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 [Relaxed] The String of Spirits

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime23rd May 2018, 8:39 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits DBulevH

Storyline Name: The String Of Spirits  
Creator(s): Sportsnutd with help from Prince Triton, Meganekko and Brit-Chan, and Starchild

Forum: Choose which suits your RP best: Silver Millennium

Advanced or Relaxed*: Relaxed

Plot Summary: The Inners have passed away but their spirits still remain on earth, they meet another spirit who is trying desperately to save both the spirit world and the human world which she tells them are connected by an item called The String of Spirits and an evil spirit who has gathered some followers wishes to Sever The String of Spirts and allow them to enter the human world and take over. Can the Inner Scouts and the mysterious spirit they met combine and take out the evil Spirit general? 

Details on any necessary information: 
-All Senshi names are Greek.
-a time setting- Silver Millenium

-Brit-Chan said: she could still be good but maybe she's been fighting of chaos but by the end of their journey she can no longer fight it off and turns against them like maybe the reason she's trapped is caused by a witch or sorceress or whatever cursed her, a witch that's an offshoot of chaos? (She is speaking of our Senshi Spirit helper Tyra) 

-Tyra Teleen is our spirit Senshi helper

-Ami and our baddie will be NPC's till we find players and/or names for them.

Restrictions: Inners only, please. Also, There will be some NPC's As well.

OOC Thread:

Discord OOC: String of Spirts Discord

Member to Character List:
Princess Serenity:(Malour)
Ami Mizuno: Princess Angelia (Sailor Mercury)
Rei Hino: Princess Adrestia  (Prince Triton)
Makoto Kino: Princess Astrape  (Starchild)
Minako Aino: Princess Aphrodite   (Brit-Chan)
Villain nikephoros: (Cosmos-Hime) 
Senshi Spirit Ghost Tyra Teleen: Sportsnutd

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits LtuF5t1
[Relaxed] The String of Spirits YHmXgBz
[Relaxed] The String of Spirits OznH95N
[Relaxed] The String of Spirits 5jRSPCg
[Relaxed] The String of Spirits CSX1KF0
[Relaxed] The String of Spirits JLEopYi

Last edited by Sportsnutd on 5th January 2019, 6:33 pm; edited 13 times in total
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime26th May 2018, 5:53 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits QWpXYnD

Silver Millennium - Moon Castle

The attack had been a surprise to them all. Just prior to Artemis and Luna bursting into the banquet hall, Princess Serenity had been rambling to her about a nefarious attack by Queen Beryl of Earth. Prince Endymion had been at the ball and gave the warning but if the attack had not happened at all, Venus would not have believed them. How could someone be so foolish to attack this peaceful kingdom! One that watched and protected the denizens of the Earth below.

But it came. Harsh, brutal and powerful. The human warriors were filled with an evil dark lust for battle. It was all she could do to prevent them from being run over, to keep her safe. Then Metalia, that evil malefic being, came.

"Crescent Beam!"  she screamed her final attack at the god like being that over took the Moon Kingdom with all its evil. A scorching blast hit her dead on and she was blasted hundreds of feet into the air.

Pain engulfed her body as Venus felt herself floating upwards further and further away from her...her princess. No! It can't end like this. Mustering what little strength she had as her body hung limp in the air, Venus began charging an attack, aiming it towards Metalia when a shriek caught her attention.

The most horrific sight she thought she would never seen in her life, happening right there as she lay helpless.  The Princess had jumped after Princess Endymion.

"SERENITY!!"  Venus screamed, hot tears streaming down her bloodied cheeks as she felt her heart rip in two. Not her! Anyone but her!

"Cresce--" she aimed her finger at Metalia again but it was too late. Metalia sent another blast, a direct hit at Serenity and Endymion. Venus watched, eyes dead as the blast came towards her as well. Their light. Their hope...was gone. The blast hit. The pain was intense, the most intense thing she had felt in her entire life.

Sailor Venus died staring at the dead body of the one she was supposed to protect.

Last edited by Brit-chan on 24th June 2018, 3:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime26th May 2018, 6:50 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits 85WseYi

Silence was all she could hear as she opened her eyes to the destruction that was befalling their kingdom - completely contradictory to the sounds of screaming and falling cobblestone she should be hearing. Almost all the light was gone from her eyes. Metalia' s first blast had badly injured her and her other team mates. 

