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 [HC Event] Star Catchers

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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime15th May 2019, 1:19 pm

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkX

The words were a shock of ice in her veins. She almost wanted to deny such an awful possibility—stories weren't supposed to end this way—but the expression upon Egwene's face showed the truth of the terrible message. But... Kitty had fought so hard to save Daisy, sweet Daisy. They were here, so close to the reward that would save Daisy as well as Kitty, this beautiful and determined girl who gave up home and comfort and security to try and do the impossible. But now... Tears stung Cassandra's eyes at the injustice of it all, and at the memories of a life now gone. 

They'd spent much of their journey facing impossible odds. What they couldn't persuade with words, coins, and promises, they fought whenever necessary. There had always been something they could do to better their situation, whether it was to make a stand or run to survive another day.

But sitting here on the floor of this grand hall, holding her dearest friend's shaking form, there were no assassins at which to swing her axe, no crumbling cave to delve in to spare the others, no arrows to block in order to protect her friend. This, at journey's end, was their greatest foe.

For there was nothing she could do to protect Kitty from the sickly black knife of grief.

All Cassandra could do was hold Kitty even tighter, and hope it gave the smaller girl some form of comfort as she battled through this pain. A poor suture for such a vast and gaping wound, but what else was there?
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime16th May 2019, 8:45 am

Later that day... wrote:
News of Daisy's death cast a shadow over the proceedings of the day, and the palace staff were quick to accommodate the sudden change in mood where they could. The afternoon schedule was blissfully blank; they were able to offer Kitty some time with the palace's religious leader to be counseled on her grief (but whether she took them up on that offer is up to her ;D). Cassandra and Saphira stayed near to support to their friend, and Egwene stayed for as long as she felt it was appropriate. 

At some point each of the Catchers were begged away to be fit for their dresses for the ball, the gowns chosen to complement each individual's color and style, the bodices left rather plain to accent the pendant that they would be wearing - the presence of which was double checked by the seamstresses before they hurried off to make adjustments. 

Prince William of Thelline wrote:
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 AGGUpo3 William appeared late to their luncheon and found it abandoned as the staff cleaned up the leftovers to share elsewhere. He inquired as to where Saphira's rooms may be and, finding them empty, asked around to figure out where his friends had gone. Edward, a constant at his elbow, urged him to catch up with them later, reminding him of the work his father requested he accomplish before the ball, but upon hearing about the death of Kitty's sister, Edward gave up completely and they found them in Kitty's room.

William offered his condolences, knowing full well that they meant nothing at this point. He tried to mimic what he remembered had actually affected him the day that his mother died, but from that all he could remember was that being with family was the only thing that made a difference. He was grateful Cassandra was there for her, knowing how they grew up together in the same town and how often they relied on each other and stuck with each other during the trial, and felt warmly that Saphira was staying near, too, despite not having as close a relationship. He felt like he was of little use at this point, and having a stranger like Edward accompanying him would not do any good for keeping the room intimate, so he excused himself to complete the work his father has requested of him.

That Daisy had died, when she had been the very reason Kitty had left on this trip... he remembered how difficult it was for her to even mention her sister, how her eyes had teared up and her voice had choked at having to reveal that she was so deathly ill. To go through all of that, and for it to have been for nothing... 

He attended to the paperwork mechanically, making note of the changes on a scrap piece of paper without really digesting anything. There was nothing they could have done differently. They had hurried as best they could. 

As the hour of the Starlight Ball drew near, the Catchers were begged away once again to be dressed in their newly adjusted gowns, their hair styled, their feet fit for the slightly elevated heeled shoes for dancing, and quick dancing lessons were delivered to those without much of a background in the style that was expected for their first dance. For faces red with tears, cool compresses were provided, as were drops that alleviated the bloodshot qualities of their eyes, and each face was quickly dusted with powder make-up to even their complexions. Lightly colored powder was applied to eyelids to accent the natural colors of their eyes, and a slightly tinted pigment was applied to their lips to cover the chapping that had inevitably happened throughout their journey; overall, when complete, they looked well rested and well groomed - the "best" version of themselves without losing what made them them. Last of all was their Star Catcher pendant, the one that they were given the day they chose to take up this quest, etched with their symbol, the catcher star streak, and the year on the back, the front smooth, waiting for the King's sign.

Rather than a full meal, they were offered a snack plate filled with crackers, cheese, and various fruits - lighter fare for an expected night of revelry - and, once dressed and prepared, they were escorted from their rooms and lead to the the Ball Room, their entrance on the second floor behind a pair of large double doors that shielded them from the excited murmur of people and the tuning of instruments beyond. There they waited for their cue and their escorts, informed that it would be a moment as the royal family entered and the King welcomed them. 

Here and now was when the star would be handed over and they made their wish requests, in front of all the important people gathered - not only political bigwigs, but also guild masters, lawyers, doctors of medicine, heads of universities, scientists, directors, landowners - overall a rather eclectic group of the best and brightest people in their fields that were in charge of various facets of life in Thelline and beyond. They were told that they could request to make their wish in private, for the King's ears alone, but warned that that often didn't look good so they may wish to consider hard that option. Once their wish were made they would hand over their pendant to receive the King's sign, verifying the deal, and have it returned to them later that night. 

A dashing group of four young men - around their age, if perhaps a little older - approached, each offering out their arm as an escort down to the main floor. Quick whispers were exchanged about their dancing experience level, as a fanfare sounded beyond the door to a round of applause, a herald announcing the entrance of the King and Royal Family. As it quieted, a few, unintelligible words floating through to them from the door, their escorts drew taller, put on a smile, and then the doors opened, their cue to enter to as applause started up again and another fanfare sounded from the brass instruments of the band. 

The room was as enormous as it was elegant, the white-and-black marbled floor shining beneath their feet. Golden accents were strewn throughout the room, the color catching even on the banisters of the wide and opening staircase that yawned at their feet. Wide windows showed the sun setting on the outside world, the light catching beautifully on a set of lush gardens with its own little lake. The people applauding them oozed discipline and respect, masters of their art, craft, and science. Among the crowd they could spot their parents and Egwene, showing support one more time from their homes and families. 

They glided across the dance floor purposefully, and when brought to the foot of the King's throne dais, their escorts slipped away, bowing low to the king as they disappeared into the crowd at either side, presenting the Star Catchers yet again. At this time, William, dressed in white formal wear piped in royal blue with a grey half-cape fastened with a grey stone seated among a fluff of white feathers at his left shoulder (similar capes and white-feather accents found on his siblings, but not on his father or grandfather), descended the dais to join them at the far side of the line, opposite Shashka, and stood at attention as his grandfather spoke. 

The King wrote:
"Star Catchers, I welcome you to this celebration of your achievement. Each of you are remarkable and should be considered with high esteem among all in our Kingdom. Consider any barriers to your future decimated - your skill alone will stand trial, rather than your circumstances. I ask now that you share with me the wish you would have me grant to reward you for the hardship you have faced, that I may do what is in my power to grant it for you in exchange for what you have done for our Kingdom."
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime16th May 2019, 9:05 am

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Js8uiIH
Wearing her first dress in years, Shashka stepped forward, the red fabric swaying slightly around her feet. She had said nothing beyond offering her condolences to Kitty, the girl's brown eyes barely looking at any of them as she spoke. Her demeanor was not one of anger or resentment, rather an attempt at determination.  "I, Shashka Ringdotr of Deepwall," she called, forcing her voice to be strong, "humbly request support for my father's business. He is a talented jewelry artisan, but since the passing of my mother and intense competition in Deepwall, our livelihood has suffered greatly and I wish for us to remain in business.

Her old dream was dead. She wanted nothing more to do with this place. The trial showed her that she was a coward, and she was okay with that. She wanted to see her papa taken care of, and work alongside him - not as an artist, but as a support system for him. 

The King wrote:
The King considered for a moment, and then looked aside, catching the eye of an audience member. 
The man, the Jewelry Crafter Guild Grand Master, stepped forward. "I will see to it that his work is featured in the two most prominent Jewelry Stores in Thelline for the next two years and handle his education towards becoming a master from his Journeyman status. If time, dedication, and creativity is evident, he will become a true Master of the Guild and will be able to keep up the contract without any interference."

