust,
Though her savior could descend to disgrace.
For if the man's cause is not truly just
Then her pure heart he could cruelly debase
For with the good the world must have evil.
Villains exist in every forest.
Trapping good between hammer and anvil,
Turning the richest men to the poorest.
Even more terrifying is the witch –
The wicked woman who hides in the dark.
For she can take all your dreams and switch,
Them into various nightmares so stark.
And yet no matter the horrors' wide scope
No character – nor list'ner – should loose hope
No character – nor list'ner – should loose hope,
For there are always champions of good
People are walking across the tightrope –
Unending righteousness is understood.
Evil might strike out in sudden anger.
Enemies might wish our heroes some ill.
Kind princesses might in prisons languor,
And greedy dragons might seek them to kill.
Even in danger, our heroes must choose
To avoid the straight paths that are easy.
They have such power and strength to abuse,
Their capacities can make foes queasy.
So through every dramatic quarrel
My childish self could glimpse some moral.
My childish self could glimpse some moral.
The moment she hears “Once upon a time...”
Or sees the book dec'rated and floral
She knows there hides more than glory sublime.
The moment the book's pages creak open
A story of wondrous honor unfolds
In these pages, a story was woven.
That story is everything she beholds.
From any and all the old stories' starts,
Even the very word where they begin,
All my childish troubles seemed to depart,
And a simple joy crept up from within.
All my weak objections would be struck dumb.
I sank into tales of a far kingdom.
I sank into tales of a far kingdom,
And an account of a thrilling journey.
A hero can search for untold wisdom.
A knight can register for a tourney.
The kingdom's a refuge of adventure.
Knights range, scout, and battle throughout the land.
Those with honor have no fear of censure.
Prizes for strong performances are grand.
All nobles serve at a good king's pleasure.
They remain always loyal to their king.
Their loyalty has more worth than treasure.
Power is what their devotion can bring.
Even when the tale seems to turn tragic,
The land holds a sense of joy and magic.
The land holds a sense of joy and magic
Which expands when everything ends well.
There is poetry and art fantastic,
The tale's final words seem to cast a spell
All who fought for good will find perfect joy,
and the castle will be filled with laughter.
The tale that began with a girl and boy
Must end in happily ever after.
Of course, there is a beautiful wedding.
The hero and heroine exchange vows.
The bride's father willing gives his blessing.
The boy to become his heir he allows.
Because all fairy tales end in glory,
throughout all my childhood weaves a story.