"It shouldnt be this way. Why aren't I strong enough." She thought as she looked up to see her princess running towards the end of the balcony.  "You can't.." she tried to scream, but it was for naught as only a raspy whisper came out followed by a cough bringing blood down her lips. 

Helpless, she watched as her Princess, her reason for existing was struck by the Army of Earth, her lifeless body dead next to her love. 

She was able to send out one final blood curlding scream before her injured body was silenced, laid to rest on the fallen marble.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime5th June 2018, 7:35 am

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits 6Dp9Pun

How had she not seen it coming? Mercury joined the others in defense of their beloved Kingdom, home and haven of their sweet Princess. She tried to keep her focus on the matter at hand, using her abilities to push the army back and hamper the destruction that mounted around them. She felt sweat bead on her forehead as she summoned her powers once again, trying to protect this sacred place. But that voice continued, unbidden, whispering poison into her ear.

You're the strategist. You should have known this was going to happen. Weren't you monitoring the surroundings of this precious place? Weren't you responsible for security systems? How could you be caught unaware?

How could you let them all down?

The beautiful castle and grounds looked strange—foreign—through the blue tint of her visor. Sailor Mercury analyzed symbols and readouts that flickered like static in the corner of the display. She yelled information to the other sailor soldiers, but she didn't know if they could hear her over the roar of battle. She lacked the offensive capabilities of the others, but she kept trying, summoning fog to disorient and freezing water to push the advancing army back. She kept trying even when the attacks tore through her body and brought her to her knees.

And then she heard it.

It was so quiet, that anguished sob, but Mercury turned immediately. She didn't hear anything else, the noises of the destruction around her silenced as if in a vacuum. She didn't see anything else but the flutter of white lace and blonde hair. The Princess reached out for her lover, the Prince she should have stayed away from, and then...

"Serenity!" Mercury sobbed, her own gloved hand reaching out, even though there was nothing she could do.

The next blast swept her off her feet, tossed her like a pile of rags, snuffed her out like a weak candle flame. She didn't feel the impact. Her eyes remained fixed on that beautiful corpse, limp as she floated there.

Oh, how I've failed you...

That figure slowly blurred, her vision losing focus. She exhaled laboriously, and she never inhaled another breath.
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Prince Triton
Pyramidal Crystal

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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime12th June 2018, 8:44 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Adre_c10

As always, Mars felt it before she saw it. This time, however, that didn't mean she could do anything about it. It started as a buzz in the background, a dissonant note in what should have been a peaceful and festive evening.
Then, she started to distinguish voices—at first faint and haunting, then progressively louder and angrier—which she now knew belonged to the screaming souls of the dark warriors she was fighting. Leading all of those voices was that of the sorceress Beryl—she refused to call her a Queen—, of them the most hateful, seething with jealousy and ambition. The red-clad senshi was about to alert the Queen when another presence entered her senses.
She hadn't felt anything like it before. An enormous and amorphous accumulation of malice, so concentrated and aggressive it brought it to her knees for a moment. By the time she recovered, she knew two things: that "it" called itself Queen Metallia and that "it" was coming. And then the army attacked.
Since then, she only knew of battle, shouts and pain. At first she was confident. Even empowered by dark energy, they were no match for her flames. But they kept coming. No matter how many she killed, they were quickly replaced by others. Occassionally, she would meet her comrades and they would fight together, but matters kept splitting them up. Even as the number of opponents started thinning, despair grew in Mars' heart as she felt Metallia's ominous presence becoming closer and closer.
Only the sorceress remained when it arrived. Mars knew it wasn't an enemy they could fight, but she attacked it nonetheless, watching helplessly as her attacks sunk one after the other into the murky mass of the demon without any effect. In the heat of battle, an intense foreboding sensation overtook her. Without being able to resist, she turned towards the princess and reached towards her with an outstretched hand

"SERENITY!!!"she shouted as her body was hit by a blast of dark energy.

As she died, Mars came to know many things. She obviously knew she was dying, but she could feel her friends dying dying dying at the same time, ruining any chance of surviving the Princess had (failed failed failed). She knew of her deep love for the Earth Prince, and how she would die trying to reach him (she never listened never listened never listened never listened). She knew of the sorrow the Queen would feel, and of the actions that would result of that sorrow (why why why why). She knew that every Lunarian would die, the Moon Kingdom crumble into pieces and the Silver Millenium fade into oblivion unknown even to legend.