Another person stepped forward, "And to assist her, we will begin correspondence courses with Shashka Ringdotr so she can best manage the business-end of things for their storefront, teaching her how to best handle the numbers, where to order from and how to get the most out of every penny while delivering the most in terms of quality product."

The King nodded, smiling in thanks. "I offer you my thanks for this solution. Do you accept this gift, Shashka Ringdotr of Deepwall?"

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Js8uiIH
Shashka nodded, "I do. Thank you for consideration, the Star is Yours." then quickly removed her pendant from around her neck and handed off to a waiting attendant, and stepped back in line.
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Professor Tomoe
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime16th May 2019, 9:25 am

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gD

She barely heard Cassandra's voice, barely felt the presence of her friend—the sadness drowned her, pouring into her mouth, nose, and ears like tar, blocking every other sensation. She cried like a lost child, hopeless, her body wracked with heaving sobs. The tears that streaked her face felt warm, but the skin itself took on a chill, cooler than marble, her complexion now reaching an unnatural pallor that seemed to make the pale hair shine a dull brass. The already-small body seemed shrunken, as though the girl lost bulk as she cried, her tears carrying away substantial parts of her very self.

Kitty tried not to admit it to herself during the journey, but she had hung so many hopes on accomplishing this task. It would absolve her of the selfish, reckless choice to leave her family. It would hold her up as worthy of the respect of adulthood from her parents and older siblings, more so than simply returning from the mountain, because she would have accomplished something on her own. The little ones—not just her sister and brother, but also her niece and nephews—would find her raised in their esteems, not just their family member, but a hero. The town as a whole would have thoughts and opinions of her based on this action, this one time she had managed to do something extraordinary. They might not all judge her in a positive light, but no one could deny the rarity of the event. And above all, most importantly, Daisy would be there. The whole family would be together, not like that heart-sinking moment when she left where the puzzle lacked a central piece.

It didn't even dawn on her that it wasn't that she set out for Daisy specifically. She would have done the same for Rickert or even for Geva. Life wasn't fair or kind or just—she lived in a small farming town, and this was not the first time there had been loss. Kitty remembered her grandparents' deaths, and a few unfortunately accidents and illnesses had claimed aunts and uncles, even a few cousins. But her family—her immediate family, remained whole. They had potential and purpose ahead of them, and the good health to meet those challenges with their own decisions. It was the thought of someone so integral to her heart being cheated, of not getting their full value out of their life, that spurred her on. If it had been her mother, not Daisy, she knew she would have been sad. She knew she would have worked hard and tried to find a way to help. But she also knew that she wouldn't have left the ranch and set off to chase the Star... because she knew her mother would have considered herself to have lived a good, full life, even if she succumbed to illness.

Daisy might have been resigned to her fate—who would know, really, when she was so infrequently lucid?—but she should have had so much ahead of her. She could have made better choices than her older sister. She could have proved that she was special and valuable, that she had something shining within her that her friends would recognize and cherish. Now she would never partake in those Trials, never make that climb, and never carve out her own future as an adult. She'd be remembered and adored as a sweet child that carried cheer in her wake, but that would be all, without the nuance of her possible contributions to the community.

Maybe it didn't make sense, but it didn't have to. The heart loves what it loves and wants what it wants. Kitty wanted to see the people she loved achieving all the things she'd never be good enough for. She wanted them to know they were special.

She didn't remember eating the luncheon, leaving the hall, or even parting from Egwene or Cassandra, but she knew those things must have happened. A vague memory of a brief conversation with someone unfamiliar faded too quickly from her thoughts. She didn't refuse consolation, but it failed to make an impression. Kitty ached from a wound too deep and too new for the flesh to yet knit together. She didn't fight off the people around her attempting to suture and bandage, but all she thought of was the myriad of ways she'd failed, ways she hadn't even considered before now, and how much of a mess she'd made of things.

At the fittings and dressings the girl managed to be little more than a soft doll, sometimes interrupting the hard work by bursting into tears once again. There was always someone to wipe away the trails and attempt to put some colour and life back into the young woman, but she barely noticed. She didn't appreciate that this was the finest dress she'd probably ever wear in her life, or register the unusual sensation of the strange slippers on her feet. Her eyes looked unfocused, but the devastated expression on the girl's face was not something drops or powder could correct.

As the time drew nearer, she fell back on muscle memory and a desire not to ruin things any further for the rest of the group, locking away her pain the way she had been required to do so during the Star Catacher journey. It was harder this time, but she had plenty of practice. She went through the rest of the motions mechanically, not seeing the elaborate palace or hearing any of the whispers or even feeling the press of another person's arm on hers as the stranger led her forward into the presence of the King. She stood there alongside her former companions, using whatever self-control she could muster to stay upright and stone-faced, and tried to fight back all of the horribly beautiful, sweet, treasured, cherished, adored memories that threatened to overwhelm her.

She heard Shashka speaking, but she didn't sort out the words. It was just noise, reminding her that she was here, in the presence of the King, preparing to request her wish.

What did she wish for?

Please provide medical care for my sister.

Wasn't it supposed to be something like that?

But now... but now?

Does it matter?

Is there anything else?

What did she wish for? What did she have left to wish for? The wish couldn't take her back in time. It couldn't bring Daisy back to life. No outside action could make up for all the suffering she'd caused her family.

There's nothing left to wish for.

The tears filled her eyes, words meaningless and useless, and she raised a hand to her mouth to stifle a sob.
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime16th May 2019, 1:39 pm

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Zek5Etf
He looked up as the Catchers appeared at the top of the stairs across from the dais, not at all surprised to see Saphira first of the line, more... anxious, perhaps, to see her. Getting used to not being figuratively attached at the hip to them all was going to take some getting used to, but especially Saphira - she had been with him practically from the beginning. They had never separated - they had even taken watch shifts together. He had started to depend on her presence, and since the other day he... well, his heart seemed to stutter when she appeared at the top of the stairs, her red hair loose around her shoulders, her dress flattering her figure as she descended. She looked stunning, and he felt more nervous than he should have been. He caught Marie looking at him out of the corner of her eye and he swallowed, tightening his jaw as he looked to the others, halfway smiling as the phrase "you clean up well" came to mind. They all looked nice - professional and gorgeous, like true heroines. Only... most heroines didn't look comatose as they came to a celebration in their honor. 

Poor Kitty. 

As the escorts positioned them a few paces apart and made their exit, he stepped forward and joined them on the floor, taking his place a few steps beside Saphira for the ceremony, and waited at attention, his eyes finding Marie's and Xander's rather than his grandfather's. 

Shashka went first, and a question that had sat at the back of his mind for the past week and more was finally answered: her wish had changed. She did not intend to stay in Thelline. She did not intend to join the guard. As Guild Grand Masters made their offers and she accepted the deal made by the King, he wished her luck and happiness. She handed over her medal and stepped back in line.

Next was... Kitty. 

A moment of silence passed, but then he thought he heard -- 

He spoke up. "Your Majesty, I beg an extension for Katherine Davis on the grounds that her original wish is now impossible.

The King wrote:
King Henry nodded his head, "Extension granted. We are sorry for your loss." He looked expectantly to Cassandra.
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime16th May 2019, 7:37 pm

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkX

The lingering and heavy shadow of death could be found in every corner of this celebration. Things no longer felt quite so exciting, the prospect of grandeur and heroics weren't so thrilling while Kitty suffered. Even now, separated once more and in her own rooms to change for the proper ceremony, Cassandra could feel the sorrow afflicting her dear friend, thick and suffocating.

And there was nothing she could ever possibly do about it.

The memory of Kitty humming a carefree song felt so far and away now, although in truth it'd only been a short time since she'd heard it. How long would it take for Kitty to return to those jovial emotions? Would it ever be possible again, with such a darkness tarnishing her world?

Time was said to heal many wounds, but sometimes even that powerful force was no match for a truly broken heart.

She had to believe and hope that Kitty would come out of this tragedy one day, that the beautiful and strong girl would find a way to move past the grief and grasp the kind of happiness she deserved. Cassandra refused to think of any other alternative.
The clothes she was given were beautiful, all soft leather and silk dyed red. She preferred pants alongside her skirts and leather boots to the strange high-heeled shoes, but the swirl of silk about her legs felt luxurious and fancy. If she closed her eyes, just for a moment, and imagined, she could almost pretend to be a noble of some sort, a lady.