Princess Adrestia died knowing of each and every way she had failed.
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime24th June 2018, 3:04 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits KAuX92f


Silver Millenium - Moon Castle


It was the only thing that crossed her mind as Princess Serenity leaped into air, reaching desperately for her beloved. Why? Why had all of this happened? They had lived in peace, always watching over the Earth. It's beautiful green and blue with swirling clouds of white. It's fresh air and flowers that she so often spent hours looking at, entranced by their beauty. Serenity had loved this Earth even before she had met him.

She had trusted him, but he had been too late in his warning. Metalia and Queen Beryl's attack had come swiftly that night amidst their beautiful gala, quickly over powering the Moon Kingdom and it's defenders. She watched, helpless from her home's balcony, as Metalia single handed destroyed her friends one by one. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus. All wiped out despite the fight they gave. Angelia, smart and kind, always teaching her. Adrestia, passionate yet always there for her. Her fore sight second to none. Astrape, strong and caring. She was almost like second mother to her. Then Aphrodite. The one who had, despite her grumblings, supported her and her love for Endymion. For how could she not? She was the goddess of love after all. Serenity closed her eyes. It had to be a dream. Unfortunately, the reality reared its ugly head as an evil cackle sounded in front of her. It was Beryl, sent to kill her. Endymion appeared and she felt a shining of hope in heart, only for it to be snuffed out. Metalia's attack sent him flying from her.

That was when she leapt, crying out to him, reaching for his warmth. Briefly, she felt it, just touching his strong protective hand, then darkness.

Metalia had struck the final blow. Princess Serenity of the Moon Kingdom and Prince Endymion of Earth had died, hands reaching for each other.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime24th June 2018, 10:17 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits JLEopYi
Spirit World

A young woman was pacing in her room speaking out loud, "How is this happening...why is this happening?? Our Spirit world was always a kind gentle place for everyone to be in...and now this...WHY!!? Oh, wait..if I can just remember how to do it maybe I can gather some heroes together somehow to help fight him.."  All of a sudden there was a voice in the room other than that of Tyra... "Silly spirit child you can not stop me...I will easily find my way to the Land Of The Living and combine the two taking over in the process...hmmm...I just got an idea MUHAHAH Thank you I promise this won't hurt...much...OH, who am I kidding!!" Tyra was shaking, scared almost out of her spirt as a dark figure appeared in the room with her reaching out trying to grab her. Tyra screamed and ran out the door and in her want to get away she somehow remembered where to go to attempt to summon possible heroes. She started running to the sacred area with the figure following her getting closer and closer. Tyra made it into the sacred area and ran up to the pedestal and quickly chanted out the summoning speech. She finished the speech and the process was started but the Dark figure paid that no mind as he grabbed Tyra and spoke some type of spell as he vanished into smoke with said smoke then going into her body and her eyes turned red and his evil laugh came out. Quickly though her eyes went back and her voice normal as she fainted near the pedestal as the evil man started taking her soul and body over.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime2nd July 2018, 4:29 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits CSX1KF0

Was it all a dream? Was this the reality that had come to pass on the Moon Kingdom? The strong and beautiful kingdom off the moon. Astrape floated in the emptiness, waiting, hoping that this was all just a nightmare. That she would wake up in the beautiful garden field on the outer palace banks. That she could dance in the corridors of the Grand Ballroom one more.

Her body laid limp floating through the realm she had suddenly found herself in. She didn't' want to try to move. She didn't' want anything more than to be by the side of her Princess once more.

Her eyes shot open. "The Princess!" Astrape sat up with a jolt, and scanned the area, looking for any signs of life.

"This is..." she quietly said under her breath. "Where...where is the castle? Where is the Princess?" Frantically searching, she suddenly noticed that she was in what appeared to be a dark galaxy. Swirls of color shown vividly against the pitch black backdrop. She could barely see anything. The little flashes of color were her only source of light. "Princess!!" She yelled out with an echo. "Aphrodite, Everyone!" She called out, hoping that her scream would at least reach someone.

She clenched her fists. "Please.. Princess... be okay... it is my duty to protect you."
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime3rd July 2018, 1:01 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits 6Dp9Pun

When the blue eyes opened, she knew it was not a dream. How she wished that could have been true. She had read it in stories—terrible, amazing things happen, but then the hero wakes up back to his normal life. For Angelia, this was her normal life. The horrors existed, and they had taken everything from her and all those she loved. Her heart may have longed for a different ending, but her mind knew the difference between waking and dreaming. She had always followed her reason. She would do so now, even though it pained her.