But she could only pretend for a few moments before the idea faded away, and she was being led by a proper fancy escort. It was time to make their wishes to the King.

Hearing the change in Shashka's wish brought a whole new kind of sadness to the entire proceeding. With everything going on, Cassandra regretted that she hadn't spent nearly as much time talking with Shashka as she would have liked. She realized, now that it was far too late, that Shashka had pulled herself away from them all these last several days. The journey had taken its toll and did not relent, it seemed. Cassandra hoped that this new wish would bring Shashka far more happiness and ease.

As it came to Kitty's turn to speak, Cassandra felt a lump in her throat, one made all the worse at the sound of a stifled sob so close to her. But this was not a time she could turn to comfort her friend. Not yet, at any rate. She was grateful for Leon's intervention on Kitty's behalf. She'd have to make sure to thank him for his kindness when the proceedings were over. With more time, perhaps Kitty would find a wish that would give her comfort and happiness as well.

And then expectant eyes turned towards her and she still was not entirely certain what she wanted.

She'd accepted this journey and all its dangers just as she accepted the fact that she would not come out of it alive. She'd wanted its adventure far more than its potential reward. Becoming a Star Catcher felt like the only adventure allowed to her. There were so many things to wish for, the world was open to her now in a way it never had been before. But which wish was worthy of everything it took to arrive at this very moment? It needed to be meaningful, it needed to be good and just and right.

Her mind raced, narrowing in on something that would make a difference while still holding a special meaning to her personally.

She swallowed back her hesitations, raised her eyes to find the King's face, and spoke. "I, Cassandra Bailey of Lorham, humbly request for there to be a university of sorts built within easy travelling distance from Lorham itself."

She continued in a confident voice though she did not know how much was too much to ask of a King. "A place that gives all citizens an equal opportunity to become or learn whatever they might dream of becoming or learning. A place that gives its tutelage for free or at least a sum that everyone, even farmers and shepherds, are able to reasonably achieve. A place that gives single lessons for the curious or lengthy sessions for the dedicated. I wish for this so that even poorer folk have a chance to learn and better themselves. So that little girls who long to learn about the world have a chance to do so without risking their lives. Young boys who want to become knights or scholars aren't beholden to stay at home and simply work. So that anyone, even those from Lorham, could seek out higher medicine and its practices and become a doctor who helps people live no matter the cost."
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime16th May 2019, 9:21 pm

The King wrote:
The King listened closely to Cassandra's wish, a slight frown of consideration forming on his visage as she explained herself. He turned to a personal advisor, one that they may recognize from their coming-of-age ceremony - the man that held the book of Names, the one wherein they signed "Star Catcher" as intended position, who gave them their cloaks and asked if they were certain they wanted to go on this journey: Darren Willset.

Darren cleared his throat, "It is true that in smaller communities, such as hers, the access to trials in certain fields is limited, as the teenager would have to travel quite a distance to find someone within the proposed field to practice under, and families are not want to see their children gone for so long. There are the standard schools that handle classes throughout their primary and secondary years, but there are no official Guild halls within which to learn an art or craft beyond Shepardry, Smithing, Farming, and Animal Husbandry within a day's ride of Lorham.

The King nodded, continuing to consider, his green eyes flitting instead to yet another Master Guildsman. The woman, somewhere in her mid thirties, considered Cassandra from her position somewhat behind the girl. "The Scholar's Guild would train her," she declared. "With funding and time, we will make a scholar of her - focusing her lessons towards becoming a trainer of young minds, versed in the arts and sciences - and she can be the change she wishes to see in the world."

"A new guild hall would be in order, I believe," the Master Builder added, "One near her community. Expansive, with rooms suited to various pursuits. Living quarters for herself and additional staff members. An apprentice-like dormitory for the younglings."

"Guild Journeymen could be stationed there as they work towards their Masterpieces," piped in another official, "No less than three guilds present and represented at a time to keep up the variety for these students."

Another person close to the dais added in a quieter tone, "We would need to secure funding to cover the cost of living for the Journeymen stationed there, and perhaps a scholarship put in place to allow curious minds from farther afield to attend quarterly classes."

The King nodded, "There is much to consider. I offer you this, Cassandra Bailey of Lorham: We will fund the construction of a new Guild - a Knowledge Center - near Lorham where you will supervise the growth and curiosity of those whom you wish to help and make your dream a reality. While it is under construction, you will be inducted into the Scholar's Guild and attend University here in the capital to widen and deepen your knowledge base, that you may share it with others. When your training is complete, you will run this Lorham Knowledge Center to the best of your ability.

"Once it is up and running, with you as its primary keeper, We will provide funding for the initial wave of teachers and a scholarship pool for applicants that you deem worthy for up to five years; after that point, the Guilds will fund their Journeyman's stay, and will, tonight, sign an agreement as to the shifts for such an endeavor. The scholarships can be further funded in your own way, though I daresay teaching them how to do certain things will provide plenty of raw materials so the overall cost should be minimal.

"Do you accept this gift, Cassandra Bailey of Lorham?"
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime17th May 2019, 5:20 am

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkX

The actualization of her wish took a turn she hadn't expected. She'd never thought to be the one at the head of it all, to become a proper scholar and teach others the things they needed to see their own dreams come to fruition. Was that what she wanted?

At first, she balked at the idea as much as it interested her. Once more, she'd be stuck in a singular place. And yet, it didn't seem all that bad. It'd be rather exciting, to have so many different people to talk to every day, to hear their hopes and dreams and be the one who gave those people the keys to make it happen. She wouldn't be doing the same thing, day in and day out. There'd be a plethora of things to learn and continue learning as she worked with people throughout the years. She'd be close to Lorham, too. Close to family and home. The more she thought about it, the more the idea grew on her.

She'd achieved her dream already, hadn't she? Adventures and conquests and battles and travels, all of which would sing within her heart for the rest of her life. She'd already seen more of the world than she'd ever hoped. It was selfish of her to feel the need for more exploration, when this offer would make her happy, too.

And wasn't making a difference in the world something she wanted just as much? This would be a new adventure of its very own, one that would make a difference in many lives.

Cassandra felt a smile pull at her lips, and she nodded at the King's prompting. "Yes," she said, "I accept this generous gift, thank you all. The Star is Yours." She then followed Shashka's lead and pulled off her pendant for the attendant, heart buzzing with a thousand emotions.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime17th May 2019, 7:43 am

Quote :
There was an air of curious satisfaction for the deal that was just made. 

The attendant hurried forward to accept Cassandra's pendant, glancing at Kitty questioningly before scurrying off. 

All eyes were on Saphira now.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime17th May 2019, 7:18 pm

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2D

It was horrible that the day of their triumph turned into a day of devastation in the space of one breath. It was unfair that, had Kitty stayed home, she would have had the chance to say goodbye to her sister, but instead in her quest to save her, she had lost that chance entirely. Saphira couldn't imagine what she must be feeling right now, the grief that was drowning her. Her entire reason of going through all this, all the horrible things she'd experienced throughout this journey, all of it was for nothing.

Despite all this, and the constant worry about William's fate, she tried to enjoy the feeling of being a princess for a day, tried to appreciate the fine gown that clung to her figure and the way they'd somehow made her hair look glossy and shiny, and the expensive jewelries she got to wear. The high heels now felt strange on her feet after weeks of wearing traveling boots, despite the fact that they were all she knew before.

She barely paid attention to her escort beyond the appropriate politeness, suddenly wishing William was the one on her arm instead. Utilizing her training to look dignified, elegant, and appropriate for the occasion, she descended the stairs, catching William's eyes briefly, and her heart skipped a beat at the sight of him in all his royal garb glory. He looked... regal. Princely. Her feet nearly stumbled, though her escort quickly compensated and she quickly regained her balance, so that no one noticed anything happened at all unless they were watching closely.

She avoided looking at William for the rest of the descent for the sake of her personal safety and in the interest of avoiding the humiliation of being the only one who was a mayor's daughter and yet the one falling flat on her face.

Before she knew it, they were standing in line in front of the King, and presenting their wishes. This was the moment she had prepared the past two years for, and now she couldn't enjoy it, what with possession, dragons, deaths, not to mention the murder she'd committed. And her parents had tried to find her all day to talk about her wish, but by staying near Kitty, she'd also made sure they would appear rude if they tried to interrupt. Whenever she was whisked away for fitting, she made sure there was always an attendant guarding the door and forbidding them to get in, and so far she'd successfully avoided talking to them at all. Which was nice.