When she sat up, she didn't recognize this place. It looked so different from the world she accepted as her home. It matched the description of no planets she had ever studied. Where in Serenity's name could they be?

At least she heard a familiar voice—Astrape.

Angelia stood up, dusting herself off, and looked about for the form of the brunette. When she spotted her in the distance (thankfully not too far), Angelia made her way over.

"I'm here," she said. "I don't recognize this place; we should stay on our guard."

The blue eyes that looked out also sought Serenity. How could she not? Her heart ached with how much she had failed in her sole duty. Perhaps there was some way to set it right. She wasn't sure she'd ever be okay until she saw that bright smile once more.
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime15th July 2018, 12:16 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits QWpXYnD

Aphrodite had not expected to wake again, but by some miracle, she did. Her head pounded and felt a little fuzzy, but otherwise she felt fine. Still, she was confused. What was this place? Everywhere she looked, it seemed like nothingness went on for eternity. She heard voices shouting and then it hit her.  

The Princess!

The second the thought came to her mind, she had jumped to her feet or...was there even a ground?  Aphrodite realized that there wasn't really a ground below her. Looking around frantically, she saw no sign of Serenity, but with some relief, she did catch sight of both Angelia and Astrape.

Aphrodite rushed over to the pair, happy to see them alive. She touched them both, tears slightly brimming in her eyes. They were alive!

"Angelia! Astrape! Are you hurt? Where is everyone else?"  she paused to look at her surroundings again, "Where...are we?"

Last edited by Brit-chan on 6th August 2018, 9:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime26th July 2018, 8:16 am

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Yhmxgb10

Warmth. Then darkness. Those were the last things Serenity remembered, before falling into the void of nothingness. But suddenly, she was once again aware that there was a sort of warmth, although not the sort that came from the hand of her prince, but rather simply her own body heat. 

Slowly, carefully, she opened her eyes, a tear escaping and sliding down her cheek. She saw no-one else, and the feeling of overwhelming loneliness crashed upon her like a heavy weight, creating a painful knot in her chest. "Venus? Mars?!" She cried, pulling herself into a sitting position. "Where is everyone? Mercury?! Jupiter?" Hearing no reply, she desperately called out one more name, the name of her beloved. "Endymion!?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime28th July 2018, 6:46 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits CSX1KF0

The familiar voices... they gave her a sense of peace, even if just for a fleeting moment. 
"Angelia, Aphrodite!" She was holding back tears, so happy to see her fellow maidens. 

"I'm okay." She said, looking around. "Is Adrestria with you?" Her eyes widened in horror "The Princess!!?" She frantically turned in every direction. "SERENITY!" her voice echoed into the dark void. 

"Aphrodite, Angelia, let's stick together and look for them!" "SERENITY!!!" Her footsteps echoed on what seemed to be thin air. "We have to find them... if we don't... " her thought was cut short by a faint voice. 

"...mion" she heard from the distance. "Guys, did you hear that!"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime30th July 2018, 10:52 am

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits 6Dp9Pun

She turned at the new voice, another wave of relief washing over her as she caught sight of Aphrodite. The presence of their blonde leader bolstered her spirits. Angelia knew they had strength if they were together. They were not all present—Astrape astutely mentioned the missing Adrestria and... Her heart clenched, hoping nothing terrible had happened... Serenity.

Oh, how she longed to see Serenity again. That final memory chilled her to the marrow of her bones. The thought that she might never see her beloved, shining princess, only to be tormented by how she had failed to protect her... Angelia couldn't quite open herself to that possibility. The brunette's clear belief that the Princess would be found somewhere spurred Angelia on. If Astrape acted so sure, she'd temporarily anchor her hopes to that.

The blue-haired girl returned Aphrodite's slight embrace, the moment of physical contact adding to her growing courage.

"I'm fine. We don't know where this is," Angelia replied. "It could be dangerous."

She wished she had her tools with her—wished that she could analyze this mysterious place. Perhaps she could have located their Princess, if only she wasn't so useless. Those thoughts faded when she heard a familiar voice. The blue eyes stared outward, searching, her heart thudding loudly in her chest. She knew that voice. So faint. But she knew it. It called to her in her soul. Serenity!

When Astrape asked, Angelia spoke up, almost breathless, her emotions a tangle of hope and fear.

"Yes! I heard it."
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime6th August 2018, 9:49 am

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits QWpXYnD

Aphrodite shooked her head at Astrape's question. Their fiery companion had yet to be seen. She noted that in the back of her mind, concerned what may have happened to her. The three of them were here yet she was not, nor the Princ--

Her last thought was interrupted by the other girls acknowledgement of a very familiar cry. It was certainly her. Hope and relief washed over her, relieving the dread that she had been desperately fighting back. The Princess was here and alive. If this was the land of the living. She gave a quick worried glance around their surroundings, unsure if they really were alive.  Perhaps this was... She shook her head of those thoughts. The Princess was her priority.

"I heard it too. Let's go!" she motioned them to follow her towards the direction of the voice. She took off running.

"Serenity!! We're here!" she shouted as loud as her lungs could allow. They just needed to follow her voice and they would find her!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime10th August 2018, 1:05 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits JLEopYi

Tyra awoke slowly with a headache and a small cut on her cheek from when she hit the floor earlier. She sat up wiping the dust out of her eyes and looked around to see where she was.

She was still in the Ritual chamber, and everything looked the same. “So you have finally awoken Tyra!” That voice, she remembered it, but when she turned around looking for it, she found nothing.

The voice boomed again, “What, you forgot about me already child? Your weak mind will grow with me leading you. Why I can see it now...Tyra Teleen: leader of the evil spirits! Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?”

During his speech, Tyra had her hands on the sides of her head trying to drown out the voice but to no avail. Then she started to remember what she was doing before all this happened. She laughed out loud for a moment and gave a small grin, “That's what you think, you crazy voice in my head that thinks I will do your bidding.”

The voice laughed loudly and manically, “You really shouldn't talk back to someone controlling you from the inside, and besides Tyra, you’re just a kid while I… I am a KING!”

Tyra didn't completely know what to do at the moment but she remembered a key thing again.
“Well, then Mr. King or whatever your dorky name is chants must have worked. At least, I hope that they did…” Her voice stopped as she now was thinking ‘what if it didn’t work? It had to work...right’ Her thoughts were hopefully correct, she had been practicing for a while so she would have to wait and see.

The voice cackled again saying, “Oh you think that your silly incantations are going to work? Also, even if it does work they will not be able to stand up to the KING and his underlings! So...bring one...bring five, it matters not!”
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime11th August 2018, 2:22 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits CSX1KF0

Her heart was beating out of her chest as she ran. "Princess..." She heard that small voice plain as day. It was her princess. She hadn't failed her mission yet. 
Without hesitation, Astrape kept calling out her name "SERENITY! SERENITY WHERE ARE YOU, WE'RE HERE!" 

She had hoped her Princess wasn't injured. At least she was there in case she needed to be carried. 
"Princess!!! Is Adrestria with you?! Are you okay? Please...SERENITY!!" She was worried to the core, but she had to look strong, it was her specialty. She couldn't show her comrades any weakness, she had to support everyone, especially Angelia. In the back of her mind she felt like she had to protect her. Angelia was powerful in her own right, but she just felt like it was...right. 

She looked back to see if the other girls were keeping up, her legs were longer after all. "Aphrodite, Angelia, are you alright?" She looked right to left, still calling out Serenity's name. "Should we split up?"
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime12th August 2018, 9:17 am

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits YHmXgBz

"Endymion?!" Serenity yelled in desperation, searching for her lover within this unknown realm. Her eyes filled with tears, threatening to spill over at any moment. "Astrape? Aphrodite!?" She called the names of her beloved Guardians, waiting for a response with a shaky breath of hope. 

After a moment, Serenity was almost ready to give up, believing herself to be alone in this vast, seemingly endless space. But then she heard it, a faint, almost none-existent cry. Serenity's spirit leapt with joy, and she moved forwards towards the voice. "Astrape! Aphrodite! Angelia!" The tears which had been threatening to spill before now flowed without reserve, not from grief, but relief, as she ran to meet her Guardians. "Adrestria? Endymion?" She looked for the Princess of Mars, and the Prince of Earth, but did not see them. 