Now she could see them standing nervously, anxious because they didn't know what she was going to wish for.

She was well aware of William's presence beside her, but still avoided looking at him, concentrating on listening to Shashka. It seemed she'd changed her wish from the original, but she hoped that would still serve her well. Saphira wondered if they would ever cross paths again. She'd actually come to enjoy their banter a little.

Kitty was unable to speak on her turn, and Saphira glanced at her sympathetically, grateful when William was able to think quickly and granted her an extension. When Cassandra spoke, Saphira almost thought she would wish for there to be hospitals in Lorham, so that no one would ever suffer the same fate as Kitty's sister, but universities were good, too. Universities breed doctors all the same. And Saphira still intended to keep her promise to direct some of her family's herbal medicine trade into Lorham for those who needed them.

When her turn came, finally she glanced at William, a way to borrow his strength and steadfastness, feeling her nerves calming when she looked at him. No matter what, they were going to stick together now. That was what she'd promised to him, and to herself.

She stepped forward, her voice sure and strong. "I, Saphira Vane of Shadeslake, humbly request to be trained for the position of Government Oversight Officer here in Thelline. As I have grown close to my fellow Star Catchers, I would appreciate the eventual opportunity to oversee the Starfall Province, which consists of the cities and villages all of us came from, to make sure everything in their hometowns is running as fairly and as just as possible."
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime17th May 2019, 9:06 pm

The King wrote:
King Henry's eyebrows raised at her request - so straightforward in comparison to the others - and looked to a few councilmembers.

"With her background and experience, she has the necessary prerequisites... but she is very young..."

"An apprenticeship, after her education, then. Get some tral experience in the field. I daresay I have some agents that would be glad to take her on."

"What of her relations in Shadeslake?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, but it is my sincere wish that this young woman would not seek this position to play favorites if she just admitted to the most influential people in Thelline that her aim is just and fair treatment within Starfall."

The King nodded, "Saphira Vane of Shadeslake, you will be admitted to University here to study history, ethics, psychology and politics to better prepare you to reach for your dream. Should you keep to your studies and shine in your classes, you will be admitted to field school to become a Government Oversight Officer, starting as an apprentice. If all goes well, you will achieve the position you strive to hold. Do you accept this gift?"
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime17th May 2019, 9:22 pm

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2D

She figured her relationship to the current mayor of one of the areas she intended to oversee would be brought up, but she wished they knew how much she wanted to be able to achieve a position higher than her father and tell him what to do. The absolute last thing she would do was letting him be corrupt, and glancing at her parents now, she could almost see in the way they looked at each other that they must be thinking the opposite. They probably thought she was doing it for them, to give them unfair advantage, by the way of how pleased they seemed. Yet she also saw the uncertainty in their eyes, as they were not so naive to put their trust completely in her. After all, she'd been behaving very unpredictably since she left to catch the Star.

She looked back at the King, trying not to think about all the times he'd almost got them killed, and wondered what would have happened if she'd asked for him to admit that he'd tried to murder his grandson in front of all these people instead. Part of her wanted to expose his crimes, through the piece of paper containing the order they'd stolen from the one assassin William had suggested go home, where his seal was clearly on display.

But she had to trust William to do things his way.

"I do. Thank you for your generous offer. The Star is yours."

She removed her pendant, handed it off, then stepped back, wondering if William would request a private audience for his. She assumed he would.

A life here in Thelline awaited her, studying in its prestigious university. Where she could see him at all times, should everything go well. Suddenly, her future seemed bright, and she could not wait until all this was over to start it.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime18th May 2019, 7:35 am

Quote :
The attendant quietly claimed Saphira's proffered pendant and stood back amidst the gathered people.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Zek5Etf
A scholar... and a teacher? He hadn't quite imagined that future for Cassandra - shaping young minds - but she definitely had the knack for inspiring people and was curious about the world, so it looked a reasonable fit. Add in that her new "Knowledge Center" would probably come stocked with a good-sized library and would be close to her family and friends, and he could see why she accepted the gift. He... He supposed he had always seen her as someone who would make a good historian. Not here - not in Thelline, where a historian would be focused on politics and decrees, but someone who roamed the country and heard from the people, listening to their life-story and recording them for posterity, or to be shared in other areas of the country where it is harder to imagine that type of life: a fisher reading about the life of a miner or vice versa. He saw her writing and sketching down parts of their own story on the journey back to Thelline, though she had been careful it wasn't found, and the concentration and care she put into it seemed natural and fitting for her. That's the type of scholarly life he had imagined for her - one filled with adventure in going new places and hearing new stories, a profession along the lines of her professed favorite trial, but one wherein she got to experience the setting as she heard the tales. Maybe get into a few "adventures" of her own. ...Preferably without possible starvation, assassins, slavers, dragons, and royal family drama. 

Would that make good fiction? If she wrote it as entirely based in fantasy, rather than their own reality? 

In any case, even as she accepted the offer he was already planning on making subtle influential suggestions about sending her out to experience other parts of the nation annually or biannually - for the good of the children she would be mentoring, of course. Maybe she would take Kitty with her - plan for a time when Kitty was least needed at her home. Perhaps it could line up with a time Saphira could join them. ...and, maybe, he could figure out a way to go, too. Dirty up his hair, go as "Leon", take Edward along so he wouldn't bellyache then as he was bellyaching now. 

...It would be nice. 

As Saphira stepped forward his attention naturally swayed towards her, and as she confidently and eloquently laid out exactly what she wanted, he couldn't help but notice how her hair fell across her shoulders and where it reached on her back, or how the gentle waves in its length that caught the light. She had always had it braided away from her, its length controlled and functional but for the strands that occasionally escaped to softly frame her face. She looked comfortable in her traveling clothes, and she looked both at-ease and hyper-focused in her gown, easing back into mannerisms of being in the public eye, aware that everyone else was aware and using the attention to the best of her ability. In both situations - traveling and now - she always seemed to be on guard, or on edge. Now for obvious reasons, then for - well, obvious reasons, considering what they were about. The more he thought about it, the more he was fairly certain the only times he had seen her really at ease, guard down and not completely aware of what was going on was when she slept and... when they spoke together the other night. 

His heart decided to start racing then, and he quickly turned his attention to one of the banners beside the dais to calm his nerves, but then the realization that her wish was fully accepted and she would actually be staying in Thelline hit and he had to double down on his efforts. It was a natural choice - honestly, her wish was much easier to fulfill than Cassandra's, was rather altruistic, and other than the potential conflict of interest where her own city was involved due to familial relations - which he would vouch for her over if it was ever brought up in earnest - it was rather easy to implement. Most Officers were typically towards their forties when they were hand-picked for the position, but someone younger and capable who was intelligent and had a background in the field was bound to go over well. 

The weight of so many stares was sobering enough, however, to cut through all that. As Saphira stepped back beside him and the pendant bearer left the floor, he stepped forward, still careful to avoid his grandfather's gaze. "I, William Henry Percival Solanum-Wenlandii of Esoria, have no great wish to ask of you, grandfather," he projected, his voice filling the room so that even those directly behind him could hear what he had to say. His tone was official, but shifted towards lighter when he spoke of their connection, a play on closeness for their audience. "for it is through you and my kinship to you that I have already been granted so much. 

"For having your blood in my veins, I have been given the finest education and training available, taught by masters who wish to see the future in good hands. I am protected by those who trust that I will one day protect them and this country with the same selfless dedication they give to me. I am cared for by open-minded, open-hearted people who encourage me to be just and fair simply by treating me with kindness and respect and showing thoughtfulness in their actions towards me every day. I have been granted a secure future, one wherein my choices will affect the lives of our people, and my wish is to show everyone in this great nation that I do not take that responsibility lightly. 

I realize I was born to great privilege. What I am granted each and every day is what others may wish for, and whereas my peers would have to risk their lives in a trial to make such wishes come true, I have but to breathe. I took up the Star Catchers cloak to demonstrate that I will strive to earn the gifts that I have already received, and through its completion demonstrate that I am one step closer to being worthy of the crown I will one day wear."

He paused as a smattering of applause became a quiet roar, waiting for it to subside. His father looked upon him proudly, but he was not yet finished. As the crowd subsided, he continued. "Throughout this first trial towards becoming the King I wish to one day be, I have seen many things, met many people, and experienced our great nation in a way that was seldom afforded me based on the circumstances of my birth, and I find myself even more dedicated to our country. While I have no great Wish to ask of you, grandfather, I do wish to speak with you about my experience, and about unexpected hardships my companions and I encountered on our journey that go against the spirit of this trial. Will you grant me an audience?"

The King wrote:
The King, standing tall, smiled proudly down upon his grandson, "For you, my grandson, anything."
William saw the smile in his periphery and was glad for it. He wanted things to go over smoothly, for nothing to appear wrong on the surface. When all was said and done, he did not want anyone - well, beyond the other Star Catchers - to know there had ever been a problem, and his grandfather must have wanted something along the same lines. Though, perhaps, with a very different conclusion. 

As he removed the pendant from around his neck and held it out, he offered the King a slight bow. Applause covered the fact that he did not verbally release his hold on the Star as the attendant accepted the medal. Kitty hadn't, either, but Kitty didn't have the thing strapped to her back beneath a cape, either. Technically it was to be handed over when their medals are returned, the exchange completed, but he wondered - and, by the harried look on Darren's face, he was not the only one - when that exchange was to happen now without Kitty's wish being bargained or her medal offered. 

But the show had to go on. 

DM wrote:
As the applause died down, the King clapped his hands crisply, and as the conductor cued the orchestra, the escorts that had walked the young ladies into their positions returned to stand before them, hands held out for the dance that would open the night. As was a tradition - for them, at least - William approached the dais, hand extended, and Princess Marie Anastasia stepped forward, putting her gloved hand in his, and was lead onto the dance floor. 

The music started, and the Starlight Ball began with its prescribed first dance: one involving only the Star Catchers and their partners. After this dance their medals would be returned and the dancefloor open to everyone - as was conversation with the quintet of the hour.
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime18th May 2019, 8:26 am

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Zek5Etf
It took years of self-control, etiquette training, and the knowledge of the consequences to come should he go through with it, not to turn right then and there and offer his hand to Saphira to dance the first dance with. But such a thing wasn't done. She was important to him, but cutting off a prearranged escort and ignoring the tradition of dancing with his sister first would throw all manner of import on his decision. Much would be assumed, much would be expected, much would demand to be explained, decisions made - in short, politics would happen, and he didn't want to box Saphira in like that. And Marie would be disappointed. So he did as was expected and approached the short set of stairs and reached up, his sister approaching and putting her hand in his as they had practiced time after time. He supporter her grip as she descended and walked her onto the floor, moving to space himself equally from the other four couples, and dropped into stance for the first dance.

Marie positioned her hand on his shoulder, he put his on her waist, and as the music began he moved in time with the beat with his usual flourishes. His attention on his spacing and stealing glances at Saphira and how her dress trailed her, he glanced down at Marie and immediately rolled his eyes at her sneaky expression. "What."

"Please," she commented, her voice as private as it was sarcastic. She continued, matter-of-fact, "You're good, but I'm better, and you're obvious."

"About what," he defended, though dread sunk his stomach.

"The redhead - Saphira Vane?" Marie prompted, and he did his best not to obviously react, but she caught on to something in his expression or body language that he didn't have as much experiencing in masking. Marie's smile stretched, catlike as she pinned him with a predatory look. "She's pretty."

He let out a short, little huff of a sigh, knowing that the teasing was only just beginning. He had earned it, what with how he usually treated her mooning after some of the boys in court. He wasn't going to deny it, though. "She is."

"Seems to me," Marie drolled, pausing as he spun her, "That she could use a better partner."

He narrowed his eyes at her.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, they all could." She stated, casually turning her attention towards Shashka and Kitty. "Kinda seems like your responsibility to dance with them. Make them shine. Those guys are okay, and I can work with that." She was being misleading - the escorts were his peers, attended all but their private lessons. ...but they did seem more interested in looking good than making them look good, and that was, according to his mother, a fundamental flaw. He quirked a brow at her and she grinned, "Work us in closer to Saphira and Edmund and we'll cut in neatly. Just make sure to make the rounds evenly and it'll be a nice surprise that no one will find issue with.

"When did you get so nice?" he teased, even as he closed the distance with a few turns.

She rolled her eyes, "Just don't disappear for six months. Ever again. Mr. 'I'm going to risk my life to unnecessarily show people I am "Worthy of the Crown"'" she mocked. Seriously, she added, "You're fine as you are. Lighten up. And 3, 2, 1,"

He spun her out, she let go, and neatly twirled into the arms of Edmund, the young man looking like he swallowed his tongue when he spun out a Star Catcher and got a Princess in return. 

William caught Saphira's trailing hand and pulled, gently but firmly leading her in, smiling at her for what he hoped had been a surprise even as he worked to change her momentum. He lifted his arm to circle her around him, her dress fanning out attractively, taking any attention that had not snapped their way for the partner change. As her other hand raised in proper form for that style of spin, he caught hold of it to correct the left-right grip, finished the spin, and ended back in the proper position, facing her with one hand on her waist, the other leading holding hers. "Evening," he greeted quietly, adding by way of explanation, "I hope you don't mind my cutting in. Marie thought you deserving of a partner better suited to showing you off."
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime18th May 2019, 11:16 am

Quote :
(NPC sheet for dancing conversations!)

When the dance ended, to yet another round of applause, a herald called for their attention and the Catchers returned to the dais. There the King placed their medals around their necks, and they bowed to the audience, and the audience bowed back. It was apparently decided that the star would be presented once Kitty had made her wish, that time being expected within the next 24 hours.

At that point, the dance floor opened up and the ceremony was ended. They were free to talk with whomever they pleased.

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MFUyv6ZShashka and her father left immediately, retiring for the night.

Last edited by Sailor Uranus on 18th May 2019, 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime18th May 2019, 4:05 pm

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Zek5Etf
The dance ended, and as Shashka walked away he kept still, regaining his balance and composure, still seeing stars and feeling like he was floating. But then Kedrok was back in the back of his mind, grumbling something unintelligible before he suddenly felt on solid footing again. He blinked twice as the noise returned and he took a deep breath before trusting himself to follow her to the dais once more. He watched her closely, as if he could tell by sight that it had worked, knowing that to ask would almost defeat the purpose, but that she didn't ask him to try again had to mean something. 

When it was his turn he bowed his head just enough for his grandfather to place the medal over his head, the blue silk band fitting comfortably around his neck, the weight reassuring on his chest. He was the last to present his wish, and so he was the last to receive his pendant back, newly minted with the King's crest on the side opposite his symbol. His grandfather gave a short speech, and he kept his head high and expression pleasant, if neutral, keeping open to any sign from Shashka that something had gone wrong. But after they bowed and the Guildmasters and all others in attendance bowed back, Shashka made a beeline for the stairs leading out, her father appearing to offer her his arm to escort her away for the evening. 

"William," the King called, and he forced his hesitation into a deliberate turn. His gradfather stood on the bottom step of the dais, motioning towards a pair of double doors that lead to a hallway that lead to the official throneroom. "Would you like to have that talk now?"

"I would," he replied, loud enough to be heard by Saphira and the others, steeling his nerve as he stepped forward to follow in his King's steps. 

Quote :
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 AGGUpo3William and the King have left the ballroom.

Enjoy the party! =D If you would like to converse with guild masters and etc., just say the word and I'll hop in as them! They'd all be eager to meet you guys and find out more about you, but as the party just started they're giving you space instead of drowning you in people xD
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime19th May 2019, 11:31 am

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkX

She felt invigorated after the dancing—appreciating it all the more for the fact that she'd likely never experience something like this again. She ever had the opportunity to dance with a Prince. How many people could say that throughout their life? Somehow the idea of being friends with a Prince felt far more natural to her than the idea of dancing with one.

But now that the dancing had ended, her eyes sought out that familiar head of pale blonde. She did not wish to suffocate Kitty with her worry, wanted to give her whatever space and time she needed to cope, but Cassandra would always keep an eye on her no matter what. Before, she would have loved the chance to dance in such a fancy setting with Kitty. Now, however, perhaps even offering would be insensitive.