Nevertheless, she ran to the arms of the first Senshi she saw, which happened to be Astrape. "Astrape!" She cried, embracing the taller girl. "I'm so glad everyone is OK"!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime13th August 2018, 5:43 am

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits 6Dp9Pun

A weight seemed to lift from her chest as finally that bright-eyed form rushed into view. They may have been lost in an unfamiliar place, but they were no longer separated from their dear Princess, and for that Angelia could only be thankful. She released a small sigh as the delicate figure ran forward, calling out for them, rushing right into Astrape's arms. Angelia chuckled behind her hand at the familiar scene. How many times had Serenity ran to them, those arms always open for a willing embrace? Seeing the girl here didn't quite alleviate the guilt she felt, knowing how much she had failed not only the Princess but also the Queen, but seeing the Princess active and lacking visible harm struck a spark of hope in her heart.

"Are you alright, Princess?" Angelia asked softly, stepping forward, closer to the group.

The lack of the guardian of Mars worried her, but she didn't want to scare poor Serenity, who seemed quite distressed enough. The calls that the blonde made as she approached them made it clear enough that she had not seen Adrestia; Angelia had no need to ask the question directly.

She wasn't sure to think about the girl's cry for Endymion... although Serenity clearly loved him, it had been people from his planet that attacked their peaceful kingdom. She wouldn't make accusations without greater proof, but she certainly felt concerns.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime19th August 2018, 4:40 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits QWpXYnD

Astrape had managed to take lead ahead of her. Aphrodite couldn't help but let a small smile slip from her serious face as they searched for Serenity. Of course she would. Astrape always out performed any of them when it came to most physical activities. Aphrodite found herself remembering happier times of all of them and the Princess. They felt bitter in her heart as visions of the Moon Kingdom's downfall quickly replaced those happier memories.

The sound of their Princess's voice broke her from her reverie and she was immensely relieved to see Serenity running into Astrape's arms. "Thank goodness," she thought to herself, this time a much wider smile spreading on her face. She caught up to the pair, standing aside closer to Angelia. She wanted to reach and hug Serenity in the way that she hugged Astrape but seeing her now, she just felt shame instead. So, she let Angelia and Astrape tend to the Princess's well being instead.

Aphrodite knew she needed to be the leader right now, but how could she? After she had let everyone down, even their Princess. Then Adrestia was no where to be seen. She had hoped perhaps she wouldn't be far from Serenity. Her heart tightened in her chest as conflicting emotions raged within her.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime19th August 2018, 10:12 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits YHmXgBz

Serenity nodded her head in affirmation, pulling back from Astrape's arms to look at Angelia. "Yes, I'm fine. I'm so glad I've found you all! I thought......that everyone.....was gone.....I was so worried!" Tears began to form again, and she added softly, "I wouldn't be able to bear it here without everyone." With that, Serenity took a second look at the small group. "But where is Adrestria? She must be alone right now! Unless Enydmion is with her!" The petite girl turned to Aphrodite, and asked, "Have any of you seen them?" She looked hopefully at each Princess, her eyes pleading, not only for the sake of finding the Princess of Mars, but her beloved Endymion too.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime20th August 2018, 6:25 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits QWpXYnD

The pleading eyes Serenity gave Aphrodite were like daggers piercing her heart. Tentatively she reached to light touch Serenity's shoulder, a move more as a way to comfort her own self rather than Serenity's. The young girl had trusted them to protect her and they had failed. She had failed. She gulped down a lump that had been forming in her throat.

It was time to act as the leader, for Serenity's sake and the others. She shook her head before replying to her princess's question.

"I'm sorry, Princess. I had hoped Adrestia might be with you," she gave the younger girl's shoulder a light squeeze followed by a small smile, "Don't worry. We will find them."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime21st August 2018, 5:41 am

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits 6Dp9Pun

"Yes, don't worry," echoed Angelia, maintaining a position near the back of the group. "We're together. We'll find them."

She couldn't say that she felt confident about locating Endymion—she knew so little about the prince of Earth, that young man who had so enraptured their Princess despite so many warnings that she should stay away. But she certainly wasn't about to tell Serenity any of that. The way those blue eyes shone with concern and emotion made the blonde's thoughts on the matter immediately evident, even without communicating much more in her words. Aphrodite's words aimed to reassure, and so would Angelia.

Her thankfulness at being reunited felt somewhat muted, mixed with the bitter taste of her recent failure. She wasn't strong enough to say more, whether that next step should be apology or increased resolve to do better in the future. None of that mattered right now—they needed to make some sense of this unusual and unfamiliar place, so they could determine what to do next.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime26th August 2018, 5:45 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits CSX1KF0
Taken aback by the wave of emotion that swelled in her heart as Serenity jumped into her arms. She couldn't help but twirl her around.  She was okay, her princess was okay. She didn't fail completely. 

"Adrestia isn't...with you?" Astrape furrowed her brow in worry. "That...that can't be."
The next coming seconds seemed to stand still as nothing but horrible thoughts crossed her mind about Adrestia. What if she was dead? How would her Princess feel then? 

She noticed the timid fear in her Princess's eyes. Sensing that the others didn't want her to be upset, she decided to try and reassure her as well. "I don't think splitting up is a good idea. Why don't we all just stick together?" 

She looked down and smiled at Serenity. "Are you tired? Should we rest for a bit or do you want to get going? I don't want you to tire yourself out." At least Astrape had the strength to carry whoever she needed to if they decided to press forward. She was a tad bit tired, but would do whatever was nescescary. 

"Now we need to find Adresria... I hope nothing bad happens." 
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime10th September 2018, 6:06 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits QWpXYnD

The other's supportive optimism made Aphrodite feel a little better about the situation and more confident in herself. As long as they were together, they could do this. Astrape suggested resting for the Princess and while Aphrodite felt she could use the rest here, she felt it was better to move on. There were too many unknowns here and they needed to at least get some sort of idea where they were and why.

"If you are up for it, Princess. We should probably move on. This place is unfamiliar and we don't know what dangers are waiting for us here. Might as well move forward and try to figure out where we are and find Adrestria and Prince Endymion," she said, command in her voice as she took the lead of the group. Mentioning the potential dangers they may or may not face made Aphrodite realize something. They had been transformed in their Sailor Soldier uniform during the fight. Why were they in these dresses now? The Princess was the only one still wearing the same clothing she was in. That made some sense since she was not a Sailor Soldier but...

Aphrodite brushed the thought that pushed even more worries into her mind. They would deal with whatever came as it came.

"Angelia, are you able to do a scan of the area and pick up any energy readings?" she asked, hoping that the girl still had access to her handheld computer, "That might give us a lead Adrestria and the Prince's whereabouts."

If that failed, she took a step in a direction she chose at random, which happened to be forward past the Princess, they would just walk in any direction until they found something. Anything.
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime18th September 2018, 8:27 am

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits 6Dp9Pun

Angelia nodded at Aphrodite's request. Of course the headstrong blonde continued to demonstrate her role as leader, regardless of what situation they found themselves in. Although Angelia operated differently, she still appreciated and valued the way Aphrodite kept them going no matter what they faced. It wouldn't help them to stay here, worrying about this strange and unknown place. She was right that they needed to keep moving.

The navy-haired young woman concentrated, holding out her hand expectantly. This was a gesture she had done so many times before, calling the handheld analysis device to her whenever she needed it. It was second nature by now.

She blinked, blue eyes looking down at her empty palm. She wiggled her fingers for a moment, but she felt nothing. Angelia tried again, but still the device marked with her symbol, the symbol of Mercury, did not appear.

"I... I can't," she gasped, shocked, looking over at Aphrodite with concern clearly visible in Angelia's sapphire eyes.
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime10th October 2018, 4:37 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits CSX1KF0

"W...what do you mean you can't!?" Astrape spun on her heels to make sure she heard correctly. "How can this be?" With the most helpful option out of the way, Astrape knew they would have to take a shot in the dark. She looked to Aphrodite, hoping that the blonde would have a much better plan of action than she did - winging it and hoping for the best.

As long as Serenity was safe, Astrape was happy. The same went for everyone else, she had to protect everyone. It was her mission.

"I guess we'll just have to g and not look back." She smiled at Angelia. "Thank you for working so hard! As long as we have you, we'll all be okay!" She wanted to make sure Angelia knew that the fault was not hers, after all, they didn't have a clue if they were even in the same place, let alone dimension as they were before.