And next to her worry for Kitty was her worry for Leon as well. Who knew what was going on in that room, now that he was alone with the King. And Shashka... she hadn't been able to talk to Shashka at all since arriving to Thelline, and now she was gone. Cassandra hadn't missed the quietness, the distance, and it worried her as well. Would she ever see Shashka again?

Her hand reached for the medal around her neck, fiddling with the grooves etched in the material. There were so many interesting people in this room, all with stories to tell and lives so beyond her own. She should take the opportunity to speak with them. Her life would change drastically soon enough, perhaps it best to make connections early on.

Instead, her eyes kept turning towards Kitty and Saphira. With Shashka having left already, and Leon in a precarious situation, the instinct of wanting to keep everyone safe was back in full once more. It would never truly leave her, it seemed, no matter how safe their surroundings appeared to be.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime19th May 2019, 12:22 pm

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2D

The weight of the medal settled heavy on her neck, and she fingered it absent-mindedly, her eyes trailing William's retreating figure, afraid for the moment he disappeared and his fate out of her hands. Suddenly she missed her pack, where all her weapons were stored. She felt vulnerable without her spear being one arm's length away. What if something went wrong? What was she supposed to defend herself and the others with?

"Saphira," a heavy, rather clammy hand fell upon her shoulder, and she jumped, startled, almost reflexively turning to punch the person before she realized it was her father. She relaxed her balled fists and lowered her hands, annoyed but being careful not to show it on her expression.

"Yes, Father," she said, unable to stop the coldness from seeping into her voice.

"That was a smart wish you made. That would be good for our family if you end up... supervising our affairs."

She could tell he wasn't happy about the prospect of her being in a higher position than him and how she'd just stepped over his position to get there, but, like any good politician, was putting a good spin on it. Besides, he wasn't completely wrong. She could make it very beneficial for them if she decided to be biased towards them on her duties.

"Sure." She said, her tone not indicating actual confirmation nor denial. It conveyed nothing at all, despite the word itself. It was like an empty word. "Have you seen that chocolate fountain? I simply must try it. Also, I heard the wine is delightful. Excuse me, Father."

Without waiting for his answer and before he could even react at all, she had strolled towards the refreshment tables, in search of a drink that could numb her feelings while she waited for William to return.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime19th May 2019, 5:53 pm

[b]DM[/b] wrote:
Today at 3:03 PM
Star Catchers.

The medals hung around their necks. Shashka and her father were gone, retreating up the stairs back towards her chambers. William followed the King out of the room, the door to the antechamber closing behind them, guards stationed at either side. Saphira successfully slipped away from her parents, heading towards the refreshments by the windows, and the ball was in full swing. 

What would they do now? The music played; they had but make eye contact and be chosen for a dance or a conversation...
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 3:13 PM
As she watched the only two friends still within her sight, she saw as Saphira made her way towards a refreshment table. With nothing much occupying her at the moment—and still keeping an eye on Kitty just in case—Cassandra followed her red-haired friend. She approached with a half-smile. "How are you?" she asked. It wasn't exactly the question she wanted to ask, but surrounded by strangers, it was the only one that worked right now.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 3:17 PM
Saphira found a glass of wine and gratefully gulped it, perhaps faster than what was proper. She reminded herself there were people watching and possibly judging before she slowed down, and that was when Cassandra found her. She swallowed and felt rather embarrassed, hoping Cassandra didn't think she was going to turn into a drunk. But aside from William, Cassandra was the first friendly and welcome face who had talked to her in this ball, and she was relieved and happy to see her. "Pretty good, considering William is alone with his attempted murd-- you-know-who right now. How are you?" she asked, feeling like she'd botched that answer completely. But it was easy to let down her guard and not think about every single word she gave when around Cassandra, not having to calculate each meaning to the littlest of detail and precision since they'd been traveling and conversing openly for so long. With her, Saphira didn't feel like the mayor's daughter or in fact any politician at all. And she didn't know if that was bad or good.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 3:22 PM
The near slip up was enough evidence of how much this situation must be weighing down Saphira right now. Cassandra reached out for a glass of wine of her own—thinking, for a moment, of her brother—and sipped it before answer. "It's a lot to take in." She lowered her voice. "We're safe here, and I felt safe before but now... with everyone split up, that feeling has shifted to worry and suspicion." She paused, and took a deeper gulp from her wine, a wry smile on her lips. "It'll be so strange to go home."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 3:25 PM
"Don't you miss your village, though? I bet you'd miss the lack of excitement there now, considering everything we've been through." She, on the other hand, wouldn't be going home, but she was happy about that.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 3:30 PM
She nodded. "I do. I miss it very much. To see my family again is a reward in and of itself, regardless of how they may view my decision." She hesitated then, fiddling with the stem of her wine glass. "But there was something magical, something that felt comforting and right, while traveling with you all." Cassandra let out a soft laugh. "But at least we're all safer now, and all journeys must come to an end. There's no such thing as a never-ending book, after all."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 3:35 PM
Saphira shrugged as she sipped more of the wine. "Who's to say the journey is over? You have a whole new future in front of you, what with the new learning place being built. I'm sure that could be a new adventure. And we may still run across each other once in a while." She thought that that would be nice. After all, she would be visiting Lorham for her job eventually. She couldn't wait to see what Cassandra was doing by then. "By the way, what's your family like? Any siblings or anything? What do they do?" She realized she'd never asked these things of Cassandra, and felt slightly guilty about it.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 3:43 PM
She smiled at Saphira's words. Her sentiment was much the same as her own when she'd stood in front of the King and pondered a wish. It really could be an adventure all of its own. Adventures didn't need to be written exactly like the storybooks, after all. "I hope we do run into each other. And often," she said, smiling growing. In response to the next question, she tilted her head upwards as she thought about her family. "Everyone in my family is a hard worker. Have to be, I suppose, to live in Lorham. I have two older brothers. Simon's the youngest, he always wanted to be a scholar. Maybe with this new Knowledge Center, he'll have that chance. Right now though, everyone in my family is dedicated to the farm and keeping it running." She paused, lips twisting a little. "Except me, I guess." She let the expression slide away and turned curious eyes towards Saphira. "How about you? Were those your parents near you earlier?" From certain comments and previous conversations, she had a few guesses, but no concrete information. Strange that she felt so close to Saphira but knew so little about her upbringing and family.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 3:52 PM
"There's nothing wrong about wanting more from life than what your village can offer you. Just because your family has been doing the same thing for a long time doesn't mean you have to follow their footsteps too. You deserve to have your own dream and dream bigger." That was, after all, what she'd decided to do herself. At Cassandra's question, a shadow passed over her expression and she glanced at her parents, conversing intensely at the edge of the room, most likely about her and her behavior. "Yes. They are." She didn't feel like burdening Cassandra with the details of how unpleasant they were or make Cassandra feel pitiful towards the lack of love in her home life. "They're very... ambitious people themselves. I suppose that's how I learned to be driven and go for what I want at all times." That was a neutral enough statement that was true as well, so she stuck with that. "And I am an only child."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 4:02 PM
She smiled again at Saphira's statement of encouragement, and took it to heart. She respected everything about this girl, so if Saphira thought it was okay, then perhaps it really was. 

She glanced over once more at the people she'd seen with Saphira earlier. Being an only child wasn't something she could understand, as bigger families were far more common in Lorham than smaller ones. It sounded lonely, in a way, if she were to be honest, but she did not say that to her friend. "Families teach us a lot, but sometimes we grow past our families and become something all our own." Cassandra took a sip from her wine.

All this talk of families inevitably brought her thoughts back to Kitty, and her eyes sought out the smaller girl once more. Her smile slipped away. "I wish I knew what to do," she said, almost to herself. She sent an apologetic smile to Saphira, an apology for derailing the topic. "Look at the pair of us, worrying about people from afar and without much we can do until time passes." She paused once more. "I wish I could swing my axe and fix it all in one fell swoop."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 4:10 PM
What Cassandra said about growing past her family resonated with her, and she found comfort in it. She liked the wisdom in those words. She really had underestimated how much Cassandra knew about the world when she first met her. Saphira followed her glance towards Kitty and smiled ruefully. "I feel the same way. I hate feeling this helpless. Assassins and dragons, slavers, highwaymen, and bears can be fought. But this... this we can't."
DM wrote:
Today at 4:10 PM

Kedrok's alarmed cry shot through their minds, the shout so loud that it broke into them through the connection Saphira and Cassandra had made with the Star that allowed them to talk to him when he was near, and that Kitty was somehow naturally able to pick up when the Dragon was close. The timber in his mental voice was full-on fear, a tone they had never heard color the dragon's speech before.

The party at large was completely oblivious, of course.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 4:11 PM
Kitty stiffened at the sudden message, the cloud that seemed to settle over her eyes clearing instantly. She turned to scan the room in panic, catching sight of Cassandra conversing with Saphira, and clearly asking, "What do we do???"
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 4:15 PM
As she went to reply to Saphira, she jumped at the sudden intrusion in her mind—Kedrok's voice both loud and almost panicked—and she looked first at her companion next to her and then to Kitty still standing farther away. Her first instinct was to grab her recently mentioned axe, which was no longer hanging at her side. "Saphira..." she said in a low voice, questioning as much as it was worried. Whatever was going on, the message was clear enough: Leon needed their help. "Is there a way to get to him?" she continued.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 4:17 PM
The dragon's sudden voice echoing her head, loud and panicked, made her clutch her head in surprise and pain over the sheer volume. Immediately her heart started beating a mile a minute, her insides squeezing with fear.

"William," she whispered, her head turning towards the antechamber. Her first instinct was to burst in, but she had no idea what was going on in there. What if William had things under control and she jeopardized it?

Screw that.

"Yes, there is." Her answer was simple, and she began to quickly walk towards the antechamber, with the intent of opening the doors before the guards could stop her.  As soon as she reached their hearing distance, she spoke in a certain tone that offered no room for arguments, "We have reason to believe the security of the prince and the King are compromised!" just to make them hesitate further, hopefully giving her the chance to get inside.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 4:18 PM
Kitty followed Saphira's steps, easily crossing the ground needed to reach the elegant and purposeful woman. She wasn't going to be left behind. She was going to do whatever she could. She didn't even have a moment to really understand the relief of this reassignment of purpose.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 4:19 PM
At Saphira's confident affirmation, Cassandra let the red-haired girl take the lead and followed behind, glad to see that Kitty was coming with them as well.
DM wrote:
Today at 4:19 PM
The call mentally rang in their heads as the music quieted, the alarm in the room palpable, all eyes on Saphira for some sort of explanation.
The guards at the door, trained professionals with decades of experience, dropped their halberds to bar the door from her, looking to the Royal family on the dais. The Crowned Prince shot one look and immediately the 7-year old Prince Alexander practically disappeared into the drapes behind the platform and Princess Marie was immediately joined on the dancefloor by guards and quickly escorted away from windows. His Royal Highness Prince Percival quickly descended the stairs to stand beside Saphira, "What reason?"
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 4:31 PM
This wasn't proceeding as smoothly as she'd hoped, but it was par for the course considering they were at the palace. With a last ditch effort of a lie, she decided to risk everything. "I have a Mind affinity and I felt someone's malicious intent towards them, coming from inside the room."
DM wrote:
Today at 4:36 PM
HRH checked behind her (Saphira), but the guards gave a little shake of their heads, and the door behind them was knocked twice. His brows furrowing, he stepped back and another pair of guards stepped forward, slightly between her and the Crown Prince. "Such a strong mind affinity is difficult to come across, but in this I am afraid you are mistaken. There is no danger in the next room."

An attendant was calling for everyone's attention, his voice echoing through the hallway, calling out something about a false alarm and leftover adrenaline from the journey.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 4:47 PM
Saphira wasn't happy about it, but if the signal signified that everything was fine, maybe... Unless the King was the one who made the signal, in which case William would be dead for all they knew. She sighed in frustration, knowing Kedrok was their only hope, but she didn't know how close the dragon was. She tried to catch Princess Marie's eyes in the hopes that she would understand. From what she'd gathered, the woman was her best bet in believing her. But she didn't know if she could just approach her and ask to talk without being barred by more guards after her outburst.
DM wrote:
Today at 4:48 PM
Marie, as far away from that door as possible, was being a good Princess and trying to look calm and happy to reinforce what the herald was announcing, despite being the good smiling princess from within a circle of guards.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 4:50 PM
Kitty froze, the panic rising in her mind. Although she'd forgotten her despair in the wake of this new problem, she certainly didn't feel "better". The guards waved them off so easily. Without a weapon and surrounded by so many people, she knew her desire to break down the door wouldn't go over well.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 4:53 PM
"Apologies for being mistaken, Your Royal Highness," she said quickly to the prince. "Perhaps I should retire. The journey must have taken a toll on me." She glanced at the audience quickly one last time, then moved to the door leading out of the ballroom back into the civilian entrance. She hoped Cassandra and Kitty would follow suit, because there were things they had to talk about away from all these people. And weapons to be picked up.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 4:54 PM
Kitty followed Saphira automatically, almost forgetting they were in a palace now. She thought only of the various scenarios they'd navigated on their journey together.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 4:55 PM
Taking the hint, Cassandra gave a small nod to the Crowned Prince. "We've spent so long jumping at shadows, it's hard not to see them here as well. We've come to care about each other a lot, you see. Goodnight, Your Royal Highness," she said, before turning and following after her friends.
DM wrote:
Today at 4:57 PM
HRH Prince Percival nodded in acceptance, allowing for the behavior. It was... well, not standard, but not far from it for Star Catchers to be a little on edge upon their return. Thus all the guards. He waved towards the audience and returned to the dais to show that all was well.

Edward, standing near the antechamber door, rolled his eyes at the display and remained in place.
The guards eased away from Marie, and, being a good hostess, she grabbed hold of one and took him to the dancefloor, prompting the orchestra to start up again.
Overall, the audience went from being alarmed to, speaking quietly amongst themselves, more understanding, some pitying looks thrown their way before purposefully looking happy and pleased. Some even wished them a cheerful good night as they passed. They are good sports!

Kedrok's cry came alongside a rush of attention and activity by the door they had recently walked away from. The door flung open and guards rushed from the room and into the antechamber. Marie was picked up and bodily rushed out of the room, up the stairs that the Star Catchers were ascending.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:04 PM
Kitty pivoted right away and headed in the direction that everyone else was running from.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:04 PM
The sudden commotion made her stop and turn, heart jumping to her throat. Now they actually opened the doors and the guards were rushing in. She rushed towards the now open antechamber, intent on finding out what was going on inside. It seemed Kedrok was here, at least.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 5:05 PM
At the sound of Kedrok's voice once more in her head, alongside the sound of rushing guards and the door flinging open, Cassandra saw the same chance her friends did, and ran with them towards the now-open door.
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
Roleplay Director

Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
Join date : 2011-09-15
Age : 35
Location : NE Texas

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime19th May 2019, 5:58 pm

DM wrote:
Today at 5:11 PM
As they entered the antechamber it was to the sound of screams, the sound faint, as though from some distance. They followed on the heels of guardsmen and the Prince, moving towards a second door leading to a mostly empty room. Chairs were set up on either side of a long aisle near the back but from midway forward in the room there was no furniture but a pair of candelabra; on the far side of the room was the Throne of Esoria. 

The ground was littered with glass, the King was on the ground, being supported by a guard as he pointed with bloodied hands towards the window.  Windows made up the entire side of the northern wall - or, they used to. Broken, shattered, the windows were in pieces.
They entered mid-conversation. 

"The Star!" Edward was stating, a growl in his tone. "The beast must have smelled it on him and come for it, getting him in the process. I'll hunt it down and bring him back." Edward rushed to the window to scan the skies, and then strode back towards the opening.
"It just stole him," the King was saying, his voice incredulous... and weak. The Crowned Prince rushed to his side, taking the place of the guard there. "It broke the windows and took him right out of this room. My grandson."