"Shall we, Aphrodite?"
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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime11th October 2018, 4:30 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits YHmXgBz

"Angelia? You can't find them?" Serenity asked softly, waiting with anxious eyes as the Senshi Princess tried to call forth her analysis device. "We'll........just have to walk until we find them!" She looked between everyone, then began to follow Aphrodite. "Hopefully Adrestia and Endymion are together!" She repeated, "And maybe they're making their way to us right now! Adrestia would know where we are, right?" Serenity asked, referring to Adrestia's strong powers of precognition.
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Professor Tomoe

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[Relaxed] The String of Spirits Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime18th October 2018, 10:00 am

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits 6Dp9Pun

She was glad that the others didn't blame her, but she still felt distinctly uncomfortable. Her computer was a part of her; it had been in her hand since one of her very first moments as a sailor soldier. Angelia felt as though she was suddenly missing a limb, going to reach for something but moving no arm to do so. So much of what she did involved analysis and computation, and she'd be hindered without the resources she usually relied on. That wasn't to say that her mind wasn't capable of performing some of these tasks, but she accomplished so much more when she had access to technology. She wasn't as powerful as the other girls, at least not in sheer strength of her watery attacks. If she couldn't access her computer, how could she be of help to them?

The blue-haired girl continued on after the others, following Aphrodite's plan. She knew that she had to mask her discomfort and fear. It wouldn't do to upset the Princess; Serenity had enough to handle with a teammate and her prince both missing. Angelia did her best to shove down her concerns, trying to appear as though Astrape's attempt at comfort had been more effective than it actually was. She couldn't burden the rest of them with her own problems when there was so much going on.

"Perhaps she is," Angelia replied to Serenity's question, although of course she couldn't be sure. "We'll just have to try to find each other." She offered a smile to temper her words; it hurt to see worry in those lovely blue eyes. She wished she had been stronger, so she could have protected her charge better.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime22nd October 2018, 5:02 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits QWpXYnD

Frowning at Angelia's revelation that she could not summon her computer, Aphrodite dwelled on that information as Serenity and Astrape chimed in with their optimism. She was grateful for those two for the look in Angelia's eyes nearly frightened her own self. She suspected the thoughts going through her friend's head. If she could not summon her computer...what powers did any of them have? How would they protect Serenity if they...

Aphrodite shook off the thought and nodded in acknowledgement of Angelia's concern, giving her a brief comforting smile to show her that she did not put the blame on her.

She continued walking at the front of the group. They would find them. Or at least find...something in this endless emptiness. She kept her dark indigo eyes ahead. They were tight with worry but she kept them hard with determination. This place may be strange, and perhaps they were actually dead, but certainly there must be more to the afterlife than this. If only she could just, feel something, see something. Anything. For now, she just walked blindly ahead, keeping her thoughts to herself.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] The String of Spirits   [Relaxed] The String of Spirits I_icon_minitime12th November 2018, 8:47 pm

[Relaxed] The String of Spirits 2045764097 Nikephoros [Relaxed] The String of Spirits 3074743337

A lone figure of masculine build was sitting on a stone throne-a throne that emitted an otherworldly air just by staring at it. The room was remarkably plain in comparison, which was saying quite a lot. Dead plants crawled in-between the desolate cracks that were scattered throughout the room, and a long worn banner of a long-gone faction loomed grimly overhead-casting it's shadow throughout the central chamber like the reaper himself. In front of the throne were three lit candles on long ornate yet rusted candlesticks-whose flames shifted between the natural orange hues and a sickly, sinister purple. In the center of this triangulated formation of fire was a fairly large orb, hovering in mid-air. The figure shifted on their throne before standing up and briskly entering the formation, hands gently resting on the dark crystal ball. They chuckled lightly as images shifted within, before they snapped their fingers. 

"Beings of the dark, I, Nikephoros, beckon you come!" It took but a small moment before several shadows, with no features aside from pointed ears, jagged teeth and searing red eyes all but morphed
in front of the strange individual. Nikephoros, with their red skin and horns and red cape fluttering as they walked to greet the shadows, and gestured twoard the crystal ball.

"It seems we have uninvited, yet very welcome guests." Nikephoros cooed as a sinister smile spread across their lips as they gave a hearty laugh. "Go, dark ones! Grant them an invitation worthy of this land!"

The shadowed beings gave a short bow before they faded out of site, leaving Nikephoros to chuckle and muse to themselves as the view on the crystal ball shifted to that of a young girl clad in white and black. Just how would the girl handle this? It had certainly surprised Nikephoros-how well she had fought back against their powers was a true delight. 

Now all they had to do was wait. Wait, and watch the bloodbath.
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