"Clear the room!" Prince Percival commanded, "Get a doctor!"
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:18 PM
William had escaped. With the star, it seemed? Saphira turned back around, attempting to contact Kedrok. Kedrok, can you hear us?? she projected with her mind, not knowing how to do this on account of never doing this before.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:18 PM
"I'm coming with!" she said, trying to rush after Edward. "It's my responsibility!"
Kitty hoped that Cassandra and Saphira would follow her, but she didn't want to lose the quick-acting guardsman.
DM wrote:
Today at 5:20 PM
The young knight glared down at the shorter girl, "Fighting a monster is your responsibility?" They made their way back into the ballroom, which was currently on lockdown, the guests moved far away from any openings and keeping quiet about it, orderly people that they were. Or attempting to eavesdrop and potentially overhear information, whichever.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:21 PM
She was surprised to hear Kitty speak up for the first time, and with such determination. It was so unexpected for a moment she forgot everything that was going on. Her responsibility? Saphira didn't immediately understand it. Besides, why wouldn't the royal family choose to send expertly trained guards instead of them?
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:21 PM
"The Star," she said, hoping she hadn't misremembered one of the rules. "I have to come with to retrieve it."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 5:21 PM
Shattered glass and fallen royals... And no Leon or Kedrok at all. Cassandra's lips twisted into an expression of worry for her missing friend, and she couldn't help but to look at the King with suspicion. What exactly happened in here? It was Kitty's words, the first she'd really heard the girl speak in hours that caught her attention.
DM wrote:
Today at 5:22 PM
The young man with dark eyes rolled them at her, "You released your hold on it, it's no longer your issue."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:22 PM
"Kedrok? William?" She wasn't confident that trying to ask would help, but she didn't know what else to do.

"I did not."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:23 PM
Saphira eyed Edward critically. William had spoken pretty highly of him, but now she didn't understand what was so impressive about the young man.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 5:24 PM
Cassandra stepped forward. "Sir, Kitty was to give her wish within 24 hours. She was given an extension, you see."
DM wrote:
Today at 5:24 PM
He pinned her with an inquisitive glare, his apparent status in court allowing him to pass through the ballroom without interruption. He took the stairs they had entered through two at a time. Cassandra's explanation was good enough, apparently, as Edward sighed, "Look, if you're worried about that then when I bring Liam back we'll give you the star to hand over, don't fret about your wish."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:27 PM
"No, we have to come," she insisted, her mind unable to come up with a better explanation, but she wasn't leaving.
As much as William trusted this friend, she wasn't willing to explain it all just yet. Just in case.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:27 PM
She kept pace with him and the others. "It's not just about the Star. It's about him too. We may not be trained guards but we did keep him safe throughout our journey. You have no idea what we even faced. Bears, assassins, highwaymen, slavers, you name it, we've faced it."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:27 PM
They had to save William and possibly Kedrok and definitely probably not the King.
The Star... that she didn't care about.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 5:28 PM
"We're a team," Cassandra added, feeling that explained enough. "And we're not leaving him behind."
DM wrote:
Today at 5:29 PM
Edward shook his head exasperatedly at Kitty's remark but Saphira's - catching him at the top of the stairs - brought his full attention about. "Bears and what?!

As eyes turned on them, he growled out a sigh, knocked open the door and ushered them through with one arm, closing it behind him.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:30 PM
"Assassins," Kitty repeated. Don't think about Charles. Don't think about it. Or that last night on the road...
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:30 PM
"And highwaymen. And people who tried to sell us as slaves. And lots more stuff you guards probably haven't even dealt with."
DM wrote:
Today at 5:33 PM
He continued to stride down the hallways - evacuated, for the state of emergency - and corrected her. "I'm not a guardsman. But you're right - our guards don't "deal" with them, we kill them. Thanks for what you've done so far, but he's got me now, and I'm not one to coddle people when I'm in a hurry.

The hallway leading to where their rooms were was coming up
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:34 PM
Kitty followed anyway.
She was going with, absolutely.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:36 PM
Saphira grabbed his arm in an attempt to stop him on his tracks and spoke close to his ear. "I've killed a bear and a slaver. Don't insinuate something you don't know." Her tone was dangerous, and she continued, "Go ahead and try to stop us if you can."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 5:37 PM
Cassandra followed as well, not entirely certain this was the time to talk of assassins and all the other horrors they fought. She left the talking to Saphira for now, but was ready to back her when need be.
DM wrote:
Today at 5:37 PM
Her pulling on his arm made him pause for a moment out of sheer chivalry. "You were stopped -" he paused, and then his brows furrowed, "How did you know it was going to happen?!" He accused angrily as he stepped back and reached towards his belt.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:38 PM
Kitty stepped forward to block Saphira, not liking the young man's reaction.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 5:40 PM
His hands reaching towards his belt set her on edge, already moving to close the distance between him and Saphira, only to find Kitty there already. Instead, she stood next to Kitty, creating a wall, and crossed her arms.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:41 PM
"There is so much more going on here that you don't understand. But we do." she replied, letting go of his arm. "All we want to do is save William. I can explain everything to you on the way, but we have no time to waste. If you want me to trust you with the story, then you'll have to trust us. If we had bad intentions towards him, why would I try to warn you about the incoming danger in the first place?" She looked straight into his eyes to convey the sincerity of her words.
DM wrote:
Today at 5:44 PM
He glared down at her suspiciously, as though going through a thousand reasons why she would want to warn people despite being somehow involved, but Liam was getting farther and farther by the moment, and if they had information... "Fine. Grab your gear and meet me in the stables. I'm leaving in five minutes, whether you're there or not."
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:44 PM
Kitty practically ran back to her room, grabbing her bag (thankful that she had kept everything neatly packed), and tearing through the fancy dress as she rushed to put her normal clothing back on, her mind now clear of all thoughts except for their current mission. She didn't even have time to appreciate what a relief it was.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:45 PM
"We'll be there." She nodded, then quickly moved to her room to change her clothes back to her traveling one and grab her pack.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 5:47 PM
Cassandra moved as well, not bothering to say anything now that she focused solely on making her way back to her room and grabbing her belongings, being sure to grab her paper and ink from the desk and stuff them in with the rest as well. She didn't change out of her clothes, but did switch into her trusty boots. Her normal clothes she could change into at a later time.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:48 PM
Kitty rushed back into the hall, trusting that Cassandra and Saphira would be as prompt. They all knew how important it was to keep moving.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:48 PM
She returned to the hall once she was done, waiting until both Kitty and Cassandra were there before proceeding to the stables.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 MtyLMkXToday at 5:50 PM
Cassandra exited her room, spotting her gathered friends and followed them towards the stables, hopping Saphira knew the way in this big castle.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:51 PM
Saphira did not, in fact, know the way but she walked in the general direction that led outside and intended to ask whoever she came across first for the way.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:53 PM
Kitty followed, scanning the area as best she could, hoping for a good clue towards the stables.
DM wrote:
Today at 5:54 PM
As they exited the building they were rushed by a pair of guards, "The Royal Grounds are on lockdown, please return to your rooms." Their eyes caught on Kitty's Catcher cloak, the sight apparently causing some confusion. "Star Catchers?"
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 5:56 PM
"The Star has been lost and we are on a mission to retrieve it. We are to meet..." she realized she didn't even know Edward's last name or title or anything else. "...Prince William's friend at the stables. Can you direct us there? He'll vouch for us." At least, he'd better.
DM wrote:
Today at 5:57 PM
They looked to each other, "Sir Edward Graves?"
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:57 PM
"Yes." Kitty hoped she was right.
DM wrote:
Today at 5:58 PM
"Right this way," one of them stated as the other secured the door they had just excited through.

The first lead them quickly around a corner and through another courtyard, "The beast got the star then?" he asked as he moved at a half-jog.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GZ443gDToday at 5:59 PM
"Please don't be wrong; please don't be wrong," she hoped as she followed along, leaving the talking to someone more qualified—like Saphira.
[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 GauQv2DToday at 6:00 PM
"I'm afraid so. And Prince William." She figured they'd know sooner or later, and this should add to the urgency.
DM wrote:
Today at 6:02 PM
The man frowned, "The best are going after him, we could not ask for anything more. Good luck in retrieving that star." He pointed towards the stables, where a figured moved quickly to throw things onto the back of horses.
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Sailor Uranus
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] Star Catchers   [HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 I_icon_minitime19th May 2019, 6:01 pm

[HC Event] Star Catchers - Page 31 0VbqReI

The star has been caught and returned to the King! Wishes have been made, progress towards them begun... but for one. And in a private meeting gone wrong, everything that had wrapped up so neatly has begun to unravel...

The Story Will Continue In...
Dragon Hunters

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